
Ch.4 Linear Second Order D.E. [pic]

Linear 2-nd order homogeneous D.E. with constant coefficients


The solution is [pic] Note [pic]are linear independent.

The Wronskian [pic]for any [pic]

To find the solution, let [pic], and the characteristics equation is

[pic] [pic] giving two roots [pic]and [pic].

(1) [pic], real,


(2) [pic], real,


(3) [pic], complex, and [pic],


For [pic] and [pic] the solution is


Where [pic]is the solution of the homogenous equation (i.e. [pic]), and

[pic]is the particular solution due to [pic]

Thus, the general solution is given by


Note: If [pic], determine [pic] for [pic],

and [pic]for [pic]. Then [pic]

Methods to find [pic]

1.Undetermined coefficients: (guess [pic] if [pic] is simple functions)

[pic] [pic]

[pic] [pic]

[pic] [pic]

[pic] or [pic] [pic]

[pic] [pic]

Note: If any term in [pic]is one of the solutions in [pic] or [pic],

then multiply [pic]by [pic]. Ex. If [pic], [pic], and

[pic], try [pic]. In addition, if [pic] & [pic] are

double root, then multiply [pic]by [pic].

2.Variation of parameters (no guessing)

Let [pic],

Solve [pic], where [pic] is the coefficient in [pic]

Then compute [pic] and [pic],


Cauchy-Euler equations: [pic]

Solution: [pic], [pic]is the solution for [pic]

To find [pic], consider [pic], then


Hence [pic] [pic] [pic] (2nr order const. coeff)

[pic], to get [pic], use [pic]and [pic].


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