Cultural - Year 7 Geography

YEAR 7 GEOGRAPHYWORLD HERITAGE SITES Victoria Falls, ZimbabweBlenheim Palace, England5335270152405715078105WHAT ARE WORLD HERITAGE SITESOur world contains natural (physical) and cultural (human) features that are important and significant to many people. Some of these features should be protected and conserved for the benefit of all global citizens, as they are part of our heritageHeritage is: ? ___________________________________________? ___________________________________________? ___________________________________________The idea of forming a group of people for protecting special heritage places in the world was first discussed early in the twentieth century, after the First World War. However it did not happen until 1972, following the threat to Abu Simbel temples in Egypt by flooding from the Aswan High Dam. The group formed was called the World Heritage Committee and it was administered by the _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ( ).Abu Simbel temples, EgyptWrite a brief description of the Abu Simbel temples in the textbox below. Heritage is our legacy from the past, what we live with today, and what we pass on to future generations. Our cultural and natural heritage is both irreplaceable sources of life and inspiration. Places as unique and diverse as the wilds of East Africa’s Serengeti, the Pyramids of Egypt, the Great Barrier Reef in Australia and the Baroque cathedrals of Latin America make up our world’s heritage. What makes the concept of World Heritage exceptional is its universal application. World Heritage sites belong to all the peoples of the world, irrespective of the territory on which they are located.The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) seek to encourage the identification, protection and preservation of cultural and natural heritage around the world considered to be of outstanding value to humanity. This is embodied in an international treaty called the Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, adopted by UNESCO in 1972.Go to website and complete the follwing: UNESCO's World Heritage mission is to: Review questionsWhat are World Heritage Sites?_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________When was the World Heritage List established and by which international organisation?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Why are World Heritage Sites important?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________The essence of the concept of World Heritage is that something is of such great value that it should be preserved for all people and for all time. The World Heritage Committee lists sites around the world that should be protected and conserved. There are now more than 780 World Heritage sites in more than 125 countries. Australia has 15 sites on the World Heritage List. To be included in the natural (N) category of the World Heritage List, a site must be an outstanding example of one or more of the following:the Earth's natural processesplant and animal diversityexceptional phenomena or natural beautynatural habitat.To be included in the cultural (C) category, a site must be either:a monument with exceptional historical, art or scientic valuesa group of buildings and sites showing the interaction of humans and the environmentan archaeological dig and research area.A range of activities is still possible within a World Heritage area, as long as the activities do not threaten its values. For example, in many World Heritage areas, tourism continues, and in fact, often increases. As the world is more and more affected by development, the value of World Heritage areas increases because they are places where at least some of the world's cultural and natural heritage still exist.Write a brief description of why the following World Heritage sites were listed. Mount Kenya National Park, KenyaMachu Picchu, PeruSemmering Railway, AustriaIguazu National Park, Argentina2. WORLD HERITAGE LISTINGThe World Heritage List includes 890 properties forming part of the cultural and natural heritage which the World Heritage Committee considers as having outstanding universal value. These include 689 cultural, 176 natural and 25 mixed properties in 148 countries.The World Heritage List - Properties added each yearBelow is the number of properties that were added to the List each year since the first World Heritage Committee meeting in 1978. The total number of properties on the World Heritage List is greater than the sum of the properties listed, because adjacent properties were merged in some instances.YearNumber of properties named by the World Heritage Committee1978121979451980281981261982241983291984231985301986311987411988271989719901719912219922019933319942919952919963719974619983019994820006120013120029200324200434200542200618200722200827200913Bottom of FormTo be included on the World Heritage List, sites must be of outstanding universal value and meet at least one out of ten selection criteria. These criteria are explained in the Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention which, besides the text of the Convention, is the main working tool on World Heritage. The criteria are regularly revised by the Committee to reflect the evolution of the World Heritage concept itself. Until the end of 2004, World Heritage sites were selected on the basis of six cultural and four natural criteria. With the adoption of the revised Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention, only one set of ten criteria exists.Go to website and complete the following: . Write a brief summary of each selection criteria. 12345678910Grand Canyon National ParkGo to website and complete the following: How can a site be included in the World Heritage Listing? Only countries that have signed the World Heritage Convention, pledging to protect their natural and cultural heritage, can submit nomination proposals for properties on their territory to be considered for inclusion in UNESCO’s World Heritage List.StepDetails12345Great Wall, China5171440158115Review questionsWhich continent has the most number of World heritage Sites? Why?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________List Australia’s World Heritage Sites and the dates they were inscribed. Cultural Natural Mixed Read the following article and answer the questions below 1. Where is Sighisoara? Give two reasons why Sighisoara is a special place.2. Why did the Romanian Government become worried about Dracula Park?3. How did the Rumanians solve the problem of the location of Dracula Park?4. Describe the possible perspectives of the following people about the location of Dracula Park: Snagov hotel owner, Sighisoara tour guide, UNESCO spokesperson, Rumanian Minister for Tourism, overseas tourist, unemployed Rumanian, Dracula Park shareholder.5. Do you think `Mickey Mouse with fangs' will spoil medieval Romania or renew its poor economy?6. When did Australia sign the World Heritage Convention?7. List the advantages a country might gain by having World Heritage sites.Chateau of Chambord, France Angkor Wat, CambodiaGo to website and complete the following: the addition of the new sites inscribed by the 33rd session of the World Heritage Committee, the World Heritage List now numbers _____ properties including _____ cultural, _____ natural and _____ mixed properties in ______ States Parties. Choose 2 sites (one that is natural and one that is cultural) that have been “New Inscribed Properties”. Give a brief description of the site including location, why it is on the World Heritage List. Site 1Site 2Site Name and LocationDescriptionNatural, Cultural or Mixed SiteBorobudur Temple, Central Java, Indonesia3. WHY IS WORLD HERITAGE LISTING IMPORTANT? Explain why World Heritage sites are special?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What is the benefit of having a world heritage site in a country?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Outline the responsibilities governments have regarding the sites they nominate?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What happens when a site is added to the World Heritage endangered list? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Winning a place on the World Heritage List is not the end of the story. Regular monitoring and periodic reporting to UNESCO on the condition of the site and steps being taken to protect it are required. If a country does not fulfil its obligations under the convention, there is a real risk that the site will be deleted from the list. Citizens, groups and non-government organisations (NGOs) are encouraged to alert UNESCO if sites are mismanaged. If there is sufficient cause, sites are placed on the `World Heritage List in Danger'. There were 35 properties on the danger list in 2003, now there are only 31.Who is responsible for the management and preservation of World Heritage Sites?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________How can the World Heritage Committee help with the management of sites under threat or in danger? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Go to website and complete the following: The List of World Heritage in Danger is designed to inform the ______________________ _________________ of conditions which _______________________ the very characteristics for which a property was inscribed on the World Heritage List, and to _____________________ corrective action. What is the main reason(s) for a World Heritage Site to be in danger?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ How can the dangers be “ascertained” or “potential”?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ How many properties were inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger in 2009? ________________________________________________________________________________ Tower of London, EnglandChoose 2 sites that are inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger. Give a brief description of the site including location and why it is on the World Heritage Danger List. Site 1Site 2Site Name and LocationDescriptionThreatUrulu, AustraliaGo to website and complete the following: World Heritage Convention is not only '_______ _____ _______' but is above all a useful instrument for concrete action in preserving threatened sites and endangered species. By ______________ the ________________ ______________ value of a site, States Parties commit to its ______________and strive to find _______________ for its ____________________. If a site is inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger, the World Heritage Committee can take __________________to address the situation and this has led to many _________________________. The World Heritage Convention is also a very powerful tool to rally international attention and actions, through __________________________________________________. Choose 2 sites that are Success Stories and have been rescued from the List of World Heritage in Danger. Give a brief description of the site including location and why it is on the World Heritage Danger List. Site 1Site 2Site Name and LocationDescription What was its threat and why it is a success story. 6. AUSTRALIA’S WORLD HERITAGE SITESWorld Heritage sites are important to all the peoples of the world, irrespective of the territory in which they are located. Sites nominated for World Heritage listing are inscribed on the List only after carefully assessing whether they represent the best examples of the world's cultural and natural heritage. Australia has 17 properties classified as world heritage sites. Locate Australia’s world heritage sites on the map belowAustralia's World Heritage - location mapName of SiteCriteria for ListingYear InscribedUnique Feature/sRoyal Exhibition Building and Carlton GardensKakadu National ParkTasmanian WildernessUluru-Kata Tjuta National ParkWillandra Lakes RegionAustralian Fossil Mammal Sites (Riversleigh/ Naracote)Central Eastern Rainforest Reserves (Australia)Fraser IslandGreat Barrier ReefGreater Blue Mountains AreaHeard and McDonald IslandsLord Howe Island GroupMacquarie IslandPurnululu National ParkShark Bay, Western AustraliaWet Tropics of QueenslandSydney Opera House ................

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