PDF Vocabulary Unit 9 Words 1-10

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Vocabulary Unit 9 ? Words 1-10

English 7

1. accelerate

(v.) to speed up, to happen faster or cause something to happen faster synonym ? go faster, increase speed, hurry antonym ? slow down, retard

2. bystander

(n.) someone who watches but does not get involved, someone who looks on

synonym ? onlooker, witness, spectator antonym ? active participant

3. canvass

(v.) to travel around an area asking for votes or asking questions; to discuss

synonym ? campaign, solicit votes, survey, investigate

4. casual

(adj.) happening by chance, showing little concern, not formal synonym ? relaxed, laid-back, careless, nonchalant, accidental, unplanned antonym ? formal, serious, careful, premeditated, intentional

5. downtrodden (adj.) treated in a cruel or unfair way by someone in a position of power synonym ? exploited, oppressed, mistreated antonym ? treated fairly, liberated, uplifted

6. entice

(v.) to tempt by offering something desirable, to attract synonym ? persuade, allure, charm antonym ? nauseate, sicken, repel

7. erode

(v.) to wear away land gradually by wind or water; to destroy something gradually

synonym ? eat away at, grind down, corrode antonym ? encourage, nurture, promote

8. flounder

(v.) to make clumsy uncontrolled movements trying to regain balance; to act confused

synonym ? thrash, wallow, struggle antonym ? controlled, have no problems

9. graphic

(adj.) vividly detailed; lifelike; relating to pictorial arts synonym ? realistic, detailed, clear, lively antonym ? dull, boring, unrealistic

10. gruesome

(adj.) horrifying, involving injury or death in a disturbing way

synonym ? grisly, shocking, gory, hideous antonym ? pleasant, delightful, appealing

Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary Workshop New Edition by Jerome Shostak Level B (orange) Unit 9 Review activities: student.cfm; ;

(Ms. Mason's website for review and other links) created by Ms. Mason = teacher, Salk Middle School

Name: ___________________________

Vocabulary Unit 9 ? Words 11-20

English 7

11. melancholy

(adj.) feeling or causing sadness, sad, gloomy, unhappy (n.) a thoughtful sadness, gloominess

synonym ? (adj.) depressed, dejected; (n.) depression, sorrow antonym ? (adj.) cheerful, happy; (n.) cheerfulness, joy, elation

12. ordeal

(n.) a very difficult or painful experience, usually lasting a long time; a trial synonym ? torment, test, hardship antonym ? pleasure, cinch

13. parch

(v.) to make dry and thirsty through water deprivation or extreme heat synonym ? dry out, dehydrate, dry up antonym ? soak, drench, saturate

14. persist

(v.) continue steadily despite problems, refuse to stop; remain synonym ? persevere, keep it up, endure antonym ? give up, fade away, discontinue

15. puny

(adj.) very small or weak; of no importance synonym ? scrawny, undersized, insignificant antonym ? gigantic, robust, brawny

16. quibble

(v.) to argue over unimportant things (n.) an unimportant or petty objection

synonym ? (v.) nitpick, split hairs; (n.) trivial objection, nit-picking antonym ? (v.) make a good point; (n.) good objection

17. ratify

(v.) give formal approval to something, to confirm synonym ? endorse, authorize, consent antonym ? cancel, veto, annul

18. regal

(adj.) fit for a king or queen, royal synonym ? majestic, noble antonym ? lowly, humble

19. stifle

(v.) to smother or impair someone's breathing, to prevent the development of something, to cut off a yawn or a laugh

synonym ? choke, suppress, hold back antonym ? let out, encourage, promote

20. vital

(adj.) extremely important, needed for life; full of life; crucial

synonym ? very important, necessary, essential antonym ? unimportant, unnecessary

Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary Workshop New Edition by Jerome Shostak Level B (orange) Unit 9 Review activities: student.cfm; ;

(Ms. Mason's website for review and other links) created by Ms. Mason = teacher, Salk Middle School


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