
Practice for English Final TestName:_________________________ Group: 11CT/CB Date: May 21, 2013Read the passage (from The American Crisis by Thomas Paine) and choose the correct answer for each question. I once felt all that kind of anger, which a man ought to feel, against the mean principles that are held by the Tories: a noted one who kept a tavern at Amboy, was standing at this door, with as pretty a child in his hand, about eight or nine years old, as I ever saw, and after speaking his mind as freely as he thought was prudent , finished with this unfatherly expression, “Well ! give me peace in my day”. Not a man lives on the continent but fully believes that a separation must sometime or other finally take place, and a generous parent should have said: “If there must be trouble let it be in my day, that my child may have peace”, and this single reflection, well applied, is sufficient to awaken every man to duty… I turn with the warm ardor of a friend to those who have nobly stood, and are yet determined to stand the matter out. : I call not upon a few, but upon all; not on this state or that state, but on every state; up and help us; lay your shoulders to the wheel; better have too much force than too little, when so great an object is at stake. Let it be told to the future world that in the depth of winter, when nothing but hope and virtue could survive, that the city and the country, alarmed at one common danger, came forth to meet and to repulse it. Say not that thousands are gone, turn out your tens of thousands; throw not the burden of the day upon Providence, but “show your faith by your works,” that God may bless you. It matters not where you live, or what rank of life you hold, the evil or the blessing will reach you all.The author includes the story about the father and child in order to:entertain his readersshame his readersstir up noble feelings in his readersThe author uses the word unfatherly in reference to the tavern owner because he feels the man is:putting his child in dangerbeing selfishbehaving immaturelyWhat is the best summary of his passage?Let us band together to defend ourselves.We must labor to improve the lives of our children.The separation of one continent from another is inevitable.In the phrase “lay your shoulders to the wheel”, what does the wheel symbolize?the task of warone’s fellow soldiersThomas Paine himselfThis passage LEAST ( do not) resembles:a speechan origin mytha political documentAccording to the passage, what kind of anger does Paine believe is justified?anger at Toriesanger at low- minded principlesanger at bad parentsBased on the passage, Paine’s approach to his topic can best be characterized as:passionate and uncompromising flexible and unbiasedskeptical and tentativeWhen the author urges his readers to “’show your faith by your works’, that God may bless you,” he is usinga logical appealan ethical appeala political appealPaine’s overall purpose in this passage is to :urge Tories to defend themselves against abuse and ignoranceentertain soldiers who have recently returned from warpersuade colonists to fight in the cause of freedomRead the following passage from Frederick Douglass’s My Bondage and My Freedom. Then choose the best answer to each questionIt is easy to see, that, in entering upon the duties of slaveholder, some little experience is needed. Nature has done almost nothing to prepare men and women to be either slaves or slaveholders. Nothing but rigid training, long persisted in, can perfect the character of the one or the other. One cannot easily forgot to love freedom; and it is as hard to cease to respect that natural love in our fellow creatures. On entering upon the career of slaveholding mistress, Mr. Auld was singularly deficient; nature, which fits nobody for such an office, had done less for her than any lady I had known. It was no easy matter to induce here to think and to feel that the curly – headed boy, who stood by her side, and even leaned on her lap; who was loved by little Tommy, and who loved little Tommy in turn; sustained to her only the relation of a chattel. I was more than that, and she felt me to be more than that. I could talk and sing; I could laugh and wee; I could reason and remember; I could love and hate. I was human, and she, dear lady knew and felt me to be so. How could she, then, treat me as a brute, without a mighty struggle with all the noble powers of her own soul. That struggle came, and the will and power of the husband was victorious. Her noble soul was overthrown; but, he that overthrew it did not, himself, escape the consequences. He, not less than the other parties, was injured in his domestic peace by the fall.Which of the following statements best summarizes lines 1-6?Human history has a long record of slavery.Slavery is an unusual condition for both owner and slave.Slaveholders are uncaring, cruel people.In the context of lines 1-9, it can reasonably be inferred that singularly means:notablyalonelonelyWhich best explains what Douglas means by calling Mrs. Auld “deficient” ( line 8)?She suffered from a disability.She lacked financial resources.She lacked a certain characteristic.In the context of the passage, it can reasonably be inferred that “little Tommy” ( lines 11 and 12) is:Mrs. Auld favorite pet.Mrs. Auld child.A neighbor.Which best describes Douglass’s overall opinion of Mrs. Auld?She was a kindly woman with a generous nature.She was a stiff and uncompromising person.She stood up to her husband, defying him.In the context of the first part of the passage, it can reasonably be inferred that chattel (line 12)means:a lowly creaturea kind of housea piece of propertyThe ideas expressed in lines 9 through 15 can be described as:Douglass’s view of his own situation at the time.what Douglass came to believe as an adultMrs. Auld’s rationale for treating Douglass well.In the context of lines 9-21, it can reasonably be inferred that:Mrs. Auld’s treatment of Douglass changedMr. Auld was convinced to be kind to Douglass as well.Douglass ran away from the homeIn the context of lines 18-21, which best describes Mr. Auld’s “injury”?He was struck in the head by a falling object.The tranquility of his home was shattered.His wife turned against him.Which of the following statements best describes the structure of the passage?It contains several general arguments and supporting details to substantiate each one.It opens with a generalization that helps explain the events that follow.It follows a chronological structure and ends with a surprising twist.Main idea and summarizingRead the passage from an origin myth. Then, answer the question(s). Long, long ago, when our people first came to this land, it was totally flat and covered with dry sand. (2) As hard as the people worked, they were unable to grow trees for shelter or plants for food. (3) The land seemed merciless, and many people grew weak and suffered mortal illnesses. (4) One day, two young women walked out into the hot, dry desert. (5) "Please, Great Spirit," they called to the sky. (6) "Please revive our land with rain, green plants, and rolling hills." (7) The Great Spirit was moved by their prayer. (8) "Please," they cried, "bring a rushing river filled with bountiful fish for us to eat." (9) The omnipotent Great Spirit brought a long rainy season to transform the land. (10) The sand washed away, causing hills to form along a rushing river's banks. (11) Out of the drenched earth, green plants sprouted. (12) In modern times, our fertile and beautiful valley represents the Great Spirit's reaction to the ancient women's pleas for help.20.Which answer choice best summarizes the aspect of the world this origin myth explains?A.It explains how features of the land came into being.B.It describes the traditional roles and duties of women in a specific society.C.It explains the causes of seasonal weather patterns.21.Which of the following sentences from the passage contains a detail that suggests the religious beliefs of this culture?A.sentence 3B.sentence 9C.sentence 10Read the poem. Then, answer the question(s). 22.What does the little stone most likely symbolize in the poem?A.someone who fears being aloneB.someone who is unclear about his or her career choiceC.someone who has an independent, free spirit23.What does Eldorado most likely symbolize in the poem?A.fulfillmentB.birthC.youth24. Which of these answer choices is the best paraphrase of lines 2 and 3 (starting with "Love is")?A.Love does not change when circumstances change.B.Love is only love when it leads to the altar.C.Love is not love unless it can change and grow.25.Which paraphrase most accurately explains the figurative language in line 7?A.Love is a star-shaped pattern on a tree in the forest.B.Love is a celebrity in a noisy crowd.C.Love is top dog among all strays.26.Which of the following statements is always true about paraphrasing?A.Paraphrasing uses the exact words of the original.B.Paraphrasing retains essential meanings and ideas.C.Praphrasing is the same as summarizing.27.Which is the best paraphrase of the first line?A.I believe I know who owns these woods.B.I don't know who owns these woods.C.I know who owns these woods.28.Which of the following sentences most clearly paraphrases the second stanza?A.My horse must think it's odd to stop in a situation where he and I are both so hungry and thirsty.B.My horse must think it's odd to stop near a farmhouse when we're so close to home on this dark and snowy evening.C.My horse must think it's odd to stop with no farmhouse near on such a dark and cold night.Read this passage from an exploration narrative. Then, answer the question(s). (1) On the first day that we ventured away from the encampment, our native guides took us to a deep canyon surrounded by steep cliffs of coppery, red rock. (2) On horseback, we began a long and perilous trek down to the canyon's floor. (3) The narrow paths were hardly visible, and we were often frightened by the heights. (4) Surely each of us could have easily fallen to his death. (5) However, the strange and new plants and animals we encountered along the way were fascinating, particularly to Ramirez. (6) Often, he asked us to pause while he sketched a specimen or attempted to gain pertinent information from our guides..29.Which word signals the fact that the author found the journey interesting as well as scary?A.howeverB.perilousC.surely30..For which audience did the author most likely write this account?A.very young childrenB.readers back home who were interested in the expeditionC.film-makers looking for movie ideasRead the passage from Drake's Great Armada by Captain Walter Bigge. Then, answer the question(s). (1) After our going hence, which was the 14th of September, in the year of our Lord 1585, and taking our course towards Spain, we had the wind for a few days somewhat scant, and sometimes calm. (2) And being arrived near that part of Spain which is called the Moors, we happened to espy divers sails, which kept their course close by the shore, the weather being fair and calm. (3) The General caused the Vice-Admiral to go with the pinnaces well manned to see what they were; who upon sight of the said pinnaces approaching near unto them, abandoned for the most part all their ships, being Frenchmen, laden all with salt, and bound homewards into France.31. Which answer choice gives the best paraphrase of sentence 1?A.We were sailing away from Spain on September 14, 1585, when we experienced a few days of little wind.B.We set sail on September 14, 1585, after taking a course in Spain, and met with a few days of insufficient wind.C.After we set sail for Spain on September 14, 1585, we experienced a few days of light winds or no winds at all.Read the passage from Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, an autobiography by Harriet Jacobs. Then, answer the question(s). I was born a slave; but I never knew it till six years of happy childhood had passed away. My father was a carpenter, and considered so intelligent and skillful in his trade, that, when buildings out of the common line were to be erected, he was sent for from long distances, to be head workman. On condition of paying his mistress two hundred dollars a year, and supporting himself, he was allowed to work at his trade, and manage his own affairs. His strongest wish was to purchase his children; but, though he several times offered his hard earnings for that purpose, he never succeeded.32.Which of the following statements is true of an autobiography?A.It is written to be performed by actors.B.It never contains any dialogue.C.It is usually written in the first person.33.How is an autobiography different from a history book?A.An autobiography provides a personal view of events.B.An autobiography does not discuss actual events.C.An autobiography presents future events..34. Which answer choice best summarizes the passage?A.Even though he was a slave and could not purchase his own children, the author's father was a skilled carpenter who worked independently at his trade.B.The author did not know she was a slave because her father, who was a carpenter, hid that fact from her for six years.C.The author's father wanted more than anything else to purchase his children because they were born slaves, even though they did not know it.35. What was the direct effect of Harriet's father being intelligent and skillful in his trade?A.His mistress paid him two hundred dollars a year.B.He was sought after as a head workman on building projects.C.He purposely kept Harriet from knowing she was a slave until she was six.Read the following poem and answer question #36.36.Which of the following answer choices best summarizes the stanza to identify its main idea?A.A tree planted by Benjamin Franklin has fallen in the woods.B.An important person, symbolized by a tall tree, has died and deserves our respect.C.If we do not protect our woods, they will be destroyed.Read the following poem and answer question # 3737. Which of these concepts do the grains of sand most likely symbolize?A.undreamed-of richesB.the moments of a lifeC.the lessons of childhoodRead the poem. Then, answer the question(s). 38. Which answer choice best states the theme of the poem?A.Dead people have no place in the memory of the living.B.The dead are more imaginative than the living.C.The dead live on through stories of their deeds.Read the passage from Robert E. Lee's letter to his son, written shortly before the onset of the American Civil War. Then, answer the question(s). I hope, therefore, that all constitutional means will be exhausted before there is a resort to force. Secession is nothing but revolution. The framers of our Constitution never exhausted so much labor, wisdom, and forbearance in its formation ... if it was intended to be broken by every member of the Confederacy at will.... Still, a Union that can only be maintained by swords and bayonets, and in which strife and civil war are to take the place of brotherly love and kindness, has no charm for me.39.Which detail best demonstrates that Lee is writing before the first shots were fired in the American Civil War?A.I hope, therefore, that all constitutional means will be exhausted before there is a resort to force.B.Secession is nothing but revolution.C....a Union that can only be maintained by swords and bayonets...has no charm for me.For each Item, choose the letter of the synonym, or word that most closely expresses the same meaning. YOU WILL NEED A DICTIONARY FOR THIS PART40. repression: a. indulgence b. constraint c. toleranceChoose the word that has the closest meaning to the opposite of the given word.43.oppresseda.crushedb.assistedc.punishedREMEMBER TO BRING YOUR NOTEBOOKS, PORTFOLIO PAPERS AND A PENCIL TO ANSWER THE TEST. ................

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