
|Grade |Lesson Title: The Wizard of OZ Characters |

|3 | |

| |Materials/Resources Needed SMART board and The Wizard of OZ, L. Frank Baum |

|Focus and |Class for the past couple weeks we have been reading and talking about The Wizard of OZ. |

|Review |How many of you have a favorite character in the book? I know I do!! |

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|Objective(s) |RL.3.3 Describe characters in a story (e.g., their traits, motivations, or feelings) and explain how their actions contribute to the sequence of events |

|(NCSCS reference) | |

| |Students will be able to discuss characters and their traits. |

|Teacher |Today we are going to discuss the different characters in The Wizard of OZ. When we discuss characters we look for things in the character that make them unique. |

|Input | |

| |When I read a book and “meet” new characters I look for things called “traits.” Traits are things that describe someone’s personality, or looks, such as silly, grumpy, |

| |fearful, girl, boy, man, woman, old, young, honest, dishonest, brown hair, blond, skinny, big, fat exc... |

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| |Can anyone tell me a trait I might not have mentioned? (Wait for students to list off 5-10 quickly) |

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| |Very Good! |

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| |Turn on SMART Board. |

| |Okay Students, I am going to start off with a character from the Wizard of OZ. I am going to list off their different traits. I would be more than happy to have helpers, |

| |so if you think of a REALLY good trait, feel free to raise your hand and tell me your idea. I am going to pick The Wonderful, Powerful, Wizard of OZ, because he is my |

| |favorite. |

| |On the SMART board start compiling a list. |


| |A Man Ordinary Ruler of Kingdom |

| |Older Mysterious From Kansas |

| |Smart Helpful (Plus any additional contributions from the students) |

| |Great Dishonest |

| |Powerful Trickster (may have to explain this concept) |

| |Do any of you know how I got the idea that The Wizard was Powerful? |

| |Yes, because all the people of OZ told Dorothy how Powerful and Wonderful he was. Now why do you think I also put ordinary? Because that is opposite from powerful, |

| |wouldn’t you say? Yes, because at the end of the book we found out that he was actually tricking everyone into believing he was great and powerful, but he was actually |

| |just an ordinary man. |

| |Why do you think I called him mysterious? Because he seemed magical and no one ever really saw him. |

| |How did I know that The Wizard of OZ was a man? In the book, they used words like “he” and ‘him’ so even though we did not see a picture we know by reading that he is a |

| |man. |

| |***Allow children to add any input here in the discussion about The Wizard, and add characteristics, when they add their idea, ask them how they knew it, or why they think|

| |that about the wizard.*** |

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|Guided |Now it’s your turn to try and describe a character of the book. I have made cards. I want each of you to get with you reading partner and come up front and grab a card |

|Practice |from me. On the card it will have a character’s name. With your partner I want you both to come up with as many characteristics (traits) of that character that you can |

| |think of, and discuss with your partner how you came up with the different traits. I will walk around the room and listen to your wonderful discussions. Write them down |

| |on a sheet of paper, and put both names. I will take them up when we are done. |

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|Independent |For homework I want you to pretend that you are a character in a book. If I read the book what traits would I find in you. Write one or two paragraphs about you and your |

|Practice |traits. |

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|Closure |Today we discussed the different characters in a story. We looked for traits in each of them. Who can tell me what a trait is? Good. Traits can be parts of our personality|

| |and looks. Even characters in books have them, that’s what makes reading so much fun! I look forward to reading all of your traits in your homework assignment!! |

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