The Core Belief Exercise

[Pages:7]The Core Belief Exercise

A Core Belief is a belief we have about our self, other people or the world around us. These beliefs are very raw and were formed at an early age by what we experienced, were told and observed. They are our subconscious operating system. To efficiently move beyond our limitations, we can identify and shift these beliefs. But in order to do so, we must begin to admit them, face them and work with them. This exercise will help you begin that process.

Step One: Reflect for a moment and choose two categories of your life that you are

currently challenged by. Examples: Family, Relationship, Career, Friends, Life Path

Write down your two categories below. Category #3 will represent your overall feeling about life in general.

Read through the following core belief list and put an X down if the belief resonates with the categories you identified. Do not think too hard about any of the statements. Just go with your first instinct. And be as honest with yourself, as possible.

Core Belief

I am a failure I am a loser I am a mistake I am a reject I am afraid I am all alone I am always left out I am always wrong I am awkward I am bad I am broken I am confused I am crazy I am defective I am disposable I am flawed I am going to die early in life I am guilty I am hopeless I am imperfect I am in the wrong place I am incompetent I am invisible

Category #1

Category #2

Category #3 Life in General

?2015 Susan Shehata. All Rights Reserved.

I always come second I am not enough I am not loveable I am not recognized I am not safe I am not special I am not wanted I am not whole I am nothing I am out of control I am powerless I am slow I am stupid I am trapped and can't escape I am unacceptable I am unattractive I am unbalanced I am undeserving of love I am unfixable I am unimportant I am uninteresting (and people will leave me because of it) I am unsuccessful I am unsure I am unwanted I am unworthy I am useless I am vulnerable I am worthless I am wrong I can do no wrong I can't I can't achieve I can't be happy if I'm on my own I can't be me I can't be moderate I can't change I can't control anything I can't do it I can't get it right I can't handle anything I can't make myself clear I can't say `no' I can't stand up for myself I can't trust or rely on another person I cannot be healed I cannot be myself, or I'll be rejected I can't succeed I deserve a lot of attention and praise I do not measure up to others

?2015 Susan Shehata. All Rights Reserved.

I don't belong I don't deserve anything I don't deserve to be cared for I don't deserve to be loved I don't exist I don't fit in anywhere I don't have the energy I don't have to be bound by the rules that apply to others I don't know I don't know who I really am I don't matter I don't trust anyone I don't want to I don't deserve abundance I don't deserve closeness I don't deserve success I don't deserve to be happy I don't have the power to keep myself healthy I finish last I have always had a weak system I have ruined my whole life I have to do everything myself I have to do everything perfectly I have to make people happy I may lose my freedom I might get hurt I must always please in order to have love I must do what everyone else wants me to do I must have control to be okay I must struggle in order to succeed I never come first I never get my way I will be controlled or overpowered by others I will deteriorate with old age I will die from this I will fail I will get the illness my mom or dad got I will inevitably be abandoned by someone I love I will inevitably be rejected I will lose I will not be listened to or acknowledged I'm a bad person I'm a failure I'm a loser

?2015 Susan Shehata. All Rights Reserved.

I'm afraid I'm alone I'm always left out I'm always wrong I'm bound to be rejected I'm helpless/powerless I'm ineffective I'm inferior I'm insignificant I'm needy I'm not a worthwhile person I'm not good enough I'm not lovable I'm not ready I'm not understood I'm not wanted I'm nothing I'm only worthwhile if I'm helping other people I'm out of control I'm responsible for everyone and everything I'm shameful I'm stupid I'm superior (and am entitled to special treatment) I'm trapped I'm unacceptable I'm unimportant I'm unlikeable I'm unsuccessful I'm unwelcome I'm useless I'm vulnerable I'm weak I'm worthless I've done something wrong If I assert myself, people will leave me If I can't do it perfectly, then I'd better not do it If I care enough, I can fix him/her/this If I don't do it, no one will If I don't excel, I'll just end up ordinary If I don't excel, then I'm inferior and worthless If I experience emotions, I will lose control If I get too close I will lose myself

?2015 Susan Shehata. All Rights Reserved.

If I make a mistake, it means I'm careless/a failure/etc. If I show my vulnerability I will be in danger If I trust people, they may hurt me I'll hurt somebody if I get angry I'm destined to be a victim I'm not attractive enough I'm not worthy of a happy and healthy life I'm not worthy of success I'm too old to. It's my fault It's not okay to ask for help It's not safe to express my feelings Life has to be a struggle Love is dangerous Love will smother me Money will make me happy My body is frail My life is out of balance My needs are not important My work cannot be fun No one ever listens to me Nobody loves me Nothing works for me Other people will manipulate me and control my life People are untrustworthy People don't like me People I love will leave me People will betray me Sickness gets me love and attention Sickness gets me out of things I don't want to do Success is dangerous There's no way out There's something wrong with me What's the point Men can't be trusted Men hurt me Women can't be trusted Women hurt me Abundant success is unsafe Closeness is dangerous Communication is contentious Everything I do goes wrong Failing is unacceptable God will punish me

?2015 Susan Shehata. All Rights Reserved.

Step #2:

Write down the beliefs that received three marks in the "Original Limiting Belief" column below. If you do not have any, notate the ones that received two marks. Once you have completed that, change the original belief to a new, supportive version. Tip: Keep the new belief in the present moment and avoid negatives. For example: "I will fail" becomes "I will succeed", rather than "I will not fail." Some of the beliefs will be easier to adapt than others. Do your best to create ones that makes sense for you.

Original Limiting Belief

New Supportive Belief

Step #3:

Now that you have identified some of your limiting beliefs, it's time for an awareness period. As you go about your next week, pay attention to how many times you catch yourself thinking some version of the limiting beliefs. See if, in that moment, you can replace the thought with the supportive version. Most likely, when you begin to do that, you will have resistance (additional thoughts trying to sabotage the supportive belief). Just do your best to be aware of the thoughts. If you would like, you can also post the supportive beliefs around your home (such as by your computer), as visual reminders. Changing your core beliefs is a deep process that takes several layers of effort. This first step is just about becoming AWARE of what your subconscious operating system has been. That awareness will lead you towards an ultimate shift.

The list of core beliefs are selected from the following sources: , core-, Louise Hay, Dr. Henry Grayson, Susan Shehata

?2015 Susan Shehata. All Rights Reserved.

Ready to Look Deeper?

Click Here to Schedule a Core Story Session with Susan Shehata

An exploratory session to uncover and release the primary themes that have occurred in your life, that limit your thoughts and experiences. This session can be done in person, via phone or skype.

Your Two Hour Session includes:

* Pre-session Reflection Questions to identify your current goals and challenges * Pre-session Response Review that allows me to tune into your unique situation and customize your session * Sharing of Your Story to uncover prevalent themes * Exploration of the Core Belief Cycle and the interconnection of your beliefs, thoughts, perceptions, emotion and behaviors * Core Belief Exercise to determine what is currently affecting you * Theme Distillation to explain your personal mind/body/life connections * Guiding Insights that I have about your story and how to begin the reframing process * Energy Clearing to assist in integrating your insights * Life Assignments to take away which support shifting your core story

To have a session with Susan is to feel like you are talking to a wise and trusted advisor who can see things in your story that you've somehow missed, and reflect them back in a way that feels like you've known the answer all along. By the end of the session, I already felt my balance returning. Thank you, Susan, for sharing your knowledge and gifts. ? Madeline

?2015 Susan Shehata. All Rights Reserved.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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