Leon M

Leon M. Goldstein High School for the Sciences @ Kingsborough Community College, CUNY

Science Through the Arts; 2012-2013 School Year

Ms. Buccellato, Art Teacher; Mr. Del Re, AP of Humanities

Guidelines for Grading and Class Rules

Welcome to Science Through the Arts class! The aims of this course are learning how to observe and visually document natural objects and life forms, to gain knowledge of the various roles of science in art, and to learn about two-dimensional and three-dimensional art (drawing, painting, sculpture, print making). Students will engage in hands-on art exercises and projects, and learn about cultural and historical connections in art. Students will learn how to analyze and express ideas about art both verbally and in writing.

Art Studio Rules

Following the art studio rules will lead to both success in the course, and will contribute to a safe learning environment. Rules are simple and as follows:

- Please arrive to class on time and prepared with necessary materials/homework assignments. If you arrive late, please sign-in so I may record your attendance. Attendance is important! Chronic lateness and excessive absences will lower your grade.

- Refrain from using the bathroom during the first and last 10 minutes of class, and one person at a time may leave the room for the bathroom.

- In order to be prepared for class, you will need to bring at least one pencil and separate eraser, a notebook, and a sketchbook. You may want to bring a pen for use in your notebook. Sketchbooks should adhere to the dimensions of 8” x 10” or 9” x 12”, with white paper.

- Please follow all instructions given to you during class. Do not disrupt during class discussions or instruction time. A learning environment based on mutual respect is essential.

- All students will be engaging in hands-on art activities. It is imperative you show respect for your learning environment, for school property, and fellow classmates by properly handling and maintaining all materials and equipment in art studio, and by cleaning up your work area after an activity has finished.

- For your safety, please do not bring any food or beverages into the art studio.

- For your safety, never touch the kilns located in the back of room 442.

Grading Policy

- 55% - Hands-On In Class Art Projects demonstrating knowledge of techniques and skills learned in class, with special thought given to function or theme, that are completed before the announced deadline. You are responsible for storing and maintaining all two-dimensional art in a portfolio. When you feel a project is complete, please meet with me for a brief conference to discuss if all goals for the assignment were met, or to collaborate to solve any problems.

- 20% - Tests and Written Assignments incorporating vocabulary and techniques used in art, as well as connections to literacy, history and culture.

- 15% - Class Participation involves actively using techniques and skills learned in class to make your own, well-planned, unique art. Making art takes a great deal of effort. Consistent practice and application of skills taught will help you to excel. Good attendance is necessary as many of the projects assigned are hands-on, and to be completed in class. Participation in class discussions is vital as it augments vocabulary and promotes critical thinking skills. You are expected to demonstrate a positive and cooperative attitude regarding set-up and clean-up procedures; i.e., proper use, care and cleaning of art materials, work areas, and tools and equipment in the art studio.

- 10% - Homework will be assigned and posted on the school website at . The purpose of homework is to reinforce ideas learned in class and to aid in researching and planning for new projects.

- Grades during each term’s three marking periods are cumulative. I will be using the online grading system, Jupiter Grades.

- Extra Credit opportunities will include assisting with the Annual LMG Student Exhibit, entering out of school exhibits and contests, and assisting in studio maintenance after school.

If you have any questions or concerns related to class, you are encouraged to speak with me during 37.5 minutes, or email me at nbuccellato@schools.. You are also encouraged to come to the studio (located in room 442) to work on art projects during Tutoring and Club bands in order to make up missing/incomplete work, improve or revise current work, or to do additional artwork. Following all the guidelines set forth will ensure your success in this class. Let’s work together to have a stellar art class!

I have read and understand the guidelines of the course.

______________________________________ Student Name

______________________________________ Student Signature

______________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature

_______________________________________ Student’s Email Address

______________________________________ Home Phone Number


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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