Each student will be expected to behave in an appropriate manner while in the

library. There will be a list of library rules posted within the room. Library

Rules are as follows:

Student Behaviors

• Be Responsible

➢ Be ready to learn when class begins.

➢ Turn in work on time, and always do your best.

• Be Resourceful

➢ Speak in a low voice and listen attentively.

➢ Correct problems quickly and peacefully.

• Be Resourceful

➢ Have books with you and know due dates.

• Be Respectful

➢ Value yourself. Be honest and ethical, and practice strong moral values.

➢ Treat all members of the school community and all visitors with politeness with respect.

➢ Honor the ideas and opinions of others.

➢ Offer to help others.

➢ Be responsible with property and belongings.

• Be Responsible

➢ Bring library books back on time. You may recheck them out once.

➢ Treat our books and computers with care.

• Be Resourceful

➢ Develop your lifelong learning traits by showing curiosity about human nature and how the world works.

➢ Seek diversity and value it.

➢ Persist in seeking out new and innovative solutions.

➢ Use your unique talents and intelligence to promote positive change.

➢ Learn about new technology tools and apply them to solve problems.

The consequences for breaking a rule in the classroom are as follows:

1. Verbal warning

2. Writing assignment

3. Increased writing assignment

4. Phone call or email to parents or meeting with parents

5. Office referral

6. Fines for books that are lost or late

****The consequences listed above are for minor offenses. I will not tolerate disrespectfulness to myself or other students. I will expect student to treat others as they would like to be treated. Your child’s classroom teacher and I will determine the consequences as wee see fit for the incident committed.


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