The Twinning Engineering Programmes (TEP) Thammasat English Programme of Engineering (TEPE) Thammasat UniversityMA 112 (Sec 750001) Analytic Geometry and Applied Calculus Semester 3/2012Instructor: Dr. Archara Pacheenburawana E-mail: Room LC 3 – 119, Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics Faculty of Science and Technology, Thammasat UniversityOffice Hours: Tue 13:30 – 16:30pm., Thu 9:30am – 12:30pm.Class URL: Please check this page regularly for announcements and updates.Class Time: Mon, Wed, Thu 13:30 – 16:30pm. Room: Eng 606/1 Course Description: Analytic geometry for Conic sections; second degree equations; vectors transformation of coordinates; polar coordinates and functions of several variables; partial derivatives; multiple integrals; scalar fields and vector fields; derivative of vector valued functions; Integration in the vector fields; Gauss’s Theorem; Green’s Theorem and Stoke’s TheoremReferences: Anton, H., Bivens, I., and Davis, S. Calculus Late transcendentals, 10th ed., John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2013.Stewart, James, Calculus Single Variable, 5th ed., Brooks/Cole Publishing Company, 2003.Tentative Schedule: PeriodContents1 – 2Chapter 1. Topics in Analytic Geometry- Conic Sections- Rotation of Axes; Second-Degree Equations3 – 4 Chapter 2. Parametric and Polar Curves - Parametric Equations; Tangent Lines and Arc Length for Parametric Curves- Polar Coordinates- Tangent Lines, Arc Length, and Area for Polar Curves5 – 6 Chapter 3. Three-Dimensional Space; Vectors - Rectangular Coordinates in 3-Space; Spheres; Cylindrical Surfaces - Vectors - Dot Product; Projections - Cross Product - Parametric Equations of Lines - Planes in 3-SpaceMidterm Examination Date: To be announced 7 - Quadric Surfaces - Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates8 - 9Chapter 4 Vector-Valued Functions - Introduction to Vector-Valued Functions - Calculus of Vector-Value Functions - Change of Parameter; Arc Length - Unit Tangent and Normal Vectors10 - 11 Chapter 5. Partial Derivatives- Function of Two or More Variables- Limits and Continuity- Partial Derivatives- Differentiability, Differentials, and Local Linearity- The Chain Rule- Directional Derivatives and Gradients12 - 13Chapter 6. Multiple Integrals- Double Integrals - Double Integral over Nonrectangular Regions- Double Integrals in Polar Coordinates- Triple Integrals- Triple Integrals in Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates14 – 15 Chapter 7. Topics in Vector Calculus - Vectors Fields - Line Integrals - Independence of Path; Conservative Vector Fields - Green’s Theorem - Surface Integrals - The Divergence Theorem - Stokes’ TheoremFinal Examination Date: To be announced Course Evaluation: Midterm Examination 35 % Final Examination 55 % Attendance, Quizzes, and Class Participation 10 %Instruction:Class Attendance: Attendance is required and will be taken regularly. Attendance, quizzes, and class participation will account for 5% of total grades. All students are required to come to lectures on time and stay for the entire lecture period, dress properly and turn off any communication devices. Should you miss class, your first step should be to get notes from a fellow student and try to understand the material on your own. Only then approach me during my office hours if you have questions. Students who miss more than 30% of classes will not be allowed to take the final exam and will automatically fail (Grade F) the course.Quizzes: There will be ten minute quizzes held occasionally without prior notification. The lowest quiz score will be dropped and so no make-up quizzes will be given for any reason. Calculator: No calculator is needed for this course. Calculators will not be allowed for quizzes, midterm or final exams.Midterm marks: Students with midterm exam scores below 75 percent of the course average will be asked to withdraw from the course.Class Decorum: If you engage in a behavior that is disruptive to the class, you will be asked to leave the classroom and will automatically receive a score of zero on your weekly quiz / homework and class participation.Cautionary Notes: A general rule of thumb is to put in two extra house of class, but you may require more than that, because of the nature of the abstract mathematical concept you will need to understand.Class CalendarMarch 2013TimeSunMonTueWedThuFriSat1213.30 - 16.30345678913.30 - 16.301011121314151613.30 - 16.301718192021222313.30 - 16.3024/3125262728293013.30 - 16.30MA112MA112MA112Make-up MA112April 2013TimeSunMonTueWedThuFriSat12345613.30 - 16.30MA112CancelCancel7891011121313.30 - 16.30HolidayMA112Midterm1415161718192013.30 - 16.30HolidayMA112MA112Make-up MA1122122232425262713.30 - 16.30CancelMA112MA11228293013.30 - 16.30MA112May 2013TimeSunMonTueWedThuFriSat123413.30 - 16.30MA112MA11256789101113.30 - 16.30HolidayMA1121213141516171813.30 - 16.301920212223242513.30 - 16.3026272829303113.30 - 16.30 ................

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