United Nations

| |United Nations |CRPD/CSP/2016/CRP.1/Add.1 |

|[pic] |Convention on the Rights |Distr.: General |

| |of Persons with Disabilities |2 June 2016 |

| | | |

| | |Original: English |

Conference of the States Parties

9th meeting

New York, 14-16 June 2016

Item 4 of the provisional agenda

Election, in accordance with articles 34, paragraphs 4, 5, 6 and 7 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities of 9 members of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities to replace those whose terms are due to expire on 31 December 2016

Election of 9 members of the Committee on the Rights of

Persons with Disabilities under article 34 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Note by the Secretary-General


1. In accordance with article 34 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the Secretary-General invited the States parties to the Convention to submit their nominations by 14 April 2016. Information concerning 17 of the persons nominated is contained in CRPD/CSP/2016/CRP.1. One additional nomination have been received, as follows:

Mr. Jean-Claude ADZALLA (Togo)

2. The curriculum vitae of the aforementioned candidate, as furnished by the Government, is contained in the annex to the present document.

Annex [1]

Curriculum Vitae of candidate

Mr. Jean-Claude ADZALLA (Togo)*

Date and place of birth: 18.12.1978 Lome, Togo

Working languages:English, French, Spanish, Norwegian

Current position/function:

Jean-Claude Adzalla is currently the Regional Director for Africa for Deaf Aid, a Norwegian International NGO working for deaf children and youth. Deaf Aid currently implements a 3 years program dubbed Enhancing Access and Educational Outcomes for the Deaf project funded by Norad (Norwegian Aid) in both Kenya and Tanzania. Mr. Adzalla is the overall responsible of program design, project implementation and results and has personally influenced specific program orientation towards inclusion of youth with deafness and a synergy approach with other stakeholders in the field of disability for a concerted effort to mutualize resources and strategies for efficient interventions.

Main professional activities:

Jean-Claude Adzalla is currently the Regional Director for Deaf Aid and represent the organization in East and West Africa.

Jean-Claude has also provided expert consultancy to the UN Habitat as a senior Consultant for the UN Habitat Urban Youth Fund between 2010 - 2014 (was instrumental in the inclusive approach of project grantees appraisal that provides for an affirmative action for youth-led projects from applicants with disabilities) and designing training and project management manual that caters for the needs of all and inclusive youth with disabilities.

Mr. Adzalla also worked with the Government of Tanzania as a senior Consultant on an assignment related to Inclusive Youth Information strategy (OCYI-MIYCS).

He has gained tremendous expertise developing, managing and delivering results for disability-centred and inclusion oriented projects of National and International outlooks, funded by a variety of major donors.

Jean-Claude Adzalla has been involved right from inception in the Global Partnership for Children with Disability (UNICEF Led) from the onset and has set up and chaired the very first such National Partnership in Kenya.

He boasts of an expert knowledge of human rights issues both from a normative and operational perspectives in the fields of awareness, advocacy, networking, partnerships and outreach, with a strong leaning towards disability issues, especially access and accessibility to education and services, universal design, transfer of technology and civic and political participation of boys and girls with disabilities and other marginalized groups (i.e., women, children and youth).

Jean-Claude has a confirmed expertise in Policy analysis, review and dialogue and possess a rigorous research oriented mind with strong focus on results that matter and a strict track record on governance.

Mr. Adzalla has been tried and tested in creating bonds and engaging with government at local or national level and has demonstrated flexibility and dynamism in relating with any level of government very efficiently.

Educational background:

Masters of Business Administration (MBA) in Disaster Management from the National Institute of Business Management, Chennai, India.

Executive MBA from the Strathmore Kenya Institute of Management / JKUAT.

Prince2 Project Management Certification

Applied Research Training Certification, Strathmore Business School

Policies for Jobs, World Bank Institute

Policies for Education, World Bank Institute

Other main activities in the field relevant to the mandate of the treaty body concerned:

Jean-Claude Adzalla is the initiator and immediate past Chairperson of the Action for Children with Disabilities -Kenya- (ACD). The ACD is the National Platform for Children with disabilities and brings together CSOs, private sector and Government institutions with the purpose of improving the circumstances of children with disabilities.

As an expert in Inclusion and diversity, Mr. Adzalla is also one of the founders of the African Association of Service Providers to the Disabled (AASPD), a new outfit that federates synergies from service providers to the disabled with the aim of contributing to the to the African Union Agenda for the PWD.

Has organized two major seminars on the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and youth employment widely attended by participants drawn from a diverse national audience. Has participated as a script writer in the Sign Language Abridged version of the CRPD commissioned by Deaf Aid in Kenya Sign Language.

Member of the Education Donors’ Coordination group Kenya and has played a substantial role for provisions for learners with disabilities in the past Global Partnership for Education agreement.

Has organized and hosted a networking event on the thematic of The Convention on the Right of Persons with Disability (CRPD) and the Right to the City at the 5th World Urban Forum in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

E-learning Africa Disability Inclusion Advisor.

List of most recent publications in the field:

I have authored the following publications:

Bridging the digital divide: Inclusive IT as a service for youth with hearing impairment in Kenya (Presented at the E-learning Africa 2010, 5th International Conference on ICT for Development, Education and Training).

Inclusive Education Guidelines, a practical manual for school inclusion (Deaf Aid Publication)

Youth-led Project Management Manual and workbook (affirmative action for youth with disability – UN Habitat Publiscation)

Project Management Guidelines for UN Habitat Youth Funds Grantees (providing an inclusive approach to project management and youth-led community engagement).

The Convention on the Right of Persons with Disability (CRPD) and the Right to the City

A paper presented by Elizabeth Karuga (Disabled Child Monitor - Kenya) and Jean-Claude Adzalla (Deaf Aid - Kenya) At the 5th World Urban Forum in Rio de Janeirodisabilities/documents/iasg/iasg_5th_meeting_draft.doc)


[1] This symbol (*) indicates that the Curriculum Vitae of the candidate is available in other Official United Nations languages on the website of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities


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