PDF Rankings and Accountability in Higher Education - UNESCO

UNESCO Publishing

United Nations Educational, Scientific and

Cultural Organization


Rankings and Accountability in Higher Education

Uses and Misuses



Foreword University Rankings: The Many Sides of the Debate Mmantsetsa Marope and Peter Wells

Part 1 Methodological Considerations

Chapter 1The Academic Ranking of World Universities and its future direction Nian Cai Liu

Chapter 2An evolving methodology: the Times Higher Education World University Rankings Phil Baty

Chapter 3Issues of transparency and applicability in global university rankings Ben Sowter

Part 2 Implications and Applications

Chapter 4World-class universities or world-class systems? Rankings and higher education policy choices Ellen Hazelkorn

Chapter 5Rankings and online learning: a disruptive combination for higher education? John Daniel

Chapter 6Ranking higher education institutions: a critical perspective Peter Scott

Chapter 7Rankings, new accountability tools and quality assurance Judith Eaton

Part 3 International Perspectives

Chapter 8An African perspective on rankings in higher education Peter A. Okebukola

Chapter 9Rankings and information on Japanese universities Akiyoshi Yonezawa

Chapter 10The national and institutional impact of university rankings: the case of Malaysia Sharifah Hapsah

Chapter 11 What's the use of rankings? Kevin Downing

Chapter 12A decade of international university rankings: a critical perspective from Latin America Imanol Ordorika and Marion Lloyd

Part 4 Alternative Approaches

Chapter 13 If ranking is the disease, is benchmarking the cure? Jamil Salmi Chapter 14U-Multirank: a user-driven and multi-dimensional ranking tool in global higher

education and research Frans van Vught and Frank Ziegele Chapter 15Towards an international assessment of higher education learning outcomes:

The OECD-led AHELO initiative Richard Yelland and Rodrigo Casta?eda Valle


Bringing the latest thinking in education to education specialists worldwide

Created by UNESCO, the series ? Education on the Move ? focuses on key trends in education today and challenges for tomorrow. The series seeks to bring research knowledge produced by various academic disciplines and within various organizations to those who can shape educational policies and drive reforms. As such, it also intends to contribute to on-going reflections on the international education agenda.

Rankings and Accountability in Higher Education

Uses and Misuses

P. T. M. Marope, P. J. Wells and E. Hazelkorn (Editors)

The growing impact of university rankings on public policy ? and on students' choices ? has stirred controversy worldwide. This unique volume brings together the architects of university rankings and their critics to debate the uses and misuses of existing rankings. With voices from five continents, it provides a comprehensive overview of current thinking on the subject and sets out alternative approaches and complementary tools for a new era of transparent and informed use of higher education ranking tables.

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