Social Class in the United States

Social Class in the United States

There is considerable controversy regarding social class in the United States, and it remains a vaguely defined intellectual concept with many theories. To this day economists and sociologists have not devised exact guidelines for classes in the United States. With no set class boundaries, the interpretation of class and social status is largely left up to the individual.

While many Americans believe in a three-class model that includes the "rich", the middle class, and the "poor", in reality American society is much more economically and culturally diverse. The differences in wealth, income, education and occupation are indeed so great that one could justify the application of a social class model including dozens of classes. To date, there remains no exact answer pertaining to the number of social classes.[2][3] A common approach to the economic and cultural diversity of those in between the extremes of wealth—those in the vernacular statistical middle class—has been to divide the middle class.

Sociologists Dennis Gilbert, William Thompson and Joseph Hickey as well as James Henslin have proposed class systems with six distinct social classes. These class models feature an upper or capitalist class consisting of the rich and powerful, an upper middle class consisting of highly educated and well-paid professionals, a lower middle class consisting of semi-professionals, a working class constituted by low-rung white collar as well as blue collar workers and a lower class which is according to Gilbert is divided between the working poor and underclass

|“ |It should be stressed... that a position does not bring power and prestige because it draws a high income. Rather, it draws a high |” |

| |income because it is functionally important and the available personnel are for one reason or another scarce. It is therefore | |

| |superficial and erroneous to regard high income as the cause of a man's power and prestige, just as it is erroneous to think that a| |

| |man's fever is the cause of his disease... The economic source of power and prestige is not income primarily, but the ownership of | |

| |capital goods (including patents, good will, and professional reputation). Such ownership should be distinguished from the | |

| |possession of consumers' goods, which is an index rather than a cause of social standing. —Kingsley Davis and Wilbert E. Moore, | |

| |Principles of Stratification. | |

As mentioned above, income is one of the most prominent features of social class, it is not one of its causes. In other words, income does not determine the status of an individual or household but rather reflects upon that status. Income and prestige are the incentives provided by society in order to fill needed positions with the most qualified and motivated personnel possible.[7] These definitions equate class with income, permitting people to move from class to class as their income changes.

Commonly used terminology

Class components and terminology commonly found in contemporary American society.

The following are commonly used terms by social scientists and critics. It is again important to remember that each term bears the roots of several different ideologies which may conflict with each other. Overall, the use and definition of these terms often greatly varies with each speaker, due to their tastes or ideologies. Therefore the clarification of terminology is only possible as a gross generalization of what is most commonly used by research institutes as well as social critics.

Upper class

This term is applied to a wide array of elites that exist in the United States. The term commonly includes all "blue bloods" (multi-generational wealth combined with leadership of high society) such as the Astor or Roosevelt families. There is disagreement over whether or not the "nouveau riche" should be included as members of the upper class or whether or not this term should exclusively be used for established families. Twentieth century sociologist W. Lloyd Warner divided the upper class into two sections: the upper-upper class and lower-upper class. The former includes established upper-class families while the latter includes all those with great wealth. As there is no defined lower threshold for the upper class it is difficult, if not outright impossible, to determine the exact number or percentage of American households that could be identified as being members of the upper-class(es).

Income and wealth statistics may serve as a helpful guideline as they can be measured in a more objective manner. In 2005, approximately one and half percent (1.5%) of households in the United States had incomes exceeding $250,000 with the top 5% having incomes exceeding $157,000.[13] Furthermore only 2.6% of household held assets (excluding home equity) of more than one-million dollars. One could therefore fall under the assumption that less than five percent of American society are members of rich households.

Members of the upper class control and own significant portions of the corporate America and may exercise indirect power through the investment of capital. In recent years the salaries and, especially, the potential wealth through stock options, has greatly increased for the corporate elite. Inherited wealth leading to idleness is held in low regard and people who have it usually have prestigious occupations.[21]

Yet another important feature of the upper class is that of inherited privilege. While most Americans, including those in the upper-middle class need to actively maintain their status, upper class persons do not need to work in order to maintain their status. Status tends to be passed on from generation to generation without each generation having to re-certify its status.[15] Overall, the upper class is the financially best compensated and one of the most influential socio-economic classes in American society.

Corporate elite

The high salaries and, especially, the potential wealth through stock options, has supported the term corporate elite. Top executives, including Chief Executive Officers, are among the financially best compensated occupations in the United States. The median annual earnings for a CEO in the United States were $140,350[22] (exceeding the income of more than 90% of US households). The Wall Street Journal reports the median compensation for CEOs of 350 major corporations was $6,000,000 in 2005 with most of the money coming from stock options.[23] In New York City in 2005, the median income (including bonuses) of a corporate "Chief Operating Officer" (the #2 job) was $377,000.[24] The total compensation for a "Top IT Officer" in charge of information technology in New York City was $218,000.[25] Thus even below the CEO level of top corporations, financial compensation will usually be sufficient to propel a households with a mere one income earner in the top 1%. In 2005 only 1.5% of American households had incomes above $250,000 with many reaching this level only through having two income earners.[13][8][26]

|“ |Top executives are among the highest paid workers in the U.S. economy. However, salary levels vary substantially depending on the |” |

| |level of managerial responsibility; length of service; and type, size, and location of the firm. For example, a top manager in a | |

| |very large corporation can earn significantly more than a counterpart in a small firm. | |

| |Median annual earnings of general and operations managers in May 2004 were $77,420. The middle 50 percent earned between $52,420 | |

| |and $118,310. Because the specific responsibilities of general and operations managers vary significantly within industries, | |

| |earnings also tend to vary considerably... [the] Median annual earnings of chief executives in May 2004 were $140,350; chief | |

| |executives in some industries earned considerably more... the median income of chief executive officers in the nonprofit sector was| |

| |$88,006 in 2005, but some of the highest paid made more than $700,000. —US | |

Many politically powerful people make money before coming to office, but in general the political power elite have official incomes in the $150,000 to $185,000 range; members of Congress are paid $165,000, and are effectively required to have a residence in their district as well as one in Washington.

Middle class

The middle class is perhaps the mostly vaguely defined of all the social classes.[3] The term can be used either to describe a relative elite of professionals and managers (also called the upper middle class) or it can be used to describe all those in-between the extremes of wealth, disregarding considerable differences in income, culture, educational attainment, influence, and occupation. As with all the social classes in the US there are no definite answers as to what is and what is not middle class. Sociologists such as Dennis Gilbert, James Henslin, William Thompson and Joseph Hickey have brought forth class models in which the middle class is divided into two sections that combined constitute 47% to 49% of the population. The upper middle or professional class constitutes the upper end of the middle class on consists of highly educated, well-paid, professionals with considerable work autonomy. The lower end of the middle class, called either lower middle class or just middle class consists of semi-professionals, craftsmen and salesmen who often have just some college education and are more closely supervised.[2][4][5]

Upper middle

This class consists of highly educated salaried professionals whose work is largely self-directed. Many have graduate degrees with educational attainment serving as the main distinguishing feature of this class. Household incomes commonly may exceed $100,000, with some smaller one-income earners household having incomes in the high 5-figure range.[4] [2] Members of this class commonly hold advanced academic degrees and are often in involved with professional organizations such as the ASA, APA, or ACTFL. Due to the nature of professional and managerial occupations, the upper middle class tends to have great influence over the course of society.[2] Many of those occupations which are essential to the forming of public opinion such Journalists, authors, commentators, professors, scientist and advertisers are largely upper middle class. The very well educated, are seen as trend setters with movements such as anti-smoking movements, pro-fitness movement, organic food movement, environmentalism being largely indigenous to this particular socio-economic grouping. Education serves as perhaps the most important value and also the most dominant entry barrier of the upper middle class.

Sociologists such as Dennis Gilbert, Willam Thompson and Joseph Hickey estimate the upper middle class to constitute roughly 15% of the population. The main hallmark and most distinguishing feature of this class is its high educational attainment. Using the 15% figure one may conclude that the American upper middle class consist of professionals making more than $62,500 who commonly reside in households with a six figure income.

Lower middle class

The lower middle class is, as the name implies, generally defined as those less privileged than the middle class. People in this class commonly work in supporting occupations and seldom hold advanced academic degrees. There is also considerable debate of whether or not this class is truly part of the middle class and whether or not its members should be identified as being working class or even poor instead of middle class.[32]

Sociologists Dennis Gilbert, William Thompson and Joseph Hickey, however, only divide the middle class into two groups. In their class modes the middle class only consists of an upper and lower middle class. The upper middle class, as described above, constitutes roughly 15% of the population with highly educated white collar professionals who commonly make $62,500 or more and reside in households with a six figure income. Semi-professionals with Bachelor's degrees and some college degrees constitute the lower middle class. Their class models show the lower middle class positioned slightly above the middle of the socio-economic strata. Those in blue and pink collar as well as clerical occupations are referred to as working class in these class models.[4][30]

Working class

The working class in the United States is as vaguely defined as the middle class with whom it overlaps according to some definitions. While some might argue that the working class is synonymous with the lower middle class, it may also be argued that the working class constitutes the majority of the American population (aka: the Silent majority).[15][33] A distinctive feature of this class may include that fact that workers from this class merely take orders and are neither compensated for their ideas nor are they involved in the decision making process of the organization for which they work.[15] Yet another more dated definition is that the working class commonly consists of blue-collar workers, while non-professional white collar workers are lower middle class. The guideline stating that working class workers are not paid to think, but rather carry out tasks persists however, through many different ideologies regarding this class. Much like the lower middle class (which may be the same class according to some theories) the working class has little economic security and is extremely susceptible to fluctuations in the economy. Currently out-sourcing and cost-cutting related lay-offs are much more a pressing issues for persons of this class, than in the higher classes.[7]

It should also be noted, that the modern working class works less than the upper middle class or the top 5%. While 81% of persons in the top quintile worked more than fifty hours a week, only two-thirds of those in the second quintile worked more than fifty hours a week.

Lower class

The term lower class is commonly applied to those at the bottom of the social hierarchy. Definitions of this term vary greatly. While Lloyd Warner found the vast majority of the American population to be in either the upper-lower class or lower-lower class in 1949, many modern-day experts such as Michael Zweig, an economist for NYU-Stony Brook, argue that the working class constitutes the majority of the population.[33] Dennis Gilbert places 13% of households among the "working poor" with 12% being in the "underclass." Thompson & Hickey place roughly 17% to 20% of households in the lower classes. The lower classes constituting roughly a fifth to a quarter of American society consists mainly of low-rung retail and service workers as well as the frequently unemployed and those not able to work. Overall, 13% of the population fall below the poverty threshold. Hunger and food insecurity were present in the mundane lives of 3.9% of American households, while roughly twenty-five million Americans (ca. 9%) participated in the food stamp program.

Further readings

• Leonard Beeghley; The Structure of Social Stratification in the United States Pearson, 2004

• Dennis Gilbert; The American Class Structure Wadsworth, 2002

• Rhonda Levine; Social Class and Stratification Rowman & Littlefield, 1998

• Michael Zweig; What's Class Got To Do With It? Cornell University Press, 2003

• Christopher Beach; Class, Language, and American Film Comedy Cambridge University Press, 2002

• Harold J. Bershady ed; Social Class and Democratic Leadership: Essays in Honor of E. Digby Baltzell 1989

• Daniel Bertaux, and Paul Thompson; Pathways to Social Class: A Qualitative Approach to Social Mobility Clarendon Press, 1997

• Barbara Ehrenreich. Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America (2002), author disguises herself as working class

• David B. Grusky (Editor) Social Stratification: Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective (2000)


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