

|Unit 1: Citizenship in Action |

|Chapter 2: Service to the Nation |

|Lesson 4: The U.S. Navy |

|Time: (a) 90-minute block with Part 1 and 2 or (b) 45-minute periods with activities for Days 1 and 2 |

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|Competency: Explore the purpose and structure of the United States Navy. |

|McRel Standards: C8. Understands the central ideas of American constitutional government and how this form of government has shaped the character of |

|American society; C16. Understands the major responsibilities of the national government for domestic and foreign policy, and understands how government |

|is financed through taxation [citizenship and government] |

|Linked Program Outcomes: Characterize the role of the military in building and defending a democracy and maintaining peace in a democratic society |

|[Military] |

|Lesson Question: How does the Navy fit into the defense of the country? |

|Thinking Processes |Core Abilities |

|Defining in Context – Circle Map* (Alt. = Mind or Concept Map, Sunshine Wheel) |Build your capacity for life-long learning |

|Describing Qualities - Bubble Map* (Alt. = Star Diagram, Brainstorming Web) |Communicate using verbal, non-verbal, visual, and written |

|Comparing/Contrasting - Double Bubble Map* (Alt. = Venn Diagram) |techniques |

|Classifying -Tree Map* (Alt. = Matrix, KWL, T-Chart, Double T, P-M-I) |Take responsibility for your actions and choices |

|Part-Whole - Brace Map* (Alt. = Pie Chart) |Do your share as a good citizen in your school, community, |

|Sequencing -Flow Map* (Alt. = Flow Chart, Linear String) |country, and the world |

|Cause and Effect - Multi-Flow Map* (Alt. = Fishbone) |Treat self and others with respect |

|Seeing Analogies - Bridge Map* (Alt. = Analogy/Simile Chart) |Apply critical thinking techniques |

|* Thinking Map( | |

|Multiple Intelligences |Bloom’s Taxonomy |Authentic Assessment |Lesson Objectives |

|Bodily/Kinesthetic |Knowledge |Observation Checklist |Explain the mission of the U.S. Navy. Describe the |

|Visual/Spatial |Comprehension |Portfolio |organization of the U.S. Navy. |

|Logical/Mathematical |Application |Rubric |Distinguish between the Shore Establishment and Operating |

|Verbal/Linguistic |Analysis |Test and Quizzes |Forces. |

|Musical/Rhythmical |Synthesis |Thinking Map( |Determine how the U.S. Navy is able to maintain a global |

|Naturalist |Evaluation |Graphic Organizer |presence. |

|Interpersonal |Structured Reflection |Notebook Entries |Classify the three standard force packages of the U.S. Navy. |

|Intrapersonal |Metacognition |Logs |Analyze the Elements of Naval Power. |

| |What? |Performance |Evaluate the Navy’s role in nuclear deterrence. |

| |So What? |Project |Define key words: Battlespace, Command by Negation, Forward |

| |Now What? | |from the Sea, Numbered Fleets, Officer in Tactical Command, |

| |Socratic Dialog | |Operating Forces, Principle Warfare Commanders, Shore |

| |E-I-A-G | |Establishment, Task Force, Underway Replenishment. |

| | | |Legend: |

| | | |( Indicates item is not used in lesson |

| | | |( Indicates item is used in lesson |

|Learning Materials: Student Learning Plan, Student |Lesson Preview/Setup: |

|Text, Thinking Map® sample, Graphic Organizer samples,|Inquire – Guide cadets to the learning objectives and key words in their Student Learning Plan. |

|Exercise #1, Answer Key for Exercise #1, Navy |Distribute chart paper and markers. Prepare copies of Exercise 1: Agree/Disagree to give to each |

|Assessment Task |team. Use CPS to tally agree/disagree responses. |

|Supplies: Chart Paper, Colored Markers |Gather – Provide a briefing on the Navy. Distribute chart paper and markers. Have teams create a |

|Resources: Cadet Notebooks, LET CM, Computer with |Tree Map to list what the team knows about the Navy and the Army. Then create a Double Bubble Map to|

|Internet Access, Monitor, Classroom Performance System|compare and contrast the Navy to the Army. |

|(CPS) |Process – Distribute various materials around the room for props in skits. Have cadets create a |

|overhead projector, Cadet Portfolio |skit, poem, rap, or song for presentation to the class on a topic related to the Navy. |

|McRel Standards: Grade-level benchmarks for the McRel |Apply – Distribute the Navy Assessment Task. Have cadets create an organizational chart of the |

|Standards can be found in your JROTC Instructor’s Desk|Navy. |

|Reference. | |

|Part 1: 45 minutes |

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|Phase 1 -- Inquire: |

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|Setup: |

| |

|Prepare to display multimedia items including: Focusing Question(s), Exercise #1, and Key Word(s) |

|Assure that cadets have their Cadet Notebook. |

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|Direct Cadet Focus: |

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|Guide cadets to preview the information in the Student Learning Plan including the competency, performance standards, linked core abilities, learning |

|objectives, key words, learning activities and assessment activities. |

|Guide cadets to read Student Learning Activities 1 and 2 in their Student Learning Plans. |

|Ask cadets to think about what they know about the Navy and what preconceptions they may have. |

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|Learning Activity: |

|(addresses Student Learning Activities 1 and 2) |

| |

|Display focusing question(s). |

|Display Key Word(s). |

|Divide the class into an even number of teams. (Count off using the letters “N” “A” “V” “Y” for teams of 4, and add “U” “S” to “N” “A” “V” “Y” if you |

|have a large class and need teams of 6) |

|Have the teams pair off and complete Exercise 1: Agree/Disagree to determine what they know about the Navy. Random student generator can be used to tally |

|agree/disagree responses. |

| |

|Bring the class together and have each team present what they agreed upon. |

|Remind cadets to record notes and answers to the Reflection Questions in their Cadet Notebooks. |

|Self-paced Option: Have cadets complete Exercise 1: Agree/Disagree and summarize what they know about the Navy in their Cadet Notebooks. |

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|Reflection: |

| |

| |

|Use these questions as tools to focus cadet discussion, reflection, and note taking: |

|What different tasks the Navy performs were new to you? |

|How is the Navy important to the defense of the United States? |

| |

|Total Time: 15 minutes |

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|[pic] |

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|Phase 2 -- Gather: |

| |

|Setup: |

| |

|Prepare to display multimedia items including: Tree Map, Double Bubble Map, and Reinforcing Question(s) |

|Assure that cadets have student textbook. |

|Provide chart paper and markers. |

|Provide access to the internet, library publications, and Navy materials for cadet use. |

|Assure that cadets have their Cadet Notebook. |

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|Direct Cadet Focus: |

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|Guide cadets to read Student Learning Activities 3 and 4 in their Student Learning Plans. |

|Ask cadets to think about what you would need to know about the Navy in order to compare and contrast the two branches and what resources can help you find|

|the information. |

| |

|Learning Activity: |

|(addresses Student Learning Activities 3 and 4) |

| |

|Provide a briefing on the Navy. Note: You may wish to invite a guest speaker to give a presentation to the class. |

|Have cadets read Lesson 4: The U.S. Navy in Chapter 2: Service to the Nation of their student text and answer the section review questions. |

|Using the same teams, conduct an information search with text materials, Internet sites, library publications, as well as materials provided by the Navy |

|and in the classroom. |

|Guide teams to create a Tree Map to list what the team knows about the Navy and the Army. Then create a Double Bubble Map to compare and contrast the Navy |

|to the Army. |

|Have each team presents their findings to the class. |

|Display reinforcing question(s). |

|Remind cadets to record notes and answers to the Reflection Questions in their Cadet Notebooks. |

|Self-paced Option: Have cadets read Lesson 4: The U.S. Navy in Chapter 2: Service to the Nation of the student text and answer the section review |

|questions. Have cadets create a Tree Map to list what they know about the navy and the Army and create a Double Bubble Map comparing the Navy to the Army. |

|Suggest that cadets record their Tree Map and Double Bubble Map and answers to the review and Reflection Questions in their Cadet Notebooks. |

| |

|Reflection: |

| |

| |

|Use these questions as tools to focus cadet discussion, reflection, and note taking: |

|What established the Navy as a military service? |

| |

|How does the Navy’s mission differ from the Army’s mission? |

|What have you learned about the two subordinate components of the Navy? |

| |

|Total Time: 30 minutes |

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|[pic] |

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|Part 2: 45 minutes |

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|Phase 3 -- Process: |

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|Setup: |

| |

|Prepare to display multimedia items including: Reinforcing Question(s) |

|Have various materials around the room for props in skits. |

|Assure that cadets have their Cadet Notebook. |

| |

|Direct Cadet Focus: |

| |

| |

|Review with cadets where they are in the learning process. Brainstorm on the board the key concepts and supporting activities introduced during Part 1 of |

|this lesson. |

|Guide cadets to read Student Learning Activities 5 and 6 in their Student Learning Plans. |

|Ask cadets to think about how they would describe the U.S. Navy to someone from another country. |

| |

|Learning Activity: |

|(addresses Student Learning Activities 5 and 6) |

| |

|Using the same teams, guide cadets to create a skit, poem, rap or song to present to the class on one of the following topics: |

|Overall mission |

|Four primary missions during war |

|Operating Forces side of the Navy |

|Shore Establishment side to the class |

|2. Display reinforcing question(s). |

|3. Remind cadets to record notes and answers to the Reflection Questions in their Cadet Notebooks. |

|Self-paced Option: Same as above. Have cadets record their skit, poem, rap or song and their responses to Reflection Questions in their Cadet Notebooks. |

| |

|Reflection: |

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| |

|Use these questions as tools to focus cadet discussion, reflection, and note taking: |

|What is the difference between the Navy wartime and peacetime missions? |

|Why is it important to separate the missions in this manner? |

|What did you learn about the overall mission of the Navy? |

|How do the Reserves fit into the Navy picture? |

| |

|Total Time: 25 minutes |

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|[pic] |

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|Phase 4 -- Apply: |

| |

|Setup: |

| |

|Prepare to display multimedia items including: U.S. Navy Assessment Task |

|Assure that cadets have their Cadet Notebook. |

|Distribute the U.S. Navy Assessment Task. |

| |

|Direct Cadet Focus: |

| |

| |

|Guide cadets to read Student Learning Activities 7 and 8 in their Student Learning Plans. |

|Ask cadets to think about what criteria will allow them to assess their performance or learning from the lesson, and why it is important to use assessments|

|in the classroom. |

| |

|Learning Activity: |

|(addresses Student Learning Activities 7 and 8) |

| |

|Have cadets review the directions and scoring guide for the U.S. Navy Assessment Task. |

|Have cadets work individually or in teams to create an organizational chart for the Navy. |

|Guide cadets to write a summary of the relationship between the components of the Navy. |

|Remind cadets to record notes and answers to the Reflection Questions in their Cadet Notebooks. |

|Self-paced Option: Same as above. |

| |

|Reflection: |

| |

| |

|Use these questions as tools to focus cadet discussion, reflection, and note taking: |

|Explain how you use your friends and family as reserves when you need help. |

|Is a defined mission in your life as important as a defined mission in the Navy? Why (not)? |

|When a ship is at sea it is like a city with no connections to land. What makes the ship more than just an inhabited island? |

|Could this apply to your life? |

| |

|Assessment: (addresses Student Assessment Activities 1 and 2) |

| |

|Guide cadets to complete the U.S. Navy Assessment Task individually or in teams. Suggest that they use the scoring guide to self-assess their work. Have |

|cadets submit their work for feedback and a grade. Have cadets place their completed assessment in their Cadet Portfolio if desired. |

|Total Time: 20 minutes |

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|Homework: |

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|Guide cadets to research the Navy, Coast Guard, Marines, Army, and the Air Force to determine the number of boats and ships each has. |

|Guide cadets to write a paragraph about which service they found to have, or think has the most boats and ships. The cadet should provide some supporting |

|information or belief that supports their claim. |

|Allow cadets to complete the Navy Assessment Task for homework if needed. |

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|[pic] |

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|Note on Cadet Portfolios: |

|As cadets work through the lessons in this chapter, remind them to add completed documents to their Cadet Portfolio. Portfolios can be arranged by topic, |

|chapter, or LET depending on your needs. Refer to the Cadet Portfolio Assessment Task in your JROTC Instructor’s Desk Reference for ideas on setting up |

|and evaluating Cadet Portfolios. |

| |

|Note on using the Classroom Performance System: |

|Use the Classroom Performance System (CPS) with cadets to ask questions during lecture, administer tests, quizzes and other class work, grade homework, |

|and/or engage in team activities. Refer to the CPS Training for additional uses of this tool for learning and assessment. |

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