
Archives Branch

Naval History and Heritage Command

805 Kidder Breese Street, SE

Washington Navy Yard, DC 20374-5060

Processor: Roy Grossnick (Updated November 2011) and originally processed by Kathleen Rohr, 1988.

Naval Uniform Board Records


Creator: Navy Uniform Board and other Navy commands

Extent: 44 boxes

14.3 cubic feet

Date Range: 1775-1983 (bulk of records cover 1913-1983)

Classification: Unclassified.

Access: Open.

Scope and Content Notes

This collection was received from the Naval Military Personnel Command in 1983. The collection is composed of working files, historical files, and reference files used by the Uniform Board and its administrative staff. Included among the papers are the correspondence files of the Deputy Chief of Naval Personnel; the administrative files of the Board for 1970-1982; the minutes of the meetings of the Board, 1942-1981; copies of the uniform regulations, 1913-1980; historical information files on Navy uniforms from 1775 to 1951; and subject files on various aspects of uniforms and the changes to them over the years.

The collections consists of 19 series, as follows:

I Administrative Files of the Uniform Board, 1936-1983

II Correspondence Files of the Shipboard Uniform Subcommittee, 1971-1983

III Correspondence Files of the Deputy Chief of Naval Personnel concerning Uniform matters, 1944-1977

IV Minutes and Agendas of Meetings of the Naval Uniform Board, 1942-1981

V Uniform Regulations Orders and Instructions, 1913-1980

VI NMPC’s Historical Files on Navy Uniforms, 1775-1951

VII Enlisted Personnel Uniforms, 1940-1979

VIII Women’s Reserve and Nurse Corps Uniforms, 1942-1982

IX Clothing and Equipment for Midshipmen/Cadets, 1940-1981

X Insignia, rating Badges, Marks, Ribbons and Medals, 1775-1981

XI Clothing Allowance Files, 1942-1979

XII Long Range Plans for Changes in Uniforms, 1972-1982

XIII Standardization of Misc. Uniform and Textile Items, 1955-1965

XIV Articles on Uniforms, 1950-1983

XV Grooming, 1940-1979

XVI GAO Reports on Uniform Matters, 1954-1965

XVII Marine Corps (1937-1968) Merchant Marine (1916-1947), and National Security Training Corps (1947-1952) Uniforms

XVIII Foreign Navies---Miscellaneous Uniform Information

XIX Photographs and Art work of Uniforms

Further information concerning the Naval Uniform Board is available in the Navy Department Library in the form of Commander Edwards’ history of uniforms of the Sea Service. This unpublished work, along with the working files used by Edwards, is held in the Library’s Rare Book Room. The Library also holds files on uniforms, insignia, ratings, and rank in the reference room vertical file.

Historical Note

Uniforms of the U.S. Navy have always been of great importance to Navy men since the earliest days of the service. The uniform of a man or woman wears represents the pride, distinction, discipline, and power of the Navy and the nation. Thus uniforms have always been a matter of concern to the Navy. A Navy Uniform Office was established in 1779 by Congress to address all matters on clothing. Over the years, however, uniforms have gone through many changes and little “uniformity” was attainable.1 With the growth of the Navy after World War I and the increasing status of the nation as a world power, more emphasis needed to be place upon the appearance of Navy men and the quality of their uniforms.

As a result, the Secretary of the Navy established a Permanent Navy Uniform Board on 6 August 1936.2 The Board was to “make a study of and consider such questions as may be referred to it concerning uniforms for officers and enlisted personnel in the United States Navy” and, advise the Department in these matters. The senior member of t he Board was a Captain in the Navy. Other members included a Commander in the Medical Corps, a Commander and Lieutenant Commander in the Supply Corps, and a Lieutenant Command and Lieutenant as additional members. One of the latter two was chosen as recorder for the Board.

The Board was to meet at such times as may be directed by the senior member. Any recommendations made by the Board would go through the General Board, then the Chief of Naval Operations, and finally to be approved or disapproved by the Secretary of the Navy. Both the General Board and the CNO had the ability to conduct their own studies on Uniform Board recommendations if they wished. The Uniform Board’s administrative support came from the Bureau of Personnel.

On June 15, 1943, the Permanent Naval Uniform Board was established which combined the functions of the old Board with those of the Board on Special and Protective Clothing and Personal Equipment.3 This Board consisted of a president from the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations and members from the Material Bureaus. Their contact with uniform and clothing problems in their daily duties gave them the expertise to make decisions on uniform matters. The Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, rather than Bureau of Personnel, now served as the cognizant technical Bureau, providing funds and acting as a serviced agency to the Board.

The Board proved effective for the remaining years of the war. However, at the war’s end, its experienced members were replaced by people less familiar with uniform affairs. The situation became even more difficult when on July 29, 1946 a new Board was formed responsible to both the Chief of Naval Personnel and the Chief of Naval Operations thus creating a dual chain of command. Due to the lack of experienced members and the dual chain of command, imposed by the new precept, the Board became largely ineffective.4

On November 18, 1948 the Chief of Naval Personnel proposed the formation of a Navy Department Uniform Policy Board to resolve conflicts between the Uniform Board and advisory groups such as the General Board. This new board would function over the Uniform Board and be made up of senior officers who could speak authoritatively for the Navy Department.5 This, he felt, would decrease the uncertainty experienced among officers and enlisted personnel, which was due to mixed reports coming from both the personnel, which was due to mixed reports coming from both the General Board and Uniform Board on certain issues.

Shortly thereafter, the General Board proposed to change membership of the Uniform Board. The idea was to insert seniority into the Uniform Board itself rather then superimpose a policy board over the Uniform Board. The Secretary of the Navy favored the General Board’s proposal over that of the Chief of Naval Personnel and on October 24, 1949 he established the Permanent Naval Uniform Board.6 The Chief of Naval Personnel would serve as president while members would include the Chiefs of the Bureaus of Aeronautics, Ships, Yards and Docks, Supplies and Accounts, and Medicine and surgery. Other members were the Assistant Chief of Naval Operations (Personnel Division), and the Secretary, Arctic and Cold Weather Coordinating Committee.

In addition to providing seniority for the Board, the Secretary of the Navy made several other directives. First, a permanent staff was formed to handle routine matters for the Board. Members of this staff included: a secretary, a Captain or Commander; a recorder, a Lieutenant or Lieutenant (junior grade), Supply Corps; and a clerk-stenographer. These members were designated by the Chief of Naval Personnel.

Second, the Board was to meet at least quarterly.

Finally, the exact responsibilities of the Board were promulgated to facilitate its effectiveness. The Secretary of the Navy ordered the Board to:

a. conduct a continuing study of uniforms and special and protective clothing.

b. Consider all suggested change to Uniform Regulations.

c. Review service suggestions for new or changes in standard items of uniform and clothing.

d. Maintain close contact at all times with Army and Air Force in all matters concerning uniforms and special clothing.

e. Study the preparation of general specifications concerning design and materials of uniforms and clothing.

f. Establish uniform and special and protective clothing allowances as may be necessary.

g. Analyze the methods of procedures for procurement and issue of clothing for the naval service.

h. Submit recommendations on the various subjects prescribed in paragraphs (a) to (g), via the Chief of Naval Operations, to the Secretary of the Navy for approval.

It is also important to note that these functions basically are the same functions of the present day Board.

No major changes were made to the Board for nearly twenty years. On June 23, 1967, the Secretary of the Navy delegated the authority for convening a Navy Uniform Board and approving Navy uniforms to the Chief of Naval Operations. Four years later, on July 30, 1971 the membership of both the Board and the permanent staff was reorganized. Particularly noteworthy is the fact that enlisted personnel were given membership as regular members of the Board. The make-up of the Board was as follows:

Regular members

Chief of Naval Personnel (President)

Commander, Naval Supply Systems Command

Assistant Chief of Naval Personnel for Human Goals

One male and one female junior officer representative

Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy

One male and one female enlisted representative

Permanent Staff

Secretary of the Board

Recorder of the Board

Executive Assistant

Administrative Assistant

In addition, the Board’s official title became, as it is today, the Navy Uniform Board.9

Just six years later the composition of the Navy Uniform Board underwent a major transformation and expansion. On July 20, 1977 the Chief of Naval Operations revised the Navy Uniform Board in OPNAV INSTRUCTION 5420.58B. In this instruction, the Chief of Naval Personnel was assigned responsibility for appointing appropriate membership to the Board and providing its executive staff. The membership of the Board was divided into three groups; an executive panel, military subcommittees and a civilian advisory panel.

The executive panel was comprised of senior officers and the Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy, who represented the major warfare and staff communities of the Navy. These members, drawing on their own intimate knowledge and free discussions, voted on various proposals presented by the subcommittees and the Uniform Board Staff. The president of the Board submitted recommendations of the panel to the Chief of Naval Personnel for forwarding to the Chief of Naval Operations for approval or disapproval. Composition of the panel was as follows:

President-Deputy Chief of Naval Personnel

Regular members-

Commander, Naval Supply Systems Command; Assistant Chief of Naval Personnel for Human Resource Management; Commander, Navy Recruiting Command; Director, Navy Nurses Corps; Senior Woman Officer Representative Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy.

The second group of the Board consisted of military subcommittees. Separate officer and enlisted committees were formed to analyze uniform change proposals based on their background and experience. Their recommendations would be forwarded to the executive panel for review and vote. Membership of each of the committees was as follows:

CDR 2 male, 2 female

LCDR 2 male, 2 female

LT 2 male, 2 female

E-7-9 2 male, 2 female

E6 2 male, 2 female

E5 2 male, 2 female

The final group was the civilian advisory panel. This panel would be comprised of voluntary experts, both female and male, of the fashion and garment industry who, by their stature was professionals, would advise the Uniform Board on clothing matters. In addition to providing information on the latest developments in their industries, they would facilitate liaison between the civilian clothing industry and the Navy Department.

Again a permanent staff was instituted to carry out routine matters for the Board. This staff included a Staff Director, a Commander, USN, a Plans Officer, a Lieutenant, USN, and a Programs Officer, a Lieutenant or Senior Chief, USN. K The Staff Director also served as secretary and the Programs Officer as recorder of the Navy Uniform Board. 10

Despite the new composition and administration of the Navy Uniform Board, the functions of the Board remained essentially the same. Also, as in the past, the Board would meet quarterly and at other times as directed by its president.

The most recent revision of the Navy Uniform board which established its present form was made on November 21, 1983, by OPNAV INSTRUCTION 5420.58D. This revision drastically reduced and simplified the administration of the Board and designed specifically the functions of all components of the Board. The composition was as follows: President—Commander, Naval Military personnel Command; regular members----Commander, Naval Supply Systems Command, and the Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy. The president of the Navy Uniform Board was authorized to appoint working groups to perform special functions and studies.

The permanent staff was comprised of: Director of Navy Uniform Matters, Command; Plans and Programs Officer, Lieutenant; and an enlisted representative, Master Chief Petty Officer. It was prescribed that this staff will support the president, Navy Uniform Board in carrying out his responsibilities and will provide point of contact with the Fleet Commanders in Chief, Chief of Naval Reserve, and Chief of Naval education and Training to maintain liaison. The functions of the Board itself basically remained as before.11

The Navy Uniform Board today essentially serves the same mission as it did when it first began in the 1930s. It should be noted that the Board does not and never did write the Uniform Regulations for the Navy. The Board merely recommends changes to the CNO, who upon approval, will promulgate the changes to the Chief of Naval Personnel who will take appropriate action.


1. Navy Uniform Board Press Release, 17 March 1975.

2. SECNAV letter QM (111)/A3-1 (360713)D, 6 August 1936.

3. Letter Chief of the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts to Deputy Chief of Naval Personnel QB (RC-PLW)

4. Ibid.

5. Letter Chief of Naval Personnel to Secretary of the Navy, Pers-329-NEB QB, 18 November 1948.

6. SECNAV Letter JAG::I:LHCH:j9, 24 October 1949

7. Ibid.

8 SECNAV letter to CHNAVPERS ser 231, 23 June 1967 (NOTAL)

9. Navy Uniform Board Press release, 17 March 1975

10. OPNAV INSTRUCTION 5420.58B, 20 July 1977.

11. OPNAV INSTRUCTION 5420.58D, 21 November 1983.

Box and Folder Listing

Box 1


1. Origination of the Board 1936-1958

2. OPNAV Instructions on the Naval Uniform Board 1977

3. Naval Military Personnel Command Uniform Section Files 1970-1983

4. 1980 Objectives/changes

5. Inspector General's Inspection 1977-1982


6. Correspondence 1971-1980

7. Correspondence 1981-1983



1 Correspondence 1974

2. Correspondence 1975

3. Correspondence 1976

4. Correspondence 1977

5. Correspondence 1979



1. Minutes, 1942

2. Minutes, Jan. - June 1943

3. Minutes, July-Dec 1943

4. Minutes, 1944

5. Minutes, 1945

6. Minutes, 1946-May 1947

7. Minutes, June 1947-1949

8. Minutes, 1949-March 1950

Box 4

1. Minutes, Apr. 1950 - Dec. 1950

2. Minutes, Jan-Jun 1951

3. Minutes, Jul 1951-Sep 1952

4. Minutes, Oct 1952 - June 1953


1, Minutes, Jul 1953 - Jan. 1954

2. Minutes, Feb. 1954 - Aug. 1954

3. Minutes, Oct. 1954 – Mar 1955

4, Minutes, Apr. 1955 - June 1956

5. Minutes, Nov. 1956 – Jul 1957


1. Minutes, Jan. 1956 - May 1958

2. Minutes, Sep 1958 - Dec. 1959

3. Minutes, Apr 1960 – Dec 1963

4. Minutes, Feb. 1968

5. Minutes, Jun 1968

6. Minutes, Aug. 1968 - Oct 1968

7. Minutes, Dec. 1968 - Apr . 1969


1. Minutes, Jun 1969-Jan 1970

2. Minutes, Apr 1970-Feb 1972

3. Minutes, Sep 1972-Jan 1978

4. Minutes, Mar. 1978 - Nov. 1979

5. Minutes, Jul 1980 - Mar. 1981



1. Uniform Regulations, 1913, 1917

2. Uniform Regulations, April 1934

3. Uniform Regulations, May 1936

4. Uniform Regulations, Apr 1937

Box 9

1. Uniform Regulations, 1941

2. Uniform Regulations, 1947

3. Uniform Regulations, May 1946

4. Uniform Regulations, 1958

5. Uniform Regulations, 1959

6. Uniform Regulations, 1975

7. Uniform Regulations, Jun 1976

8. Uniform Regulations, May 1977

Box 9A

1. Uniform Regulations, 1978

2. Uniform Regulations, Changes—Memos Concerning, 1969-1980

3. Uniform of the Day Instructions, 1933-1948

4. Uniform of the Day Instructions, 1947-1978

Box 10


1. Historical Files, 1775-1811

2. Historical Files, 1812-1835

3. Historical Files, 1835-1865

4. Historical Files, 1866-1879

5. Historical Files, 1880-1901

6. Historical Files, 1902

7. Historical Files, 1903-1912

8. Historical Files, 1913

9. Historical Files, 1914-1916

10. Historical Files, 1917-1919

11. Historical Files, 1920-1921

12. Historical Files, 1922

13. Historical Files, 1923-1926

14. Historical Files, 1927-1929

15. Historical Files, 1930-1935

16. Historical Files, 1936-1937

Box 11

1. Historical Files, 1938-1940

2. Historical Files, 1941 (1 of 5)

3. Historical Files, 1941 (2 of 5)

4, Historical Files, 1941 (3 of 5)

5. Historical Files, 1941 (4 of 5)

6. Historical Files, 1941 (5 of 5)

7. Historical Files, 1941-1942

8. Historical Files, 1943-1945

9. Historical Files, 1946

10. Historical Files, 1947

11. Historical Files, 1951

BOX 12


1. General Correspondence and Clippings Regarding New Uniforms 1942-1956

2. Steward’s Uniform 1940-1948

3. Steward's Uniform 1949-1973

4. Bedding 1946-1945

5. Bedding 1945-1957

6. Bedding 1958-1961

Box 13

1. Shoes 1943-1558

2. Shoes 1959-1967

3. Shores 1968-1973

4. Proposed Gray Uniforms 1943-1959

5. Tropical White Long Uniforms (Except for CPOs) 1961-1962

6. E5/6 Uniform Pilot Program 1962

7. E5/6 Uniform Pilot Program Jan-Jun 1963

8. E5/6 Uniform Pilot Program May-Dec 1963

9. E5/6 Uniform Pilot Program 1965

BOX 13-A

1. E5/6 Uniform Pilot Program 1965

2. E5/6 Uniform Pilot Program 1965

3. E5/6 Uniform Pilot Program 1966

BOX 14

1. Dungarees 1943-1963

2. Dungarees 1964-1968

3. Dungarees 1969-1970

4. Dungarees 1971

5. Dungarees 1972-1973

6. Dungarees 1974-1982

BOX 15

1. Navy Enlisted Scientific Education Program Uniforms 1966-1979

2. Navy Enlisted Dieticians & Nurses Education Program Uniforms 1968-1971

3. Blue Jumpers--Messages on Requirements 1972

4. Survey on Jumper Style Uniforms 1976-1977

5. Uniform Conversion From Coat & Tie to Jumper, 1977

6. Presentation to CNO/CNP on Jumper Style Uniforms 1979

7. Dress Blue Uniforms, 1937-1950

8. Dress Blue Uniforms, 1947-1977

BOX 16

1. Dress Blue Uniforms, 1950-1959

2. Dress Blue Uniforms, 1960-1964

3. Dress Blue Uniforms, 1964-1975

4. Dress Blue Uniforms, 1970-1972

5. Dress Blue Uniforms, 1973-1974

BOX 17

1. Dress Blue Uniforms, 1975-1976

2. Service Dress Blue—Year Round Wearing Of, 1960-1964

3. Proposed Single-Breasted Dress Blue for CPOs 1st Class 1969-1971

4. CPO Uniforms, Miscellaneous 1945-1965

5. CPO Uniforms, Miscellaneous 1966-1968

6. Fleet Reserve Association 1940-l943

Box 17A

1. Special Clothing & Uniforms, 1797-1943

2. Special Clothing & Uniforms, 1943-1944

3. Special Clothing & Uniforms, 1945-1950

4. Special Clothing & Uniforms, 1950-1957

5. Civilian Clothing, Wearing of 1946-1961

6. Civilian Clothing, Wearing of 1962-1971

7. Civilian Advisory Board on Uniforms 1976-1977

Box 18


1. Women's Reserve Uniform Regulations 1943-1945

2 . Women's Reserve Uniforms 1943-1948

3. Women’s (other than Nurse Corps) Uniforms 1948-1965

4, Women's (other than Nurse Corps) Uniforms 1974-1978

5. Women's (other than Nurse Corps) Uniforms 1978-1982

6. Women's Summer Uniform 1957-1978

7. Women's Proposed New Uniforms 1976

8. Nurse Corps Uniforms 1942-1959

BOX 19


1. Uniforms and Equipment, Naval Academy Midshipmen 1948-1949

2. Uniforms and Equipment, Aviation Midshipmen 1946-1949

3. Uniforms and Equipment, Aviation Cadets 1923-1940

4. Uniforms and Equipment, Aviation Cadets 1950-1954

5. Uniforms and Equipment, Aviation Cadets 1955-1966

Box 20

1. Uniforms and Equipment, Aviation Cadets 1966-1981

2. Uniforms and Equipment, NROTC 1928-1949

3. Uniforms and Equipment, NROTC 1950-1963

4. Uniforms and Equipment, NROTC 1964-1973

5. Uniforms and Equipment, NROTC 1968-1978

BOX 21

1. Uniforms and Equipment, Officer Candidates 1951-1958

2. Uniforms and Equipment, Officer Candidates 1960-1961

3. Uniforms and Equipment, Officer Candidates 1962-1964


4. Officer's Insignia, Regulations 1775-1915

5. Officer's Insignia, Regulations 1917-1944

Box 21-A

1. Rating Badges 1943-1960

2. Rating Badges 1950-1960

BOX 22

1. Rating Badges 1961-1974

2. Rating Badges 1975-1979

3. Unit Identification Marks 1954-1957

4. Unit Identification Marks 1958-1960

5. Unit Identification Marks 1961-1963

Box 23

1. Unit Identification Marks 1969-1979

2. Unit Identification Marks 1964-1968

3. Service Stripes 1943-1961

4. Service Stripes 1962-1967

5. Gold Lace 1955-1965

6. Gold Lace 1966-1969

BOX 24

1. Medals, Decorations, Ribbons 1914-1959

2. Medals, Decorations, Ribbons 1960-1978

3. Miscellaneous Insignia 1943-1976

4. Command At Sea Insignia, Background Material

5. Command At Sea Insignia 1948-1960

6. Command At Sea Insignia 1941-1956

7. Command At Sea Insignia 1956 Presentation

8. Command At Sea Insignia 1957-1959

9. Command At Sea Insignia 1959-1960

Box 25


1. Clothing Allowance, Special and Initial 1942-1957

2. Clothing Allowance, Special and Initial 1956-1960

3. Clothing Allowance, Special and Initial 1961-1963

4. Clothing Allowance, Special and Initial 1964-1966

Box 26

1. Clothing Allowance, Special and Initial 1967-1968

2. Clothing Allowance, Special and Initial 1868-1969

3. Clothing Allowance, Special and Initial 1970-1971

4. Clothing Allowance, Special and Initial 1971-1972

5. Clothing Allowance, Special and Initial 1973

BOX 27

1. Clothing Allowance, Special and Initial 1974

2. Clothing Allowance, Special and Initial 1975

3. Clothing Allowance, Special and Initial 1975

4. Clothing Allowance, Special and Initial 1976

5. Clothing Allowance, Special and Initial 1977

6. Clothing Allowance, Special and Initial 1978

BOX 28

1. Clothing Allowance, Special and Initial 1975

2. Clothing Allowance, Reserve Components 1949-1961

3. Clothing Allowance, Reserve Components 1962-1967

4. Clothing Allowance, Reserve Components 1968-1979

BOX 29

1. Clothing Allowance, Maintenance 1963-1976

2. Clothing Allowance, Maintenance 1967-1977

3. Clothing Allowance, Sec. of Defense Regulations 1950-1952

4 . Clothing Allowance, Sec. of Defense Regulations 1952-1961

Box 30

1. Clothing Allowance, General, Prior to 1957


2. Top Down Study/Long Range Uniform Plans 1975

3. Top Down Study/Long Range Uniform Plans 1975

4. Top Down Study/Long Range Uniform Plans 1976

5. Top Down Study/Long Range Uniform Plans 1978


6. Standardization--Distinctiveness vs. Standardization 1955-1962

7. Standardization--Women's Cotton Anklets 1962-1965

8. Standardization—Belts 1961-1965

9. Standardization---Blankets 1964

10. Standardization—Gloves 1962-1963

11. Standardization---Jungle Hat 1964

12. Standardization—Body Armor 1954

13. Standardization—Combat Boots 1955-1961

14. Standardization—Combined Items 1961-1962

15. Standardization—Drawers/Underwear

16. Standardization—Women’s Exercise Suit 1958-1961

17. Standardization—Handbags 1962-1965

18. Standardization—Insignia 1957

19. Standardization—Neckties

20. Standardization—Notions

21. Standardization—Nurses’ Caps

22. Standardization—Nurses’ Uniform, Dress White

23. Standardization—Overshoes

24. Standardization—Raincoat

25. Standardization—Scarf

26. Standardization—Shirt

27. Standardization—Slacks

28. Standardization—Socks

29. Standardization—Special Clothing

30. Standardization—Whistles, Ball

31. Standardization—Interservice Meetings On, 1958-1960

Box 32


1. Navy Times Articles, 1968-1969

2. Navy Times Articles, 1970

3. Navy Times Articles, 1971

4. Navy Times Articles, 1972

5. Navy Times Articles, 1973

6. Navy Times Articles, 1974

7. Navy Times Articles, 1975

8. Navy Times Articles, 1976

9. Navy Times Articles, 1977

10. Navy Times Articles, 1978

11. Our Navy Articles, 1947-1950

12. All Hands Articles

13. Navy, October 1970

Box 33


1. Grooming, 1945-Aug 1969

2. Grooming, Aug 1969-Jun 1970

3. Grooming, Jul 1970-Oct 1970

4. Grooming, Oct 1970-Nov 1970

5. Grooming, Misc. Correspondence, 1970-1971

6. Grooming, Misc. Correspondence, 1970-1971

7. Grooming, 1970-1971

8. Grooming, Mar 1971-Apr 1971

Box 34

1. Grooming, Apr 1971-Sep 1971

2. Grooming, Jan 1972-Aug 1972

3. Grooming, Sep 1971-Apr 1972

4. Grooming, Apr 1972-Aug 1972

5. Grooming, Sep 1972-Dec 1972

6. Grooming, Aug 1972-Feb 1973

Box 35

1. Grooming, Feb 1973-Jul 1973

2. Grooming, Aug 1973-Jan 1974

3. Grooming, Jan 1974-Jul 1975

4. Grooming, Sep 1974-May 1975

5. Grooming, May 1975-Nov 1975

6. Grooming, 1975-1976

Box 36

1. Grooming, 1976 (1 of 2)

2. Grooming, 1976 (2 of 2)

3. Grooming, Jan-Oct 1977

4. Grooming, Nov 1977-1979

5. Grooming, Posture

6. Grooming, Ad Hoc Hair Committee, 1970

BOX 37


1. GAO Report on Review of Selected Supply Mgmt. Functions & Responsibilities of MC & TSA (OSD Case #1540), 1960-1961

2. GAO Report on Clothing Supply Management, 1901

3. GAO Report on Clothing Standardization (OSD Case #1527)

4. GAO Report on Material Standardization Activities of the Military Clothing & Textile Supply Agency (OSD Case #1540), 1960-1961)

5. GAO Report on Supply Control & Inspection Activities of the Military Clothing & Textile Supply Agency, 1962

6. GAO Report on Black Shoes vs. Brown (OSD Case #1783), 1963

7. GAO Report on Hip Pocket Flaps for Tropical Wool Trousers (OSD Case #1778), 1961-1963

8. GAO Report on Buttonholes (OSD Case #2012), 1964

9. Accuracy & Completeness of Comments on GAO Reports (OSD Case #2075), 1964

BOX 38

1. GAO Report on Army Cotton Duck Cloth (OSD Case #2164), 1964

2. GAO Report on NROTC Uniform Allowance (OSD Case # 2079), 1964-1965

3. GAO Review on Raincoats (Back Vents) (OSD Case #2221), 1965

4. GAO Review on Footwear (OSD Case # 2476), 1966


5. Marine Corps Uniform Matters, 1940-1948

6. Marine Corps Uniform Matters, 1950-1954

7. Marine Corps Uniform Matters, 1955-1960

8. Marine Corps Uniform Matters , 1961-1966

9. Marine Corps Uniform Matters, 1967 (1 of 2)

10. Marine Corps Uniform Matters, 1967 (2 of 2)

11. Marine Corps Uniform Matters, 1968

12. Marine Corps Uniform Regulations, 1937-1939

Box 39

1. Marine Corps Uniform Regulations, 1939-1941

2. Merchant Marine Uniform Matters, 1916-1947

3. National Security Training Corps Uniform Matters, 1947-1952


4. Foreign Navies' Uniforms---Royal Canadian Navy, 1957-1962

5. Foreign Navies---Marine Nationals


6. Background Correspondence on Rex Reichert's Uniform Paintings, 1950-1984

7. Photos & Specifications of Men’s Office/CPO Uniforms, 1982 (1 of 2)

8. Photos & Specifications of Men’s Office/CPO Uniforms, 1982 (2 of 2)

BOX 40

1. Photos & Specifications of Men’s Enlisted Uniforms, 1982

2. Photos & Specifications of Women’s Office/CPO Uniforms, 1982

3. Photos & Specifications of Women’s Enlisted Uniforms, 1982

BOX 41

1. Cloth Specialty Marks---Aerographer to Communications Technician

2. Cloth Specialty Marks---Construction Electrician to Hull Maintenance Technician

3. Cloth Specialty Marks---Illustrator Draftsman to Musician

4. Cloth Specialty Marks---Nuclear Weapons Man to Signalman

5. Cloth Specialty Marks---Sonar Technician to Yeoman


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