U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURYFREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACTANNUAL REPORT TO THE ATTORNEY GENERALFOR FISCAL YEAR 2010 Disclosure ServicesDecember 6, 2010DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURYThe Departmental Offices (DO)Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB)Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC)Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP)Financial Management Service (FMS)Internal Revenue Service (IRS)United States Mint (MINT)Bureau of the Public Debt (BPD)Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS)Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA)Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN)U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURYFREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT ANNUAL REPORTFOR FISCAL YEAR 2010CONTENTSI.Basic Information Regarding ReportII.Making a FOIA RequestIII.Acronyms, Definitions, and ExemptionsIV.Exemption 3 StatutesV.FOIA Requests VI.Administrative Appeals of Initial Determinations of FOIA RequestsVII.FOIA Requests: Response Time for Processed and Pending RequestsVIII.Requests for Expedited Processing and Requests for Fee Waiver IX.FOIA Personnel and CostsX.Fees Collected for Processing RequestsXI.FOIA RegulationsXII.Backlogs, Consultations, and ComparisonsI. BASIC INFORMATION REGARDING REPORT.This is the Fiscal Year 2010 FOIA Report for the Department of the Treasury. For purposes of administering the FOIA, the Department is divided into 10 bureaus. Each bureau is responsible for those records under its control, and each bureau will post its report on its own web site. Disclosure Services prepared the report in collaboration with the bureau FOIA Officers. Questions about the report may be directed to: Hugh Gilmore, Departmental Disclosure OfficerDisclosure ServicesPh: 202/622-0930; Fax: 202/622-3895Address:FOIA RequestDisclosure ServicesDepartment of the TreasuryWashington, DC 20220 Treasury Department FOIA Home Page: foia/ Paper copies of this report may be obtained by contacting Disclosure Services or by downloading from the Treasury FOIA website at: INSERT WEBSITEII. MAKING A FOIA REQUEST.The Department of the Treasury’s Guide to Accessing Treasury Records is available at foia/, or by contacting Disclosure Services, as described above. 1. Names, addresses, and numbers of Treasury bureau FOIA officers.Departmental Offices (DO) Hugh GilmoreDisclosure ServicesPh: 202/622-0930Fax: 202/622-3895Address:FOIA RequestDepartment of the TreasuryWashington, DC 20220Comptroller of the Currency (CC)Frank VancePh: 202/874-4700Fax: 202/874-5274Address:Disclosure (FOIA) Office Washington, DC 20219Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB)Helen BeltPh: 202/927-8210Fax: 202/927-8525Address:Disclosure Services1310 G Street, NW, Suite 200-EWashington, DC 20220Bureau of Engraving & Printing (BEP)James BraunPh: 202/874-3733Fax: 202/874-2951Address:FOIA OFFICE Room 419-A14th & C Streets, SWWashington, DC 20228Financial Management Service (FMS)Cynthia SydnorPh: 202/874-0765Fax: 202/874-2391Address:Disclosure Branch401 14th Street, SWWashington, DC 20227Bureau of the Public Debt (BPD)Denise NelsonPh: 304/480-8402Fax: 304/480-8188Address:FOIA Request200 3rd Street, Rm. A4-AParkersburg, WV 26106Internal Revenue Service (IRS)Marie TwarogPhone: 770-234-4374Fax: 770-234-4346Address: (Headquarters only)Internal Revenue ServiceFOIA RequestsHeadquarters Disclosure OfficeRoom 20121111 Constitution Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20224-0001Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS)Marilyn K. BurtonPh: 202/906-6467Fax: 202/906-6353Address:FOIA Requests1700 G Street, NWWashington, DC 20552United States Mint (Mint)Kathleen Saunders-MitchellPh: 202/354-7292Fax: 202/756-6100Address:FOIA Request801 9th Street, NW – 8th FloorWashington, DC 20220Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA)Amy P. JonesPh: 202/927-7044Fax: 202/622-3339Address: FOIA RequestTIGTA Chief Counsel1125 15TH Street, NW, Suite 700Washington, DC 20005Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN)Amanda MichanczykPh: 703/905-3537Fax: 703/905-3885Address: FOIA RequestPO Box 39Vienna, VA 22183 2. Brief description of why some requests are not granted and an overview of certain general categories of the Department’s records to which the FOIA exemptions apply.The most common reasons reported by the bureaus regarding why requests for records could not be granted were: (1) protecting personal privacy; (2) deliberative process privilege; (3) the records reflected the internal practices involved in investigations or inspections; (4) the records contained confidential taxpayer information and other statutorily protected information; and (5) the records contained contractor confidential and proprietary commercial information. Others: records did not exist; procedural requirements were not followed.III. ACRONYMS, DEFINITIONS, AND EXEMPTIONS1. Agency-specific acronyms or terms used in this Report: BEPBureau of Engraving and PrintingBPDBureau of the Public DebtDODepartmental OfficesFinCENFinancial Crimes Enforcement NetworkFMSFinancial Management ServiceIRSInternal Revenue ServiceMINTUnited States MintOCCOffice of the Comptroller of the CurrencyOTSOffice of Thrift SupervisionTIGTATreasury Inspector General (Tax Administration)TTBAlcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau 2. Basic Terms Used in This ReportAdministrative Appeal – a request to a federal agency asking that it review at a higher administrative level a FOIA determination made by the agency at the initial request level.Average Number – the number obtained by dividing the sum of a group of numbers by the quantity of numbers in the group. For example, of 3, 7, and 14, the average number is 8.Backlog – the number of requests or administrative appeals that are pending at an agency at the end of the fiscal year that are beyond the statutory time period for a ponent – for agencies that process requests on a decentralized basis, a “component” is an entity, also sometimes referred to as an Office, Division, Bureau, Center, or Directorate, within the agency that processes FOIA requests. The FOIA now requires that agencies include in their Annual FOIA Report data for both the agency overall and for each principal component of the agency.Consultation – the procedure whereby the agency responding to a FOIA request first forwards a record to another agency for its review because that other agency has an interest in the document. Once the agency in receipt of the consultation finishes its review of the record, it responds back to the agency that forwarded it. That agency, in turn, will then respond to the FOIA requester.Exemption 3 Statute – a federal statute that exempts information from disclosure and which the agency relies on to withhold information under subsection (b)(3) of the FOIA.FOIA Request – a FOIA request is generally a request to a federal agency for access to records concerning another person (i.e., a “third-party” request), or concerning an organization, or a particular topic of interest. FOIA requests also include requests made by requesters seeking records concerning themselves (i.e., “first-party” requests) when those requesters are not subject to the Privacy Act, such as non-U.S. citizens. Moreover, because all first-party requesters should be afforded the benefit of both the access provisions of the FOIA as well as those of the Privacy Act, FOIA requests also include any first-party requests where an agency determines that it must search beyond its Privacy Act “systems of records” or where a Privacy Act exemption applies, and the agency looks to FOIA to afford the greatest possible access. All requests which require the agency to utilize the FOIA in responding to the requester are included in this Report.Additionally, a FOIA request includes records referred to the agency for processing and direct response to the requester. It does not however, include records for which the agency has received a consultation from another agency. (Consultations are reported separately in Section XII of this Report.)Full Grant – an agency decision to disclose all records in full in response to a FOIA request.Full Denial – an agency decision not to release any records in response to a FOIA request because the records are exempt in their entireties under one or more of the FOIA exemptions, or because of a procedural reason, such as when no records could be located.Median Number – the middle, not average, number. For example, of 3, 7, and 14, the median number is 7.Multi-track processing – a system in which simple requests requiring relatively minimal review are placed in one processing track and more voluminous and complex requests are placed in one or more other tracks. Requests granted expedited processing are place in yet another track. Requests in each track are processed on a first in/first out basis.Expedited processing – an agency will process a FOIA request on an expedited basis when a requester satisfies the requirements for expedited processing as set forth in the statute and in agency regulations. Simple request – a FOIA request that an agency using multi-track processing places in its fastest (non-expedited) track based on the low volume and/or simplicity of the records plex request – a FOIA request that an agency using multi-track processing places in a slower track based on the high volume and/or complexity of the records requested.Partial Grant/Partial Denial – in response to a FOIA request, an agency decision to disclose portions of the records and to withhold other portions that are exempt under the FOIA, or to otherwise deny a portion of the request for a procedural reason.Pending Request or Pending Administrative Appeal – a request or administrative appeal for which an agency has not taken final action in all respects.Perfected Request – a request for records which reasonably describes such records and is made in accordance with published rules stating the time, place, fees (if any) and procedures to be followed.Processed Request or Processed Administrative Appeal – a request or administrative appeal for which an agency has taken final action in all respects.Range in Number of Days – the lowest and highest number of days to process requests or administrative appeals.Time Limits – the time period in the statute for an agency to respond to a FOIA request (ordinarily 20 working days from receipt of a "perfected" FOIA request).3. Descriptions of the nine FOIA exemptions:Exemption 1: classified national defense and foreign relations informationExemption 2: internal agency rules and practicesExemption 3: information that is prohibited from disclosure by another federal lawExemption 4: trade secrets and other confidential business informationExemption 5: inter-agency or intra-agency communications that are protected by legal privilegesExemption 6: information involving matters of personal privacyExemption 7: records or information compiled for law enforcement purposes, to the extent that the production of those records (A) could reasonably be expected to interfere with enforcement proceedings, (B) would deprive a person of a right to a fair trial or an impartial adjudication, (C) could reasonably be expected to constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy, (D) could reasonably be expected to disclose the identity of a confidential source, (E) would disclose techniques and procedures for law enforcement investigations or prosecutions, or would disclose guidelines for law enforcement investigations or prosecutions, or (F) could reasonably be expected to endanger the life or physical safety of any individualExemption 8: information relating to the supervision of financial institutionsExemption 9: geological information on wellsIV.EXEMPTION 3 STATUTESA. Exemption 3 Statutes Relied upon to Withhold Information StatuteType of Information WithheldCase Citation ComponentNumber of Times Relied upon per ComponentTotal Number of Times Relied upon per Agency26 U.S.C. 6103??DO 12076Taxpayer InformationChurch of Scientology Int’l v. United States Dep’t of Justice, 30 F.3d 224, 235 (1st Cir. 1994).TTB16??OCC 0??BEP 0Tax Return Information?FMS 46Confidential Returns and Return Information: 26 USC § 6103 prohibits the disclosure of (1) tax returns and return information of third party taxpayers (section 6103(a)); (2) the standards used for selection of returns for examination (section 6103(b)(2)); and (3) a requester’s own return information if the release would seriously impair federal tax administration (section 6103(e)(7)).Church of Scientology v. IRS, 484 U.S. 9 (1987); White v. IRS, 707 F.2d 897 (6th Cir. 1983); Aronson v. IRS, 973 F.2d 962 (1st Cir. 1992); Stebbins v. Sullivan, No. 90-5361, slip op. at 1 (D.C. Cir. July 22, 1992); Wishart v. Commissioner, C-97-20614-SW (N.D. Cal., decided August 6, 1998); Gillin v. IRS, No. 90-31 (D.N.H. Apr. 15, 1991), aff’d, 980 F.2d 819 (1st Cir. 1992); Casa Investors, Ltd. v. Gibbs, No. 88-2485, 1990 WL 180703 (D.D.C. Oct. 11, 1990); White v. IRS, 707 F.2d 897 (6th Cir. 1983); Chamberlain v. Kurtz, 589 F.2d 827 (5th Cir.1979), cert. denied, 444 U.S. 842 (1979); and othersIRS 1972??MINT ?0??BPD ?0??OTS ?0?TIGTA 41??FinCEN0??????????31 U.S.C. 5319??DO 0144??TTB0??OCC 0??BEP 0??FMS 0??IRS 0??MINT 0??BPD 0??OTS 0??TIGTA 0BSA RecordsSmall v. IRS, 820 F. Supp. 163 (D.N.J. 1992)FinCEN144??????26 U.S.C. 6105??DO 015??TTB0??OCC 0??BEP 0??FMS 0Confidential information arising under treaty obligationsTax Analysts v. IRS, 217 F. Supp. 2d 23 (D.D.C. 2002)IRS 15??MINT 0??BPD 0??OTS 0??TIGTA 0??FinCEN0??????Rule 6(e) of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure??DO 020??TTB0??OCC 0??BEP ???FMS 0Part of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure – Grand Jury Secrecy: regulates matters occurring before the Grand Jury. Used to withhold records used in Grand Jury proceedingsFund for Constitutional Gov’t v. Nat’l Archives & Records vc., 656 F.2d 856, 867 (D.C. Cir. 1981); Walston v. U.S. Dep’t of Justice, 799 F. Supp. 193, 195 (D.D.C. 1992).IRS 18??MINT 0??BPD 0??OTS 0Part of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure X Grand Jury Secrecy: regulates matters occurring before the Grand Jury. Used to withhold records used in Grand Jury proceedings.?TIGTA 2??FinCEN0??????18 U.S.C. 701 ??DO 020??TTB?0??OCC 0??BEP 0??FMS 0Official Badges, identification cards. Prohibits the reproduction of official identification media. Used to withhold copies of IRS employee identification badges and pocket commissions.Not litigatedIRS 20??MINT 0??BPD 0??OTS 0??TIGTA 0??FinCEN0????????????41 U.S.C. 253 (b)??DO 13??TTB0??OCC 0??BEP 0??FMS 0Protects the solicitations of unsuccessful bidders in a competitive proposal. This provision is used to withhold the unsuccessful bidder’s contract proposal as well as information in the winning solicitation that was not incorporated into the contract.Hornbostel v. Dept of Interior, No.02-0523, 2003 WL 23303294 (D.D.C., 2003)IRS 2??MINT 0??BPD 0??OTS 0??TIGTA 0??FinCEN0????????????5 U.S.C. 7114 ??DO 12??TTB?0??OCC ?0??BEP ?0??FMS ?0Delineates the rights and duties of a labor organization which is the exclusive representative of the employees in the unit it represents.Dublin v. Dept. of the Treasury, 555 F. Supp. 408, 412 (N.D. Ga. 1981), aff’d, 697 F.2d 1093 (unpublished table decision): NTEU v. OPM, No. 76-695, slip op at 49 (D.D.C. July 9, 1979).IRS 1??MINT ?0??BPD ?0??OTS ?0??TIGTA ?0??FinCEN?0V. FOIA REQUESTS. A. Received, Processed and Pending FOIA Requests.?Number of Requests Pending as of Start of Fiscal YearNumber of Requests Received in Fiscal YearNumber of Requests Processed in Fiscal YearNumber of Requests Pending as of End of Fiscal YearDO 17669222338350TTB194941OCC *8319461926103BEP 082820FMS 233232113IRS 8811202712300608MINT 21291274BPD 01351341OTS 4477477840TIGTA **1627426723FinCEN21961971????0AGENCY OVERALL279716911185641144Notes:Two (2) corrections to the number of requests pending at the end of FY09 are corrected in this report.*OCC reported the number of requests pending at the end of FY09 as “35.” The correct figure is “83,” and therefore the number of requests pending as of the start of FY10 has been amended to “83.”** TIGTA reported the number of requests pending at the end of FY09 as "18." The correct figure is "16,” and therefore the number of requests pending as of the start of FY10 has been amended to "16".(1) Disposition of FOIA Requests – All Processed Requests (continued below)?Number of Full GrantsNumber of Partial Grants/ Partial DenialsNumber of Full Denials Based on Exemptions?DO 7618224TTB16269OCC 133715385BEP 3872FMS 479559IRS 44632124176MINT 55172BPD 37214OTS 42012430TIGTA 161165FinCEN104795????AGENCY OVERALL65152912491B.(1) Disposition of FOIA Requests (continued from above)?No RecordsAll Records Referred to Another Component or AgencyRequest WithdrawnFee-Related ReasonRecords Not Reasonably DescribedImproper FOIA Request for Other ReasonNot Agency RecordDuplicate RequestOther *Explain in chart belowTOTALDO 55150167150601214127342338TTB219540022094OCC 501320111114922841926BEP 227220200082FMS 1894297138014321IRS 120418015714275129875264012300MINT 23447212100127BPD 361510161210134OTS 68036093331126778TIGTA 273412662340267FinCEN3280000410197???????????AGENCY OVERALL15561749300336843322935012215818564B. (2) Disposition of FOIA Requests – “Other” Reasons for “Full Denials Based on Reasons Other than Exemptions (from Section V. B(1) Chart?Description of "Other" Reasons for Denials from Chart B(1) & Number of Times Those Reasons Were Relied UponTOTALDO no response to still interested letter- 20, Glomar response- 1, referred to records online- 11, records previously furnished- 234OCC Closed without Determination 27, No Records - Records Retention 2, Handled via Telephone 21, Records Previously Furnished 6 , other- 2, No Records - Records Misplaced 10, Not a FOIA request 1684FMS Available online 2, available next month 2, need date range to search 4, need payee ID to search 4, referred to FMS in error 1 , processing would interfere with FMS's accounting 1.14OTS Handled by telephone, fax or website 26(3) Disposition of FOIA Requests - Number of Times Exemptions Applied:?Ex. 1Ex. 2Ex. 3Ex. 4Ex. 5Ex. 6Ex. 7(A)Ex. 7(B)Ex. 7(C)Ex. 7(D)Ex. 7(E)Ex. 7(F)Ex. 8Ex. 9DO 31542630105631035610TTB0114851320001000OCC 0108339720170111580BEP 02014400000000FMS 03467212000100000IRS 0101203955508471331079340813600MINT 020481500200100BPD 030521300000000OTS 03011558220201001210TIGTA 0114219320114127000FinCEN0151462890034036000???????????????AGENCY OVERALL31572291307620907343496355873142800 VI. ADMINISTRATIVE APPEALS OF INITIAL DETERMINATIONS OF FOIA REQUESTSReceived, Processed and Pending Administrative Appeals?Number of Appeals Pending as of Start of Fiscal YearNumber of Appeals Received in Fiscal YearNumber of Appeals Processed in Fiscal YearNumber of Appeals Pending as of End of Fiscal YearDO 29232032TTB5160OCC*13454612BEP 0220FMS 0440IRS 6026328835MINT 0330BPD 0220OTS 0981TIGTA 117180FinCEN0330?????AGENCY OVERALL10837240080OCC's number of appeals was misreported at the end of FY09 due to a database error. FY10's data is correct.Disposition of Administrative Appeals – All Processed Appeals?Number Affirmed on AppealNumber of Partially Affirmed & Partially Reversed/ Remanded on AppealNumber of Completely Reversed/Remanded on AppealNumber of Appeals Closed for Other ReasonsTOTALDO 1512220TTB42006OCC 22611746BEP 20002FMS 40004IRS 287100288MINT 10113BPD 20002OTS 161?8TIGTA 6101118FinCEN21003??????AGENCY OVERALL326471611400C. (1) Reasons for Denial on Appeal – Number of Times Exemptions Applied ?Ex. 1Ex. 2Ex. 3Ex. 4Ex. 5Ex. 6Ex. 7(A)Ex. 7(B)Ex. 7(C)Ex. 7(D)Ex. 7(E)Ex. 7(F)Ex. 8Ex. 9DO 01123100000000TTB00111010000000OCC 00003200017000140BEP 01000000000000FMS 00000000000000IRS 05842823332037238000MINT 00000000000000BPD 00000300000000OTS 01?41300000060TIGTA 015010001511000FinCEN01200000101000???????????????AGENCY OVERALL0109399160330703400200 C. (2) Reasons for Denial on Appeal – Reasons Other than Exemptions?No RecordsRecords Referred at Initial Request LevelRequest With-drawnFee-Related ReasonRecords Not Reasonably DescribedImproper Request for Other ReasonsNot Agency RecordDuplicate Request or AppealRequest in LitigationAppeal Based Solely on Denial of Request for Expedited ProcessingOther *Explain in chart belowDO 10210010002TTB00000000000OCC 10200001004BEP 10000000000FMS 10000010002IRS 38104510011026MINT 10010001000BPD 00000000100OTS 00000000000TIGTA 00100000002FinCEN00000000000????????????TOTAL43156510232036C. (3) Reasons for Denial on Appeal – “Other” Reasons from Section VI. C (2) Chart?Description of "Other" Reasons for Denials from Chart B(1) & Number of Times Those Reasons Were Relied UponTOTALDO 26 U.S.C. 6103 b 2, unable to locate-no forward2OCC no records 1, appealed by determination 1, closed without determination 24FMS Need additional information to search 1, would interfere with FMS's accounting system 12IRS 17-late filed, 7-all available records or data provided, 2-unable to locate/files in transit26TIGTA O/S-1 and Glomar-1 were used2C. (4) Response Time for Administrative Appeals?Median Number of DaysAverage Number of DaysLowest Number of DaysHighest Number of DaysDO 63308153787TTB20.0202020OCC 27.536.80184BEP 1919.51920FMS 15151117IRS 65838739MINT 8618BPD 17171618OTS 3018516125TIGTA 14.518.21108FinCEN3326.6839TOTAL:5582.7603787C. (5) Ten Oldest Pending Administrative Appeals??10th Oldest Appeal9th8th7th6th5th4th3rd2ndOldest AppealDO Date of Receipt5/28/200911/27/20087/3/20087/3/20084/18/20089/18/20075/4/200711/12/200411/4/200411/4/2004?# of Days Pending410592634634710818955164816561656TTBDate of ReceiptN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A?# of Days PendingN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AOCC Date of Receipt8/4/20106/1/20105/20/20103/15/201012/23/200910/19/200910/9/200910/6/20098/10/20094/3/2009?# of Days Pending408592140194239244247287376BEP Date of ReceiptN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A?# of Days PendingN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AFMS Date of ReceiptN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A?# of Days PendingN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AIRS Date of Receipt8/16/20108/16/20108/12/20108/12/20108/4/20107/9/20105/26/20105/25/20105/6/20104/30/2010?# of Days Pending454549495783127128147153MINT Date of ReceiptN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A?# of Days PendingN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ABPD Date of ReceiptN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A?# of Days PendingN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AOTS Date of ReceiptN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A3/2/2010?# of Days PendingN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A149TIGTA Date of ReceiptN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A?# of Days PendingN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AFinCENDate of ReceiptN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A?# of Days PendingN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AAgency OverallDate of Receipt5/28/200911/27/20087/3/20087/3/20084/18/20089/18/20075/4/200711/12/200411/4/200411/4/2004# of Days Pending410592634634710818955164816561656VII. FOIA REQUESTS: RESPONSE TIME FOR PROCESSED AND PENDING REQUESTS Processed Requests ?SimpleComplexExpedited Processing?Median Number of DaysAverage Number of DaysLowest Number of DaysHighest Number of DaysMedian Number of DaysAverage Number of DaysLowest Number of DaysHighest Number of DaysMedian Number of DaysAverage Number of DaysLowest Number of DaysHighest Number of DaysDO N/AN/AN/AN/A139359.860272266.3144TTB8703423140330000OCC 611.4601312627.23018556.92033BEP 1610.412015114200111FMS N/AN/AN/AN/A57132N/AN/AN/AN/AIRS N/AN/AN/AN/A1317.5094978018MINT N/AN/AN/AN/A8101203315BPD N/AN/AN/AN/A68.2171N/AN/AN/AN/AOTS 8210654N/AN/AN/AN/A13131313TIGTA 1012.9<1491818.13<18210101010FinCEN21.41656.52221111?????????????Agency Overall617.7906541214.02027221321.10044Processed Requests – Response Time for Perfected Requests in Which Information Was Granted?SimpleComplexExpedited Processing?Median Number of DaysAverage Number of DaysLowest Number of DaysHighest Number of DaysMedian Number of DaysAverage Number of DaysLowest Number of DaysHighest Number of DaysMedian Number of DaysAverage Number of DaysLowest Number of DaysHighest Number of DaysDO N/AN/AN/AN/A102284.6<1272266.3144TTB106.270141514.40230000OCC 510.5601312433.48218557.34033BEP 161411915114200001FMS N/AN/AN/AN/A1211132N/AN/AN/AN/AIRS N/AN/AN/AN/A1415.15019879.18018MINT N/AN/AN/AN/A89120N/AN/AN/AN/ABPD N/AN/AN/AN/A911.758171N/AN/AN/AN/AOTS 3110319N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ATIGTA 1922.627492026.6788210101010FinCEN21.81356.3222N/AN/AN/AN/A?????????????Agency Overall411.77<13191415.10027227.59.25044Processed Requests – Response Time in Day IncrementsSimple Requests?1-20 21-40 41-60 61-80 81-10101-120121-140 141-160 161-180 181-200 201-300 301-400 400+ TotalDO N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A0TTB6510000000000066OCC 1455174481612740000001716BEP 7800000000000078FMS N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A0IRS N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A0MINT 127000000000000127BPD N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A0OTS 56713930101413130460778TIGTA 911350000000000109FinCEN106000000000000106???????????????Agency Overall2489327832626871304602980Complex Requests?1-20 days21-40 days41-60 days61-80 days81-100 days101-120 days121-140 days141-160 days161-180 days181-200 days201-300 days301-400 days400+ daysTOTALDO 462228221811163711251246258TTB2051000000000026OCC 293310400000100077BEP 40000000000004FMS 314700000000000321IRS 6575153757515151371871111131389007MINT 00000000000000BPD 126711000000000135OTS N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A0TIGTA 10000000000001FinCEN8110000000000082???????????????Agency Overall719616126151786948344422372517149911Requests Granted Expedited Processing?1-20 days21-40 days41-60 days61-80 days81-100 days101-120 days121-140 days141-160 days161-180 days181-200 days201-300 days301-400 days400+ daysTOTALDO 4341000000000048TTB00000000000000OCC 1221000000001000133BEP N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A0FMS 10000000000001IRS 1600000000000016MINT 20000000000002BPD N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A0OTS N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A0TIGTA 116162298000?00?0072FinCENN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A0???????????????Agency Overall185301722980001000272D. Pending Requests?SimpleComplexExpedited Processing?Number PendingMedian Number of DaysAverage Number of DaysNumber PendingMedian Number of DaysAverage Number of DaysNumber PendingMedian Number of DaysAverage Number of DaysDO 0N/AN/A350284.5481.97668TTB0N/AN/A0N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AOCC 73192754239415.514BEP 0N/AN/A0N/AN/A0N/AN/AFMS 0N/AN/A1324N/AN/AN/AIRS 0N/AN/A6071427.77111MINT 0N/AN/A4250N/AN/ABPD 0N/AN/A1110N/AN/AOTS 409640N/AN/A0N/AN/ATIGTA 1161622980N/AN/AFinCEN0N/AN/A0N/AN/A111??????????Agency Overall114612.52100222167.461246.48 Pending Request – Ten Oldest Pending Perfected Requests??10th Oldest Request9th8th7th6th5th4th3rd2ndOldest RequestDO Date of Receipt7/1/20036/23/20036/9/20034/3/20033/7/200312/18/200210/22/200210/4/20029/9/20027/1/2002?# of Days Pending2984299130063074310131783234325232803348TTBDate of ReceiptN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A?# of Days PendingN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AOCC Date of Receipt6/28/20106/28/20106/28/20106/28/20106/18/20106/18/20106/18/20106/21/20106/21/20105/25/2010?# of Days Pending69696969757575747493BEP Date of ReceiptN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A?# of Days PendingN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AFMS Date of Receipt9/30/20109/29/20109/28/20109/28/20109/27/20109/23/20109/21/20109/20/20109/14/20109/14/2010?# of Days Pending112235781212IRS Date of Receipt01/04/1010/21/0910/02/0905/28/0905/20/0904/06/0902/17/0912/11/0812/11/0810/09/08?# of Days Pending188237249338343375409452452494MINT Date of ReceiptN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A9/28/20109/28/20109/28/20109/10/2010?# of Days PendingN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A22214BPD Date of ReceiptN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A?# of Days PendingN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AOTS Date of Receipt9/2/20107/19/20105/14/20101/21/201012/8/200911/17/200911/10/20092/17/20092/5/20092/25/2008?# of Days Pending2560104184213227231427434654TIGTA Date of Receipt9/21/20109/20/20109/20/20109/17/20109/17/20109/14/20109/13/20109/8/20108/19/20108/19/2010?# of Days Pending788991213162929FinCENDate of ReceiptN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A9/30/2010?# of Days PendingN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A1Agency OverallDate of Receipt7/1/20036/23/20036/9/20034/3/20033/7/200312/18/200210/22/200210/4/20029/9/20027/1/2002# of Days Pending2984299130063074310131783234325232803348REQUESTS FOR EXPEDITED PROCESSING AND REQUESTS FOR FEE WAIVERRequests for Expedited Processing?Number GrantedNumber DeniedMedian Number of Days to AdjudicateAverage Number of Days to AdjudicateNumber Adjudicated Within Ten Calendar DaysDO 202766.338TTB00N/AN/AN/AOCC 1356801.8193BEP 10101FMS 0114140IRS 61167.513MINT 20332BPD 00N/AN/AN/AOTS 01221TIGTA 129102FinCEN10111??????Agency Overall16611022.66251Requests for Fee Waiver?Number GrantedNumber DeniedMedian Number of Days to AdjudicateAverage Number of Days to AdjudicateDO 621492853TTB201014.5OCC 7000BEP N/AN/AN/AN/AFMS 21112IRS 542907MINT 421917BPD N/AN/AN/AN/AOTS N/AN/AN/AN/ATIGTA 1155FinCENN/AN/AN/AN/A?????Agency Overall132192019.3FOIA PERSONNEL AND COSTS?PersonnelCosts??Number of "Full-Time FOIA Employees"Number of "Equivalent Full-Time FOIA Employees"Total Number of "Full-Time FOIA Staff"Processing CostsLitigation-Related CostsTotal CostsDO 214.525.5$2,404,563.00 $163,735 $ 2,568,298.00 TTB11.82.8$1,749,946.000$1,749,946.00OCC 6511$884,177.87 0$884,177.87 BEP 202$213,678.000$213,678.00FMS 04.144.14$432,952.22$5,000.00$437,952.22IRS 853.161.1$8,196,666.62$311,939.79$8,508,606.41MINT 202$213,991.000$213,991.00BPD 10.21.2$150,000.000$150,000.00OTS 235$412,209.000$412,209.00TIGTA 02.662.66 $ 332,819.00 0 $ 332,819.00 FinCEN10.71.7$172,943.00 $ 5,880.00 $178,823.00???????Agency Overall4475.1119.1$15,163,945.71$486,554.79$15,650,500.50FEES COLLECTED FOR PROCESSING REQUESTS?Total Amount of Fees CollectedPercentage of Total CostsDO $ 205,118.00 8%TTB $ 6,015.23 4%OCC $ 153,875.70 17%BEP $1,152.47 1%FMS $ 20,631.59 5%IRS $ 268,177.92 3%MINT $ 250.00 0%BPD $ 956.87 1%OTS $51,320.00 12%TIGTA $188.80 0%FinCEN00%???Agency Overall $ 707,686.58 5%FOIA REGULATIONSAgencies must provide an electronic link to their FOIA regulations, including their fee schedule.DO: : : and BEP: FMS: IRS: MINT: BPD: and OCC: TIGTA: FinCEN: and XII. BACKLOGS, CONSULTATIONS, AND COMPARISIONSBacklogs of FOIA Requests and Administrative AppealsProvide below the number of FOIA requests and administrative appeals that were pending beyond the statutory time period as of the end of the fiscal year. (Such requests and appeals are considered “backlogged.”)Note: The statutory time period is ordinarily 20 working days from receipt of a perfected request, see 5 U.S.C. § 552(a)(6)(A)(i), but may be extended up to 10 additional working days when “unusual circumstances” are present, see id. § 552(a)(6)(B)(i),?Number of Backlogged Requests as of End of Fiscal Year 10Number of Backlogged Appeals as of End of Fiscal Year 10Number of Backlogged Appeals as of End of Fiscal Year 10DO 28230TTB00OCC 108BEP 00FMS 00IRS 11811MINT 00BPD 00OTS 91TIGTA ?0?0FinCEN00???Agency Overall419503. Discuss/explain the backlog here (optional).Consultations on FOIA Requests – Received, Processed, and Pending Consultations?Number of Consultations Received from Other Agencies that Were Pending as of the Start of the Fiscal YearNumber of Consultations Received from Other Agencies During the Fiscal YearNumber of Consultations Received from Other Agencies that Were Processed During the Fiscal YearNumber of Consultations Received from Other Agencies that Were Pending as of the End of the Fiscal YearDO 6231811TTB0000OCC 0000BEP 0110FMS 147471IRS 066606MINT 0000BPD 0000OTS 0000TIGTA 0321FinCEN0440?????Agency Overall714413219Please note in the FY09 Annual Report, TIGTA reported the number of consultations pending at the end of FY09 as 1. This number was reported incorrectly. The correct figure is 0. Therefore, the number of consultations pending as of the start of FY10 has been amended to 0 in the FY10 Annual Report.Consultations on FOIA Requests – Ten Oldest Consultations received from other agencies and Pending at your Agency??10th 9th8th7th6th5th4th3rd2ndOldestDO Date of Receipt9/30/20108/9/20106/22/20106/22/20104/22/20104/15/20101/19/20109/28/20099/14/20097/14/2009?# of Days Pending1397373116121183264274318TTBDate of ReceiptN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A?# of Days PendingN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AOCC Date of ReceiptN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A?# of Days PendingN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ABEP Date of ReceiptN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A?# of Days PendingN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AFMS Date of ReceiptN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A9/14/2010?# of Days PendingN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A12IRS Date of ReceiptN/AN/AN/AN/A9/29/20109/24/20109/24/20109/23/20109/21/20107/8/2010?# of Days PendingN/AN/AN/AN/A1445759MINT Date of ReceiptN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A?# of Days PendingN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ABPD Date of ReceiptN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A?# of Days PendingN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AOTS Date of ReceiptN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A?# of Days PendingN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ATIGTA Date of ReceiptN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A1/15/2010?# of Days PendingN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A175FinCENDate of ReceiptN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A?# of Days PendingN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AAgency OverallDate of Receipt7/8/20106/22/20106/22/20104/22/20104/15/20101/19/20101/15/20109/28/20099/14/20097/14/2009?# of Days Pending597373116121183175264274318Comparison of Numbers of requests from previous and current annual report – requests received, processed, and backlogged.?Number of Requests Received During Fiscal Year from Last Year's Annual ReportNumber of Requests Received During Fiscal Year from Current Annual ReportNumber of Requests Processed During Fiscal Year from Last Year's Annual ReportNumber of Requests Processed During Fiscal Year from Current Annual ReportDO 10999228902338TTB9394194OCC 2681194611811926BEP 71827182FMS 322332329321IRS 14405120271450712300MINT 7612975127BPD 119135135134OTS 818774831778TIGTA 218274218267FinCEN166196166197?????Agency Overall20068169111840418564?Number of Backlogged Requests as of End of Fiscal Year from Previous Annual ReportNumber of Backlogged Requests as of End of Fiscal Year from Current Annual ReportDO 382282TTB00OCC 010BEP 00FMS 00IRS 182118MINT 00BPD 00OTS 219TIGTA 00FinCEN00???Agency Overall585419 Comparison of Numbers of Administrative Appeals from Previous and Current Annual Report – Appeals Received, Processed, and Backlogged.Number of Appeals ReceivedNumber of Appeals Processed?Number of Appeals Received During Fiscal Year from Last Year's Annual ReportNumber of Appeals Received During Fiscal Year from Current Annual ReportNumber of Appeals Processed During Fiscal Year from Last Year's Annual ReportNumber of Appeals Processed During Fiscal Year from Current Annual ReportDO 36232020TTB7196OCC 24451146BEP 8282FMS 8484IRS 241263223288MINT 3333BPD 3202OTS 8988TIGTA 22172618FinCEN4343?????Agency Overall364372320400Please note: In the FY09 Annual Report, TIGTA reported the number of comparison appeals at the end of FY09 was 23. The correct figure is 22. Therefore the number of comparison appeals at the start of FY10 has been amended to 22 in the FY10 Annual Report.Discussion of Other FOIA Activities (Optional)Provide here any further information about the agency’s efforts to improve FOIA administration. DO: Acquired new tracking software August 2010.IRS: Upgraded the FOIA tracking system and trained regional employees for 2 week intervals. ................

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