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Chapter 1 Balance The distribution of optical weight in the layout in screen design. Flash A powerful program with many tools that allows you to create compelling interactive experiences, often by using animation. Frames Individual cells that make up the Timeline in Flash. Inter-screen unity Refers to the design that viewers encounter as they navigate from one screen to another, and it provides consistency throughout the application or site. Intra-screen unity Refers to how the various screen objects relate and how they all fit in. Keyframe A frame that signifies a change in a movie, such as the end of an animation. Layers Rows on the Timeline that are used to organize objects and that allow the stacking of objects on the Stage. Library panel Used to store and organize the various assets in your movie. Marquee Surrounds an object that has been selected and displays a dot pattern or a blue border. Motion path The path the object takes from the beginning frame to the ending frame. Motion span The number of frames in the motion tween. Motion tweening To automatically fill in the frames between keyframes in an animation that changes the properties of an object such as the position, size, or color. Movement Refers to the way the viewer’s eyes move through the objects on the screen. Panel sets Groups of the most commonly used panels. Panels Individual windows in Flash used to view, organize, and modify objects and features in a movie. Projector A stand-alone executable movie, such as a Windows .exe file. Properties panel Used to display and change the properties of an object. Specifications Indicate what will be included in each screen, including the arrangement of each element and the functionality of each object. Stage The area of the Flash workspace that contains the objects that are part of the movie and that will be seen by the viewers. Timeline Used to organize and control the movie’s contents by specifying when each object appears on the Stage. Tools panel Contains a set of tools, such as the rectangle, oval and text tools, used to draw and edit graphics and text. Tween span The number of frames in the motion tween. Unity Helps the screen objects reinforce each other. Chapter 2 3D Rotation tool Used to create 3D effects by rotating movie clips in 3D space on the Stage. 3D Translation tool Used to create 3D effects by moving movie clips in 3D space on the Stage. Bind tool Used to adjust the relationships among individual bones. Black and White tool Used to set the stroke color to black and the fill color to white. Bone tool Used to animate objects that have joints. Brush tool Used to draw with brush-like strokes. Deco tool Used to turn graphic shapes into geometric patterns or to create kaleidoscopic-like effects. Eraser tool Used to erase lines and fills. Eyedropper tool Used to select stroke, fill, and text attributes so they can be copied from one object to another. Fill Color tool Used to set the fill color of drawn objects. Folder A layer that can contain other layers. Free Transform tool Used to rotate, scale, skew, and distort objects. Gradient Transform tool Used to transform a gradient fill by adjusting the size, direction, or center of the fill. Guide (Standard and Motion) Used to set a reference point for positioning objects on the Stage. Hand tool Used to move the Stage around the Pasteboard by dragging the Stage. Ink Bottle tool Used to apply line colors and thickness to the stroke of an object. Lasso tool Used to select objects or parts of objects. Line tool Used to draw straight lines. Mask layer A layer that hides and reveals portions of another layer. Masked layer A layer that contains the objects that are hidden and revealed by a Mask layer. Normal layer The default layer type. Options tool Used to select an option for a tool. Oval tool Used to draw oval shapes. Press and hold to draw a perfect circle. Paint Bucket tool Used to fill enclosed areas of a drawing with color. Pen tool Used to draw lines and curves by creating a series of dots, known as anchor points, that are automatically connected. Pencil tool Used to draw freehand lines and shapes. Pixels The dots that are arranged within a grid and make up a bitmap graphic. PolyStar tool Used to draw polygons and stars. Primitive Rectangle and Oval tool Used to draw objects with properties that can be changed using the Properties panel. Rectangle tool Used to draw rectangular shapes. Press and hold to draw a perfect square. Selection tool Used to select an object or parts of an object, and to reshape and reposition objects. Spray Brush tool Used to spray colors and patterns onto objects. Stroke Color tool Used to set the stroke color of drawn objects. Subselection tool Used to select, drag, and reshape an object. Swap Color tool Used to swap the stroke and fill colors. Text tool Used to create and edit text. Tools Features in Flash that make the editing and drawing of objects and text easier for the user. Zoom tool Used to change the magnification of an area of the Stage. Chapter 3 Bitmap images Images made up of a group of tiny dots of color called pixels. Create a button symbol Draw or select an object and use the Convert to Symbol command. Delete icon Deletes the selected item or folder. Display movies list arrow Opens a menu showing all open movies. Down Represents how the button appears after the user clicks the mouse. Drag Over The user holds down the mouse button, moves the pointer out of the button Hit area, and then back into the Hit area. Edit the button symbol Select the button and choose the Edit Symbols command on the Edit menu or double-click the button symbol in the Library panel. Hit Defines the area of the screen that will respond to the click. Instances Copies of the original symbols. Item preview window Displays the selected item. If the item is animated or a sound file, a control button appears, allowing you to preview the animation or play the sound. Key Press With the button displayed, the user presses a predetermined key on the keyboard. Name list box Lists the folder and item names. New Folder icon Allows you to create a new folder. New Symbol icon Displays the Create New Symbol dialog box, allowing you to create a new symbol. Over Represents how the button appears when the mouse pointer is over it. Panel options menu Provides access to several features used to edit symbols and organize symbols. Pixels Picture elements or tiny dots of color. Preview the button Choose the Enable Simple Button command on the Control menu. Properties icon Displays the Properties dialog box for the selected items. Release With the pointer inside the button Hit area, the user presses and releases the mouse button. Return to the main Timeline Choose the Edit Document command on the Edit menu or click Scene 1 above the edit window to return to the main Timeline. Roll Over The user moves the pointer into the button Hit area. Symbol An original drawing created in Flash and stored in the Library panel. Tab title Identifies the panel title. Toggle Sorting Order icon Allows you to reorder the list of folders and items within folders. Up Represents how the button appears when the mouse pointer is not over it. Vector graphics Images represented as geometric shapes made up of lines and arcs that are combined to create various shapes, such as circles and rectangles. Chapter 4 Morphing The animation process of changing one object into another, sometimes unrelated, object. Motion guide Feature that allows you to draw a path and attach motion-tweened animations to the path. Movie clip symbol An animation stored as a single, reusable symbol in the Library panel. Persistence of vision The concept that we perceive a series of rapidly displayed still images as a single, moving image. Shape tweening The process of animating an editable object so that its shape changes. Chapter 5 Animations A few brushes create animations as they are used. However, any effect created using the Deco tool can be selected and animated by inserting a motion tween or using another animation process in Flash. Brushes Can be used to create drawings that can be combined to construct environments. Embedded video Becomes part of the SWF file similar to other objects, such as sound and graphics. Fills Create patterns that can be used as fill for graphics or a backdrop for a movie. Inverse kinematics A process that allows you to create a single image and add a structure to the image that can be used to animate the various parts of the image. Mask layer Allows you to cover up the objects on one or more layers and, at the same time, create a window through which you can view objects on those layer(s). Pose layer Each can contain only one armature and its associated image. Progressive downloading Allows you to use ActionScript to load an external FLV file into a SWF file; the video then plays when the SWF file is played. Streaming video Provides a constant connection between the user and the video delivery. Chapter 6 Bandwidth Profiler Allows you to view a graphical representation of the size of each frame. endofMovie A label added to the last frame of the actual movie. Preloader frame Includes a simple animation that starts in frame 1 and loops until the rest of the movie has been downloaded. startofMovie A label added to the first frame of the actual movie. Chapter 7 Anti-aliasing The process of smoothing the edges of a graphic by blending colors so they appear less jagged. Bitmap fill A fill created by breaking apart a bitmap graphic and using it to fill another graphic. Import A way of bringing external graphics into your movie. Raster graphic An image based on pixels, rather than mathematical formulas. Chapter 8 Animated graphic symbol An animation stored as a single, reusable symbol in the Library panel. Movie clip symbol Essentially a movie within a movie, it is a more robust way to store complex animations in the Library panel. Nesting Including another symbol within a symbol, such as a graphic symbol, button, or another movie clip symbol within a movie clip symbol. Parent-child relationship A description of the hierarchical relationship that develops between nested symbols. Chapter 9 addChild() Method used to add objects to the display list. Auto format feature Formats the code in accordance with ActionScript formatting conventions. It may add spaces, lines, and indents to make the code more readable. Casting The process of changing one data type to another. Check syntax feature Checks for any errors in the syntax of the coding and, if found, displays a message in the Compiler Errors panel. Classes ActionScript 3.0 codes that define the attributes and functionality of an object. Data type Indicates the class used to populate the variable. Display list A list used by Flash to make objects visible to the user when a movie is published. Objects are added to the display list using the addChild() method of ActionScript 3.0. DisplayObjects In order for an object to be on the display list, it must be part of this class. Dynamic text field A text box created on the Stage with the Text tool that displays information derived from variables. Event listener Method used by Flash to recognize that an event has occurred. Expressions Formulas for manipulating or evaluating the information in variables. Function A reusable block of code executed in response to an event. It can be written one time and executed as often as desire. Input text field Field that takes information entered by a user and stores it as a variable. Methods Explain what the object can do, such as rotate or accept a mouse click, or what can be done to an object, such as fill it with color. Number variable Variable that is assigned a number. Properties Describe an object in terms of things such as the size and color. String variable A sequence of characters including letters, numbers, and punctuation. Var Keyword you use to create variables in ActionScript. Variable A container that holds information. Chapter 10 Absolute path A path containing an external link that references a link on a web page outside of the current website, and includes the protocol “http” and the URL, or address, of the web page. Calls Executes a function. Decrement action An ActionScript operator, indicated by--(two minus signs), that subtracts 1 unit from a variable or expression. Increment action Adds one unit to a variable or expression. Loop An action or set of actions that repeat as long as a condition exists. Relative path A path to a file based on the current location of the Flash .swf file referencing the file. Event sound A sound that plays independently of the Timeline. Sound object A way for ActionScript to recognize and control a sound. Stream sound Sounds that can start playing as your computer begins to download them, which means users do not have to wait for the entire sound file to download before the movie starts. Mobile Content Simulator Displays the application as it would appear on a mobile phone, and allows you to use events and gestures such as touch, zoom and swipe to see how the application reacts. ................

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