“Playhouse of Gun”

Revision: 0.0.1

GDD Template Written by: Benjamin “HeadClot” Stanley

With Special thanks to Alec Markarian


Theme / Setting / Genre

Core Gameplay Mechanics Brief

Targeted platforms

Monetization model (Brief/Document)

Project Scope

Influences (Brief)





The elevator Pitch

Project Description (Brief):

Project Description (Detailed)

What sets this project apart?

Core Gameplay Mechanics (Detailed)





Story and Gameplay

Story (Brief)

Story (Detailed)

Gameplay (Brief)

Gameplay (Detailed)

Assets Needed

- 2D

- 3D

- Sound

- Code

- Animation







Theme / Setting / Genre

- Theme: Subversion/Perversion of the shooter power fantasy, and the act of

killing to survive/progress.

- Setting: An Office Building, with all the cubicles, inspirational posters, and

hidey holes that you can think of. Just with more blood! (eventually)

- Genre: ‘Horror’ Shooter

The Elevator Pitch:

“Playhouse of Gun” is a ‘Horror Shooter’ where the player participates in a chaotic, adrenaline-pumping death game that ends up slowly descending into a dystopian, horrifying hide-and-seek game with a psychopathic killer named “Lucy”. Another way to describe it? “Silent Hill: P.T. meets DOOM 2016.”

Core Gameplay Mechanics Brief

- Hitscan-based Shooting, No Active Reloads - To get more ammo, you have to

exchange your kill count for more bullets (see Kill Trading below).

- Typical FPS Movement System (Sprinting, WASD Movement)

- Kill Trading/Kills = Bullets - Each kill you get is considered as a currency,

which you trade for more bullets. At the end of each level, the player deposits all of their ammo to progress, to ‘reset’ and prevent hoarding.

- Progressive Dystopia - as the player progresses further and further, the

environment gets more and more dark, desperate, and bloodied. You get less bullets, less enemies, and your adversary(s) are more and more terrifying.

- Elevator Escapes - Whenever you try to progress to the next floor, you have to

deposit most/all of your ammunition and wait for the elevator to chug its way up to you, so that you can escape. This resets the player’s bullet count before each level, to avoid encouraging hoarding (and thus ruining the stress of later levels)

Targeted platforms

- PC only (until further discussion)

Monetization model (Brief/Document)

- Free, full release (post graduation, if this turns out to be a bona fide project)

- No monetization, in the name of simply getting our name out there.

- In the event we wish to continue the project full time post-graduation, we could consider a Kickstarter or something similar.

Project Scope

- Prototype Version 0.3 - Due in ~24 weeks

- Full, polished product is meant to be produced in a much larger time frame.

- Initial draft of the project will include shooting, kill exchanging,

- No outside costs at this time

- Expected # of hours: ???

- Team: Four Members Total

- Initial, Core Team:

- Max McCarthy

- Coding/Modeling

- Coding: Fringe Mechanics (Stuff that doesn’t require a bunch of interactions with the rest of the code)

- Modeling: Support Models, such as the guns, environmental assets, etc.

- Jenny Collins

- Level/Character Artist

- Art/Modeling

- Modeling: Work on the main models, including the levels, character models, and animations.

- Quinn Pepper

- Coding: General Gameplay Mechanics

- Brayden Mitchell

- Team Organizer/Creative Lead

- Coding/General Design/Audio Engineering

- Coding: Top-Level Gameplay, Interaction + In-Engine testing.

- Music: To be designed at a later date.

- Licenses: Free version of Unity (ver. 2017.2), Adobe CC, Maya

- Final Cost of Project: $0

General Project Description:

“Playhouse of Gun” is meant to be an artistic perversion of the shooter genre, pulling players in with DOOM-esq, run and gun shooting, fulfilling a power fantasy, then slowly taking it away as the levels get more and more eerie, the environment less and less encouraging and more cynical, creepy. In the style of Silent Hill P.T., the player will start off in an eerie environment, but slowly have the true experience revealed to them.

Influences (Brief)

- Influence #1 - Brayden’s Dream (Concept’s Origin)

- Medium: Dream

- This idea originated (almost in its entirety) as a dream that Brayden had, where he was a participant in a death game for riches untold. As he went further down the competition, things became more and more dystopian, and a crazy psychopath with a knife began chasing him through the halls. When he finally reached the end, he found the ‘treasure’ to be nothing more than a mountain of bodies, blood dripping from the ceiling and the laughter of the psychopath echoing behind him. The dream ended with his head joining the pile, and the whole thing was dreamt up like a participant in a video game.

- Influence #2 - Silent Hill: P.T.

- Medium: Video Game

- Brayden: Having never played the game personally, yet watched multiple playthroughs (in multiple sessions), this is a major influence of this idea because we thought it would be a great source of inspiration for how to set the tone, atmosphere, and subtlety that the environment will have to have from the beginning. This, in addition to the way the repeated hallway works (with different alterations/features) are both things we want to draw major inspiration from.

- Influence #3 - DOOM (2016)

- Medium: Video Game

- Brayden: While not an entirely big influence, we felt that DOOM 2016 was a good influence strictly for the combat system of this game - a fast paced, coverless shooter that encourages aggression and badassery. While we’re probably not going to rip Glory Kills off, the way the character moves and shoots is the main consideration - we want the player to feel as empowered as DOOM Guy in the beginning of the game.

- Influence #4 - Spooky’s House of Jumpscares

- Medium: Video Game

- Brayden: This game is a perfect example of something starting out simple, cute, and cuddly, then slowly descending into dark pits of horror, all the while maintaining a consistently unsettling tone. There’s 1000 floors in this game - something that we have no desire of replicating - but we felt it was a good thing to look at for an example of the ‘progressive dystopia’ we’re aiming for.

What sets this project apart?

- Kills = Bullets! Every kill you get leads to more bullets, which you redeem at a kiosk. This mechanic should hopefully give the gameplay an edge to differentiate the reload style from other standard shooters.

- The game is a perversion of the power fantasy a game like DOOM provides. It makes killing a sport, then shows how horrifying that mindset can be as it turns the player into the hunted, rather than the hunter.

- Much like one of its influences, Silent Hill: P.T., this project aims to create an abundance of environmental storytelling, rather than shoving a ‘super deep plot’ down their throat.

Core Gameplay Mechanics (Detailed)

- Mechanic #1 - Kills Trade for Bullets

Integer that increases every time an enemy dies

Level script(?)

Resets when the player visits booth/store

Int increments bullet count

Player script

Changes UI bullet display

- Mechanic #2 - Player Movement

If no gamepad is detected

Camera is bound to mousex,y and pivots at center

Move bound to wasd

Gamepad detected

Camera is bound to right joystick

Camera is bound to left joystick

- Mechanic #3 - Progressive Dystopia/Gameplay Shift from Shooter to Horror

Game manager script

Has variable arrays that are attached to gameobject states

Sets apperance/array value based on level number

- Mechanic #4 - Level Reset + Escapes (Escaping in the Elevator)

On every level, there will be an interactable area designated “Elevator Button”. When interacted with, the button will trigger a countdown, which may also (in the future) trigger the AI to be more aggressive.

At the end of the countdown, the elevator doors will open and the player can move onto the next level.

- Mechanic #5 - Progressive Dystopia

- Namely through the level design, the environment will be altered slightly each floor to give a greater sense of eeriness.

- Mechanic #6 - Lucy

- Lucy will stalk the player character throughout the levels - in early iterations, she’ll simply appear at different intervals to beeline towards the player, and if she comes into contact with the PC, they die.

Future Mechanics (Stretch Goals)

- Mechanic #1 - Stealth Detection


- Mechanic #2 - Advanced Lucy AI (Including Stealth)


- Mechanic #3 - Advanced Enemy AI (Including Stealth)


- Mechanic #4 - Polished Combat Loop


Story and Gameplay

Story (Brief)

The main character, an empty shell for the player to fill, finds himself caught up in a gameshow, “Playhouse of Gun”, where they fight, kill, and maim their fellow man in an attempt to gain awesome riches and glory! As they descend, however, they find themselves instead confronted by Lucy (CODENAME: Reality Bitch), a crazy psychopathic spree killer who hunts them relentlessly, every floor. At the end of the game, when MC reaches the final destination, they’re only greeted by a pile of bodies, and a laughing main antagonist as she adds their head to the pile. The last thing they see is her grinning, bloody face.

Story (Detailed) - Subject to Changes

The game begins with the player character (henceforth abbreviated PC) in an empty room, devoid of anything but a ramshackle cot and a bedside table, upon which lays a single handgun, with an empty clip beside it. Across from the PC is a single, locked door, which only creaks open when the PC picks up the gun.

Nothing but the hollow echo of the player’s steps is heard as PC steps through the doorway, and (after a bit of travel to get the player accommodated with the movement) is interrupted by a loudspeaker, who introduces himself as the MC of a lovely little game show called “The Playhouse of Gun”, where players fight for riches, wealth, and most of all, the all-encompassing need for survival.

He explains the rules: the PC, along with hundreds of other contestants, has been given one gun, and one purpose: kill all of the other contestants, fight to the bottom of the barrel, and claim his prize. To get more bullets, they’ll cash in their kills at the all-important ‘Exchangeries’. To progress to the next floor, they’ll have to find the Safety Shaft, call the elevator, and survive until they’re able to make it to the next floor. Simple, brutal, and most importantly? Fun as hell for little Jimmy to watch at home!

As he finishes this explanation, the player arrives at a locked cage, through which awaits the gate to the first floor. A crowd of eager contestants cracking their knuckles and comparing gun sizes echoes throughout an otherwise empty room, and a buzzer sounds: it’s time for the bloodbath to begin.

From here, the PC fights their way through the floors, slaughtering their fellow contestants with ease, and eventually should begin to notice Lucy: a young killer who loves using her combat knife (with brutal efficiency) to one-hit-kill all of her targets. They’ll encounter her multiple times - in fact, every floor - and the announcer

Gameplay (Brief)

Open Level -> Sneak up on Enemies to get first bullets. Kills = bullets which lets players take a more bold stance and pop caps through the level -> Find Elevator, activate -> Defend, return to kiosk for more bullets when needed -> Repeat

Gameplay (Detailed)

Player will run, shoot, melee, and exchange their way through every floor. The core gameplay has the player hunting, hiding, and shooting their way through each level, finding the elevator, defending themselves, and eventually making their way onto the next floor.

Art Direction

● Telltale games/ borderlands/danganronpa cartoon style

● Harsh outlines, cell shading

● Consistently measure environment in ft (can be changed in animation program under measurements)

● Use office environments in Payday 2 as inspiration



Future Research Required:


- Lucy’s AI: There’s going to have to be so much into this...stealth detection, line of sight checks, and a possible state machine.

- Stealth mechanics - goes into Lucy, but can also play a minor part w/ the rest of the enemies (sneaking behind for a melee kill)

Modeling/Art Stylistics:

- How to create cell shaded graphics/hard lines

- How to fully animate a 3D model (including hair when it comes to it)


- How to properly score + design a soundscape that creates a proper ‘horror’ aesthetic.

Assets Needed

- 2D

- Textures

- Office:

- Differing textures for the different levels

- Carpets

- Stone/Tile/Brick Floor

- Whitewashed/Dirty Wallpaper/Tearing Wallpaper Walls

- Character textures

- 3D

- Characters List

- Lucy (Jenny)

- Main Character (Jenny)

- Enemies (Jenny)

- Environmental Art Lists

- Office building (Jenny)

- Elevator room and elevator doors

- Cabinets ((can hide inside) later element)

- Lamps (Max)

- Water Bottles (Max)

- Mugs (Max)

- Paper (Max)

- Books (Max)

- Desk (Max)

- Chairs (Max)

- Bathroom (sink, toilet stalls, toilets)

- “Security” cameras (Max)

- Cot

- dividers(?)

- End tables (Max)

- Bullet ‘Exchangery’ (Jenny)

- Posters - Inspirational + Taunting

- Picture frames (Max)

- Ceiling lights (Max)

- Door (handle, frame, window(?), lock guard, and hinges)

- Manilla Folders

- Sound

- Sound effects + the environment should echo slightly, like the office isn’t actually there.

- Sound List (Ambient)


- Sound List (Player)

- Character Movement Sound List

- Shoes

- Gunshots

- etc.

- Character Hit / Collision Sound list


- Character on Injured / Death sound list


- Code

- Character Scripts (Player Pawn/Player Controller)


-Bind movement to pressing the following keys:

● Up: W(87, 119)

● Down: S(83, 115)

● Left: A(65, 97)

● RIght: D(68,100)

-Add Strafe keys to Q and E

-Sprint faster using Shift

-Jump using space.

-Crouch using C


-Shooting will work around creating bullet entities when you

fire, which will cause damage when they come in contact

with an enemy.

-Shooting will be bound to left click. (Aim to right click?)

-Melee attacks while holding gun will be bound to V and Mouse

Button 4(if applicable)

- Ambient Scripts (Runs in the background)

- Play noises at random intervals when game is silent

- If larger, more maze-like levels, play sounds or cause lights to

flicker in the direction the player should move if they stay in one

area for a long time to point them in the right direction.

- NPC Scripts

- Possible NPC behavior (sit around, different enemy types move at

you differently, etc)

- Never, ever, ever allow NPCs to spawn in player’s field of view or

immediately around corners.

- etc.

- AI Scripts

-spawn girl off screen ahead of player, have her run across room

quickly through a door, or move to attack player

-Have enemies do more than charge at the player shooting(See NPC


- Animation

- Environment Animations

- None Currently

- Character Animations

- Player

- Moving Bob Animation

- Shooting Animation

- NPC (Lucy)

- Walk Cycle

- Running/Chasing Cycle

- etc.




- Project Description (Detailed)

- Core Gameplay Mechanics (Detailed)

- Asset Lists

- Schedule

Meeting Times (Fall 2017):

- Sundays @ 1pm-3pm in Anderson Gen. Access Lab

- Tuesdays @ 8pm-9pm on Discord (check-in and general dedicated work time)

- Thursdays @ 6:30-9pm in class (Max can’t make Dec. 16th)

End of Fall Semester (December 7th, 2017)

- Schedule:

- Sprint One (11/5 - 11/19) - General Research + Basic Mechanics

- Code:

- Player Controller (Quinn)

- WASD Movement

- Sprint

- Crouch

- Stretch: Combat Mechanics Pt. 1 (Quinn)

- Hitscan Shooting + Registering

- Ammo Count

- Kill Dummy Enemies (With or Without Health)

- Elevator Timer/Scene Transition (Max)

- Kills = Bullets (Brayden)

- Stretch: ‘Exchangerie’ Interactions

- Kill Tracking

- Ammo Count (w/ Quinn)

- Other Scripts as needed (All)

- Art + Modeling:

- Office Blueprints and Initial Sketches (Jenny)

- Blueprints

- Rough sketching

- Environment feeling

- Basic Office Props (Max)

- Sprint Two (11/19-12/7)

- Code:

- Combat Mechanics (Quinn)

- Game Manager Scripting (Brayden)

- Art + Modeling:

- Basic Item Models (Max)

- Office/Environment Concepts (Jenny)

- Stretch: Level Asset Beginnings (Jenny)

- Semester End Milestones:

- All initial game concepts done (Complete this document)

- Have Pre-Production Assets and working scripts for the following features:

- Shooter Movement (sprinting optional)

- Shooting and hit registering

- Concept art (environment, enemies, main characters, weapon)

- Kills -> Bullet exchange system (rough)

- Assets will be standalone (don’t have to be implemented), and scripts should roughly work in a vacuum.

Pre-Spring Semester (To January 22nd, 2018)

- Milestones:

- Level whitebox implemented

- Debug/Polish core gameplay code

- Begin implementation of Basic Lucy + Basic Enemy AI

Spring Part One (1/22/2018 - 3/23/2018 (Spring Break))

- Milestones:

- Implement textures

- Begin environmental design

- Finish implementation of Basic Lucy + Basic Enemies.

- Implement more advanced AI mechanics for Lucy.

- Implement UX Design.

- Stretch: Create Stealth mechanics.

Spring Part Two (3/23/2018 - 5/14/2018)

- Milestones:

- Finish environmental design.

- Basic Music/Sound Design.

- Finish Lucy AI.

- Begin Testing during this process.

- Stretch: Create second level.

- Finalize, Polish, and tune first level.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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