Gathecha Kamau


Country Co-ordinator


The following report entails the proceedings of the Youth Forum held on 19th July 2004 at Kaloleni Social Hall and which brought together Youth Groups from all over Nairobi. This was an initiative of YES Kenya and the City Council Youth Office in collaboration with the Ministry of Gender, Sports, Culture and Social Services {Department of Social Services} and One Stop Youth Information Resource Centre. The forum was also supported by GTZ and ITDG-EA whose goal was to kick-start activities on youth development programme from all the divisions within Nairobi province.

The youth forum attracted participation of 56 youth groups from all over Nairobi and the civil society.

The objectives of the workshop were as follows:

1 Develop areas of collaboration with YES Kenya.

2 To establish Regional Youth Groups to coordinate youth activities at their respective regions.

3 To come up with concrete resolutions depending on activities and responsibility in respective groups, only advancing or building up on the peculiar groups.

4 To identify areas of focus that the regional groups will act on in the next six months

Four areas of Focus identified were: - Sports and Recreation, Environment, Health, and Employment.

Mr. Gathecha Kamau of YES Kenya started the Forum by conducting group activities (animation). The participants introduced themselves through contact games. The ball game reduces the tension and suspiciousness among participants making them participate effectively throughout the forum. They then gave their expectations of the forum (see annex I).

Dorcas Mwandembo, Social Development Officer, set up the rules and regulations that will govern the forum’s activities and proceeded to spell out its goal and objectives. She also introduced the Forum organizers (see annex II)


Gathecha Kamau the facilitator asked all the groups represented to introduce themselves and state the activities they undertake at their area of residence. The following activities were identified to be common with most youth groups: -

❖ Environment (clean ups in Estate)

❖ Entertainment / Traditional dancers and Acrobatics

❖ Sports: - Boxing

❖ Security

❖ Socio-economic issue

❖ Widowhood

❖ Reproduction items / HIV/Aids and ARVs distribution

❖ Waste Management and Garbage collection

❖ Child rescue and abuse prevention

❖ Youth and children support groups

❖ Youth education and television centre

❖ Family Life Education and Family Planning Education and Services

❖ Gender sensitizing, drug abuse and child rights

❖ Marriage counseling and guidance

Other Organizations Present


Daniel Ngari Coordinator, One Stop Youth Information Resource Centre and a Senior Welfare Officer in City Council of Nairobi (CCN) gave an introduction of the activities, goals and objectives of the One Stop Youth Centre.

The Centre was launched on 12th August 2003 by His Worship the Mayor of Nairobi to assist the underprivileged less fortunate and most vulnerable unemployed youth between the ages of 15 – 24 years on the aspect of “Youth employment, employment creation, equal opportunity and entrepreneurship”. The Centre programmes are designed to capacity build young people and youth groups on gainful livelihood in the field of employment – related facilities in the city and it’s environ. Emphasis is put on developing the capacity of the youth to participate, as appropriate, in urban poverty reduction responsibilities. Its rationale lies in the provision of a youth friendly approach to employment opportunities in self-employment, formal and non-formal sectors.

VISION: In response to the situation of the youth, One Stop Youth Information Resource Centre empowers the youthful generation to have ownership of the development process and be agents of transformation in the city of Nairobi.

MISSION: To facilitate the empowerment of the youth in the city to have greater ownership of the development process through disseminating relevant and up to date career and employment information, imparting appropriate skills and formation of the Junior Council, so that the competence and professional qualification achieved, may be placed at the service of the young, thus contributing to the development of the city of Nairobi and assist in prevention or alleviation of unemployment problem.

The youthful generation need to acquire the relevant skills to help them take decisions and actions that give them more control of their own lives and thus enable them participate actively in the boarder development process.

Area of focus for the centre includes:

a) Participates in the design, collection, consolidation, processing, implementation and evaluation of information and information programmes in the field of urban youth employment, providing in particular, assistance in the processing of information on job seekers and employment opportunities.

b) Assists in providing employment-counseling services to young people and in particular, in job search and career exploration.

c) Assist in coordination of attachment programmes and in the formulation of job opportunities matrix, which links employers with young job seekers.

d) Assists in identifying existing service providers and coordinating referrals of unemployed youth to relevant service providers.

e) Assists in the formulation, integration, monitoring and evaluation of a network of services and service providers.

PROJECT COMPONENTS AND ACTIVITIES SUPPORT: In order to develop and optimize opportunities for youth participation, involvement and growth; the project offers the following activities;

❖ Information

❖ Counseling

❖ Job matching

❖ Referrals

❖ Networking.

SESSIONS: One Stop Youth Information Resource Centre has conducted various sessions that have been attended by 315 individuals (youth) since it opened its doors to the public on 6th October 2003. They include: I In Action, Positive Living, Entrepreneurship, Starting A Business, C.V, Interview Preparedness & Application Letter Writing, Business Plan Development, Project Costing, Marketing, Saving among others.

INQUIRIES: The Centre has been receiving inquiries from all types of people; the youth and their parents, from all corners of Nairobi and it’s environ especially in the field of employment. We have registered job seekers, young people interested in the entrepreneurship programme and those with personal needs and who needed our guidance. 16 youth groups have so far registered their interest with our services. We organize and hold meeting with youth leaders at the centre. We also have free VCT professional service and counseling every Friday.

We are in the process of coming up with a Two Years Action Plan to tackle issues through five identified thematic areas in collaboration with 35 NGO’s in each area.


Maureen Kiambi and Eva Ntalami from GOAL-KENYA gave a brief on Goal-Kenya’s area of interest and their projects in Kenya.

Our mission is to work towards ensuring that the poorest of the poor and most vulnerable in our world and those affected by humanitarian crisis have access to the fundamental rights of life.

In Kenya, GOAL implements a Refugee Assistance programme and Support Programme for children and youth in difficult circumstances. The overall objective of this programme to promote opportunities that will enable street and slum children, and youth in Nairobi to develop physically, emotionally, socially and economically to take charge of their lives.

Specific Objectives:

❖ To contribute to the reduction of HIV/AIDS and Sexually transmitted infections and enhance behaviour change among street/slum children and youth in Nairobi

❖ To provide accessible and affordable primary heath care services to street/slum children and youth Nairobi

❖ To empower street /slum youth in Nairobi, with skills that will enable them initiate income generating activities that will enable them become self-reliant.

❖ To network and collaborate with the stakeholders in the developmental issues of the street children and youth.

❖ To build and strengthen the capacity of the project staff to effectively implement project activities

GOAL is currently running the following projects:

❖ Community Children's Education Centre Project.

❖ Rescue Centre.

1. HANCEL-HIV/AIDS (Program) Street Education Project, at Kariobangi, Mukuru Kwa Njenga

❖ Mobile Health Clinic for Street Children Project.

❖ Vocational Skills Training Project.

Cross Cutting Themes:



• Environment

• Community Participation


GOAL works in partnership with relevant Government Departments, NGOs, Community based Organizations and United Nations bodies with the aim of establishing sustainable mechanisms for the children.

Other specific activities:

Goal Kenya, offers rehabilitation services and training programs and works in partnership with COWA to empower street/slum youth with skills that will enable them to be self-reliant and in Entrepreneurship and sees a good opportunity for OSYRC working together because on of the challenges is in transport handling. They provide basic services to slum/street girls and boys aged 8-18 years who are out of school and/or have a history of being subjected to physical, emotional and sexual abuse children (girls ages 4 – 18, boys 4 -12) who have been rescued from a situation of physical, emotional and /or sexual abuse in Nairobi


Mission: ITDG aims to eradicate poverty in developing countries by developing and using technology, and by demonstrating results, sharing knowledge and influencing others.

Goal: Our goal is to become the leading international authority on the use of technology to reduce poverty in developing countries.

ITDG aims to offer critical technical approaches to address these eradication of poverty in developing countries and it has taken a keen interest in youth activities to increase their capacity for development by providing technical support and initiating programmes geared to their development. They have interventions towards youth and information and these include among others, a case for One Stop Youth Resource Centre in Nairobi, and the potential for integrated approach to youth development. -Intermediate Technology Development Group.

-International NGO Headquarters in Kenya.

YES KENYA-Gathecha Kenya country representative

YES KENYA is a national multi-stakeholder network involved in promoting youth employment in Kenya. The network is an element upon a growing Global Alliance to counter the various forms of unemployment amongst the youth through concerted and sustained action.

YES-Kenya’s vision is to facilitate the full and relevant employment of youth so that they can realize their full potential as individuals and collectively as members of the society through economic, political and social action. The network sees a society in which the young people are key contributors to the well-being and sustainable development of the societies and cultures in which they live and of the global community as a whole.

YES-Kenya has established acknowledgment from the government through the Ministry of Labor and Human Resource Development as a key player in the quest to reduce unemployment. Towards this end YES-Kenya participates in a broad roundtable set-up by the Ministry to encourage cross-sectoral collaborative development of unemployed youth. This caucus has already developed a road map to youth employment aimed at tackling the problem.

Supplementary so, YES-Kenya as a member of the National Steering Committee has been a key partner in the process of developing Kenya’s Youth Policy. YES Kenya is committed to playing its role in the implementation of this policy., the network now seeks to institutionalize youth service, which has not been accorded the prominence it deserves within the draft National Youth Policy.

Consequent upon this measurable success, YES-Kenya is involved in searching for ways to steward the Kenyan Youth towards better equity models rooting on a voice with influence, personal development, lifelong skills, democracy, partnership, youth rights, consultation and representation. Being the foremost youth network the country over, YES-Kenya is currently on the path to developing the capacities of it’s members organizations with a view to widening their scope on the need and dynamics of youth.

The Youth Employment Summit Campaign was born to fashion an exceptional new alliance between the world's governments, civil society, youth and the private sector to promote sustainable livelihoods. It all began in 1997 when an EDC team worked with USAID to identify Twenty Best Practices in Workforce Development, and organized global workshops in Namibia, India and Peru. After developing the Toolkit and conducting the workshops this team recognized that the biggest missing piece in the workforce development effort lay in the field of youth employment. EDC then began the task of analyzing the gaps that existed and developing a project to fill the gaps in the field of youth employment. Three main objectives were identified: Raising Global Awareness; Building Commitment to Action; and Developing a Knowledge Base. To fulfil these objectives unique groups of world leaders joined as Organizing Committee members and as Advisors and helped organize the first ever global Youth Employment Summit (YES 2002).

Youth Employment Summit (YES) Campaign has emerged as an extremely hopeful initiative in the world which has witnessed the unrest and turmoil in the communities due to disengaged and disenchanted youth. It is a global movement that acknowledges the fact that the lack of livelihoods and hope for future as the problem being faced by vast majority of youth and hence strives to address the growing crisis of youth employment. It has firmly placed the issue on the development agenda at the social, economic and political levels. A unique and effective structure for the fulfilment of the YES Campaign goals has been generated during the four years that led up to the Summit (1998–2002.) A Global Alliance for Youth Employment was established which now boasts three thousand members. In over 60 countries, youth have organized active YES Networks, which have already made substantial accomplishments. In addition, a vibrant discussion list of over 2,000 members discusses and debates new ideas to promote youth employment in their countries, and a Global Knowledge Resource of 1000 effective practices, publications and tools is made available online.

As part of the YES Strategy global summits are held every two years. These bring together youth, youth organizations, international aid organizations and governments to interact and take stock of achievements and challenges that the campaign has encountered in the previous two years. Also during these forums the YES global alliance updates and lays new strategies to tackle Youth unemployment in line with changing global trends.

For more details please visit us at


Mr. Gathecha facilitated the group discussion based on four areas that were identified as Areas of Focus. He first started by taking the forum through a life skill training where the youth were supposed to see things differently and identify opportunities from every situation all incident happening in their environment. “In life we have square, which are our opportunities. The more square we see, the more opportunities to make money we can see”.

Points for Group Discussion

❖ What opportunity (square)?

❖ Who?

❖ What do you need to succeed? Problems.

❖ What can we do in the next three months?

(Look at issues as opportunities and not as problems. No body is wrong but we, as youths need to think of what we can do to identify and exploit the opportunities that come our way in life).


All the groups were found to be dwelling their activities under four thematic areas and therefore they were given areas where they felt they would play a greater impact. The following were the four thematic areas arrived at:

1. Employment.

2. Environment.

3. Health.

4. Sports and Recreation.



-Opportunities in sports and recreation

1) Improvement of health.

2) Roll model for our youth here the young ones are motivated by what one does and want to emulate this sportsman.

3) It reduces stress and idleness.

4) Employment opportunities whereby sportsmen and women earn a lot of money.

-The people who can benefit from Sports and Recreation.

1) Both the youth who are in and out of school?

2) The family as a whole whereby they go and watch people play e.g. footballers.

3) Sports increases ones life span.

-What ought to be done in order to succeed

1) We need equipments and play grounds.

2) We should ensure our sports men and women are motivated.

3) We should publise sports in our media and even through posters.

4) We should have emerging regional groups whereby tournaments are organized and presents issued.

-What we can do in the next 3 months:

1) We should publicize sports.

2) Organize sporting activities to bring the youth together.

3) We should promote good training and discipline amongst our sportsmen.

4) The people who come for sports should be able to pay gate charges to boost the sportsmen.

A participant said Artists who perform in theatres should be involved in sports and recreation.


The discussion groups came up with more questions than answers during their presentations.


How can youth address issues of employability, salaries and concern of payment by donors/ volunteers?

How can we increase the measure earnings that need to be divided among group members costs, and still leave sufficient funds to run the project/programme?

1) How can youth overcome the requirements of work experience and professionalism to acquire the jobs being competed for?

2) Why are the youths represented by elderly people on the world stage?

3) Solutions: -

-Youth should avoid having inferiority complex and seek opportunities through all means e.g. Internet.

-Just do what you have to do to succeeded and not rely on your empty words.

-Youths have the power in your/ their hands.


a) Are the new Italian NCC environment company recruiting foreign or local employees? I.e. they should engage the local garbage collectors.

b) Why should we engage in the Italian company to collect our garbage? Kenyans needs to see the opportunities here and take it as a challenge to clean our cities.


a) Will this not affect work performance?

b) How will these affect/improve our income generating activities?

-E.g. charges for tournaments

-Registration from competitors

-Setting up of gymnasiums/businesses.


The youths were asked to pick at least one activity that they will do in the next three months: -


Sports and Recreation: - Environment, Health, and Employment


Plan of Action: -

We identify in the 1st month the groups dealing with certain activities e.g. garbage collection, HIV/AIDS etc here we identify their strengths and weaknesses.


How to generate income within the 3 months starting this month

1) Organizing tournaments, here we get hold of sponsors.

2) Organizing drama and threatre, here the group chooses a theme e.g. on HIV issues and organize a show whereby the people who have come for the show are charged a fee.

3) Using our own available resources e.g. buy a tissue paper that has been made locally.


There is a problem in garbage management.

City Council should identify areas for rehabilitation of the youth.

We should plant trees and so forestry should buy seedlings for the youth to plant thus creating employment opportunities.


Give Health services with the help of hospitals, whereby youths who are trained on HIV/AIDS should be given an opportunity to talk to other teens on this issues and for their services they should be paid thus creating employment to this youths who may have wasted away at home.

What we can achieve in 3 months: -

1) Opening/starting a VCT centre whereby the youth can come and be tested in return for a small amount of fee e.g. 20/=

2) Mobilizing the youth and creating awareness through community education.

3) Holding various activities like acting in various schools to make the youth aware of the disease and they pay a certain amount of money to us thus creating employment.

4) Training of Trainers (T.O.T)

5) Setting up of affordable community pharmacy.

6) Collaborating and networking with other organizations.

7) Environmental awareness cleaning campaign.

8) Home based care.


|MSHEPO |Training |Aug, Sept, Oct |Facilitation |C/o Emma Ali |

|MANYO |Football tournament & |Aug, Sept, Oct |Sporting. Garbage collection |Shee Teddy |

| |environmental | | |0721-806183 |

| |protection | | | |

|YOUNG WOMEN OF DESTINY |Training |Aug, Sept, Oct |Collaboration & networking |Laura |

| | | |with other organizations |P.o Box 17044 Nairobi |

| | | |dealing with the same |Tel: 0721-305154 |

| | | |activities | |

|DEN OF HOPE (D.O.H.G) |Training |Aug, Sept, Oct |Through seminars & workshops |Tel: 0733-458479 |

|M.Y.C |Referrals medical & |Aug, Sept, Oct |Field visits & door to door |Tel: 0721-806183 |

| |others. | |campaigns. |Or 02-860052 |

| |Peer education | |Workshops |Everlyne Odhiambo |

| | | | |Tel: 789420 |

|MBOTELA HEALTH AWARENESS GROUP|Home based care |Aug, Sept, Oct |Seminars |Tel: 0721-434631 |

|EASTLEIGH NORTH YOUTH GROUP |HIV/AIDS awareness |Aug, Sept, Oct |Mobilization |Ayub omar |

| | | | |0720-665559 |

|MAISHA |Environment awareness |Aug, Sept, Oct |Garbage collection |Warda wairimu |

| | | | |Tel: 0720-321265 |

|EXODUS YOUTH GROUP |Garbage Collection |Aug, Sept, Oct |Polythene Bag Supplication |Chris Ouma |

| | | | |Tel: 0720-293625 |

|EXTREME IMPACT YOUTH |Garbage collection |Aug, Sept, Oct |Supplying of polythene bags to|Kennedy Ondoro (Project Sec) |

|ORGANISATION | | |various plots. |Tel: 0720-713628 |

| | | |Buying wheelbarrows & safety | |

| | | |gears | |

|SIFA |Advocacy |Aug, Sept, Oct |Drama, counselling, pre-visits|Irene Atieno |

| |Home based care | | |Tel: 0721-717189 |

| | | | |0720-262135 |

|K-SHARKS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME|Environmental |Aug, Sept, Oct |Clean up campaign |Phris Ouma |

| |Protection | | |Tel: 0720-293625 |

| | | | | |

|KOKOYO |Karate |Aug, Sept, Oct |Basic training |Josephat |

| | | | |Tel: 0720-426583 |

|ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH |HIV/AIDS awareness |Aug, Sept, Oct |Seminars |Tel: 020-554586 |

|CONSORTIUM | | | | |

|MYSTIC ACHIEVERS |Theatre & drama |Aug, Sept, Oct |Training, mobilization & |George Karanja |

| |activities. | |acting. |Tel: 0720-817011 Or Moses 78521 |

| |Home based care | |Training youth within | |

| | | |Eastlands by visiting them and| |

| | | |monthly & weekly basis. | |

|DREAMS OF AFRICA THEATRE |Theatre and drama |Aug, Sept, Oct |Acting, Educating, |Kennedy Ochieng |

| | | |Entertaining |P.O Box 5733-00100 |

| | | | |Tel: 0721-595149 |

|KYDG |Tree planting. |Aug, Sept, Oct |Identifying a partner whom we |K.Y.D.G |

| |HIV/AIDS awareness | |can work with. | |

| |drama. | |Mobilization on Hiv/Aids/Drugs|Tel: 0721-595149 |

| | | |awareness | |

|SAUTI AFRICA TROUPE |Educating & |Aug, Sept, Oct |Training and educating young |Paul Kanja |

| |Entertaining through | |people who have talent in |Tel: 0722-608408 |

| |cultural songs & dance| |schools & children’s homes |Moses 0720-549738 |

| |& acrobats | | | |

|UNITY AIDS AWERNESS GROUP |Home based care |Aug, Sept, Oct |Caring for people living with |Jonathan Kitheka |

| | | |aids & counselling |Tel: 0722-323842 |

|MSHEPO |Home based care |Aug, Sept, Oct |Identification of the sick |Emmah Mwangi |

| | | |through visitation |Tel: 0720-886410 |

|MAKE A BETTER WORLD KENYA |Facilitation, training|Aug, Sept, Oct |Through seminars & workshops |bensonkyengo@ |

| |and counselling | |is supported | |

|NAIROBI SOUTH YOUTH SELF HELP |Drama/theatre |Aug, Sept, Oct |Training/mobilization on drugs|Edwin Githinji |

|GROUP |activities | |HIV/AIDS and health |Tel: 0720-829285 |

| | | |matters/counselling | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|MUKURU SPORTS ASS. (M.U.S.A) |Drama. Theatre, sports|August |Mobilization on Drug/Hiv/Aids |Tel: 0734-974158 |

| | | |and behaviour change. | |

| | | |Mobilization through | |

| | | |sports/drama. | |

|MUKURU SLUMS HEALTH PROMOTION |Hiv/Aids Awareness And| |Facilitation |Tel: 0720-886410 |

|ORGANIZATION (M.S.H.E.P.O) |Health | | | |

|SAINTS SELF HELP GROUP |Tree planting. |August |Training And Mobilization |Tel: 0722-340742 |

| |Environmental | | | |

| |clean-up. | | | |

|BLACK HOUSE |Business | |Selling vegetables % fruits, |Donato |

| | | |tent hire. | |

| | | | |P.O Box 273 |

| | | | |Tel: 0721-659312 |

|ELITE |Advocacy for HIV/AIDS.|August |Writing scripts &rehearsals. |Ian |

| |Garbage collection |September |Community outreach. |Tel: 0734-972740 |

| | | |Cleaning the estate & |Andy 0733-948901 |

| | | |supplying polythene bags. | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|BALFA YOUTH ORGANIZATION |Proposal writing | |Training youths within |Moses Okoth |

| | | |Eastlands by visiting them on | |

| | | |monthly and weekly basis. | |

| | | | |Tel: 782964 |

| | | | |0722-923172 |

|WAGOS YOUTH GROUP |Health | |-Training and counselling on|P.O Box 17044 Nairobi |

| | | |health. |Tel: 0721-305154 |

| | | |-Mobilization of other peers | |

GTZ offered an opportunity to the youth groups to be involved in the packing of condoms at a fee where by they can raise money to start an entrepreneurship project.

Conditions: it’s a Teamwork (a group of 10-15 members) presided by Counseling/video for 15 minutes everyday. There is 300/= per person + lunch + tea. Up to 600 condoms a day you earn 1000/= per day. Estimated to pack 300 per person per day.


❖ -Youth have ideas but need gears/money/capability/implementation.

❖ -We should not sleep.

❖ -Exciting

❖ -Good and tolerance

❖ -We should confirm our think

❖ -Never quit

❖ -We need to be creative

❖ -Trial makes perfect

❖ -Think

❖ -Be innovative

❖ -See light at end of the tunnel

❖ -Akili ni Nywele

❖ Mtaka cha mvunguni ni sharti ainame

❖ -We should use the resource that we have.

❖ -Don’t confine yourself to thinking in the fixed box.

❖ -Don’t fear failure.

❖ -If you can believe you can do it.

❖ -Do not be a Jack of all trades and a master of nothing.


1. To know more about the functions.

2. To know more about HIV/AIDS campaign.

3. To know how C. B. O can collaborate within the constituency and form one spirit of motivation by the end of it all will the youth have benefited.

4. Inspiration.

5. To learn more from other youth groups.

6. To have more collaborating parties.

7. To liaise with other youths and discuss common problems affecting youths.

8. To gain knowledge on how to manage and liaise with other youth groups.

9. Possible solutions to common youth problems.

10. Why the youth cannot be given their own ministry.

11. To know more about the challenges we the youths are facing in our society today.

12. To know why there is so much misappropriation of funds meant for the youths.

13. Expecting the youth ideas to be implemented government activities.

14. To know how to prevent youth groups from exploitations.

15. Government involvement youth decision-making.

16. Implementing and developing of the society.

17. To know more about youth group management.

18. The out come of this forum today.

19. Importance of such forums.

20. Impact of the forum to youth groups.

21. Ways in which your youth groups can get assisted financially.

22. To find breakthrough from poverty.

23. Be equipped to face both social/care life.

24. To find clear ways of assisting the youth in their various activities.

25. Know how to link with youth groups with other organizations e.g. NGO’s the academic society and the government.

26. Find away of enhancing growth of groups and getting a link with organizations that can assist groups to achieve their goals.

27. To know what I don’t know.

28. Something that can make my life better.

29. The youth as the leader of tomorrow.

30. To have an experience and adventure of collaborating and sharing of ideas with other youth groups.

31. To initiate more problems in the community targeting the vulnerable group (productive age group) the youth in general.


❖ Regina Kittony

❖ Gilbert Mbalanya

❖ Onam Kadinga Charles

❖ Emily Agoro

❖ Susan Mbuba

❖ Hanna Wesonga

❖ Sarah Nzainga

❖ Daniel Ngari

❖ Opua Apua

❖ Sarah Kweno

❖ Susan Mwangi

❖ Lucy Mumo

❖ Mary Nyambura - Registration of participants

❖ Charles Amunga - record of proceedings

❖ Gathecha Kamau – Facilitator



|1 |Martin Abunde |Kaloleni Light |Makadara |273-00510 |

|2 |John Kanja |Saudi Africa |Makadara |0722-608408 |

|3 |Moses Mariana |Saudi Africa |Makadara |0720-549738 |

|4 |Eva Ntalami |Goal Kenya |Makadara |0722-282498 |

|5 |Maureen Kiambi |Goal Kenya |Makadara |0722-282498 |

|6 |Emma Mwangi |Mshepo |Makadara |0720-886410 |

|7 |Judy Akinyi |Mshepo |Makadara |0720-316278 |

|8 |Alfred Makabila |Amua |Northern |0720-307839 |

|9 |Anastasia Kyekumba |Unity Awareness |Makadara |0722-323842 |

|10 |Jonathan Kitheka |Unity Awareness |Makadara |0722-323842 |

|11 |John O. Ouma |Kaloleni Environment |Makadara |P.o. Box 17079 |

|12 |Ayub Omari |Eastleigh (ENYWA) |Northern |P.o. Box 16390 |

|13 |John Kilonzo |Trumpet Y. Group |Makadara |0733-311771 |

|14 |Ali Abdi |Mshepo |Makadara |P.o. Box 18017 |

|15 |George Karanja |Mystric Achievers |Makadara |0720-817011 |

|16 |Benson Kyengo |Mabwok |Makadara |00100-42950 |

|17 |Andyson A. Njoroge |Mystic Achievers |Makadara |0721-299994 |

|18 |Leonard Mureithi |Mystic Achievers |Makadara |0735-777043 |

|19 |Kennedy Ondoro |Extreme Impact |Kasarani |0720-258693 |

|20 |William Owino |Extreme Impact |Kasarani |0720-258693 |

|21 |Daisy Mutoro |Mabwok |Makadara |0721-309180 |

|22 |Jonathan Muli |Unity Aids |Makadara |0722-323842 |

|23 |Joseph Migega |Talents Theatre |Northern D. |0722-552645 |

|24 |Alphonse Ouma |Talents Theatre |Northern D. |0722-552645 |

|25 |Jonathan Kimani |African Focus Nairobi South |Makadara |0721-720413 |

| | |Youth | | |

|26 |Laban Kuria |N. S. Y. G Nairobi South Youth |Makadara |0722-441537 |

|27 |Edwin Githinji |N. S. Y. G |Makadara |0720-829285 |

|28 |George Olule |N. S. Y. G |Makadara |0720-829285 |

|29 |Ian Odhiambo |Black House |Makadara |0734-972740 |

|30 |Donato Oduwo |Black House |Makadara |0721-659312 |

|31 |Odawa Stephen |Elite |Makadara |- |

|32 |Erastus Odera |Kali. Welfare |Makadara |0734-972740 |

|33 |Jason Aswani |Kal. Car Wash |Makadara |P.o. Box 17026 |

|34 |Emmanuel Odhiambo |Kal. Car Wash |Makadara |0721-474035 |

|35 |Rose Achieng |Kal. Car Wash |Makadara |P.o. Box 17044 |

|36 |Austine Oduor |Forsy Starehe |Northern D. |P.o. Box 70417 |

|37 |Lawrence Mutugi |Fosyg Starehe |Northern |0720-288820 |

|38 |Guno Simon |Fosyg Starehe |Northern |0733-909129 |

|39 |David Odhiambo |Den of Hope |Northern Pumwani |0733-45479 |

|40 |Peter Simon Olendo |Mathare Training |Northern Kasarani |0722-705582 |

|41 |Ojiambo Peter |Black Mamba |Makadara |0733-594838 |

|42 |Onyango Elly |Black Mamba |Makadara |0733-594838 |

|43 |Otieno Eric |Black Mamba |Makadara |0733-594838 |

|44 |Jack Oduor |Environmental Health Consortium |Makadara |020-554586 |

|45 |Athumani Saidi |T9 Self Help |Shauri Moyo |P.o. Box 628782 |

|46 |James Akoko |T9 Self Help |Kamukunji |P.o. Box 628782 |

|47 |Paul Otieno |Black Mamba |Makadara |0721-513197 |

|48 |Shea teddr |Manyo |Northern |0721-806183 |

|49 |Daniel Ochieng |Manyo |Northern |020-860052 |

|50 |Everlyne Odhiambo |M. Y. C |Northern |789420 |

|51 |Alice Wambugu |P. S. I – Kenya |CACC-Makadara |0721-391206 |

|52 |Moses Okoth |World Vision Mbotela Health |Makadara |0721-434631 |

| | |Awareness | | |

|53 |Richard Olando |World Vision Mbotela Health |Makadara |0721-434631 |

| | |Awareness | | |

|54 |Lornah Akinyi |World Vision Mbotela Health |Makadara |0721-984731 |

| | |Awareness | | |

|55 |Mwangi Abdul |K. Y. D. G Kamukunji |Northern |0721-595149 |

|56 |Mohammed Shaib |K. Y. D. G Kamukunji |Northern |0721-595149 |

|57 |Sarah Wamuyu |K. Y. D. G Kamukunji |Northern |0721-595149 |

|58 |Ken Otieno |Kaloleni Welfare Ass. |Makadara | P.o. Box 17185 |

|59 |Veronica |Mwange |Makadara |P.o. Box 17223 |

|60 |Jona Njoroge |COHEP |Makadara |P.o. Box 1029 Buruburu |

|61 |Eric Omondi |Manyo |Makadara |0720-717786 |

|62 |Michael Mkubwa |Kamaliza Youth Env. |Makadara |0720-906859 |

|63 |Ken Ofula |Kamaliza Youth Env. |Makadara |0720-290431 |

|64 |Jim Omondi |Kamaliza Youth Env. |Makadara |0720-202384 |

|65 |James Mutuku |Kamaliza Youth Env. |Makadara |0721-457370 |

|66 |Luke Makutwa |Saints |Pumwani |0722-340742 |

|67 |Yusuf Omondi |Self Unity |Makadara | |

|68 |Florence M. Atta |Home Ground Youth |Pumwani |P.o. Box 18150 |

|69 |Samuel Tharia |Home Ground Youth |Pumwani |Pumwani |

|70 |Joseph Anyango |Env. Health |Makadara |0722-424344 |

|71 |Gerald Ochieng |Tag-Kwon-Do |Northern |0733-864336 |

|72 |David M. Maads |SIFA |Embakasi |0720-262155 |

|73 |Sebar Gerald |Sifa |Embakasi |0721-660721 |

|74 |Paul Ndungu |Sifa |Embakasi |0721-593921 |

|75 |Irene Atieno |Sifa |Embakasi |0721-717189 |

|76 |Robinson Wako |Sifa |Embakasi |0721-660721 |

|77 |Ambrose Ouma |b. Mamba |Makadara |P.o. Box 555741 |

|78 |Walter Onyango |b. Mamba |Makadara |0721-444121 |

|79 |Kennedy Ochieng |Dreams of Africa |Makadara |P.o. Box 5733-00100 |

|80 |Hotthan Hussein |Kamukunji Youth |Kamukunji |0720-388436 |

|81 |Warda Wairimu |Kamukunji Youth |Kamukunji |0720-321265 |

|82 |Laura Opwande |Women of Destiny |Makadara |0721-428565 |

|83 |Rashida Hassan |Women of Destiny |Makadara |0721-4228565 |

|84 |Maurice Okello |Sifa |Embakasi |0720-499459 |

|85 |Florence Wairimu |COSHEP |Makadara |0720-822449 |

|86 |Eric Ngonda |Black Mamba |Makadara |P.o. Box Makongeni |

|87 |Onyango Samuel |Saints S. H. G |Pumwani |0721-821431 |

|88 |Relliap Khainga |Saints S. H. G |Pumwani |0721-821431 |

|89 |John Omondi |Unite Mukuru Sports Association |Makadara |0734-974158 |

|90 |Robert Kamau |Unite Mukuru Sports Association |Makadara |0734-974158 |

|91 |Timothy Juma |Unite Mukuru Sports Association |Makadara |0734-974158 |

|92 |George A. Eshtera |K. T. D. A |Makadara |KAYAB |

|93 |ISAIAH Naphtali |Kaloleni Youth Against Aid |Makadara |Kayab |

| | |Poverty | |73333 |

|94 |Peter waweru |Joy Massive |Makadara/ kaloleni |0721-803498 |

|95 |Mark Ouko |Kaloleni Ushirika Youth Group |Makadara |Makongeni |

|96 |Dennis Ochieng |Elight Group |Makadara |P.o. Box 361 |

|97 |Jack Ochieng |Elight Group |Makadara |P.o. Box 361 |

|98 |Justus Mchangi |Exodus Y. Group |Northern |P.o. Box 47714 |

|99 |Shaban S. Farsi |Exodus Y. Group |Northern |P.o. Box 47714 |

|100 |Josphat Irungu |Exodus Y. Group |Northern |P.o. Box 47714 |

|101 |Eric Oduor |Jitengemea |Makadara |0720-464763 |

|102 |Paul Hosea |Jitengemea |Makadara |0720-464763 |

|103 |Peter Oyugi |Usafi |Embakasi |0721-458964 |

|104 |Josephine Kina |Ziwani Y. Group |Northern |P.o. Box 11592 |

|105 |Joyce Adhiambo |Ziwani Y. Group |Northern |0720-729271 |

|106 |Goerge Wagaka |Sampele Youth Group |Makadara |P.o. Box 22005 |


1. Mamedeze Football Club

2. Black Mamba

3. Shauri Moyo Self Help Group

4. Wagos Youth Group

5. Eastleigh North Youth Group

6. Denorok Youth Group (Aids)

7. Makongeni Environmental Youth Group

8. Unity Awareness Group

9. Trumpet HIV Awareness

10. HIV/AIDS Majengo Youth Group

11. Kaloleni Welfare Sports

12. Kaloleni Youth Group

13. Kaloleni Unity

14. Tax Makadara

15. Kamukunji Youth Group

16. South Africa True (Train)

17. Valens Theatre

18. Amua Youth Organization

19. Betabeta Youth Kenya Organization

20. Umoja Na Afya

21. Mathare N. Tykwondo

22. Mathare Youth Central

23. Kayaba Youth Group

24. Nairobi South Environmental Spirit

25. Siga Youth Group Kayole

26. Ushiriko Kaloleni

27. Voice Of The Youth

28. Mathare Karate Youth Group

29. Majengo Pumwani Basa

30. Sifa Youth Group Kayole

31. Awareness Aids Gender Sensitivity

32. Kangemi Welfare Boxing

33. Mbotela Youth Group

34. Dreams Of Africa

35. Kaloleni Car Wash Group

36. African Focus (Nairobi South Youth Group-NSYS)

37. Black House

38. Kamaliza Youth Environment\

39. Self Unity

40. Home Ground Youth

41. Tae-Kwon-Do

42. Women Of Destiny

43. Exodus youth Group

44. Ziwani Youth Group

45. Sampele Youth Group

46. Jitegemea

47. Elite Group

48. Kaloleni Ushirika Youth Group

49. Mukuru Sports Association (MUSA)

50. Kaloleni Youth Against Aids/ Poverty

51. Joy Massive

52. Manyo


54. Mabwok

55. Eastleigh (ENYWA)

56. Saints Self Help Youth Group


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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