

Miss Roley English I, 9th Grade Period 1, 55 minutes

Unit 11: Drama—Week 8 Day 1


This lesson will review the concept of themes in literature; introduce possible themes of Romeo and Juliet.


Literature often introduces universal messages about life.


Students will be able to analyze the characteristics of dramatic literature, including theme.


1.1.11H Demonstrate fluency and comprehension in reading.

1.6.11A Listen to others.

1.6.11D Contribute to discussions.

1.8.11A Select and refine a topic for research.


No Fear Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet, R&J Analytic Essay WS.

OPENER Do Now: What's the definition of a theme? Record the definition. What themes do you remember? Record at least 1 theme you remember from a text we read this year. The Interlopers, Liberty, The Necklace, The Sniper, The Cask of Amontillado, The Scarlet Ibis, etc. 5 minutes


*Students will share-out answers to the Do Now; their HW from break: themes they saw in R&J. As they share-out, they will also record their classmates’ ideas of the play’s theme(s). Then, I will share-out possible themes that have not been touched upon, displaying them on the Promethean Board for students to likewise record. 15 minutes

*Students will re-read the themes we’ve all come up with silently, choose one on which their essay will be based, and record it in a noticeable place on their paper. Then, students will share-out their chosen themes as I collect HW/Notes & distribute the Essay WS. 10 minutes

*Volunteer will read the directions aloud. Students will record their theme on their Essay WS. Then, students will choose 3 quotes from R&J that show their chosen theme & record & cite those quotations on their Essay WS. 20 minutes

CLOSURE Exit Ticket: Essay WS with theme & 3 cited quotes completed. HW: Bring your notes on Costumes, Music, & Set Design (from the Zefferelli film) to class tomorrow. 5 minutes

ACCOMMODATIONS I will differentiate learning ability and product by allowing students to choose whether their quotes are recorded from the original or the modern version of the text.

ASSESSMENT/EVALUATION I will conduct a formative assessment of theme comprehension through sharing-out of the Do Now & the HW from over break.



Miss Roley English I, 9th Grade Period 1, 55 minutes

Unit 11: Drama—Week 8 Day 2


This lesson will instruct students in analyzing quotes from text.


Close-reading select quotes can lead to insightful analysis of the text as a whole.


Students will be able to analyze the characteristics of dramatic literature through close-reading analysis.


1.1.11H Demonstrate fluency and comprehension in reading.

1.6.11A Listen to others.

1.8.11A Select and refine a topic for research.


No Fear Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet, Analytic Essay WS.

OPENER Do Now: "I think music in itself is healing. It's an explosive expression of humanity. It's something we are all touched by. No matter what culture we're from, everyone loves music." -Billy Joel. Why do human beings all love music? How can music express different emotions? 5 minutes


*I will return students’ Essay WS from yesterday. I will display 3 models of analyzing quotes on the Board, the last of which we’ll do together. 10 minutes

*Students will either a) replace weak quotes with stronger ones based on my suggestions or/then b) analyze the 3 quotes they’ve selected on their WS. 15 minutes

*Students will review their notes on Costumes, Music, & Set Design from the Zefferelli film. Next, they will choose which of the 3 aspects from the film they want to focus on in their paper. Then, they will record their own definition of that aspect on their WS. Finally, they will record 3 items from their notes that show that aspect (Costumes, Music, or Set Design) relating to the theme they’ve chosen. 10 minutes

*Just like the quotes, students will analyze the items they’ve recorded. 10 minutes

CLOSURE Exit Ticket: Essay WS with theme, 3 cited & analyzed quotes, film aspect, & 3 analyzed items completed; No Fear Shakespeare Books returned. 5 minutes

ACCOMMODATIONS I will differentiate learning product and interest by having students select either Costumes, Music, or Set Design for their papers.

ASSESSMENT/EVALUATION I will conduct a formative assessment of analysis skills through walk-around and evaluation of turned-in Essay WS.



Miss Roley English I, 9th Grade Period 1, 55 minutes

Unit 11: Drama—Week 8 Day 3


This lesson will begin research for Analytic Essay; viewing of Baz Luhrmann’s Romeo and Juliet.


Comparing universal themes across film and literature.


Students will be able to analyze the characteristics of drama in film, including costumes, music, and set design.


1.1.11H Demonstrate fluency and comprehension in reading.

1.6.11A Listen to others.

1.8.11A Select and refine a topic for research.

1.6.11F Use media for learning purposes.


R&J film, Note-taking WS.

OPENER Do Now: Weekly Edit. 5 minutes


*Students will watch & take notes on Baz Luhrman’s R&J according to the aspect of film they chose yesterday: Costumes, Music, or Set Design. We will share-out notes in 3 groups according to which aspect students took notes on. 45 minutes

CLOSURE HW: What do you think about how the director, Baz Luhrmann, updated the play to modern times? Complete in Do Now notebook.

ACCOMMODATIONS I will differentiate learning interest through selective note-taking according to yesterday’s chosen aspect of the film.

ASSESSMENT/EVALUATION I will conduct a formative assessment of observation and note-taking skills by walking around amongst groups at the end.



Miss Roley English I, 9th Grade Period 1, 55 minutes

Unit 11: Drama—Week 8 Day 4


This lesson will continue research for Analytic Essay; viewing of Baz Luhrmann’s R&J.


Comparing themes across genres.


Students will be able to analyze the characteristics of drama in film, including costumes, music, and set design.


1.1.11H Demonstrate fluency and comprehension in reading.

1.6.11A Listen to others.

1.6.11F Use media for learning purposes.


R&J film, Note-taking WS.

OPENER Do Now: "I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent." -Mahatma Gandhi. How does this quote connect to what we're seeing in Romeo and Juliet? Can violence ever serve a good purpose? 5 minutes


*Students will watch and take notes on Baz Luhrmann’s R&J according to the aspect of film they chose. We will share-out notes in 3 groups according to which aspect students took notes on. 45 minutes

CLOSURE HW: Who’s your favorite Romeo OR Juliet so far? Shakespeare, Zefferelli’s (the 1st film), Luhrmann’s (this modern film), or the play’s that we went to? Why? Complete in Do Now notebook. 5 minutes

ACCOMMODATIONS I will differentiate learning style toward visual learners. I will differentiate product and interest by having students take notes on aspect they chose.

ASSESSMENT/EVALUATION I will conduct a formative assessment of observation and note-taking skills by walking around groups at the end.



Miss Roley English I, 9th Grade Period 1, 55 minutes

Unit 11: Drama—Week 8 Day 5


This lesson will have students use their observation and note-taking skills in the last step of their research; view Luhrmann’s R&J.


Costumes, Music, and Set Design tell viewers a lot about characters, plot, and theme.


Students will be able to analyze the characteristics of drama in film, including costumes, music, and set design.


1.1.11H Demonstrate fluency and comprehension in reading.

1.6.11A Listen to others.

1.6.11F Use media for learning purposes.


R&J film, Note-taking WS.

OPENER Do Now: Today is Friday the 13th. Some people are superstitious about this date... think of horror movies, bad luck, fate. What might this day symbolize for superstitious people? What tone might superstitious people take toward this day? 5 minutes


*Students will watch and take notes on Baz Luhrmann’s R&J according to the aspect of film they chose. We will share-out notes in 3 groups according to which aspect students took notes on. 45 minutes

CLOSURE Exit Ticket: Completed Note-taking WS from R&J film. 5 minutes

ACCOMMODATIONS I will differentiate learning style toward visual learners. I will differentiate product and interest by having students take notes on the aspect they chose.

ASSESSMENT/EVALUATION I will conduct a formative assessment of observation and note-taking skills by evaluating Note-taking WS.



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