University of Kentucky

Anderson County High School



• All items and/or decorations must be secured/fastened to the float.

• Floats must have two safety spotters that walk along side of it: one on each side. Spotters must focus on safety and may not give out items to crowd.

• Items may not be thrown from the float, including candy.

• All riders must remain seated on the float.

• Only a 21-year-old licensed driver may be able to pull the float. A copy of proof of insurance and driver’s license must be attached to the registration form or emailed to Josh White @


• All motorized vehicles must be driven by a licensed driver, including ATV’s.

• When driving in the parade, a safe distance should be kept between each entry.

• Drivers should drive slowly (@ a walking pace) and prepare for sudden stops.


• Walkers may distribute candy or other pre-approved items to spectators.

• Groups should stay together.

• Groups may carry banners or other items to demonstrate spirit.


• Line up will begin at 6:00 pm in the ACHS student parking lot. PLEASE DO NOT line up early.

• Homecoming candidates will line up in the front and from there everyone will just line up based on arrival.

• Please line up down the aisles parallel with 127.

• If parents are dropping students off, ask them to enter and exit via the 127 entrance of the student lot.

• Parade will start at 6:30 pm, left on Broadway, Left on Main Street and end at AMS.


Return applications to Mr. White, East Wing Office, by Monday, September 12th.


Name___________________________ Group/Organization _______________________

Contact information:

Phone __________________________ Email __________________________________

How many individuals will be participating in the parade? _________________________

Participation options: Please check all that apply.

( marching/walking with group ( riding in car/truck

( riding on float ( riding on bicycle

( riding on ATV ( other: ____________________________

DESCRIBE your group’s plans for parade participation.




List names of participants. Be sure to label riders, drivers, and spotters.



PARTICIPATION SIGNATURES: For groups, a faculty signature is necessary.

I am aware of the safety guidelines of parade participants and agree to adhere to these expectations established by its sponsors.

ACHS Student:_________________________________________________________


Faculty Sponsor:_________________________________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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