University of North Texas Health Science Center

University of North Texas Health Science Center

Graduate Council Meeting

November 19, 2007

RECORDING: Amanda Griffith MEETING TIME: 3:03 – 4:29 PM


PRESENT: Adkins (Schulz), Arafeh, Basu, Berg, Downey, Easom, Forster, Mallet, Planz, Reeves, Siede, and Smith

ABSENT: Agarwal, Cardarelli, Cruser, Franks, Kaman, Lee, Roque, and Singh

|Topic/Agenda Item |Discussion/Conclusion |Action/Recommendation |Responsible Person(s) |

|Approval of September 2007 Meeting |Dr. Downey moved to approve the September 2007 meeting minutes. Dr. Easom seconded. |No action required. | |

|Minutes |Motion carried. | | |

|Spring 2008 Tracking |Ms. Griffith presented the Spring 2008 tracking data. |No action required. | |

|Electronic Submission of |Ms. Jamie Furrh presented the option to begin processing dissertations/theses | | |

|Dissertation/Thesis |electronically effective Fall 2008. Dr. Planz moved to approve the new plan. Dr. | | |

| |Siede seconded. Motion carried. | | |

|Clarification of the Course Drop |Dr. Downey requested that the Graduate School enforce the add/drop course timeline as|Ms. Lee to update catalog. | |

|Policy |put forth in the catalog, i.e., that after the early drop date, as specified in the | | |

| |calendar, a student would receive a grade of WF for dropping the course, not an | | |

| |Incomplete. | | |

|Faculty Appointments |Dr. Basu moved to appoint Kimberly Fulda, DrPH for Adjunct, Category I graduate |Notify Dr. Fulda |[Ms. Griffith] |

| |faculty membership. Dr. Reeves seconded. Motion carried. | | |

| | | | |

| |Dr. Basu moved to appoint Brent Sanderlin, D.O. for Full, Category II graduate | | |

| |faculty membership. Dr. Reeves seconded. Motion carried. |Notify Dr. Sanderlin |[Ms. Griffith] |

| | | | |

| |Dr. Easom moved to reappoint Robert Kaman, Ph.D. for Full, Category II graduate | | |

| |faculty membership. Dr. Downey seconded. Motion carried. | | |

| | |Notify Dr. Kaman |Ms. Griffith] |

| |Dr. Easom moved to appoint Douglas Root, Ph.D. for temporary graduate faculty | | |

| |membership. Dr. Reeves seconded. Motion carried. | | |

| | | | |

| | |Notify Dr. Root |[Ms. Griffith] |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Topic/Agenda Item |Discussion/Conclusion |Action/Recommendation |Responsible Person(s) |

| |Dr. Easom moved to appoint Yogesh Awasthi, Ph.D. for Full, Category III graduate |Notify Dr. Awasthi |[Ms. Griffith] |

| |faculty membership. Dr. Downey seconded. Motion carried. | | |

| | | | |

| |Dr. Easom moved to appoint Sanjay Awasthi, Ph.D. for Full, Category III graduate | | |

| |faculty membership. Dr. Planz seconded. Motion carried. |Notify Dr. Awasthi |[Ms. Griffith] |

| | | | |

| |Dr. Easom moved to appoint Nils Calander, Ph.D. for Full, Category I graduate faculty| | |

| |membership. Dr. Downey seconded. Motion carried. | | |

| | |Notify Dr. Calander |[Ms. Griffith] |

| |Dr. Easom moved to reappoint Alakananda Basu, Ph.D. for Full, Category III graduate | | |

| |faculty membership. Dr. Mallet seconded. Motion carried. | | |

| | | | |

| |Dr. Easom moved to reappoint Maya Nair, Ph.D. for Full, Category I graduate faculty |Notify Dr. Basu |[Ms. Griffith] |

| |membership. Dr. Mallet seconded. Motion carried. | | |

| | | | |

| |Dr. Easom moved to reappoint Bhalchandra Kudchodkar, Ph.D. for Full, Category I | | |

| |graduate faculty membership. Dr. Berg seconded. Motion carried. |Notify Dr. Nair |[Ms. Griffith] |

| | | | |

| |Dr. Berg moved to appoint Mary B. Brown, Ph.D. for temporary graduate faculty | | |

| |membership. Dr. Easom seconded. Motion carried. | | |

| | |Notify Dr. Kudchodkar |[Ms. Griffith] |

| |Dr. Berg moved to reappoint Jerry Simecka, Ph.D. for Full, Category III graduate | | |

| |faculty membership. Dr. Mallet seconded. Motion carried. | | |

| | | | |

| |Dr. Berg moved to reappoint Porunelloor Mathew, Ph.D. for Full, Category III graduate|Notify Dr. Brown |[Ms. Griffith] |

| |faculty membership. Dr. Mallet seconded. Motion carried. | | |

| | | | |

| |Dr. Berg moved to reappoint Myoung H. Kim, Ph.D. for Full, Category III graduate |Notify Dr. Simecka |[Ms. Griffith] |

| |faculty membership. Dr. Mallet seconded. Motion carried. | | |

| | | | |

| |Dr. Forster moved to appoint Stan Hall for temporary graduate faculty membership. | | |

| |Dr. Planz seconded. Motion carried. |Notify Dr. Mathew |[Ms. Griffith] |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | |Notify Dr. Kim |[Ms. Griffith] |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | |Notify Mr. Hall |[Ms. Griffith] |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Topic/Agenda Item |Discussion/Conclusion |Action/Recommendation |Responsible Person(s) |

| |Dr. Downey moved to appoint Robert McClain, Ph.D. for Full, Category I graduate |Notify Dr. McClain |[Ms. Griffith |

| |faculty membership. Dr. Planz seconded. Motion carried. | | |

| | | | |

| |Dr. Basu moved to reappoint Shaohua Yang, Ph.D. for Full, Category III graduate | | |

| |faculty membership. Dr. Planz seconded. Motion carried. |Notify Dr. Yang |[Ms. Griffith] |

| | | | |

| |Dr. Reeves moved to reappoint Susan Franks, Ph.D. for Full, Category III graduate | | |

| |faculty membership. Dr. Downey seconded. Motion carried. | | |

| | |Notify Dr. Franks |[Ms. Griffith] |

| |Dr. Siede moved to appoint Robert E. Bunata, M.D. for Adjunct, Category I graduate | | |

| |faculty membership. Dr. Planz seconded. Motion carried. | | |

| | | | |

| |Dr. Siede moved to appoint David M. Lichtman, M.D. for Adjunct, Category I graduate |Notify Dr. Bunata |[Ms. Griffith] |

| |faculty membership. Dr. Planz seconded. Motion carried. | | |

| | | | |

| |Dr. Siede moved to appoint Travis A. Motley, D.P.M. for Adjunct, Category I graduate | | |

| |faculty membership. Dr. Planz seconded. Motion carried. |Notify Dr. Lichtman |[Ms. Griffith] |

| | | | |

| |Dr. Siede moved to appoint Arvid D. Nana, M.D. for Adjunct, Category I graduate | | |

| |faculty membership. Dr. Planz seconded. Motion carried. | | |

| | |Notify Dr. Motley |[Ms. Griffith] |

| |Dr. Siede moved to appoint Robert Nathaniel Reddix, Jr., M.D. for Adjunct, Category I| | |

| |graduate faculty membership. Dr. Planz seconded. Motion carried. | | |

| | | | |

| |Dr. Siede moved to appoint Russell A. Wagner, M.D. for Adjunct, Category I graduate |Notify Dr. Nana |[Ms. Griffith] |

| |faculty membership. Dr. Planz seconded. Motion carried. | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | |Notify Dr. Reddix |[Ms. Griffith] |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | |Notify Dr. Wagner |[Ms. Griffith] |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Topic/Agenda Item |Discussion/Conclusion |Action/Recommendation |Responsible Person(s) |

|Course Inventory |Dr. Berg moved to approve a title change for MICR 5050 from Host-parasite |Graduate Advisors to update matrix and forward to |[Graduate Advisors] |

| |Relationships in Infectious Disease to Advanced Immunology. Dr. Basu seconded. |Ms. Lee. | |

| |Motion approved. | | |

| | | | |

| |Dr. Easom moved to approve a change in hours for BIOC 5510 from 2 Lab hours to 1 Lab |Graduate Advisors to update matrix and forward to |[Graduate Advisors] |

| |hour. Dr. Reeves seconded. Motion approved. |Ms. Lee. | |

|University Member Role and Form |Dr. Vishwanatha announced changes in the appointments of university members. The |GSBS office to develop form and post to GSBS |[GSBS Office] |

| |dean will now appoint a university member for each student based on the availability |website. | |

| |and committee commitments of the faculty. The university member is responsible for | | |

| |protecting the process by which students are awarded graduate degrees. The Graduate | | |

| |School office will develop a new Request for Designation of University Member form | | |

| |and post it to the GSBS website. | | |

|Qualifying Exam Schedule |Dr. Vishwanatha created a sub-committee within the Graduate Council to research and |Qualifying Exam Schedule and Timeline |[Drs. Basu, Berg, and Singh] |

| |address the issue of the Qualifying Exam Schedule and Timeline. He appointed Drs. |sub-committee to report findings to Graduate | |

| |Basu, Berg, and Singh to the committee. The committee will report their findings at |Council. | |

| |a later Graduate Council meeting. | | |

| | | | |

|GSA Update |Ms. Arafeh announced that Dr. Kurz, Dean of the School of Public Health, addressed |No action required. | |

| |the GSA at their monthly meeting and discussed the option of dual SPH/GSBS programs. | | |

| |Ms. Arafeh also announced that the GSA was sponsoring a student mixer at Don Carter | | |

| |Bowling on Friday, December 16. | | |

|Library Update |Ms. Smith announced that the library was having additional electrical outlets |No action required. | |

| |installed throughout the library. The fourth floor is being converted to study | | |

| |space, and the hours of operation are expected to be extended by January to | | |

| |accommodate later study hours. | | |

|Announcements |The next Graduate Council meeting is scheduled for Thursday, December 13, 2007 at |No action required. | |

| |3:00 PM in EAD-810. | | |


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