Ministry of Education ESOL INITIATIVE – TESSOL (Teaching English in Schools to Speakers of Other Languages) Tuition Fees Scholarship

To help improve outcomes for English language learners, the Ministry of Education offers funding to cover tuition fees for teachers who undertake study towards TESSOL qualifications.

Teachers of English language learners in Early Childhood Education and ngā Kōhanga Reo (ECE services), state and state-integrated primary and secondary schools in Wellington and lower North Island, are invited to apply for a scholarship for one of the following courses:

1. Local study towards the Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCertED), or the Post Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDipED) at Victoria University. The Ministry of Education will fund each teacher for the two core courses of the qualification, which are delivered online. This includes the cost of fees for each course and up to $100 for books. It does not include university student fees or levies. You are expected to study over two years part-time. The PGDipED provides students with a pathway towards the Master of Arts (MA) or Master of Education (MEd) at Victoria University.

2. Distance study towards the Graduate Certificate in Teaching English as an Additional Language (GradCert TEAL) through Massey University. The Ministry of Education will fund each teacher for a total of four courses. This includes course fees and up to $100 per course for books. It does not include university student fees or other levies. You are expected to study over two years (two courses per year).

Eligibility criteria

The Ministry encourages nominations for teachers in ECE services and mainstream/curriculum primary and secondary teachers.

Nominated teachers must:

1. have at least two years teaching experience

2. be currently teaching new learners of English

have New Zealand residency and New Zealand teaching registration

4. be committed to completing at least four courses (or two post-graduate courses) of a TESSOL qualification while employed by your ECE service/school

5. agree to provide a one page report on the impact of the training on school/ECE service and classroom practices to the Ministry’s National Migrant, Refugee and International ESOL Team at the completion of each course (a template will be provided).

Schools must:

6. agree to fund a minimum of one teacher release day per course to enable teachers to attend workshops or to undertake intensive study

7. give the scholarship holders the opportunity to share their learning with colleagues

contact the Ministry if a teacher moves or withdraws from the course.

The selection committee may also take into account:

1. whether your school/ECE service already has teachers with TESSOL qualifications

2. your school’s/ECE service’s demonstrated commitment to ESOL professional development.

How to apply Please keep this for reference

The ESOL Advisory Committee has selected:

• the Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCertED) or the Post Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDipED) as the approved programmes for the Wellington area

• the Graduate Certificate in Teaching English as an Additional Language (GradCert TEAL) taught extramurally at Massey University as the approved distance education programme (four courses in total).

These programmes will help teachers effectively incorporate knowledge, learning needs and cultural backgrounds of students with English language needs into the centre/classroom.

Please complete the application form, scan and email to info.esol@t.nz by Friday 2 November 2018.

Enrolling on the Victoria course

If your application is successful, you will need to begin the enrolment process online at victoria.ac.nz. Online enrolment is open from 1 October 2018 and all applications for the postgraduate programmes must be submitted by 20 January 2019.

Course details for Victoria

The first course, EDUC 515 – Teaching Linguistically Diverse Students, is taught by distance with a number of optional on-site meetings during the trimester, which begins on 4 March 2019. Your lecturer will contact you in February to arrange a meeting to discuss the programme before study begins. Victoria University provides support workshops for local clusters of teachers studying EDUC 515 and EDUC 516 – Language of the Classroom as part of the scholarship programme.

Payment details

The Ministry of Education will pay the first semester scholarship amount at the end of January 2019. A payment of approximately $2,050 per person will be made directly into your school’s/ECE service’s bank account.

Victoria University will invoice the teacher for the tuition fees of approximately $1,950 per paper. The scholarship does not cover the university’s Student Assistance & Services Levy of approximately $750, which is an annual fee.

The school/ECE service will reimburse participating teachers for the actual cost of books up to $100 per funded course.

Enrolling in the Massey University programme

After we have let you know that your application was successful, you will need to enrol for the programme through http:/enrol.massey.ac.nz/. You may also need to submit verified official full transcripts and certificates as well as a short CV to the University to support your enrolment.

You must apply for the programme by 25 January 2019. If you have any difficulties enrolling or for information on important dates, please call the Massey Contact Centre: 0800 627 739.

Programme details for Massey University

The GradCert TEAL programme requires you to complete four courses. However, only those courses nominated by the Ministry of Education will be funded through the scholarship. These core courses are detailed on the Massey University programme brochure.

If you wish to transfer your TESSOL scholarship funding to postgraduate study, email Karen Ashton K.Ashton@massey.ac.nz or contact@massey.ac.nz for advice on relevant courses and programmes. You will then need to contact the Ministry of Education to request to transfer the scholarship funding to postgraduate study and for approval of your programme. Note that if you transfer TESSOL scholarship funding to postgraduate study, it will only cover tuition costs for two relevant postgraduate courses.

Payment details

The Ministry of Education will pay the scholarship amount for the first paper at the end of January 2019. A payment of approximately $1,000 per person will be made directly into your school’s/ECE service’s bank account. This includes a tuition fee of approximately $750 for a 15-credit course, a Distance Learning Student Services Levy of $150 (0–15 credits) and $100 towards the cost of textbooks. It does not cover any other non-tuition costs.

Massey University will invoice the teacher for the tuition and non-tuition fees. They will send an invoice with the exact amounts on confirmation of enrolment. You can also check current course fees at . The teacher must pass the invoice to the school/ECE service and they must pay this invoice by the due date. The school/ECE service will reimburse participating teachers for the actual cost of books up to $100 per semester.

TESSOL scholarship application form – Wellington area

Name of school/ECE service: School number/ECE Service number:

Name of principal/director:


SECTION A – Nominated teachers

Copy this page if more than one teacher is nominated. Tick the course chosen.

Victoria: PGCertED/PGDipED ( Massey: GradCert TEAL (

Name of nominated teacher: Mr/Mrs/Ms


First language: Years of teaching in New Zealand:

Other languages: Years of teaching overseas:

Position in the school/ECE service:

Teaching at these year level/s in 2018:

Specialist teaching subject/s:

Current qualifications:

Teacher declaration

I am committed to completing the two/four courses offered.

Signed: Date:

SECTION B – ELL statistics

Number of students in school/ECE service: ___

Number of teachers with TESSOL qualifications: ___

Number of migrant or refugee background English language learners: Funded __

Not funded __

Number of Pacific Island English language learners: Funded __

Not funded __

Number of international fee-paying English language learners: __

Provide a brief outline of the oral language/literacy/learning programme for English Language Learners. You could attach your current strategic plan or NAGs policy for English Language Learners.


Provide a brief outline of the expected impact on school/ECE service programmes of teachers being trained in TESSOL. How will you evaluate this?

Support from the school/ECE service is crucial if scholarship holders are to meet the burden of study and full-time teaching. A factor in the success of TESSOL study is the support from principals/directors in allocating a minimum of one teacher release day for each funded course, for the completion of course assignments. Please outline what support will be given to nominated teachers.

Principal/Head Teacher declaration

The school/ECE service is committed to supporting each nominated teacher during the course of study. At the completion of each course we will send a one page report of its impact on school/ECE service and classroom practices to the Ministry’s Migrant, Refugee and International ESOL Team.

Signed: Date:




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