
SPOTLIGHT ON SCREENWRITERS PARTICIPATION AGREEMENTI, _____________________________________, wish to participate in the Spotlight on Screenwriters Program of Women in Film and Video, Inc., (“WIFV”) and I am submitting or have submitted electronically the following screenplay (If submitting more than one screenplay, please list each screenplay. NO MORE THAN THREE SCREENPLAYS MAY BE SUBMITTED.):TITLE: _____________________________________________________________________ (“Script”).Purpose of the Program. The Spotlight on Screenwriter Program (“Program”) is a WIFV pilot program designed to offer screenwriters the opportunity to be included in a catalogue of selected screenplays intended to highlight the screenwriting talent in the DC metropolitan area and to create greater exposure for area screenwriters to decision-makers who produce films (“Spotlight Catalogue”). The Screenplay Selection Process. All screenplays received by WIFV on or before the designated submission deadline will be delivered to a review committee, which shall be charged with reviewing the submitted screenplays and making selections for inclusion in the Spotlight Catalogue (“Screenplay Selection Process”). Authors of the selected screenplays will be notified by WIFV and asked to submit a 300 word synopsis of their screenplay (“Synopsis”) by a set submission deadline. The Spotlight Catalogue will be compiled by WIFV and distributed to producers who have agreed to participate in the Program. The producers who receive the Spotlight Catalogue have committed to review the published synopses. If any producer wants to read the full screenplay(s) after reviewing the synopsis, they will contact the WIFV Executive Director and the screenplay(s) will be sent to them in pdf format. If any producer, upon reading the screenplay(s) would like to consider development of the project, the producer will notify WIFV, who shall provide contact information of the screenplay author to the producer. No feedback on the screenplays will be offered or provided as part of this Script Selection Process.Submission Requirements. In addition to this signed Participation Agreement, I am submitting, or have submitted, by July 24, 2017: General:One (1) copy of the screenplay to WIFV in pdf format to director@; Proof that I have or have applied for copyright registration of my screenplay;Proof that I have registered or applied for registration of my screenplay with the Writers Guild of America;Synopsis of the submitted screenplay (300 words);Logline for the submitted screenplay (1-2 sentences);Author(s) biography (300 words/author);Submission fee of $50/screenplay paid by credit card via the WIFV website (see July 24 calendar entry) or by check made out to “WIFV” and mailed to the WIFV Office, 4000 Albemarle Street, NW, Suite 305, Washington, DC 20016.One-sheet submissions:By October 1, 2017, I will submit the one-sheet to director@. Author will receive final approval or suggested changes by October 15, 2017 with final submission to be made by October 25, 2017. One-sheet specifications are:Size 8.5 inches x 11 inches;Bleed 0.125 (1/8 inch);Depending on layout design, it can have a 0.25 (1/4”) bleed as well;No crop or bleed marks as book designer will do in post-production;CMYK for color selection;300 dpi;JPG formatHeadshot submissions:No selfies are permitted for publication. If your headshot was used in the 2016 Spotlight on Screenwriters Catalogue, you do not need to re-submit a headshot. New headshots will be taken the first week in September (date and location tbd) for a nominal fee and with immediate approval.Eligibility to Participate in the Program. To be eligible for participation in the Program, a writer must be a WIFV member with an original screenplay registered with the Copyright Office and the Writers Guild of America. I hereby represent and warrant that: I am a member of WIFV; The screenplay is an original work fully authored by me and is not based on any book, film or other pre-existing work created by someone else; or, is based on a pre-existing work authored by me, in which I hold all rights (please include name, title and copyright registration of previously existing work above under the screenplay title). If a co-authored work, each author must submit a Participation Agreement; The screenplay is in industry standard format as detailed in the submission instructions;I have registered my screenplay with the U.S. Copyright Office and the Writers Guild of America;I have full authority to submit the screenplay(s) and there are no contracts, rights disputes or other circumstances that would limit my participation in the Program or exploitation of the screenplay; and, The screenplay has not been previously optioned, sold or produced.I agree to indemnify and hold WIFV harmless from any claim or liability arising from any breach of these representations and warranties or from my participation in this Program.Role of WIFV. I understand that WIFV is providing a service to facilitate the selection of screenplays for inclusion in the Spotlight Catalogue. WIFV is not serving as an agent and does not, in any way, represent me or make any representations or warranties regarding the Screenplay Selection Process, including whether or not my screenplay will be included as one of the selections for Spotlight Catalogue.Program Participation Fee and WIFV Credit. In addition to the submission fee, I agree that I will pay to WIFV 2% of any up-front option or license fees received by me if my screenplay is optioned or licensed for development by a producer as a result of my participation in this Program. Further, I agree that I will include in any option or license deal a requirement that WIFV receive a production credit in the film based upon my screenplay.Submission Waiver and Release. I acknowledge that WIFV, the reviewers and producer participants in the Program will receive many screenplay submissions, which may include many similar stories, ideas and concepts and that different screenplays may contain similar themes and resemble other works. Further, the reviewers and producer participants receive and review many unsolicited materials in other contexts, which may also contain similar stories, ideas and concepts or convey similar themes. Therefore, I waive any right to seek compensation from WIFV, its agents, volunteers and contractors, including the members of the review committee and the producers reviewing screenplays for any similar stories, ideas or concepts that may have come to the Program and hereby release WIFV, its agents, volunteers and contractors from any and all liability arising from the use of stories, ideas or concepts similar to my screenplay. No Guaranteed Outcomes. WIFV makes no guarantees about the outcomes of the selection process for the Spotlight Catalogue or the Program and I understand that: My participation in this Program does not, in any way, guarantee that my screenplay will be selected for the Spotlight Catalogue; If my screenplay is selected for inclusion in the Spotlight Catalogue, I understand that selection of my screenplay does not, in any way guarantee that my screenplay will be read by producers or result in option, license or development deal for my screenplay; WIFV will not accept any screenplays that are not received by WIFV on or before the submission deadline; and that if my screenplay is selected for inclusion in the Spotlight Catalogue, failure to deliver any materials by the related deadlines may result in my screenplay not being included, as determined in the sole discretion of WIFV; If a participant producer elects to contact me after reading my screenplay, any discussions regarding possible development or production of my screenplay are between the author and the producer, and beyond the scope of the Program and this Participation Agreement.9. Appearance Permission. I hereby grant to WIFV, and its respective licensees and assigns, the right to film, photograph and otherwise capture and record in any media my likeness, voice, conversations, sounds, performances and excerpts, dramatizations of my screenplay and I agree to release WIFV, its licensees and assigns against any claims arising from my appearance or the appearance of my screenplay in any materials produced in connection with the Program, including but not limited to any claims for violation of any privacy or moral rights.10. Entire Agreement. This agreement reflects the entire agreement between WIFV and me regarding participation in the Program and may only be amended by in writing, signed by both parties.ACCEPTED AND AGREED:FOR WIFVWRITER:By: ___________________________________By: ________________________________Date:________________________________Date:_______________________________Email:______________________________ Phone:______________________________ ................

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