

Verbe modale 1 – May și Can. Globalization


May și can sunt VERBE MODALE sau ajutătoare: nu primesc s la persoana a III-a singular, nu primesc do, does, did la interogativ și negativ și sunt urmate de INFINITIV fără to.

A. MAY. Utilizare:

1. cu referire la evenimente sau acțiuni posibile sau probabile în prezent, adesea cu sens de viitor. Might poate fi folosit pentru a sublinia o foarte redusă posibilitate:

There are black clouds on the horizon. It may rain.

Alice may get angry if you tell her.

You might convince him to come if you also invite his girlfriend.

• și cu forma continuă:

Call me after eight, I may be working hard late tonight.

Alex says he might be trying to conquer Mont Blanc this year.

NOTĂ: formele alternative sunt:

Maybe it wil rain. It is likely to rain.

Maybe Alice will get angry if you tell her. Alice is likely to get angry if you tell her.

2. pentru a cere, a oferi sau a refuza permisiunea politicos:

May I open the window? It is very hot in this office.

You may go in to see the dean now.

You may not call me by my first name.

NOTĂ: forme alternative:

Am I allowed to open the window?

You are not permitted to smoke in this building.

Can I open the window? (can poate fi și el folosit, dar este considerat mai puțin politicos)

3. cu well pentru a indica o foarte mare probabilitate:

I think the negotiations may well break down, look at their expressions.

The Government may well decide to raise the price of gas again.

NOTĂ: forme alternative:

I think it is very likely to rain today.

The Government is very likely to decide to raise the price of gas.

4. cu o construcție perfectă pentru a face referire la o presupunere în trecut:

Eddie is not at the cafeteria, he may have gone home early.

Brian might not have been killed by Evelyn.

5. cu o construcție perfectă pentru a face referire la ceva care s-ar fi putut petrece în trecut, dar nu s-a petrecut; se poate folosi numai might:

You might have broken your neck when you fell from the horse. (but you didn’t).

A lot of people, who might have been saved, died when the Titanic sank.

B. CAN. Utilizare:

1. pentru a cere, a acorda sau a refuza permisiunea, similar cu may, dar mai puțin formal:

You can legally drink alcohol at 21 in the US.

Can I borrow your pen, please? I’ve left mine at home.

You cannot use your cellphone during the exam.

NOTĂ: forme alternative:

You are permitted / are allowed to / may drive at seventeen in the UK.

2. pentru a face referire la probabilitate, posibilitate sau imposibilitate în prezent, în trecut sau la condițional:

Look, there’s plenty of snow, we can go skiing today.

He could be outside crying, for all I care.

Robert cannot swim for a few weeks, he’s broken his leg.

3. pentru a face referire la abilitate sau îndemânare în prezent, în trecut sau la condițional:

She is a great artist; she can make a portrait in 5 minutes.

Can you speak English?

I am hopeless at cooking, I can’t even fry an egg.

If he studied harder, he could pass the exam.

NOTĂ: pentru alte timpuri, se folosește be able to:

She will be able to / has been able to make a portrait in 5 minutes.

4. could + INFINITIV perfect, pentru a se referi la o acțiune care nu a avut loc:

You could have hurt your back lifting that heavy box.

I could have driven you to the airport, but my car was at the mechanic’s.

• când nu știm dacă acțiunea s-a petrecut sau nu:

Have you seen my CD? Your brother could have taken it.

NOTĂ: forme alternative:

You might have hurt your back lifting that heavy box.

You would probably have hurt your back lifting that heavy box.

C. To be able to – exprimă abilitatea. Este o alternativă formală pentru can / could în prezent, trecut sau la condițional. Pentru toate celelalte timpuri putem folosi NUMAI to be able to.

The students will be able to speak English well after the end of this intensive course. (viitor)

I have been able to finish all the books in the series. (prezent perfect)

By next July, I will have been able to save enough money to spend my birthday in Paris. (viitor perfect)


1. Completați spațiile cu can, could și be able to. În unele cazuri există mai multe posibilități.

1. When I first went abroad, I ………………. speak any foreign languages. (neg.)

2. When the sales start, you ………………. buy that expensive designer coat.

3. You have put too much sugar in my coffee, I never ………………. drink it.

4. The manager ………………. see you at the moment, he’s busy with another client. (neg.)

5. When Marion worked as a graphic artist, she ………………. draw a portrait in 5 minutes.

6. We ………………. catch the 7.30 train from London, if we leave now.

7. ………………. I have your attention for a minute, please?

8. Harry ………………. visit all the museums in London, if he’s only staying for the weekend. (neg.)

9. Russell ………………. eat fresh fish every day, when he lived by the sea.

10. Jonathan ………………. swim until he was seventeen. Now he swims for the national team. (neg.)

2. Folosiți may / might sau be allowed to în propozițiile de mai jos. În unele cazuri există mai multe posibilități.

1. …………………. I help you?

2. After …………………. smoke by his parents, Jim gave up the habit.

3. We …………………. (not) use the president’s meeting room.

4. Ted is a recovering alcoholic. He …………………. (not) drink any alcoholic drink ever again.

5. If the temperature fell another few degrees, the pipes …………………. freeze.

6. …………………. they come in with their muddy boots?

7. My son …………………. go mountain biking with his friends in the summer.

8. After …………………. leave the hospital, Dan’s mood improved.

9. You …………………. (not) play on my laptop!

10. People …………………. enter France without a passport, when it became a member of the EU.

3. Folosiți can, could, may, might sau un timp potrivit al lui be able to în situațiile următoare. În unele cazuri sunt posibile mai multe răspunsuri.

1. Your friend Jamie has come to visit you in your new house. Ask him if he found the way easily.


2. Offer to show him around.


3. Ask him to follow you to the living room.


4. Jamie wants to know if he can smoke in your house.


5. Ask him politely to smoke on the balcony.


6. You want to know if Jamie is good at playing chess.


7. Offer him something to drink.


8. Jamie wants to stay the night but is afraid to ask in case you say no.


9. You are delighted. Offer him the spare room.


10. Remind him that in the morning you wake up early in order to catch the sunrise.




1. Globalization is the ruling world model of the day. It is basically an attempt to bring all countries together in a more united world.

The positive side is that it creates a bridge of communication. With the new technologies, like the internet, you can reach a person from the other side of the world in a second.

The negative side is that in this process, minority cultures run the risk of being absorbed by majority cultures.

New global professions

Globalization also created a new professional group. It is formed of people mostly from the business field who have a kind of common global culture.

Generally, they are highly educated and have well-paid jobs. They speak foreign languages and travel internationally. This new professional group are “citizens of the world”.

Pop culture

The United States is by far the biggest producer of popular culture goods. Pop culture is mostly popular with teenagers. It is accessible through movies, music, television shows, newspapers, fast food and clothing etc.

Many complain that American culture is imported into other cultures, where young people try to imitate what they see on TV.

The global village

To most people, globalization is an opportunity to enrich the world culturally. Cultural exchanges brought about by globalization can help promote tolerance and diversity. Their dream is to create a multi-cultural “global village,” where ideas and practices can be freely exchanged and appreciated.

2. Globalization quiz. Choose the best answer to each question.

1. How many international migrants are there in the world?

a. 200 million b. 75 million c. 150 million

2. How many people are added to the world’s population every year?

a. 48 million b. 77 million c. 56 million

3. The 10 largest multinational companies have an income greater than that of how many of the world's poorest countries:

a. 30 b. 75 c. 100

4. By 2050, global warming could make how many plants and animals extinct?

a. 75,000 b. 1 million c. 500,000

5. Which is the most powerful brand in the world?

a. Apple b. Coca-Cola c. McDonald’s

3. Global Connections. Choose the correct word form to complete the sentences.


The world is now considered a …………………… village.

There is a world …………………… on the teacher's desk.


There have been many …………………… advances in the last decade.

What is your favorite piece of ……………………?


The USA is very ……………………, there are immigrants from many different countries.

I think it is important for students to learn about other …………………….

The …………………… Center is closed for the day.


Most countries do not charge taxes on the items they …………………….

Some laws prevent the …………………… of certain products like whale meat and ivory.

Do you think it is important that all countries …………………… products?


A person who loves their country is a …………………….

It is important to have …………………… pride.

4. Write the correct relative pronoun.

1. Societies …………………… are multicultural benefit from a diverse culture.

2. People …………………… want to use the most up to date technology need a lot of money.

3. The USA, the place …………………… globalization might have begun, is the most powerful country in the world.

4. Products …………………… are imported into a country usually have high taxes.

5. It goes without saying that people …………………… are bilingual use more parts of their brain.

6. Companies …………………… think globalization can be stopped are crazy.

7. Pollution …………………… is caused by multinational companies is increasing around the world.

8. Social responsibility, a concept …………………… encourages businesses to behave ethically, is becoming more important.

5. Follow the clues for Across and Down to fill in the crossword.



2. A person who leaves their home country to live and work in another country.

5. Globalization has created new ......

6. The system of making and managing money.

11. Beliefs, attitudes and behaviors shared by a community.

12. The contemporary global process that affects societies, cultures and economies.


1. This facilitates globalization, done mainly through the internet and mass media.

3. A global network connecting millions of computers.

4. Television, radio, computers, satellites etc.

7. As a negative effect, globalization might ...... minority cultures.

8. The whole world or worldwide.

9. Buying and selling.

10. As a positive effect, globalization might ...... the world.


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