Victory in the House – November 11, 2005


e-NEWS April 13, 2006

Dear Family and Friends,

There is a one day conference coming up on April 29th that might be of

interest to you. “Families and Communities Caring Together”, the 1st

annual conference for families of children with special needs, will be held

at the Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace & Justice at the University of San

Diego from 8:00am to 12:30pm. The speaker, Mike Ruef, Ph.D., is a

sibling of an adult with Down syndrome. The workshops will focus on

sibling relationships and early literacy. Register before April 24 and

pay $8 per person or $15 per couple. Registrations may be made up

through the day of the event. For more information or to register, go to or call 619-260-7658.

Also, please consider attending Understanding Community Services,

a family information series that will sponsored by Exceptional Family

Resource Center, San Diego Regional Center and United Cerebral Palsy

Association of San Diego. You will explore the ins and outs of

community services, receive a notebook filled with information on

services, agencies, eligibility criteria, costs, available benefits and more.

REGISTER by calling 800-281-8252 or click here for online registration.

April 26 Public Health Center, 690 Oxford S, Chula Vista 91911

May 17 SD Regional Center, 4355 Ruffin Rd, San Diego 92123

May 24 SD Regional Center, 1370 W San Marcos Blvd San Marcos 92078

Workshops will be held from 6:30-8:30pm.

EFRC will hold a training for parents on “How Kids Learn” on Saturday, May 6, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., at Gompers Secondary School, 1005 47th Street, San Diego, 92102. Understanding how children learn is important to parents so they can help their children be successful in school. Space

is limited. Early registration is recommended. For information, call

1-800-281-8252. Register online. View flyer.



For event details go to

By clicking on an event link you may view the event details.

Central San Diego:

4/15/2006 NAMI Walk - Visit NAMI San Diego Walk Site.

4/15/2006 All Out for Autism - Visit SD- 

4/17/2006 IDEA 04 - San Diego. To register, call 858-573-5959.

4/18/2006 Healthcare public meeting – Balboa Park. View Flyer.

4/20/2006 Open Lab - Assistive Technology Center. Call 858-278-5420.

4/20/2006 Self-Control Part I – workshop for children in Clairemont.

Call 619-276-6912. 

4/21/2006 School Problems Part I - San Diego. Visit events.php?evtID=1 

4/23/2006 Sharon’s Ride, Walk, Run for Epilepsy - Mission Bay Park. Call 619-296-01161.

4/23/06 4:30pm Benefit Concert - in Pacific Beach. All proceeds will benefit the Down Syndrome Association of San Diego.

4/24/2006 Infant Development Association - San Diego.

4/25/2006 Managing the Challenges of an IEP meeting - San Diego. Call 858-573-5959.

4/28/2006 Medicare assistance - San Diego. Call 619-645-3090. View Details.

4/28/2006 School Problems II - San Diego. Visit events.php?evtID=1 

4/28/2006 Healthy Minds - San Diego. Speaker: Call 619-543-0412.

4/30/2006 MS Walk San Diego - San Diego. Visit or call 800-344-4867.

5/12/06 DSASD Dinner Dance - “Reach for the Stars... Creating a Vision for the Future” at the Mission Valley Marriott from 6:00-10:00pm. Call

619-276-4494 for more information.

North County:

4/17/2006 Healthcare public meeting - View Flyer. Oceanside and San Marcos.

4/24/2006 CAC meeting - San Marcos. Call Lisa at 760-471-8208 x210.

4/27/2006 ABA program - Scripps area. Call 858-695-9415.

4/28/2006 IEP - MAPS - San Marcos. Register on line at

4/29/2006 MS Carlsbad Night Walk – Legoland. Visit .

5/01/2006 Sweet Success – North San Diego. Call 858-536-5090.

5/02/2006 IEP Goals - San Diego.

South County:

4/18/2006 Japanese Culture - Chula Vista.

4/27/2006 Summer Job Fairs - Chula Vista. other dates: May 6 - San

Diego and Chula Vista, May 11 - Santee, May 13 – Oceanside, May 20 –

Poway, El Cajon and South San Diego.

4/29/2006 Spanish-to-English Associate Teacher Certificate Program Regional Conference at Southwestern College. Call 619-421-6700 x5746. 

5/02/2006 CAHSEE math strategies - National City. View Flyer. Call Cathy Prodor at 858-505-1085.

East County:

4/25/2006 Reducing Caregiver Stress - La Mesa. Call 619.464.0505.

4/28/2006 Mammogram - El Cajon. Call Stephanie at 858-514-2950.


4/19/2006 Asperger's conference – Anaheim. Featuring Dr. Tony Attwood. Visit .

4/25/2006 Leadership conference - Concord. Call (916) 443-2800 or email c4a@.

4/27/2006 Best Practices in Autism Treatment - San Jose. Visit .

4/29/2006 Sensory Integration - Redondo Beach. Call 310-344-2362.

4/30/2006 Conference - Legal Issues of Educating Individuals with Disasbilities in Florida. Visit or call 800-727-1227.

7/18-22/06  Higher Education and Disability conference - San Diego.

7/21-23/06 34th Annual National Down Syndrome Congress National Convention - Georgia.



For details:

4/13/2006 Grupo de Apoyo - para padres de niños (0-5 años de edad) que presentan Síndrome de Down. Old Town. Meets again on 4/27/06.

4/18/2006 Support for Parents - of children with special needs at Mendoza Elementary School Library, 2050 Coronado Avenue, San Diego.

4/18/2006 Support Group - for parents of children (birth to five) with Down syndrome in San Marcos.

4/18/2006 6:00pm Let's Talk - Discussion group for parents of children with special needs (birth to five) in Old Town.

4/19/2006 Grupo de Apoyo - para familias de niños con necesidades especiales. Imperial, CA. 

4/19/2006 Support group - for families of children (birth to five) with Down syndrome in Old Town. 

4/20/2006 Grupo de Apoyo - para padres con niños con Autismo. Chula Vista. Ver el Volante. llamar al 1-800-281-8252.

4/21/2006 Grupo de Apoyo - para familias de niños con necesidades especiales menores de 5 años. National City.

4/22/2006 Sibling Support Group - for brothers and sisters (ages 8-13) of children with developmental disabilities. San Diego.

4/28/2006 Grupo de Apoyo - para familias de niños con necesidades especiales mayores de 5 años. Chula Vista. 



Chula Vista Recreation Dept - Call Carmel Wilson at 619-409-5800:

4/20/2006 Indoor Kickball

4/22/2006 Drop-In recreation or Cooking Class

4/27/2006 Sport Night



Legislative ALERT from eAdvocacy at Families USA

A dangerous piece of health care legislation is moving swiftly though the Senate. The so-called Health Insurance Marketplace Modernization Act (HIMMA, S.1955, a.ka. the "Enzi Bill"), introduced by Senator Mike Enzi (R-Wyoming), would gut vital health care protections for 85 million Americans across the country. We expect it to come up for a vote during the first week of May--and we need your help to defeat it!

The most important thing you can do right now is to call your Senators using our toll-free number, and send them a clear message: Vote NO on S.1955--the Enzi Bill. After you've called, please forward this e-mail to

all your contacts.

The Enzi Bill is So Dangerous because it would: Strip away mandated benefits that state legislatures have worked hard to pass over past decades; Impede access to health care providers that state legislatures have deemed necessary in their respective states. See what protections would be lost in your state; Undermine valuable rating rules that prevent insurers from discriminating based on health status, age, gender, and other criteria that prevent health care costs from skyrocketing for many Americans; and Negatively affect the health care of 85 million Americans.

To find out more, visit our new Enzi Bill information center or listen to our conference call archive. Thanks for all your hard work!


Current protections that insurance companies are required to cover in California that will be lost by the passage of this bill:

Alcoholism Treatment, Blood Lead Screening, Bone Density Screening,

Cervical Cancer Screening, Clinical Trials, Colorectal Screening, Contraceptives, Dental Anesthesia, Diabetic Supplies/Education, Drug Abuse Treatment, Emergency Services, Home Health Care, Hospice Care, Infertility Treatment, Mammography Screening , Maternity, Mental Health (Parity), Metabolic Disorders (Pku), Minimum Mastectomy Stay, Off-Label Drug Use, Orthotics/Prosthetics, Prostate Cancer Screening, Second Medical or Surgery Opinion, Well-Child Care, Aids Vaccines, Telemedicine, Special Footwear, Reconstructive Surgery.

Call Your Senators, Toll-Free 1-800-828-0498

> > > > Tell Your Senators: Vote NO on S.1955-- the Enzi Bill

The 2 California Senators are:

> > >Senator Diane Feinstein

Washington D.C - (202) 224-3841

Hart Office Building, Room 331, Washington, D.C. 20510

San Francisco - (415) 393-0707

One Post Street, Suite 2450, San Francisco CA 94104

 > > >Senator Barbara Boxer

 Washington, D.C. - (202) 224-3553

112 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20510

 San Francisco - (415) 403-0100

1700 Montgomery St., Suite 240, San Francisco, CA 94111

The Lifespan Respite Care Act has bipartisan support in Congress. The National Respite Task Force goals are Universal availability of respite for all who seek it ; Widespread acceptance that it is all right to ask for and receive help; Heightened awareness of caregiver needs; Easy access to an array of affordable respite services; Flexibility to meet diverse needs; Systems that meet the comprehensive needs of caregivers to locate, train, and pay for respite . Visit .



California Department of Education, Special Education Division – 3/28/06

A letter providing guidance for awarding certificates of achievement or completion to students with disabilities who do not meet all state and

local requirements for earning a high school diploma, including passing the California High School Exit Examination (CASHEE) was sent to School Districts, County Office of Education Superintendents, and

Special Education Directors on March 23, 2006.  This letter is available

at .

Questions regarding certificates of completion or diplomas for students with disabilities should be directed to Jill Larson at jlarson@cde. or (916) 323-7192.

The National Center on Low-Incidence Disabilities ( announces its self-directed online course designed specifically for general educators. Learn how accommodations for students who are deaf or hard of hearing can improve your teaching for ALL students.




On March 28, Commissioner Jo Anne B. Barnhart announced that the

final rule establishing a new disability determination process is now on

public display at the Office of the Federal Register. The new process, built

upon Social Security's electronic claims process, will shorten decision times

and pay benefits to people who are obviously disabled much earlier in the

process. Visit disability-new-approach. To view

the press release visit pressoffice/pr/DSI-pr.htm.

- a new resource center for parents of children and adolescents with depression. .

New Freedom Initiative Award - The U.S. Department of Labor is seeking nominations for the Secretary of Labor’s New Freedom Initiative Award. To encourage the use of public-private partnerships, the Secretary of Labor presents the New Freedom Initiative Award, initiated in 2002, to individual(s), non-profit organization(s), or business(es) that have through programs or activities, demonstrated exemplary and innovative efforts in furthering the employment objectives of President Bush’s New Freedom Initiative. Recipients will be recognized at an awards ceremony. Nomination packages must be submitted to Secretary of Labor's New Freedom Initiative Award, Office of Disability Employment Policy, Room S-1303, 200 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20210 by May 31, 2006. Details can be found in the March 2 Federal Register at .

The National Center on Secondary Education and Transition is funded

by and is a partner with the U.S. Department of Education, Office of

Special Education Programs, cooperative agreement # H326J000005.

The TATRA Project is funded by the Rehabilitation Services Administration.

Visit .



A Family Guide To Keeping Youth Mentally Healthy And Drug Free


Signs Of Advocacy In The Mental Health System: An Advocacy Guide

For People Who Are Deaf Or Hard Of Hearing - This booklet promotes

the idea that self-advocacy is a way to solve problems in everyday. To

request a copy, send an e-mail message to

or call 614-466-7264.

Employment Supports For Individuals with Severe Mental Illness – This

fact sheet from Training and Technical Assistance for Providers

summarizes seven evidence-based practices that have proven successful

in assisting people with severe mental illness in achieving and sustaining employment goals. .

The website has an article examining the issue of disclosing

bipolar disorder in the workplace. Visit


Mental Health Friendly Workplaces – a website by the U.S. Department

of Mental Health. .

The Child, Adolescent and Family Branch, Substance Abuse and Mental

Health Services Administration (SAMSHA) in the U.S. Department of

Health and Human Services has a new website at . The website provides information

about the mental health of children, youth and families.

15+ Make Time To Listen, Take Time To Talk About Bullying

The Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law has published a collection of

fact sheets on the federal programs that address the wide range of needs

of youth with serious mental health conditions who are transitioning into

adulthood. Visit .



NICHCY announces the launch of their new Research Center, designed to connect visitors with the research evidence on a wide range of education practices. The Research Center is located at . Visitors can also try out the brand-new Research-to-Practice database, where studies are placed in context and practical examples of the research in action are given. The collection of summaries and analyses will be growing all the time. Visitors can also sign up to be notified when new research analyses are added.

The Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) in the U.S. Department of Labor has redesigned its website to better reflect the policy nature of its mission. The website can be found at ODEP provides national leadership by developing and influencing disability-related employment policy and practice affecting the employment of people with disabilities.


If you enjoyed this eNEWS, please consider forwarding it to

friends and family to spread the word of upcoming workshops

and events, links to new sites and up-to-date information

about the special needs community.

This e-NEWS has been brought to you by

Exceptional Family Resource Center.

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April 13, 2006


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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