
GUI screen prints for Observium and OpenNMSObservium GUIOpenNMS GUIOPENNMS installationNetwork Monitoring System Enterprise editionUbuntu 14.04 64 bit server install with NO servers selected and no GUI to start with# cat << EOF | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/opennms.list# contents of /etc/apt/sources.list.d/opennms.listdeb stable maindeb-src stable mainEOF# wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -# sudo apt-get update# apt-cache search opennmsto see list of packages# apt-cache show opennmsto see version# sudo apt-get install postgresqlEdit your "/etc/postgresql/9.3/main/pg_hba.conf" file now, as root. It should have entries similar to the following at the bottom. nano vi /etc/postgresql/9.3/main/pg_hba.confThe following example is from PostgreSQL 9.3: # TYPE DATABASE USER ADDRESS METHOD# "local" is for Unix domain socket connections onlylocal all all peer# IPv4 local connections:host all all md5# IPv6 local connections:host all all ?::1/128 md5# Allow replication connections from localhost, by a user with the# replication privilege.#local replication postgres peer#host replication postgres md5#host replication postgres ?::1/128 md5You will need to change these entries to replace the default authentication methods with the method "trust". The final result should be like the following. # TYPE DATABASE USER ADDRESS METHOD# OpenNMS change: configure local, IPv4 and IPv6 connections made from localhost to not require authentication# "local" is for Unix domain socket connections onlylocal all all trust # the default method is peer# IPv4 local connections:host all all trust # the default method is md5# IPv6 local connections:host all all ?::1/128 trust # the default method is md5# Allow replication connections from localhost, by a user with the# replication privilege.#local replication postgres peer#host replication postgres md5#host replication postgres ?::1/128 md5Once you have finished making changes, restart the database (as root): sudo service postgresql restartsudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/javasudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer# java -versionThis is sample output using Oracle Java 7. java version "1.7.0_76"Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_76-b13)Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.76-b04, mixed mode)sudo apt-get install default-mtasudo apt-get install opennmsGet:46 stable/main libopennmsdeps-java all 16.0.3-1 [122 MB]21% [46 libopennmsdeps-java 105 MB/122 MB 86%]Err stable/main libopennmsdeps-java all 16.0.3-1 Connection failedGet:49 stable/main opennms-common all 16.0.3-1Opennms-webapp-jetty all 16.0.3-1Libopennmsdeps-java_16.0.3-1_all.debOpennms-common_16.0.3-1_all.debOpennms-webapp-jetty_16.0.3-1_all.debRun sudo apt-get update or try with --fix-missing#sudo apt-get install opennms --fix-missingThe installer typically has two prompts: "The OpenNMS installer must now be run manually" and a warning that "IPLIKE installation failed". Please select "<Ok>" for both questions to continue. The IPLIKE warning is normal, as this package will attempt to install itself into the OpenNMS database, but on a new install the database has not been configured yet. We will re-attempt the install later.Post-Install ConfigurationDisable APT UpdatesSome distributions that use APT as a package management system will attempt an automatic update at regular intervals. A system administrator could potentially run a manual update and inadvertently upgrade OpenNMS resulting in a misconfiguration or complete failure. To avoid these scenarios, you may want to disable the OpenNMS repositories after a successful installation by editing the "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/opennms.list" file and commenting out each "deb" section. This can just as easily be changed back when it's time to upgrade. # sudo /usr/share/opennms/bin/runjava –s# sudo /usr/share/opennms/bin/install –dis /usr/sbin/install_iplike.shThis is the expected output if the installation was successful: CREATE FUNCTIONVerify connectivity to the OpenNMS databaseAt this point, you can check the network listener and authentication changes, as well as whether or not your DB creation worked properly by trying to connect to the OpenNMS database as the postgres database user from localhost. psql -U postgres --host=localhost opennmsIf you are presented with a prompt that looks like opennms=#, you can type \q and quit the PostgreSQL shell as the database connection was successful. If this was not successful, you will need to review your PostgreSQL configuration before continuing. # sudo service opennms start# ifconfig to get ip address of opennms serverGo to another pc’s web browser and enter = adminPassword = adminchanged to 1814****# sudo /usr/share/opennms/bin/opennms startSet up DNS secondary server for larger network, to resolve lookup issue:# nano /etc/hosts192.168.1.24BillHPEGet from client/monitored computer as noted below. in C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts file, add192.168.1.138opennmsspaces between IP address and hostname192.168.1.24 BillHPEspaces between IP address and hostnameStart, search enter cmd, enter, right-click on Command Prompt, Run as Admistrator, > cd drivers,cd etc enter, s/b in folder C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc > notepad hosts (enter) to edit host, File Save, File, ExitOn Client PC, services, SNMP, change the settings to accept the ip address above in a couple tabsConfigurationEnable store by group SNMP data collection# sudo /usr/share/opennms/bin/opennms start# nano /etc/opennms/opennms.properties and set "org.opennms.rrd.storeByGroup" to "true". Example:org.opennms.rrd.storeByGroup=trueStop OpenNMSIt's necessary to restart OpenNMS in order for the new property setting to take effect. You'll want to perform the following step after OpenNMS has stopped but before it restarts, so just stop it rather than issuing a restart command.# sudo service opennms stopDelete old RRD filesCurrently no tool is available to convert an RRD repository created by openNMS in one-to-one persistence mode to be compatible with store-by-group persistence mode. You'll need to delete the existing RRD files in your?OPENNMS_HOME/share/rrd/snmpdirectory, which implies losing all historical performance data. At some point a tool will be available to convert RRD repositories bidirectionally between the one-to-one and store-by-group persistence modes.# sudo service opennms start# apt-get –y install snmpnet-snmp or snmpd --force-yes --fix-missing# sudo service opennms restart# snmpwalk -v2c -c public server# snmpwalk -v2c -c public you get the response, "Timeout: No Response from YOUR-OPENNMS-IP", then you will need to configure an SNMP daemon on your system. For most Linux distributions, you should be able to install the "net-snmp" or "snmpd" packages, and then run the "snmpconf" utility to configure your access and community strings. Once SNMP is working, browse to the admin page in the OpenNMS web UI and then click "Configure SNMP Community Names by IP", under the "Operations" section. Enter your IP address in the first IP address box, and the community string, and click "Submit." Now OpenNMS is configured with the community string for your server. On the first server, update the apt database and install the manager component. Along with this, we will also download another package called snmp-mibs-downloader which contains some proprietary information about standard MIBs that allow us to access most of the MIB tree by name:sudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get install snmp snmp-mibs-downloaderConfiguring the SNMP ManagerAs we mentioned above, most of the bulk of the work happens in the agent component, so our configuration is actually pretty easy on this machine. We just need to modify one file to make sure that our client can use the extra MIB data we installed.Open the /etc/snmp/snmp.conf file in your text editor with sudo privileges:sudo nano /etc/snmp/snmp.confIn this file, there are a few comments and a single un-commented line. To allow the manager to import the MIB files, we simply need to comment out the mibs : line:#mibs :Save and close the file when you are finished.We are now finished configuring the manager portion, but we will still need to use this server to help us configure our agent computer. a Custom ServiceTo add a custom service to Provisiond, log in to the web UI as an admin user. Go to Admin / Manage Provisioning Requisitions and click the Edit Default Foreign Source Definition button and add a detector for your custom service. All Provisiond detectors take the port, timeout, and retry parameters, but many can take additional parameters as well which allow you to tune a particular plugin's behavior. The available parameters for the chosen detector are enumerated in a drop-down list as you build the detector definition. Some example detectors are HttpDetector for detecting web servers, TcpDetector for detecting an arbitrary open TCP port, and so on. All you really need to do to add a custom service is make a new detector entry in the default foreign-source definition, with a unique service name defined. {{Try-It|title=Adding the OpenNMS Web Server|contents=As an example, let's make OpenNMS detect its web UI. The OpenNMS web UI is just an HTTP server, listening on port 8980, so we'll use the HttpDetector to detect it. Edit the default foreign-source definition and add the following to the end of the list of configured detectors: Re-Scanning a DeviceBy default, Provisiond will re-scan all of your devices every 24 hours. If you wish to force it to schedule a rescan for your device immediately, it will do so when it receives the "forceRescan" event. A forceRescan event can be sent by: clicking the "Rescan" link on a node's page in the web UIsending an event with send-event.plsending an event from a 3rd-party tool, talking on the OpenNMS event listener TCP portTry It! Re-Scan Your Node Now that we've done more configuration, let's tell OpenNMS to re-scan itself. The easiest way to do so is by clicking "Rescan" in the node's page in the web UI. Just navigate to the node list to find your node, and then in the node's page, click "Rescan" up at the top. You should immediately see "A services scan has been forced on this node" in the "Recent Events" list on the node's page. If you wait a little bit and refresh the node page again, you should see more events, as well as the SNMP and OpenNMS-WebUI services in the "Availability" section. Install Latest Webmin in Ubuntu 14.04 From Official RepositoryThis tutorial shows how to install the latest version of Webmin in Ubuntu Linux from its official repository. As you may know, Webmin is a web-based interface for system administration for Unix. Using any modern web browser, you can setup user accounts, Apache, DNS, file sharing and much more. Webmin removes the need to manually edit Unix configuration files like /etc/passwd, and lets you manage a system from the console or remotely. To get started, login your remote server and follow the steps below:1. Run below command to edit the source file:# nano /etc/apt/sources.list2. Press i on keyboard to start editing the file and add this line into the end:deb sarge contribPress Ctl + X, y, enter, to save the changes and exit.3. Now execute command to download and install the key:#wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -4. After that, you can always use below commands to install the latest version of Webmin:#sudo apt-get update#sudo apt-get install webmin#cd /usr/share/webmin#./setup.sh#sudo nano –w /etc/webmin/miniserv.conf and edit port=1000 and listen=1000#ifconfig to get ip for eth0Finally in your client’s web browser go to the webmin login page then username = bill password = 1814trip# apache2 –v ( to see apache version) store by group featureContents1 Why2 What it does3 Availability4 Configuration 4.1 Enable store by group SNMP data collection4.2 Stop OpenNMS4.3 Delete old RRD files4.4 Start OpenNMS5 DownsidesWhyOpenNMS has probably one of the fastest SNMP data collection engines on the planet. However, persisting that data to RRD storage places a tremendous demand on the system IO due mainly to the way that OpenNMS writes each data points to its own RRD file. This milestone, provides a more flexible and configurable way to persist RRD data (group collected data into a single file). This frees up IO overhead and will improve performance tremendously. What it doesWhen this feature is enabled, all data points specified in the data collection configuration file <group> element are stored in a file using the name of the group. For example, all of the data points below will be stored in a single file for "mib2-interfaces": <group name="mib2-interfaces" ifType="all"> <mibObj oid="." instance="ifIndex" alias="ifInOctets" type="counter" /> <mibObj oid="." instance="ifIndex" alias="ifInUcastpkts" type="counter" /> <mibObj oid="." instance="ifIndex" alias="ifInNUcastpkts" type="counter" /> <mibObj oid="." instance="ifIndex" alias="ifInDiscards" type="counter" /> <mibObj oid="." instance="ifIndex" alias="ifInErrors" type="counter" /> <mibObj oid="." instance="ifIndex" alias="ifOutOctets" type="counter" /> <mibObj oid="." instance="ifIndex" alias="ifOutUcastPkts" type="counter" /> <mibObj oid="." instance="ifIndex" alias="ifOutNUcastPkts" type="counter" /> <mibObj oid="." instance="ifIndex" alias="ifOutDiscards" type="counter" /> <mibObj oid="." instance="ifIndex" alias="ifOutErrors" type="counter" /> <mibObj oid="." instance="ifIndex" alias="ifHCInOctets" type="counter" /> <mibObj oid="." instance="ifIndex" alias="ifHCOutOctets" type="counter" /></group>AvailabilityThis feature is available in OpenNMS release 1.3.2 and all later releases. It works with both JRobin and RRD storage strategies. ConfigurationEnable store by group SNMP data collectionEdit $OPENNMS_HOME/etc/opennms.properties and set "org.opennms.rrd.storeByGroup" to "true". Example: org.opennms.rrd.storeByGroup=trueStop OpenNMSIt's necessary to restart OpenNMS in order for the new property setting to take effect. You'll want to perform the following step after OpenNMS has stopped but before it restarts, so just stop it rather than issuing a restart command. Delete old RRD filesCurrently no tool is available to convert an RRD repository created by openNMS in one-to-one persistence mode to be compatible with store-by-group persistence mode. You'll need to delete the existing RRD files in your OPENNMS_HOME/share/rrd/snmp directory, which implies losing all historical performance data. At some point a tool will be available to convert RRD repositories bidirectionally between the one-to-one and store-by-group persistence modes. Start OpenNMSAnd you're off and running. Downsides While other downsides of this feature were fixed, one downside in using this feature remains: If you change a group to include a new oid, this renders the RRD file unusable. You will have to delete it and have OpenNMS recreate it, which means you lose old performance data. SNMP data collection, the following files must be configured correctly:snmp-config.xml?For each interface, a valid community string must exist in this file.datacollection-config.xml?Each package in the?collectd?configuration file points to an?snmp-collection?definition in this file. Each?snmp-collection?defines what information to collect via SNMP, and it is pretty powerful as far as configuration goes. The default configuration is fairly complete for basic purposes, and will probably not require much changing initially.OpenNMSAdmin, Configure OpenNMS, Under Node Provisioning:Add interface for scanning and BillHPE and opennms (server)Manage Provisioning Requests for each ip address aboveConfigure MailUnless you have an SMTP server running on your OpenNMS host, you will need to configure mail before notifications will work. Mail configuration for notifications is in the "$OPENNMS_HOME/etc/javamail-configuration.properties" file. In most cases, you should only have to change a few lines to point it at your mail server: # This is the e-mail address that OpenNMS puts in the "From" field: org.opennms.core.utils.fromAddress=FROM-EMAIL-ADDRESS org.opennms.core.utils.mailHost=MAIL-SERVER-IPAlso, if your mail server requires authentication for sending, see the section under "These properties define the Mail authentication." and edit them as appropriate for your environment. Enable NotificationsBy default, OpenNMS ships with notifications disabled, so you don't get them accidentally as you're just setting things up. The last thing you need to do once you have things configured as you like is to enable notifications. In the main OpenNMS Admin page, there is a radio selector labeled, "Notification Status." Change it to "On" and click update. Try It! Trigger a Notification Now let's trigger your notification. Log out of the OpenNMS Web UI (by clicking "Log out" in the upper-right corner), and then try logging in again, but give the wrong password. You should receive an email telling you about the authentication failure. If you don't, take a look at "$OPENNMS_HOME/logs/daemon/notifd.log" and see if you get any error messages. Moving On to Automating Discovery ................

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