
Name: _______________________________________ Date: ____

Authentic Assessment: Interquartile Range & Mean Absolute Deviation

Objective: Students will be able to analyze a set of data to determine the Interquartile Range & Mean Absolute Deviation with 100% accuracy.

Standards: 6.SP.1; 6.SP.2; 6.SP.3; 6.SP.5c,d: Calculate, compare, and interpret measures of center and variability in a data set to answer a statistical question. (Including median, mean, interquartile range, mean absolute deviation and overall pattern).

Premise: In this assignment, you will be responsible for creating a real world word problem in which the information is analyzed to determine the Interquartile Range and Mean Absolute Deviation. As long as the topic is appropriate for school you may cater it to your interests.

The following general conditions must be met:

• There must be at least 8 data points.

• The topic must be appropriate.

• All written portions must be cleanly written or typed. No cross outs, all erasures must be clean and neat, or white-out may be used.

• All work is handed in on time.

The following conditions for the Interquartile Range must be met:

• Data is ordered from Least to Greatest.

• All work must be shown in a presentable way.

• The Upper Quartile (UQ), Lower Quartile (LQ) and Interquartile Range (IQR) must be clearly labeled and presented.

• All work and results must be accurate and cogent.

The following conditions for the Mean Absolute Deviation must be met:

• The Mean of the original data set must be a whole number. If there is a remainder, please show that answer and round it up to the nearest whole number to simplify the rest of the process.

• The Mean Absolute Deviation must be written as the whole number with either a decimal, fraction, or remainder. Do not round up to the nearest whole number.

• All work and data must be clearly presented and labeled.

• All work and results must be accurate and cogent.

Additionally, there is a writing prompt that must address the following topics:

• What is the process you used to find the Interquartile Range?

• What is the process you used to find the Mean Absolute Deviation?

• Why is it important to use the Interquartile Range? Use examples if that helps.

• Why is it important to use the Mean Absolute Deviation? Use examples if that helps.

Helpful Hints:


• Make sure you hand it in on time. If the assignment is 1 day late your grade will be dropped by 10 percentage points. If the assignment is 2 days late, you will receive a zero (0) for the assignment. Authentic Assessments count for 25% of your final marking period, so this is a crucial assignment.

• If you need help, schedule a time to come in for help. Make sure you come with a list of specific questions that you need help with. Coming in and saying, “I don’t get it,” will not get you anywhere.

• Consult classwork and homework done on these topics. This will help you get ideas on real world word problem topics, how to perform the operations, etc.

This assignment is due Wednesday, October 23rd. 10% penalty will be enforced if handed on 1 day late. No assignments will be accepted after Thursday, October 24th.


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