
 #BLM - say their names!So, what is #blacklivesmatter and what is it really about? In this project we will look into some of the cases that have gotten a lot of publicity. You will work in groups and source criticism is very important in this project. There are very strong feelings involved and different people say different things. Who can you trust? Use the internet and use only sources in English. Try to find different angles on the situation. Write down all the sources you use. Try to answer the following things, as detailed as possible. You will probably find difficult words as you read some of the articles. Use, Cambridge Dictionary or Urban Dictionary as support. Each group will get the name of one person. That person was either killed by police or was involved in a similar incident. The people we will look at are: Michael BrownGeorge Floyd Trayvon MartinJacob BlakeBreonna TaylorEric Garner Ahmaud ArberyWho were involved in the situation? Write about both the victim and other people involved in the situation. Where did it take place?When did it take place?What happened?What “crime” was the suspect accused of?Why is this case involved in the #blm movement?What kind of punishment was given to any person in this case?What other consequences followed the situation? Discuss: what is the problem in this case?SourcesWrite down your source, copy a link to the website or article and discuss the trustworthiness briefly. Is the source biased? Your teacher will give you a paper with the criteria of source criticism to support you in this case. SourceLinkTrustworthiness ................

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