
Luke Spouses’ ClubMeeting Minutes2016/2017 BoGNovember 1, 2016I. Call to Order: Chris Wendall, 9:07 a.m.II. President's Opening Comments: We have had another exciting month as membership increased from 79 to 94 members. It has been a very busy time for every one; I thank you for your dedication and hard work. Please push through the next 30 days, and thank you for making a difference.III. Review and Approve Previous Board Minutes: Sara Riggs moved to approve October meeting minutes, seconded by Jenn Kirsch. All in favor, September meeting minutes approved. IV. Executive Board Reports:1. (P) President (Chris Wendall)Attended Wing Orientation on October 20th with Sha Nauman, Publicity Chair. Handed out LSC Brochures, Halloween Bunco flyers, etc. Promoted the LSC by explaining who we are and what we do.Met with Pudge, Thrift Shop Chair, to discuss ways to increase traffic & sales at the Thrift Shop. Discussed needing more space (or a different location), getting "Open Today" signs to put by gates, creating a partnership with the Airman's Attic and having a drawing for a gift card for any new consigners. Jamie Lang & I met with MSgt Linder & his wife, Mary, from the Airman's Attic to discuss building a partnership with them. We explained where the money we raise at the Thrift Shop goes and asked them to consider giving us their items instead of taking them to Goodwill; MSgt Linder will discuss this with the Top 3 and get back with me. Also, discussed opening the Thrift Shop one day per month at the same time as they are open, I will discuss this with Pudge. Our Fundraising Request for our Annual Wreath & Tree Raffle was approved on October 17th. As Committee Chair, I purchased 30 wreaths and 10 trees (so far I've handed out 26 wreaths and 9 trees to be decorated). Jenn Kirsch, Programs Chair, & I have started collecting squadron coins for the two coin wreaths. Attended the monthly Private Org meeting on Sept 22nd. Briefed the attendees about the Airmen Cookie Drive & The Wreath & Tree Raffle and asked them to help us get the word out. Also, discussed our October Donation Drive for Millennium High School to collect items for care packages for all deployed Luke AFB personnel. I was told about Operation Thunderbox and given the POC (MSgt Reese x8346) to contact so we can coordinate our efforts.Attended Scholarship Committee meeting as a committee member. We reviewed the application packets and all supporting documents, changes will be made and approved by November 1st and applications will be released to the public on December 1st. Submitted Luke Airmen Cookie Drive flyer, the Annual Wreath & Tree Raffle flyer, and a write up about the Thrift Shop to the Thunderbolt (base newspaper) to be put in the November issue. POC is Deborah Leuthold, Editor, 623-856-5998.Reached out to Credit Union West about their previous sponsorship of our Scholarship Program. Spoke with Jamar Jones 602-631-3407; received an email from him afterward requesting further information about the LSC and our Scholarship Program to take to his team for consideration.Contacted Scott Mendenhall Luke AFB Community Planner (623-856-4166) regarding relocating the Thrift Shop to the old Bowling Alley building. He said there are several organizations being considered and added us to the list. He also said they will consider alternate locations and will let us know once a decision is made. In the meantime, I asked if the Thrift Shop could use the open space in our current building (old Health Promotions). He will bring it up at the next planning meeting and get back with me. We would like to use that space to store and sort donations. Also discussed getting permission for us to get a shed for outside for donation drop offs when the Thrift Shop is closed. He will also add that to the agenda at the next planning meeting and let me know if/how to proceed.Lauren, Jamie, and I were able to represent the Luke Spouses’ Club at Oktoberfest by judging the costume contest on Oct. 28th at Club 56.2. (P) 1st Vice President (Lauren Pierce)This month I set up and manned our LSC publicity table at the BX on 11 October with Kari Beck, our Membership Chair.I created and finalized our Heart Link presentation slide.On 13 October I briefed about our organization at Heart Link, handing out flyers for all current clubs and our thrift shop.Arranged and scheduled our December volunteer event: Gift Wrapping at the BX for the following days - Friday, 2 December and Weds, 14 December from 10 to 5 both days.Met with Sha and facilitated the hand over in her position change from Newsletter Co-chair to Publicity Chair, alongside of communication with Sara, and regular communication with all other chairs.Attended Oktoberfest at Club 56 and helped judge the costume contest, with Chris and Jamie.3. (P) 2nd Vice President (Jamie Lang)I went to a brainstorming meeting for the Thrift Shop with the President, Thrift Shop Manager, Thrift Shop Asst. Manager and 2 volunteers (Amy Mayer and Amy Sorvillo).?I collected donations around base and provided them to the Thrift Store. I am creating a new flyer for the Thrift Store to help advertise and market who/why/what/where we are. ?I attended the special activities groups for the Hiking, Bunco, Couponing, Board Game Night, and Crafting and assisted in any way that I could.?I went to a brainstorming meeting for the Scholarship program with the President. Parliamentarian, and Scholarship Chair. I am assisting in typing/planning a new Scholarship packet, which is user friendly with step-by-step instructions.?I attended a Meeting with the President to review the 2nd VP position, Welfare Fund Account, and various November-December projects.?I met with the President and POC of Airman's Attic to open communication between the two organizations.?I attended Oktoberfest with the President and 1st VP to judge the costume contest as a representative of the LSC.4. (P) Secretary (Amy Mayer)Attended Oct. 4th board meeting, took notes; edited and distributed meeting minutes to all board members.Received board reports for Nov. 1st meeting, distributed prior to meeting for review.Volunteered at Thrift Shop twice and attended a committee meeting aimed at increasing business for the shop. Helped locate POC for empty bowling alley and old O’Club so Chris could put in bid for space to be used for the Thrift Shop. Also, partnered with Amy S. to coordinate hike outings with members. 5. (P) Admin Treasurer (Danielle Price)Board members reviewed the following budget during the meeting:BEGINNING BALANCE (1st): $7,129.08 INCOME:DateCategory Amount Remarks12-OctMembership Dues $294.00 28-OctMembership Dues $722.00 TOTAL INCOME: $1,016.00 EXPENSES:DatePayee Amount Remarks14-OctSherri Meredith-$275.00 Yearly Audit14-OctChristina Wendall-$80.84 Supplies28-OctAmy Sorvillo-$18.00 WebsiteTOTAL EXPENSES:-$373.84 ENDING BALANCE: $7,771.24 Plus Outstanding Checks Brittany Hatton-$6.00 Sherri Meredith-$275.00 Amy Sorvillo-$18.00 Adjusted Ledger Balance $8,070.24 Bank Balance $8,070.24 Difference $- 6. (A) Welfare Treasurer (Emily Hayes)Luke Spouses' ClubWelfare Treasurer's ReportOct-16PREVIOUS MONTH'S CHECKBOOK BALANCE$15,349.19TOTAL MONTH'S INCOME$130.00TOTAL MONTH'S EXPENSES$2,523.74CURRENT CHECKBOOK BALANCE$12,955.45OUTSTANDING CHECKSCheck 656-Layette Program$500.00ADJUSTED CHECKBOOK BALANCE$13,455.45BANK BALANCE13,455.45DIFFERENCEINCOME3-OctYard Sale $130.00TOTAL INCOME$130.00EXPENSES3-OctScholarship Creighton Universityck#659$1,000.006-OctScholarship ASUck #660$1,000.0014-OctWreaths for raffleck #661$195.5114-OctTrees for raffleck #662$78.2323-OctAudit ck #663$250.00TOTAL EXPENSES$2,523.74 7. (P) Parliamentarian (Barb Meyer)No reportV. Social Standing Committee Reports8. (P) Membership (Kari Beck)We currently have 92 active members and 2 honorary members14 new members joined this month:- Phoebe Comia- Jody Galasso- Noel Gittus- Kassidy Caitlin- Renee Lovato- Hazel Tarbox- Tewanda Bowie- Tonya Mena- Jocelynn Lee- Alicia Cox- Amber Couture- Rebecca Davisson- Erin Bishop- Julie Grimm6 active members renewed their membership for this year:- Geri Albright- Christine Draper- Erica Lowe- Crystal Jackson- Lanette Eagar- Sheryl WhitehouseAfter receiving notice of PCS or not able to renew membership 6 members were removed from the roster:- Alison Blauser- Alana Whitener- Jody Reher- Eileen Critchley- Jorie Auntuna- Vangela Clark6 guests attended the September Social and they all became members.9. (P) Programs (Jenn Kirsch)October Social (25 Oct) ??Due to a?conflict with Club 56 we moved the Halloween Bunco to Oct 25th.? Approximately 48 members attended the social and some dressed up for the Halloween Bunco theme.? Minimal decorations were created, a photo booth was set-up and the room had 6 round tables/14 smaller tables for Bunco.?The social was very well received and everyone that attended seemed to enjoy themselves. Prizes given were: Most Buncos $60.00 Target Gift Card,?Most Wins $50.00 Kohl's Gift Card,?Most Mini Buncos $40.00 Barnes & Noble Gift Card, Highest Score $30.00 TJMaxx/Homegoods,?Most Losses $20.00 Starbucks Gift Card,?Lowest Score $15.00 Limited Gift Card,?Membership Drawing --Salon gift Certificate,?Best Costume--Salon gift Certificate.? Sara and Margaret each donated gifts to be?raffled to the membership (Fall Wreath and Halloween sign). ??November SocialWorking on the flyer for?social?and will send it out no later than Tuesday 1 Nov. ? The theme for November is Fall in the Outdoors, where we will be showcasing Outdoor recreation.? There will be a lunchtime and evening event, with games and?s'mores?being served on the outside patio. Decorations will be completed well before event since the Program Chair will not be?available?for the event. ???Dec Tree and Wreath Raffle ?The theme for the Wreath and Tree Raffle is Winter Wonderland.? Working with the committee to finalize the decorations and make them as far in advance as possible.? Working on getting the coins for the 2 large 56 FW wreaths.? Hoping to have all of the coins NLT 1 Nov.? Gail and Jennifer will be making the wreath this year on for the drawing and one for the raffle.? Meeting this week with Melissa to determine the meal for the social.?10. (P) Newsletter (Sara Riggs)This month I completed, published, and distributed the newsletter.11. (A) Publicity (Shaterika Nauman)I attended my first Wingman Orientation with the President on the 19th of October. I have also logged onto the Twitter and Instagram accounts set for the Spouses’ Club and have posted about 3-4 times a week updating followers about upcoming events.12. (P) Website (Amy Sorvillo)This month, I’ve added all newly received information to the website for the last week of September through the report date in October. I’ve rotated some older information off the front page to make way for the current and recent happenings. I’ve updated the Photo Gallery to make it a bit more streamlined by grouping photographs in mosaics rather than individual images, which was taking up a lot of space.?Added the brand new ‘Couponing Club’ to the Website under ‘Special Activities’ and ‘Calendar’?Updated FB with Social and special activities flyers (that aren’t being promoted by the POCs). The LSC FB page has 25 new members to the site for a total of 231.?Updated the Thrift Store FB page with photographs of items in the store, as well as weekly opening times and dates.? The TS FB page has 15 new ‘likes’ since last month’s report (total 588 likes).?I promoted the website’s Photo Gallery on our FB page and it broke the record for “most views” on Oct 4 with 160 views for the day (the previous record was from 2014 with approx. 125 views for one day). We also surpassed last year’s total views by October 5 (with three months still to go until the end of the year!). From Oct 1-24, we’ve had 667 views (the highest monthly views in the last year). The word must be getting out about all the great things the LSC has to offer!13. (P) Historian (Marisol Escobar)Met with Chris and Jamie to discuss matters about setting up our new coupon club Facebook page.14. (P) Reservations (Tracey Canny)SummaryThe October 2016 function, Bunco, was held at Club 56 on Luke AFB. It was held October 25th from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. ?The function was open to all LSC members, their guests, as well as non-members. ?Attendees E-5 and above and retirees who are not Club 56 members paid $13. ?Those who are E-5 and above who are Club 56 members paid $11. ?Those attending who are E-4 and below who are not Club 56 members paid $10.All credit charges with amounts have been sent to Club 56 to be processed. ?The remaining balance was paid to the Club.FinancialLine ItemDebitCreditChange fund start$100Club cards/credit cards$177Checks/cash$301Change fund end$100Amount owed to Club$478AttendanceRSVP’d yes46Not eating3Walk-ins2No-shows2Total43 charged15. (P) Childcare (Kari Beck)October Board MeetingThree children attended, parents paid sitter. Our sitter was Yaireliee Colom-Perez.October SocialEight children attended, parents paid sitters. Our sitters were Yaireliee and April.16. (P) Special Activities (Brittney Hatton) October has been amazing. All clubs are running smoothly.Board Game club: ?The last meeting was?September 23rd -- 19 people were in attendance.? Met on October 28th?from?6-10pm?at Club 56 -- 14 people attended.Bowling: Bowling started September 15th and the current standings: 1st Place - Team #3, Try Harder - 9 wins & 3 losses (Karen Stolp, Chris Wendall, & Connie Stresing) & 2nd Place - Team #4, LUV to BOWL - 8 wins & 4 losses (Beth Parker, Sandy Gentile, & Gin Fagan)?Bunco: 15 people attended:Most Buncos:? Hazel TarboxMost Wins:? Crystal KennerMost Mini Buncos:? Katie WoodruffMost Losses:? Chris WendallSnake Eyes:? Kassidy CaitlinCrafting: The craft this month was mason jars! The next craft night will be November 16 at Club 56.?Hiking: ?Next?hike?is scheduled for October 26, 2016 at McDowell?Preserve.Couponing: First meeting was on Friday, October 14th and it had a great turn out. Meetings will continue the first Friday of every month.?17. (P) Retired Liaison (Barb Meyer)The Luke Retired Officers’ Spouses Club held our fall luncheon on October 6, 2016, at The Cabin Whiskey and Grill in Peoria. Ten ladies attended our social gathering. We will hold our annual Holiday luncheon at 1130 on December 1, 2016, at the Yard House in Glendale.VI. Welfare Standing Committee Reports18. (P) Charitable (Jamie Lang)The MDSS provided the November Oasis meal. I assisted with various questions.?I have contacted the VA Center and started planning the December Holiday Luncheon. I will advertise for donations in late November.?I was contacted by the AFRC who advised they are out of Layette's. Since we advertised the Layette Program on Aug 22nd on social media we had 24 bags picked up by new mothers.?I met with volunteers Danielle Price, Fallon Alley, and Cara Carson and put together 16 Layettes. All 16 of these Layettes were donated items of bags, clothing, books, blankets, and baby powder.?I budgeted, designed, and started purchasing for the next set of Layette Bags for the spring.?I had a group of 10 volunteers who attended the Sat Oct 15th volunteer event at Street Light USA from 0900-1200.I collected donations at the Oct Social for care packages for deployed Luke AFB airmen.?I organized a Hearts Apart event for Nov 19th of a Wine Tasting and Appetizers at Tempo Urban Bistro.?19. (P) Thrift Shop (Pudge Hoskins)Business is still slow at the Thrift Shop, sales are down for this time of year and our consignors are not coming in. Oct., Nov., and Dec. are usually our best months for sales. We are starting to take toys again, which will make our younger customers happy.We will be closed Friday Nov. 11th for Veterans Day. We will also be closed for Thanksgiving. 20. (A) Scholarship (Sue McGraw)The Scholarship Committee met on Oct 18th to go over the application from previous years, and we discussed all of the changes we would like to make for this year’s packets.? The changes will be made and sent back out to the Committee for final approval NLT than November 1st.The Scholarship Committee consists of myself, Barb Meyer (Parliamentarian), Jamie Lang (2nd Vice President) and Chris Wendall (President).This is the working timeline for this year's Scholarship Program:September 12, 2016Initial Scholarship Committee MeetingHand out packets/Discuss making flyerOctober 18, 2016Scholarship Committee MeetingBring packets:? Discuss desired changesNovember 1, 2016Instructions & applications finalizedNovember 15, 2016Thunderbolt deadline to submit flyerDecember 1, 2016Applications released/Begin advertisingFebruary 28, 2017Applications Due to usMarch 15, 2017Give applications to EMCC for scoringMarch 31, 2017EMCC returns applications to usApril 1, 2017Begin notifying winnersApril 27, 2017Scholarship Reception DinnerVII. Old Business1. New Life Center & Hearts Apart - Jamie LangShort volunteer day at New Life Center to help decorate the ballroom for their annual fundraising event.? A group of 10 are already signed up. The state gives the New Life Center money for volunteers that help.Working with Tempo for the Deployed spouses outing. Coordinated with Give Parents a Break program.? Need volunteers to be DD's.2. October Donation Drive – Jamie LangExtending the collection of items for the deployed troops partnering with Millennium High School through week before Thanksgiving for Operation Thunderbox, same as when wreaths are due Nov. 18th.3. Luke Airmen Cookie DrivePlease spread the word, so we can get a ton of cookies.? There will be one change to the flyer to be distributed to ladies at Pebble Creek. We will put up a sign-up sheet for folks to come package the cookies.? Having kids make Christmas cards to go along with cookies.4. Wreath & Tree RaffleStill have 2 wreaths to pass out, otherwise all wreaths have been distributed.? Timing of the social for the Wreath & Tree Raffle is usually 11-1, but it takes a long time to sign everyone in because of good attendance. We do not want to rush through this event. Propose to start sign-in at 1030, would like to start announcements at 1100, then lunch.? Bunco ran late because of late sign-in, plus socializing which we want to encourage.? Proposed to have an additional sign-in table as well. Want to give people time to look at wreaths beforehand.? After this meeting, the Wreath and Tree Raffle committee will stay for another meeting, please join us as help is needed for soliciting donations from the community.5. BindersPlease keep up with binders, keep it up-to-date with meeting information.? Any flyers, or anything relevant from your job, please place these in your binder for continuity for next year.VIII. New Business1. Gift Wrapping at the BX – Jamie LangLauren was able to secure a spot for us to gift-wrap on Dec 2 & 14, 10-5. Need 3-5 volunteers to cover slots, paper sign-ups were at the last social, these will be converted to electronic format and pushed out via email.? Donations will go towards the welfare fund, then back to the community.2. Thrift Shop Consignment Raffle – Pudge HoskinsRaffle for new consignors at the Thrift Shop (TS), we will have drawing the Wed. before Christmas break; winner receives a $15 Starbucks gift card.? Looking to bring in more business and younger families, all earnings made via TS goes towards the Welfare Fund.? Now accepting baby clothes and toys. Consignors set price, TS keeps 25%.IX. Announcements1. Dates to RememberNew Life Center - Thursday, November 3, 6:30-8:30pm at the Renaissance HotelCoupon Club - Friday, November 4, 5:30-7pm at Club 56Hiking Club - Monday, November 7, 9am at Estrella MountainsBunco - Thursday, November 10, 6-8pm at Club 56Fall in the Outdoors Social - Tuesday, November 15, 11am-1pm & 6-8pm at Club 56Crafting Club - Wednesday, November 16, 5:30pm at Club 56Hiking Club - Thursday, November 17, 9am at South MountainWreaths and Trees are due – Friday, November 18thCan take the wreaths and trees at the next social, Mrs. Shoemaker has offered to store the wreaths. Want to make placards to go with each wreath, please fasten something to wreath that includes your name and organization.? Setting up the night before for the raffleHearts Apart - November 19, 12:30 p.m. - ?December Board Meeting & Decorating Club 56 - Tuesday, November 29, 9am at Club 56 Please stay if you can to help decorate the Club for Christmas.2. President’s CommentsYou are all fantastic! I am out in the community regularly and hearing positive feedback from folks around the base.? We are really living the motto of being a change and making a difference.3. Honorary President’s Comments4. Honorary Vice President’s CommentsSarah Shoemaker, thank you for being a part of this and stepping up, nice year so far.5. Advisor's CommentsTheresa Ainsworth, huge difference in the club this year, it is great. ? Pamela Freeland, very impressed with all information going out on social media, keep it up, that is a fantastic way to keep folks updated, great resource. No comments from Erin Bishop.X. Adjournment: Lauren Pierce moved to adjourn meeting, seconded by Marisol Escobar at 9:32 a.m. ................

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