Academic Address: Memorial Istanbul Atasehir Hospital

Department of Urology & Robotic Surgery Center

İstanbul TURKEY

Telephone: (216) 570 66 66

Fax: (216) 570 66 21

E-mail: dr@

Date of Birth: September, 7th, 1966

Nationality: Republic of Turkey

Marital Status: Married, father of two children

Foreign Language: English (Fluent)

Title: Professor, Medical Doctor

Education status:

Medical Education 1983-1989 Istanbul University

Istanbul Faculty of Medicine

Medical Specialty 1990-1995 İstanbul University

Istanbul Faculty of Medicine

Department of Urology

PhD Thesis:

Evaluation of voiding dysfunction and erectlie dysfunction in Neuro-Behcet Syndrome and treatment approaches (it is the first research and patient serial in this subject and published in “Journal of Urology” which is in statue A)


General Practitioner (compulsory Service)

November,9th, 1989- August, 30, 1990 Mardin Central 2nd Health Centre

Researcher (Specialty Training)

September,1st, 1990 – October, 25th, 1995 Istanbul University

Istanbul Medical Faculty Urology Department

November,1st, 1995 – November, 16th, 1998 German Hospital

Urology Department, İstanbul

December, 4th, 1998 – March 14th, 2011 Akdeniz University Medical Faculty

Urology Department, Antalya

15th, March, 2011 – till now Memorial İstanbul Atasehir Hospital

Head of Department of Urology &

Robotic Surgery Center

Experiences in Abroad:

Augusti 1-30, 1998

Intern ”Optinal Training”

Univeristy of Glasgow, “Royal Infirmary” Department of Anaesthesiology

Supervisor: Dr. Gavin N.C. Kenny

October 1st-December 24th 1999

Clinical fellow (Subject of Training: Endourology)

University of Harvard, “Massachusetts General Hospital”

Department of Urology, Kidney Stone Centre

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Stephen Dretler

January 2 nd –October 1st 2004

Clinical fellow (Subject of Training: Laparoscopic and Robotic Urological Surgery)

Heilderberg University Heilbronn Hospital Urology Department

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jens Rassweiler

Membership of Urology Associations :

• Turkish Endourology Society, Active Member (Secretary General)

• Turkish Urology Association, Active Member

• Turkish Andrology Association, Active Member

• Turkish Pediatric Urology Association, Active Member

• “American Urological Association” (AUA), Corresponding Member

• “Society for Basic Urologic Research” (SBUR), Active Member

• “European Association of Urology” (EAU), Active Member

• “Endourology Society”, Active Member


1. Istanbul University research Foundation 27 December 1996

“Successful Researcher in 1996”

2. 2001; International Pfizer “Cardura” Project Contest Award

3. 2002; Alpay Kemali Award

Sexual Function Disorders and Infertility Congress-1; June 13-15 2001, Istanbul

4. 2003; Akdeniz Univeristy Scientific Promotion Award

Acoording to the data in the list of “Institute Scientific Information”

Number of references in scientific journals: 187

Organization of Scientific Meetings and Training Programs

Mediterranean Video - Endoscopic Urology Course, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006

Endourology Association 1to1 Advanced Laparoscopy Training Programs, 2009, 2010

Endourology Association 1to1 PNL Training Program, 2010

Advanced Laparoscopic Training Program in Fresh Cadavers -2009, -2010

National Endourology Congress, 2009


1. “Mesuring and Evaluatioon in Education” and “communication in Teaching and Learning Process”

Akdeniz University Faculty of Medicine, February 19-20, Antalya

2. “Basic approach to experimental animal”

Akdeniz University Faculty of Medicine, June 13 1999, Antalya

3. “Recent advances in laparoscopic urology” and “urodynamics and neuro-uropharmacology”, October 8 2000, Izmir

4. “Training skills and training of trainers”

Akdeniz University Faculty of Medicine, May 22-25 2001, Antalya

5. 1999 4th, 2000 5th, 2002 6th and 2004 7th Mediterranean Video-Endoscopic Urology Workshop, Scientific Secretary of Organization Committee

6. 2009, 2010, 2011 Endourology Scoiety

1to1 Live PCNL, Live Urologic Laparoscopic Training Coordinator

7. 2010, 2011 Endourology Society

Endourolgoy Summer School Designer & Coordinator

8. 2010, 2011 Endourology Society

Endo-Live Singapure 2010, Endo-Live Rio de Jenario 2011, Euro-Live Verona 2011 international laparoscopic and robotic training & symposiums Designer & Coordiantor

9. Endourology Society 2009, 2010

Laparoscopic Fresh Cadaver Workshop & Training Programme, Designer & Coordinator


He has totally 61 scientific articles which is especially about male sexual function disorder, male infertility, benign prostate hypertrophy, laparoscopic surgery and prostate cancer published in international literature

1. Ates Kadıoglu, Kaya Memisoglu, OgUn Sazova, Tibet Erdogru, Kubilay Karsıdag, Sedat Tellaloglu: The effects of diabetes on penile somatoafferrent system. Archivos Espanoles de Urologia 47: 100-103, 1994.

2. Ates Kadıoglu, Tibet Erdogru, Sedat Tellaloglu: Combined intracavernous injection of papaverine and stimulation (CIS) test. Journal of Andrology 15: 50-53, 1994.

3. Ates Kadıoglu, Tibet Erdogru, Kubilay Karsıdag, Nevin Dinccag, İlhan Satman, M. Temel Yılmaz, Sedat Tellaloglu: Evaluation of penile arterial system with color Doppler ultrasonography in non-diabetic and diabetic males. European Urology 27:311-314, 1995.

4. Ates Kadıoglu, Tibet Erdogru, Sedat Tellaloglu: Evaluation of penile arteries in papaverine induced erection with color Doppler ultrasonography. Archivos Espanoles de Urologia 48: 654-658, 1995.

5. Tibet Erdogru,T., Isın Kılıcaslan, Tarık Esen, Haluk Ander, Orhan Ziylan, Veli Uysal: Primary signet ring cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder: Review of the literature and report of two cases. Urologia Internationalis 55: 34-37, 1995.

6. Tibet Erdogru, Ali Agacfidan, Mustafa Onel, Selim Badur, Ozden Ang, Sedat Tellaloglu: The treatment of non-gonococal urethritis with single dose oral azithromycine. The Journal of International Medical Research 23: 386-393, 1995.

7. Ates Kadıoglu, Tibet Erdogru, Mehmet Selhanoglu, Sedat Tellaloglu: The correlation of end-diastolic blood flow velocity and cavernosometry results in diagnosis of venous leakage. Archivos Espanoles de Urologia 49: 651-654, 1996.

8. Tarık Esen, Tibet Erdogru, Mahmut Muslumanoglu, Isın Kılıcaslan, Hulya Kayserili: Laparoscopic removal of uterus, vesicula seminalis and bilateral ovotestes harboring mature teratoma and carcinoid tumor in an intersex patient. Journal of Urology 155: 2032-2033, 1996.

9. Tibet Erdogru, Ates Kadıoglu, Selahittin Cayan, Sedat Tellaloglu: Does positive intracavernous papaverine test always indicate normal penile vascular system? European Urology 31: 323-328, 1997.

10. Tibet Erdogru, Taner Kocak, Piraye Serdaroglu, Ates Kadıoglu, Sedat Tellaloglu: Evaluation and therapeutic approaches of voiding and erectile dysfunction in Neurological Behcet’s syndrome. Journal of Urology 162: 147-153, 1999.

11. Tibet Erdogru, Murat Savas, Namık Yılmaz, Mehmet Baykara: Are normal hemodynamic responses invariably associated with normal penile rigidity and potency? International Journal of Impotence Research 13: 10-15, 2001.

12. Mustafa F. Usta, Tibet Erdogru, Ahmet Tefekli, Turker Koksal, Basak YUcel, Ates Kadıoglu: Honeymoon impotence: psychogenic or organic in origin?. Urology 57: 758-762, 2001.

13. Tibet Erdogru, Tansel Kaplancan, Omer Aker, Necdet Aras: Cavernosal arterial anatomic variations and it’s effect on penile hemodynamic status. European Journal of Ultrasound 14: 141-148, 2001.

14. Semra Karaburun Paker, Bahar Kılıcarslan, M. Aktif Ciftcioglu, Semra Oztekin, C. Figen Sargın, Tibet Erdogru, Mehmet Baykara: Relationship Between Apoptosis ReGulator Proteins (bcl-2 and p53) and Gleason Score in Prostate Cancer. Pathology Oncology Research 7: 209-212, 2001.

15. Tibet Erdogru, Mustafa F. Usta, Kagan Ceken, Turker Koksal, Adnan Kabaalioglu, Mehmet Baykara: Is sildenafil citrate an alternative agent in the evaluation of penile vascular system with color Doppler ultrasonography? Urologia Internationalis 68:255-260, 2002.

16. Tibet Erdogru, K. Hakan Gulkesen, Mustafa Bahceci, Gulten Karpuzoglu, Mehmet Baykara: The role of expression of extracellular matrix proteins and epidermal growth factor receptor activity on fertilization capacity of testicular harvested spermatozoa. Andrologia 34: 98-106, 2002.

17. Tibet Erdogru, K. Hakan Gulkesen, Erdal Kukul, Mehmet Yalcınkaya, Gulten Karpuzoglu, Mehmet Baykara: Increased bladder apoptosis with (-1 adrenoceptor antagonists in benign prostatic hyperplasia. Scandinavian Journal of Urology and Nephrology 36: 188-193, 2002.

18. Mustafa F. Usta, Aslı Baykal, M. Akif Ciftcioglu, Tibet Erdogru, Turker Koksal, Mehmet Baykara: The impact of chronic renal failure and peritoneal dialysis fluids on advanced glycation end-product and iNOS levels in pneile tissue: an experimental study. Urology 59: 953-957, 2002.

19. K. Hakan Gulkesen, Tibet Erdogru, C. Figen Sargın, Gulten Karpuzoglu: Expression of extracellular matrix proteins and vimentin in testes of azoospermic man: an immunohistochemical and morphometric study. Asian Journal of Andrology 4: 55-60, 2002.

20. Tibet Erdogru, Omer Aker, Tansel Kaplancan, Eren Eroglu. Predictive role of non-contrast spiral computerized tomography on spontaneous passage of ureteral stones. International Brazilian Journal of Urology 28: 516-521, 2002.

21. Mustafa F. Usta, Turker İ. Koksal, Tibet Erdogru, Mehmet Baykara: Glans necrosis after internal urethrotomy: an unexpected complication. BJU Intenational 90: 1-2, 2002.

22. Tibet Erdogru, Namık Yılmaz, Murat Savas, Mustafa F. Usta, Turker Koksal, Mutlu Ates, Mehmet Baykara: Evaluation of penile hemodynamic status and adjustment of treatment alternatives in Peyronie’s disease. Asian Journal of Andrology 4: 187-190, 2002.

23. Turker Koksal, Tibet Erdogru, Behiye Toptas, K. Hakan Gulkesen, Mutafa Usta, Aslı Baykal, Mehmet Baykara: Effect of experimental varicocele in rats on testicular oxidative stress status. Andrologia 34: 242-247, 2002.

24. Tibet Erdogru, M. Akif Ciftcioglu, İbrahim Emreoglu, Gulay Ozbilim, Mustafa F. Usta, Turker Koksal, Mehmet Baykara M. Apoptotic and proliferative index after alpha-blocker and/or finasteride treatment in benign prostatic hyperplasia. Urologia Internationalis 69: 287-292, 2002.

25. Tibet Erdogru, Adil Boz, Turker Koksal, Mustafa F. Usta, Akın Yıldız, Furat Gungor, Mehmet Baykara: Penile scaning using 99Tc(m) HIG: a novel method for distinguishing the unstable and stable phases of Peyronie’s disease. BJU International 90:703-706, 2002.

26. Tibet Erdogru, Omer Aker, Tansel Kaplancan, Eren Eroglu. Predictive role of non-contrast spiral computerized tomography on spontaneous passage of ureteral stones. International Brazilian Journal of Urology 28: 516-521, 2002.

27. Mehmet Baykara, Tibet Erdogru, K. Hakan Gulkesen, C. Figen Sargın, Murat Savas: Does interstitial cystitis urine include possible factors effecting nociceptive system in spinal cord? Urologia Internationalis 71: 66-72, 2003.

28. Gul KOknel Talu, Tibet Erdogru, Tansel Kaplancan, Mustafa Bahceci: Intratunical bupivacaine and methylprednisolone instillation for scrotal pain after testicular sperm retrival procedure. Asian Journal of Andrology 5: 65-67, 2003.

29. Turker Koksal, Tibet Erdogru, Mustafa Usta, Mutlu Ates, Mehmet Baykara. Unexpected presentation of syringocele. Acontractile bladder. Urologia Internationalis 71: 222-223, 2003.

30. Turker Koksal, Mustfa Usta, GOkhan Akkoyunlu, Behiye Toptas, K. Hakan Gulkesen, Tibet Erdogru, Murat Tuncer, Aslı Baykal, Fevzi Ersoy, Ramazan Demir, Mehmet Baykara. The potential role of advanced glycation end product and iNOS in chronic renal failure-related testicular dysfunction. An experimental study. American Journal of Nephrology 23: 361-368, 2003.

31. Tibet Erdogru, Mustafa F. Usta, Mutlu Ates, Sahin Yigit. Development of Peyronie's disease during long-term colchicine treatment. International Urology Nephrology 35:207-208, 2003.

32. Turker İ. Koksal, Mustafa F. Usta, Tibet Erdogru, Mutlu Ates, Erdal Kukul, Mehmet Baykara. Incidental adult posterior urethral valve without clinical features. International Urology Nephrology 35: 227-229, 2003.

33. Turker İ. Koksal, Mustafa F. Usta, Akif Ciftcioglu, Tibet Erdogru, Erdal Kukul, Mehmet Baykara. Sex cord tumour of the adult testis. International Urology Nephrology 35:365-367, 2003.

34. Canan Figen Sargın, Sibel Berker-Karauzum, Erdem Manguoglu, Tibet Erdogru, Seyda Karaveli, K. Hakan Gulkesen, Mehmet Baykara, GUven LUleci G. AZF microdeletions on the Y chromosome of infertile men from Turkey. Ann. Genet. 47:61-68, 2004.

35. Turker İ. Koksal, Tibet Erdogru, K. Hakan Gulkesen, Cem Sezer, Mustafa F. Usta, Akif Ciftcioglu, Mehmet Baykara. The potential role of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) activity in the testicular dysfunction associated with varicocele: an experimental study. International Urology Nephrology 36: 67-72, 2004.

36. Selcuk YUcel, Mutlu Ates, Tibet Erdogru, Mehmet Baykara. Dysfunctional elimination syndrome in three generations of one family: might it be hereditary? Urology 64:1231, 2004.

37. Tibet Erdogru, Dogu Teber, Thomas Frede, Reinaldo Marrero, Ahmed Hammady, Ottmar Seemann, Jens Rassweiler. Comparison of transperitoneal and extraperitoneal laparoscopic radical prostatectomy using match-pair analysis. European Urology 46:312-319, 2004.

38. Jens Rassweiler, Reinaldo Marrera, Ahmed Hammady, Tibet Erdogru, Dogu Teber,Thomas Frede. Transperitoneal laparoscopic radical prostatectomy, ascending approach. Journal of Endourology. 18: 593-599, 2004.

39. Zeliha Sahin, ZUbeyde Bayram, Ciler Celik-Ozenci, GOkhan Akkoyunlu, Yasemin Seval, Tibet Erdogru, İsmail UstUnel, Mehmet Baykara, Ramazan Demir. Effect of experimental varicocele on the expressions of Notch 1, 2, and 3 in rat testes: an immunohistochemical study. Fertility Sterility 83: 86-94, 2005.

40. Tibet Erdogru, Ciler Celik-Ozenci, Yasemin Seval, İbrahim Emreoglu, İsmail UstUnel, Emin Korgun, Turker İ. Koksal, Mehmet Baykara, Ramazan Demir. The restorative effect of a selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor on urothelial cell-cell interactions after partial bladder outlet obstruction in rats. BJU International 95: 664-669, 2005.

41. Tibet Erdogru, Dogu Teber, Thomas Frede, Reinaldo Marrero, Ahmed Hammady, Jens Rassweiler. The effect of previous transperitoneal laparoscopic inguinal herniorrhaphy on transperitoneal laparoscopic radical prostatectomy. Journal of Urology 173: 769-772, 2005.

42. Tibet Erdogru, Omer Kutlu, Turker İ. Koksal, Ahmet Danısman, Mustafa F. Usta, Erdal Kukul, Mehmet Baykara. Endoscopic treatment of ureteric strictures acucise, cold-knife endoureterotomy and wall stents as a salvage approach. Urologia Internationalis 74: 140-146, 2005.

43. Dogu Teber, Tibet Erdogru, Derek Zukosky, Thomas Frede, Jens Rassweiler. Prosthetic mesh hernioplasty during laparoscopic radical prostatectomy. Urology 65: 1173-1178, 2005.

44. Thomas Frede, Tibet Erdogru, Derek Zukosky, Hakan Gulkesen, Dogu Teber, Jens Rassweiler. Comparison of training modalities for performing laparoscopic radical prostatectomy: experience with 1,000 patients. Journal of Urology 174: 673-678, 2005.

45. Selcuk YUcel, Tibet Erdogru, Mehmet Baykara. Recent neuroanatomical studies on the neurovascular bundle of the prostate and cavernosal nerves: clinical reflections on radical prostatectomy (Review). Asian Journal of Andrology 7: 339-349, 2005.

46. Ciler Celik Ozenci, İsmail UstUnel, Tibet Erdogru, Yasemin Seval, Emin T. Korgun, Mehmet Baykara, Ramazan Demir. Ultrastructural and immunohistochemical analysis of rat uroepithelial cell junctions after partial bladder outlet obstruction and selective COX-2 inhibitor treatment. Acta Histochemica 107: 443-451, 2006.

47. Ciler Celik Ozenci, Zeliha Bayram, Gokhan Akkoyunlu, Emin T. Korgun, Tibet Erdogru, Yasemin Seval, İsmail Ustunel, Mehmet Baykara, Ramazan Demir. Localization of NGF and nNOS in varicocele-induced rat testis. Acta Histochemica 107: 435-442, 2006.

48. Ciler Celik Ozenci, Zeliha Sahin, İsmail UstUnel, GOkhan Akkoyunlu, Tibet Erdogru, Emin T. Korgun, Mehmet Baykara, Ramazan Demir. The Fas system may have a role in male reproduction. Fertility Sterility. 85 Supplement 1: 1168-1178, 2006.

49. Zeliha Sahin, Ciler Celik Ozenci, Gokhan Akkoyunlu, Emin T Korgun, Necdet Acar, Tibet Erdogru, Ramazan Demir, İsmail Ustunel. Increased expression of interleukin-1alpha and interleukin-1beta is associated with experimental varicocele. Fertility Sterility 85 Supplement 1:1265-1275, 2006.

50. Mutlu Kartal, Oktay Eray, Tibet Erdogru, Saim Yılmaz. Prospective validation of a current algorithm including bedside US performed by emergency physicians for patients with acute flank pain suspected for renal colic. Emergency Medical Journal 23: 341-344, 2006.

51. Raffael Maldonado-Valadez, Dogu Teber, Tibet Erdogru, Khalid C. Safi, Thomas Frede, Jens Rassweiler. The impact of neoadjuvant hormonal therapy on the outcome of laparoscopic radical prostatectomy: a matched pair analysis. Journal of Urology 175: 2092-2096, 2006.

52. Jens Rassweiler, Ali Serdar Gozen, Tibet Erdogru, Marto Sugiono, Dogu Teber. Ureteral reimplantation for management of ureteral strictures: a retrospective comparison of laparoscopic and open techniques. European Urology 51: 512-522, 2007.

53. Gokhan Akkoyunlu, Tibet Erdogru, Yasemin Seval, İsmail UstUnel, Turker Koksal, Mustafa F. Usta, Mehmet Baykara, Ramazan Demir. Immunolocalization of glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) and its receptor GFR-alpha1 in varicocele-induced rat testis. Acta Histochemica 109: 130-137, 2007.

54. Ahmet Danısman, Omer Kutlu, Erdem Akkaya, Gulten Karpuzoglu, Tibet Erdogru. Tibial nerve stimulation diminishes mast cell infiltration in the bladder wall induced by interstitial cystitis urine. Scandinavian Journal of Urology Nephrology 41: 98-102, 2007.

55. Ayhan Dinckan, S Yılmaz, A Tekin, Tibet Erdogru, H Kocak, Ayhan Mecsi, Alihan Gurkan, Okan Erdogan, Murat Tuncer, Alper Demirbas. Simultaneous augmentation ileo-cystoplasty in renal transplantation. Urology. 70: 1211-1214, 2007.

56. Tibet Erdogru. Editorial comment on: the contribution of the levator ani nerve and the pudendal nerve to the innervation of the levator ani muscles: a study in human fetuses. European Urology 54: 1143-1144, 2008.

57. Tibet Erdogru, Ahmet Sanlı, Orcun Celik, Mehmet Baykara. Laparoscopic transvesical repair of recurrent vesicovaginal fistula using with fleece-bound sealing system. Archives Gynecololgy Obstetrics 277: 461-464, 2008.

58. Dogu Teber, Tibet Erdogru, Janet Cresswell, Ali Serdar Gozen, Thomas Frede, Jens Rassweiler. Analysis of three different vesicourethral anastomotic techniques in laparoscopic radical prostatectomy. World Journal of Urology 26: 617-622, 2008.

59. Dogu Teber, Janet Cresswell, Mutlu Ates, Tibet Erdogru, Marcel Hruza, Ali Serdar GOzen, Jens Rassweiler. Laparoscopic radical prostatectomy in clinical T1a and T1b prostate cancer: oncologic and functional outcomes--a matched-pair analysis. Urology 73: 577-581, 2009.

60. Tibet Erdogru, Selcuk Yucel, Thomas Frede, Mehmet Baykara, Jens Rassweiler, Dogu Teber. Laparoscopic radical prostatectomy: transfer validity. International Journal of Urology 17: 476-482, 2010

61. Selcuk Yucel, Yigit Akıni, Orcun Celik, Tibet Erdogru, Mehmet Baykara. Endoscopic Vesicoureteral Reflux Correction in Transplanted Kidneys: Does Injection Technique Matter? J Endourology. 24(10):1661-4, 2010.


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