Chapter 1: A First Look at Anatomy - Weebly

Chapter 1: A First Look at Anatomy

A First Look at Anatomy

* Anatomy is the study of ______________________________

* The word anatomy is derived from Greek and means_____________________________________

* ___________________ examine the _____________________ among parts of the body along with the structure of individual _____________________.

Introduction to Anatomy

* Physiology

* The scientific discipline that studies the __________________ of body ____________________.

* _________________ and _________________________ cannot be completely separated.

* Form is related to _______________________.

Microscopic Anatomy

Uses ________________ to examine _________________________

Terms; - ________________________; cellular anatomy; study of single body __________

- __________________; study of tissues

Gross Anatomy

_____________________ anatomy (unaided)


- _______________________; changes in structure during an individual’s ___________________

- _______________________; developmental changes before ______________

- ___________________; all structures in a particular region as a single unit (e.g. all tissues of the _________________)

- ___________________; superficial markings and related __________________ tissues

- ________________________; gross anatomy of each system including all __________________

Diagnostic branches

- _____________________ (-ology); anatomical changes due to ________________

- ________________________; visualization of structures using ultrasound, _________

Levels of Organization in the Human Body

The simplest level of ______________________ within the body is the ___________________ level, which is composed of ______________________________________.

* _________________ are the smallest units of ____________________.


* Two or more ______________ combine to form a molecule, such as ________________________.


* Larger and more __________________ molecules such as _______________________________.

* At the _______________ level, specialized structural and functional units called ______________________ permit all living cells to share some common _____________________.

* Large __________________ join in specific ways to form cells, the basic units of structure and function in ____________________________.

The ___________ is the smallest structural unit that exhibits the characteristics of _____________ things (organisms), and it is the smallest living portion of the _______________ body.


* Groups of similar cells with a common ____________________ form ___________________.

* Tissues are precise _________________________ of similar cells that perform _______________.


* Different ____________ types that work together to perform specific, complex functions form an __.

Organ Systems

* The _____________________ level consists of related organs that work together to _____________________ activities and achieve a common __________________.

* There are _____ organ systems in the ________________ body.


* All body systems function ______________________ in a single living human being, the _____.

Characteristics of all living things

* _______________________; complex structure and order

* ________________________; all chemical reactions in the cells of the organism ________________

* ________________ and _____________________; from a single cell (in us) and the changes during your ____________________

* _______________________; sense and respond to changes in _____________________

* _______________________; maintenance of a constant internal environment (____________________

* _______________________; production of cells used to create a new generation of ______________

The Four Types of Tissues in the Human Body Are:

• _______________________________________________________________________

_____________________________ tissue covers exposed surfaces and lines ______________________.

* Example: The inner lining of the ______________________________

Connective tissue ____________________, supports, and _____________________ body parts and organs.

* Can be solid (such as __________), liquid (such as _________), or intermediate (such as _______

Muscle tissue produces movement.

* Skeletal muscle_______________________________________

* Smooth muscle_________________________________________

* Cardiac muscle _________________________________________

Nervous tissue conducts impulses for internal _______________________________.

* ______________________________________________________________

Body organ systems (usually in the order studied)



* Provides _______________________;___________________________________

* Regulates body ___________________;_________________________________

* Site of cutaneous ___________________;_________________________________

* Synthesizes vitamin ________;________________________________________

* Prevents _____________ loss;________________________________________


* Provides ___________________ and _______________________;_________________________

* Site of _____________________________ (blood cell production)

* Stores ____________________ and __________________________

* Allows for body __________________________


* Produces body _______________________

* Generates ___________ when muscles _________________________


* A ______________________ system that controls body ____________________

* Responds to _____________________________________

* Helps ___________________ all other systems of the ______________________

* Also responsible for _______________________________________________________


* Consists of _____________ and cell clusters that secrete ______________, some of which regulate

* body and cellular ____________________

* __________________ levels in the body

* _____________________ functions


* Consists of a _____________ (the heart) that moves blood through blood _______________ in order to distribute ________________________________________________, and pick up waste products


* Transports and filters lymph (______________________ fluid)

* Initiates an ________________________ response when necessary


* Responsible for exchange of gases (_____________________) between blood and the air in the _____


* _______________________ and ______________________ digests food materials

* Absorbs _________________________

* Expels _________________________ products


* Filters the ___________________ and removes _________________ products from the blood

* _______________________ waste products in the form of urine, and expels ________ from the body

Male Reproductive System

* Produces male sex cells (_______________) and male hormones (e.g., _______________________)

* Transfers ______________________ to the female

Female Reproductive System

* Produces female sex cells (______________) and female hormones (___________________________

* Receives ___________________ from male

* Site of fertilization of ______________________

* Site of growth and ______________________________ of embryo and _______________

Anatomical Terminology

Anatomic position is a specific ____________ position in which an individual stands upright with the feet ______________ and _______________ on the floor.

The head is _______________, and the eyes look forward toward the _________________.

The ____________ are at either side of the body with the ___________ facing forward and the ________________ pointing away from the body.

A __________________ is an imaginary surface that _________________ the body into specific sections.

* The three major anatomic planes of reference are the _______________________________________.

Sections and Planes

A __________________ plane, also called a __________________ plane, is a vertical plane that divides the body into ____________________ (front) and _____________________ (back) parts.

A _________________________ plane, also called a _________________ plane or horizontal plane, cuts ___________________ along the long axis of the body or organ separating it into both superior (________________) and inferior (________________) parts.

A ___________________ plane or ____________________ plane, extends through the body or organ vertically and divides the structure into ________________________________.

A sagittal plane in the body midline is a ______________________________ plane.

A plane that is parallel to the midsagittal plane, but either to the left or the right of it, is termed a ___________________ (or sagittal) plane.

A minor plane, called the _________________ plane, passes through the specimen at an _________________.

Relative and Directional Terms of the Body

Relative to ______________ (belly side) or _______________ (back side) of the body :

* _________________________ = In front of; toward the front surface

* _________________________ = In back of; toward the back surface

* ___________________ =At the back side of the human body

* _______________________ = At the belly side of the human body

Relative to the head or ___________ of the body:

* _______________________ = Toward the head or above

* _________________________ = Toward feet not head

* ________________________ = At the rear or tail end

* __________________________ = At the head end

Relative to the midline or ____________________ of the body:

* ___________________ = Toward the midline of the body

* ___________________ = Away from the midline of the body

* _______________ = On the inside, underneath another structure

* ___________________________________ = On the outside

Relative to point of ______________________ of the appendage:

* _________________________ = Closest to point of attachment to trunk

* _____________ = Furthest from point of attachment to trunk

Body Regions

The human body is partitioned into two main regions, called the __________________________________.

the ___________ region includes the head, neck, and trunk which comprise the main vertical axis of our body

our limbs, or appendages, attach to the body’s axis and make up the _______________________________

Be able to label these figures for the exam:

[pic] [pic]

Body Cavities and Membranes

The posterior aspect of the body has two ______________________ cavities

* A ___________________ cavity is formed by the cranium and houses the brain.

* A vertebral canal is formed by the individual bones of the vertebral column and contains the _______.

Body Cavities

Both the ________________ and ____________________________ cavities are lined with thin serous membranes, which are composed of _________ layers:

* A ____________________ layer lines the internal surface of the ______________ wall.

* A ____________________ layer covers the external surface of organs (___________) within the cavity.

Between the parietal and visceral layers of the serous membrane is a thin ______________ cavity, containing a lubricating film of ________________ fluid.

Constant _______________________ of the organs causes ___________________.

The _____________ fluid reduces __________________ and helps the organs move smoothly against both one another and the _____________ wall.

The ______________________ space in the thoracic cavity is called the _________________________.

It contains the _____________________________________, and major blood vessels that connect to the heart.

Within the mediastinum, the heart is enclosed by a two-layered serous membrane called the ______________.

The Thoracic Cavity

The right and left sides of the thoracic cavity contain the lungs; they are lined by a two-layered ___________ membrane called the _____________________.

* The outer layer is the ________________ pleura; it lines the internal surface of the _______________

* The inner layer is the ________________ pleura; it covers the external surface of the ___________

* The narrow, moist, __________________ space between them is called the ____________________

Abdominopelvic Cavity

The ________________________ cavity consists of an ___________________ cavity and a _____________.

The _______________________ is a moist, two-layered serous membrane that lines the _________________________________ cavity.

Abdominopelvic Regions

The abdominopelvic cavity is partitioned into _____ smaller, imaginary _______________________.

Be able to identify each of the regions on the test:


(Review Questions are on next page)

Anatomy Chapter 1 Review Questions

Directions: Use your notes and text to answer these questions

Use the website to review your answers to these questions.

These questions are intended to help you to review your lecture notes. Questions pertaining to other images present in your notes will also show up on the exam.

(Note; choices (A – E) on the exam will not be identical to those seen on the website, nor will the correct answers, necessarily)

Directions Review

1. What are the two best sources of answers to the following questions?

2. How should you use the website in assisting you with these questions?

3. The questions below are not the only things you need to study from chapter 1 for the exam; True (A) or False (B)

4. The choices on the multiple choice exam will be identical those on the website; True (A) or False (B)

5. Memorizing the correct answers to the questions below, without any understanding of the material is the best way to study for the exam; True (A) or False (B)

6. You will need to be able to answer questions about the figures presented in the notes; True (A) or False (B)

What did you learn? (Answers available on website)

1. What is the relationship between anatomy and physiology?

2. What types of structures would a microscopic anatomist investigate?

3. What are the subdisciplines of gross anatomy?

4. How does the study of surface anatomy differ from the study of regional anatomy?

5. Describe structural organization at the cellular level

6. Which level of organization consists of similar cells that work together to perform a common function?

7. List four characteristics common to all organisms

8. What is homeostasis?

9. What type of plane would separate the nose and mouth into superior and inferior structures?

10. If a physician makes an incision into a body cavity just superior to the diaphragm and inferior to the neck, what body cavity will be exposed?

11. Describe the location of the hypogastric region

12. Use the directional term to describe the following; The elbow is _____ to the wrist and the neck is ___ to the shoulders

Multiple Choice (from text)

1. Cutting a midsagittal section through the body separates the

2. Examination of superficial anatomic markings and internal body structures as they relate to the covering skin is called

3. Which of the following regions corresponds to the forearm?

4. The state in which an organism maintains a constant internal environment is called

5. [pic]The ____________ level of organization is composed of two or more tissue types that work together to perform a common function.

6. Which body cavity is located inferior to the diaphragm and superior to a horizontal line drawn between the superior edges of the hip bones?

7. The term used when referring to a structure in the body that is below, or at a lower level than, another structure of interest is

8. Which medical imaging technique uses modified x-rays to prepare three-dimensional cross-sectional "slices" of the body?

9. The _____ region is the "front" of the knee

10. The study of anatomy that examines structures not readily seen by the unaided eye (structures that must be magnified first) is

Simple Multiple Choice (from website)

1. One of the great early anatomists, promoted the idea of "living anatomy" was;

2. Which statement best describes the relationship between structure and function?

3. Cytology is the study of ____________ and their structures, while histology is the study of;

4. [pic]The study of the structure and relationships of large body parts that are visible without a microscope is termed;

5. Which branch of gross anatomy considers both superficial anatomic markings and internal structures as they relate to the overlying skin?

6. Which anatomic specialty follows changes in structure within an individual from conception through maturity?

7. The study of body structures visualized by scanning procedures such as ultrasound or x-rays is called ____________ anatomy.

8. The word root pathos, as in "pathologic anatomy," means [pic]

9. Which of the following entities represents the highest level of organization?

10. Tissues can best be described as;

11. Structures consisting of two or more tissue types that work together to perform specific functions are called

12. Which of the following is not a basic property or feature of all organisms?

13. The consistent internal environment maintained by control and regulatory mechanisms within an organism is called

14. Which of the following does not correctly pair an organ with its organ system?

15. The trachea is part of the ____________ system

16. Which organ system controls body movement and responds to sensory stimuli?

17. The ____________ is an organ of both the endocrine and lymphatic systems.

18. Which statement does not accurately describe the anatomic position?

19. Which anatomic plane would section the body into matching left and right sides?

20. Which anatomic plane divides the body into superior and inferior portions?

21. The directional term ____________ refers to a body part that is toward the head, or above.

22. Which term describes a part that is closest to the point of attachment to the trunk?

23. The diaphragm is located between which two body cavities?

24. During embryonic development, the ventral cavity arises from a space called the

25. The mediastinum does not contain the

26. Which human body region includes the heel of the foot?

27. The thigh is identified as the ____________ region.

28. The calf is anatomically known as what body region?

29. Which abdominopelvic region typically contains the urinary bladder?

Animation; Pleural membranes


1. Be able to identify (fill in) the structures in the above figure

2. The layer of the pleural membrane that is attached to the surface of the lung is the...

3. The outermost layer of the pleural membrane is the...

4. The fluid filled area between the pleural layers is the...

5. The pleural membranes function like a fluid filled balloon that completely surrounds the heart.

6. The pleural membranes completely surround the each lung.

Flash Cards; what term is described by the following definitions;

1. The reopening of a blood vessel thought a variety of means

2. Relating to an appendage or limb

3. Relating to or situation in the central part of the body; the head, neck, and trunk (axial skeleton)

4. Study of the origin and development of the organism, from fertilization of the secondary oocyte until birth

5. Study of tissues formed by cells and cell products

6. State of equilibrium in the body with respect to various functions and the chemical composition of fluids and tissues

7. Relating to the hypogastrium, or pubic region

8. Median space of the thoracic cavity

9. Any one of the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord

10. Slanted or at an angle

11. The fold of the peritoneum from the stomach to another abdominal organ

12. Relating to the wall of any cavity

13. Pertaining to disease

14. Fibrous membrane covering the heart

15. Serous sac that line the abdominopelvic cavity and covers most of the viscera within.

16. Serous membranes enveloping the lungs and lining the walls of the pleural cavity.

17. Relatively impenetrable to x-rays or other forms of radiation.

18. External or posterior to the peritoneum.

19. Being in an anteroposterior direction.

20. Radiographic technique using ultrasound waves.

21. Relating to the thorax, the area between the neck and the abdomen

22. A radiographic image of a plane constructed by means of reciprocal linear or curved motion of the x-ray tube and film cassette.

23. Relating to the umbilicus or navel.

24. Relating to a vertebral element or the vertebral column.

25. Organs of the digestive, respiratory, urinary, and endocrine systems.

Labeling Exercises; Major body cavities

Be able to identify the following cavities on these illustrations.

[pic] [pic]

(Do not worry about serous membrane identification from an image on the lecture portion)

Difficult Multiple Choice

1. Which level of organization crosses the boundary from microscopic to gross anatomy?

2. Histology is to tissues as ____________ is to cells.

3. Of the following, which approach to gross anatomy would be best suited for the dissection of a human cadaver?

4. Which pair proceeds from a more general to a more specific anatomic specialty?

5. Regardless of the specific reason for the examination, a technician who performs sonography is working in the field of ____________ anatomy

6. Which of the following structures are most numerous in your body?

7. Cells are considered the smallest units of life because

8. Which organ system interacts most directly with the respiratory system in distributing oxygen to the body tissues?

9. Which of the following organ systems can alter the composition of blood?

10. Surface anatomy examines evidence of underlying structures through direct scrutiny of which organ system?

11. Although the processes collectively termed ____________ affect the entire organism, they occur specifically within the chemical level of organization.

12. Which of the following processes is necessary for the survival of single-celled organisms (such as bacteria) as well as humans?

13. Of the following, the basic life process most likely to disrupt homeostasis within an organism is

14. What body region lies immediately distal to the femoral region on the posterior side?

15. The ____________ region is perhaps the only body region whose technical description is less precise than its informal equivalent.

16. Which pair of terms is essentially synonymous in humans but not in four-legged animals?

17. Caudal is to superior as inferior is to ____________.

18. All of the anatomic planes intersect at right angles except the

19. Which pair of directional terms would describe movement along the intersection of a sagittal and a transverse plane?

20. Palpation is a method of clinical examination that involves

21. "Potential spaces" filled with lubricating serous fluid surround

22. Technically, the ____________ cavities surround organs but do not really contain them.

23. The inferior most serous membrane is the

24. Which of the following body cavities has a thin muscular sheet as its superior wall?

25. Pain in the right upper abdominopelvic quadrant might more precisely be emanating from the


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