US History

US History Name: Period:

The Crossing

1. In the Winter of the year _________________, the American army was decimated.

2. Pennsylvania and New Jersey are separated by the _____________________ River.

3. General Washington tells Alexander Hamilton to ____________________________ a cannon.

4. Washington tells Colonel __________________ that he wants to cross the river.

5. The boats' owner will be paid by the _______________________________________.

6. Six months ago, the American army held ________________________________ City.

7. How many men are now fit for duty? _________________________________________

8. How many pieces of artillery does Washington's army have? __________________

9. When the British cross the river on the ice, Washington will _______________.

10. The British will then have a way open to capture __________________________.

11. Washington gave some of his troops to General __________________ and some to General ______________________________.

12. General Lee ___________________________________ Washington.

13. General Gates ______________________ and _______________________ Washington.

14. Many of Washington's men are wearing their summer ______________________ and many are ___________________________.

15. In eleven days, half the Army's ________________________________ will expire.

16. General Howe has a mistress in New York City named Mrs. ___________________.

17. 1,200 Hessians have been sent to occupy the city of _______________________.

18. They include the unit that killed five hundred Virginians in ______________.

19. General Lee has been _______________________________________ by the British.

20. Before the war, General Knox was a seller of ______________________________.

21. Colonel Glover was a _______________________________________.

22. He wears his own clothes and his own _______________________.

23. General ____________________________ arrives during dinner.

24. The Continental Congress have removed to __________________________________.

25. General Washington wants to attack the Hessians on the eve of _____________.

26. General ____________________________ has many objections to this plan.

27. He advises Washington to ____________________________________________.

28. Does Washington agree to do that? _________________

29. General __________________________ is in command of the cannons.

30. The Pennsylvania German soldiers think the Hessians are ___________________.

31. Some soldiers smoke dried cow dung or corn silk because they cannot get _____________________________________.

32. Mr. McConkey warns Washington that there will be cakes of _______________ in the river.

33. General Washington plans to begin the attack at _______________ o'clock.

34. While on the river, ____________________________________________ will be the supreme commander.

35. Colonel Glover insulted General Knox for being ______________________.

36. Colonel Glover's fishermen are armed with ___________________________.

37. Washington's soldiers will attack with ______________________________.

38. The attack will begin at __________________________ o'clock.

39. There are _______________, maybe ______________ Hessians in the guard house.

40. _____________________________________________ is sent to silence the guards.

41. The Hessian officer cannot find his _______________________________________.

42. General Washington sends Colonel Rall's sword to __________________________.

43. Colonel Rall wants to surrender only to General ___________________________.

44. Colonel Rall asks that his men be allowed to keep their ____________________ and their _________________________.

45. Washington's army captured ______________ cannons and over _________________ prisoners.

46. After the battle, General Washington wants to take his army ________________________________________________________________.

47. How many men in Washington's army were killed? ____________

48. The men follow General Washington because they ____________________ him and they ___________________ him.

49. George Washington became America's first president in the year ___________.

50. Alexander Hamilton became the first Secretary of the ______________________, and died as a result of a wound suffered in ____________________________ in 1804.

51. Henry Knox later served as Secretary of ___________________________.

52. How many Hessians were brought to America during the Revolutionary War? _________________________________________________


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