a. Awards will be given to recognize individual, team and unit achievements. It is particularly important that awards be given:

(1) To deserving individuals, teams and units only

(2) Promptly

(3) During an appropriate ceremony

b. Only awards, decorations and badges prescribed in this SOP will be worn by JROTC Cadets.



1) Medal for Heroism:

(a) Criteria: The Medal for Heroism is a US military decoration awarded by the Department of the Army to any JROTC Cadet who shall have distinguished himself/herself by an act of heroism. The achievement must have resulted in an accomplishment so exceptional and outstanding as to clearly set the individual apart from fellow cadets or from other persons in similar circumstances. The performance must have involved the acceptance of danger or extraordinary responsibilities exemplifying praiseworthy fortitude and courage.

(b) Nominations:

1. Nominations for the award will be initiated by the SAI based on achievements described in (a) above which he believes warrant the award of this medal. Such acts may have been accomplished while on or off the institution property.

2. Nominations will be submitted from the SAI, thru the JPC, to the Commander US Army Third ROTC Region for approval or disapproval. DA Form 638 (Recommendation for Award) or a form letter will be used. Statements of eyewitnesses, preferable in the form of certificates, affidavits or sworn statements, extracts from official records, sketches, maps, diagrams or photographs will be attached to support and amplify stated facts.

3. Requisitioning: See paragraph 4-25, AR 145-2 and CCR 145-2 paragraph 11-6 c.

4. Presentation of this award will be made during an appropriate ceremony by a general officer or other senior officer of the active army.

5. Description: Picture of the award is at Figure 6-1.

(2) Legion of Valor Bronze Cross for Achievement (Appendix N)

(a) General

1 The Legion of Valor of the United States of America, Inc., provides an award annually for achievement of’ scholastic excellence in military and academic subjects and to stimulate development of leadership.

2 The awards are presented to LET—3 cadets, on a competitive basis at ROTC Region level based on one award per 4,000 LET—3 cadets or fraction thereof per ROTC Region.

(b) Criteria: The criteria for selection of cadets for the Legion of Valor Bronze Cross for Achievement will be the same as that of the Superior Cadet Decoration Award.

(c) Selection and Nomination:

1 The LET-3 cadet selected to be nominated for the Superior Cadet Decoration Award will be considered by the SAI as a potential candidate for competition for the Legion of Valor Bronze Cross for Achievement.

2 If the selection board determines that the LET—3 cadet’s achievements would be competitive at the ROTC Region level, the SAI will submit a nomination, in quadruplicate, together with justification indorsed by the Principal, thru the JPC, to the Commander, US Army Western ROTC Region NLT l May.

3 Western ROTC Region will forward the best-qualified nominees to the National Headquarters, Legion of Valor Organization for approval.

4 These awards will be presented in the early fall during the cadet’s last year in school by members of the Legion of Valor when possible. The Legion of Valor will send names of members residing in the vicinity of the school having winners when forwarding awards. The JPC will invite one or more Legion of Valor members to participate in the presentation ceremony, to be arranged by the SAI. If member is not available, active military personnel who are recipients of the Medal of Honor, Distinguished Service Cross, Navy Cross or Air Force Cross, or who occupy positions of appropriate prestige will make the award.

(3) Superior Cadet Decoration:

(a) These medals are US military decorations awarded by the Department of the Army and limited to the most all around outstanding cadet in each leadership development class in each JROTC institution.

(b) To be eligible for these awards, an individual must be:

1. A JROTC Cadet

2. In the upper fourth of his class in JROTC and academic standing.

3. Recommended by the SAI and principal

(c) Nominations for this award will be made by the SAI based on results of a selection board. The composition of the board will:

1. Be mutually agreed upon by the SAI and Principal.

2. Provide military and civilian representation.

3. Insure representation competent to evaluate the individual, using criteria and procedures prescribed by this SOP.

4. Have the SAI as president of the board.

5. When possible, include one or more selected civilian school officials or faculty not to exceed one third of the board members.

(d) The selection board will be constituted at the beginning of the school year and the members will observe the performance of the student in order that sound selections may be made. The president will convene the board N LT 15 March to review the records of the cadets, and select the nominee of the award in each class. The criteria and the point weights for use in selection of recipients will be as follows:

Military scholarship and grades (grades earned in JROTC courses) - 50 points

Academic scholarship and grades (grades earned in all courses

other than JROTC) - 50 points

Military leadership - 50 pints

Academic leadership (separate from academic grades attained in

JROTC and regular courses. Includes all demonstrated qualities

of leadership in student organizations, constructive activities,

participation in sports, etc) - 50 points.

Demonstrated qualities of’ discipline, courtesy, and character,

and other consistently demonstrated potential qualities as an

officer (to be an overall estimate for all pertinent elements of

the cadet’s performance - 100 points

Total point weight against which leading cadets are selected - 300 points

(e) Nominations will be forwarded, by SAI, thru the JPC to the Commander, US Army Western ROTC Region, NLT 15 March each year. Nominations will be typed on a single sheet of’ bond paper, showing the full name of’ each nominee and his/her class/year, and the signature of the SAI. Appropriate notes will be added if this is a subsequent award to the same cadet see sample memorandum is at Figure 6-3.

(f) The award consists of the blue pendant ribbon, blue ribbon bar and clip, lapel button and case with the appropriate certificate. A four-pointed star indicates a subsequent award to the same cadet. Picture of the award is at Figure 6-2.


(Office Symbol) Date

MEMORANDUM THRU: Director of Army Instruction

FOR: Commander, US Army Western Region, ATOD-HS, Fort Lewis, WA 9 843 3—7 100

SUBJECT: Superior Cadet Decoration Award

1. Reference AR 145-2, paragraph 4—26.

2. The following JROTC Cadets are nominated for the Superior Cadet Decoration Award:

NAME (Last. First, MI) LET LEVEL


C/SFC YOUNG, Wade L. 2

C/LT *DYESS, Jack G. 3

C/LTC **SLOAN, Donald H. 4

* Indicates second award

** Indicates third award


LTC, USA Retired

Senior Army Instructor

Figure 6-3

4) Sons of the American Revolution Award:

(a) General: The Sons of the American Revolution provide an award, which consists of a bronze medal pendant and ribbon bar, for presentation to a meritorious cadet enrolled in JROTC at each institution (or one medal for each 500 cadets enrolled at time of the award).

(b) Criteria: Recipient must:

1. Be in LET 3.

2. Be in the top 10% of their JROTC class.

3. Be in the top 25% of their overall class.

4. Exhibit a high degree of merit with respect to leadership qualities, military bearing, all-round excellence in JROTC activities, and community service.

(c) Selection: The SAI will select the recipient by a selection process deemed appropriate.

(d) Source: JPC will contact local chapter of Sons of the American Revolution for medal.

(e) Presentation: Presentation will be made at the Corps Awards and Review Ceremony. JPC will invite a representative of the SAR to make the presentation, if available. In the absence of a member of the SAR, an appropriate individual designated by the JPC will make presentation. A recipient of the award will not be eligible for a second award.

5) Daughters Of The American Colonists Award:

(a) General: The Daughters Of The American Colonists, Honorable Philip Livingston Chapter, Fort Worth, Texas provide an award, for presentation to a cadet enrolled in JROTC.

b) Criteria: Recipient must:

1. Be in LET 2,3 or 4.

2. Be in good standing militarily and scholastically at the time of selection and presentation of the award.

3. Show a high degree of merit with respect to academic excellence, dependability, good character, adherence to military discipline and leadership, as well as a fundamental and patriotic understanding of the JROTC training.

(c) Selection: The SAI will select the recipient by a selection process deemed appropriate.

(d) Source: JPC will contact local chapter of The Daughters Of The American Colonists Honorable Philip Livingston Chapter Fort Worth, Texas for the medal.

(e) Presentation: Presentation will be made at the Corps Awards and Review Ceremony. JPC will invite a representative of the Daughters Of The American Colonists, Honorable Philip Livingston Chapter, Fort Worth, Texas to make the presentation, if available. In the absence of a member of the Daughters Of The American Colonists, an appropriate individual designated by the JPC will make presentation.

(6) The Military Order of the World Wars (MOWW) Award:

(a) General: This award, which consists of a medal pendant, ribbon bar and certificate, is authorized for award annually to one first year cadet per institution who is outstanding in military and scholastic studies during the entire school year.

(b) Criteria: Cadet must:

1 Be in good standing in all military aspects and scholastic grades at the time of selection and presentation of the award.

2 Be outstanding in both military and scholastic grades at the time of selection and presentation of the award.

3 Have indicated by military and scholastic grades, extracurricular activities, or individual endeavor, a desire to serve his/her country.

4 Have committed to continue in the Army JROTC Program for the next school year.

(c) Selection: The SAI, in conjunction with school officials, will select the recipient by a selection process deemed appropriate.

(d) Source: JPC will contact local chapter of the MOWW for medals.

(e) Presentation: Presentation will be made at the Corps Awards and Review Ceremony. JPC will invite a representative of the MOWW to make the presentation, if available. In the absence of a member of the MOWW, an appropriate individual designated by the JPC will make presentation.

(7) Daughters of the American Revolution:

(a) General: This award, which consists of a Bronze medal and ribbon bar, is presented annually by the Daughters of the American Revolution to a cadet at each school for outstanding ability and achievement.

(b) Criteria: The cadet must:

1 Be a member of the graduating class.

2 Be in the top 25 percent of the cadets in ROTC and academic subjects.

3 Have demonstrated qualities of dependability and good character, adherence to military discipline, leadership ability, and a fundamental and patriotic understanding of’ the importance of ROTC training.

(c) Selection: The SAI will select the recipient by a selection process deemed appropriate.

(d) Source:

1 Local chapters will sponsor units.

2 JPC will contact local chapters of DAR for medals

(e) Presentation: Presentation will be made at the Corps Awards and Review Ceremony. JPC will invite a representative of the DAR Chapters to make the presentations, if available. In the absence of’ a member of DAR, presentation will be made by an appropriate individual designated by the JPC.

(8) The National Sojourners Award:

(a) General: This award, which consists of a ribbon with medal pendant, is made annually to an outstanding cadet at each institution who contributed the most to encourage and demonstrate Americanism within the Corps of Cadets and on the campus.

(b) Criteria: The cadet must:

1 Be in the second or third year of JROTC.

2 Be in the top 25 percent of his/her academic class

3 Have encouraged and demonstrated the ideals of Americanism by deed or conduct or both.

4 Have demonstrated a potential for outstanding leadership.

5 Not have previously received the award.

(c) Selection: The SAI will select the recipient by a selection process deemed appropriate.

(d) Source: JPC will contact local chapter of the National Sojourners for medal.

(e) Presentation: Presentation will be made at the Corps Awards and Review Ceremony. JPC will invite a representative of the National Sojourner’s local chapter to make the presentation, if available. In the absence of a member of the Sojourners, an appropriate individual designated by the JPC will make presentation.

(9) The Military Officers’ Association of America (MOAA) ROTC Medal:

a) General: MOAA provides one award per school, which consists of a red, white and blue ribbon with a bronze pendant and a certificate, for presentation to recognize outstanding JROTC cadets who show exceptional potential for military leadership.

b) Criteria: The cadet recipient must:

1. Be in his/her junior year of high school

2 Be in good academic standing

3 Be of high moral character

4 Evince a high order of loyalty to unit, school and country

5 Show exceptional potential for military leadership

(c) Selection: The SAI will select the recipient by a selection process deemed appropriate.

(d) Source: The JPC will contact local chapter of TROA for medal.

(e) Presentation: Presentation will be made at the Corps Awards and Review Ceremony. The JPC will invite a representation of the MOAA to make the presentation, if available. In the absence of a member of MOAA, an appropriate individual designated by the JPC will make presentation.

(10) Daedalian Foundation Award:

(a) General: The Daedalian Foundation provides one award per school, which consists of a medal and ribbon bar, for presentation to an outstanding LET 3 cadet.

(b) Criteria: The cadet recipient must:

1. Have demonstrated an understanding and appreciation of patriotism, love of country, and service to the nation.

2. Have indicated a potential and desire to pursue a military career.

3. Be ranked in the upper 10% of the third year of the JROTC Program

4. Be ranked in the upper 20% of the junior class.

(c) Selection: The SAI will select the recipient by a selection process deemed appropriate.

(d) Source: The JPC will contact Daedalian Foundation for medal.

(e) Presentation: Presentation will be made at the Corps Awards and Review Ceremony. The JPC will invite a representative of the Daedalian Foundation to make the presentation, if available. In the absence of a member of the Daedalian Foundation an appropriate individual designated by the JPC will make presentation.

11) US Army Recruiting Command (USAREC) Award:

(a) General: This award is presented annually by the US Army Recruiting Command to a cadet at each school in recognition of outstanding achievement and contributions to the JRTOC Program. The award consists of a bronze medal, ribbon bar, and certificate.

(b) Criteria: The cadet recipient must:

1 Be a LET 3

2. Be in the top 25% of his/her academic class.

3. Have demonstrated outstanding leadership traits and posses the potential for assuming positions of increased responsibility.

4. Participate in extracurricular activities that foster both scholastic and military excellence.

5. Demonstrate qualities of dependability and good character, respect military discipline and standards, and possess a fundamental and patriotic understanding of the importance of JROTC training.

6. Not have previously received the award.

(c) Selection: The SAI will select the recipient by a selection process deemed appropriate.

(d) Source: The JPC will contact local Recruiting Command commander for medal and certificate.

(e) Presentation: Presentation will be made at the Corps Awards and Review Ceremony. The JPC will invite a representative of the Recruiting Command to make the presentation, if available. In the absence of a member of the Recruiting Command, an appropriate individual designated by the JPC will make presentation.

(12) The Scottish Rite of Freemasonry JROTC Award:

a) General. This award, which consists of a bronze metal pendent, a ribbon, and a certificate may be awarded annually to one outstanding cadet who demonstrates scholastic excellence and Americanism.

b) Criteria: The cadet must:

1. Have contributed the most among cadets on campus to encourage and demonstrate Americanism, by deeds or conduct during participation in extracurricular activities or community projects.

2. Have demonstrated academic excellence by being in the top 25% of his or her academic class.

3. Have demonstrated a potential for outstanding leadership by exhibiting qualities of dependability, good character, self-discipline, good citizenship, and patriotism.

4. Be in the second year of a 3-year program or in the third year of a 4-year program.

5. Not have previously received this award.

c) Selection and Nomination: Selection will be made by the JPC/SAI or other senior service official or the head of the school (or both). Requests for the award will be made to the Fort Worth Scottish Rite Valley of the Southern Jurisdiction. The request can be made any time during the calendar year, but most schools apply in time for their annual awards presentation program.

d) Presentation and Publicity. The Fort Worth Scottish Rite will provide the award and provide a presenter given a 30 days notice of the presentation ceremony. Presentation will be made at the Corps Awards and Review Ceremony.

(13) The American Veteran’s Award (AMVET), Texas Department:

a) General. This award, which consists of a bronze metal pendent, a ribbon, and a certificate may be awarded annually to one outstanding cadet who demonstrates the qualities of dependability, good character, and citizenship.

b) Criteria: The cadet must:

1. Positive attitude towards the program.

2. Have demonstrated academic excellence by being in the top 25% of his or her academic class.

3. Have demonstrated outstanding military bearing and conduct in and out of uniform.

4. Have demonstrated patriotism (commander or member of color guard, drill team with or without arms, flag protocol instruction team and actively promotes Americanism).

5. Be in the second year of a 3-year program or in the third year of a 4-year program.

6. Not have previously received this award.

7. Selection and Nomination: Selection will be made by the JPC/SAI or other senior service official or the head of the school (or both). Requests for the award will be made to American Veteran’s (AMVET), Texas Department. The request can be made any time during the calendar year, but most schools apply in time for their annual awards presentation program.

8. The JPC will request the award from the nearest local American Veteran’s (AMVET), Texas Department for presentation in April or May. In the absence of a member of the American Veteran’s, an appropriate individual designated by the JPC will make presentation. Presentation will be made at the Corps Awards and Review Ceremony.

(14) Tarrant County Veterans Council Award:

(a) General: This award is presented annually by the Tarrant County Veterans Council to a cadet at each school in recognition of patriotism, outstanding achievement and contributions to the community and JROTC program. The award consists of a medal, ribbon bar and certificate

(b) Criteria: The cadet recipient must:

1. Be a LET 1.

2. Be a Freshman

3. Has participated in the Tarrant County Veterans Council sponsored Veterans Day Parade.

4. Exhibits the high degree of leadership.

5. Be in the top 25% of his/her academic class.

6. Demonstrate qualities of excellent citizenship.

7. Demonstrate patriotism excellence in the unit.

2. Not have previously received the award.

(c) Selection: The SAI will select the recipient by a selection process appropriate.

(d) Source: The JPC will contact the Tarrant County Veterans Council for medal and certificate.

(e) Presentation: Presentation will be made at the Corps Awards and Review Ceremony. The JPC will invite a representative of the Tarrant County Veterans Council to make the presentation, if available. In the absence of a member of the Tarrant County Veterans Council, an appropriate individual designated by the JPC will make presentation.

(15) Military Order of the Purple Heart Award:

(a) General: The Military Order of the Purple Heart Award is given to a JROTC unit upon the recommendation of the JROTC instructor. The cadet selected more than others, will have distinguished her/himself in a leadership capacity, is of high moral character, willingly sacrificed time, demonstrated rear courage in leadership, and exemplified selfless service with out complaint.

(b) Criteria: The cadet recipient must:

1. Be a Level II, or Level III

2. Hold a positive attitude toward the Program and country.

3. Hold a leadership position in the cadet corps.

4. Be active in school and community affairs.

5. Attain a grade of “B” or better in all subjects for the previous semester.

6. Having not been a previous recipient of this award.

(c) Selection: The JPC/SAI will select and present the award annually at an appropriate ceremony with a representative of the Military Order of the Purple Heart, if available.

(d) Source: The JPC will request the award from the nearest local MOPH unit before February for presentation in April or May. If no local MOPH unit is available, obtain the award by writing the MOPH, 5413 Backlick Road, Springfield, VA 22151.

(16) The American Legion Award for Scholastic Excellence:

(a) General: The American Legion Award for Scholastic Excellence is given to a cadet who demonstrated qualities of leadership. This award, which consists of a bronze medal, ribbon bar, and certificate, is made annually.

(b) Criteria: The cadet recipient must:

1. Be a Level III, or Level IV.

2. Be in the top 10 percent of his/her class in academic subjects

3. Be in the top 25 percent of his/her class in academic subjects.

4. Have demonstrated qualities of leadership

5. Have actively participated in related student activities; such as student organizations, constructive activities, or sports.

(c) Selection: The JPC/SAI will select and present the award annually at an appropriate ceremony with a representative of the American Legion, if available.

(d) Source: The JPC will request the award from the nearest local American Legion unit for presentation in April or May. In the absence of a member of the American Legion, an appropriate individual designated by the JPC will make presentation.

(17) The American Legion Award for General Military Excellence:

(a) General: The American Legion Award for Scholastic Excellence is given to a cadet who demonstrated qualities of leadership. This award, which consists of a bronze medal, ribbon bar, and certificate, is made annually.

(b) Criteria: The cadet recipient must:

1. Be a Level I, or Level II.

2. Be in the top 25 percent of his/her class in academic and JROTC subjects.

3. Have demonstrated outstanding qualities in military leadership, discipline, character, and citizenship.

(c) Selection: The JPC/SAI will select and present the award annually at an appropriate ceremony with a representative of the American Legion, if available

(d) Source: The JPC will request the award from the nearest local American Legion unit for presentation in April or May. In the absence of a member of the American Legion, an appropriate individual designated by the JPC will make presentation.

(18) The Disabled American Veterans Award:

(a) General: The Disabled American Veterans Award is given to a cadet who demonstrated qualities of volunteerism, military proficiency, citizenship and academics. This award, which consists of a bronze medal, ribbon bar, and certificate, is made annually.

(b) Criteria: The cadet recipient must:

4. Be a Freshman, or Sophomore.

5. Be in the top 5 percent of his/her class in academic and JROTC subjects.

6. Have demonstrated outstanding qualities in volunteerism, and citizenship.

(c) Selection: The JPC/SAI will select and present the award annually at an appropriate ceremony with a representative of the American Legion, if available

(d) Source: The JPC will request the award from the Disabled American Veterans, Blue Bonnet Chapter for presentation in April or May. In the absence of a member of the Disabled Veterans, an appropriate individual designated by the JPC will make presentation.

(19) Honor Graduate Award:

(a) General: This award, which consists of a Saber, is presented to the most outstanding graduating JROTC Cadet in the Corps.

(b) Criteria: The cadet recipient must:

1 Be in good standing militarily and scholastically at the time of selection and presentation of the award.

3. Be a graduating senior.

4. Have demonstrated outstanding qualities of leadership, in JROTC and the institution, patriotism, maturity and motivation.

(c) Selection: By the JPC.

(d) Presentation: a member of the family designated by the MOWW will make Presentation at the Corps Awards and Review Ceremony

(20) Distinguished Graduate Award:

a. General: This award, which consists of a plaque, is presented to the distinguished graduate in each Brigade.

b. Sponsor: ROTC Department

(c) Criteria: The cadet recipient must:

i. Be in good standing militarily and scholastically at the time of selection and presentation of the award.

ii. Be a graduating senior.

iii. Have demonstrated outstanding qualities of leadership, in JROTC and the institution, patriotism, maturity and motivation.

(d) Selection: By the JPC.

(e) Presentation: Presentation will be made at the Corps Awards and Review Ceremony by an individual designated by the JPC.

(21) Individual Rifle Team Champion Awards:

(a) General: These awards (4), which consists of medals, are presented to a maximum of four (4) members of the winning Rifle Team of the annual inter-battalion competition.

(b) Sponsor: ROTC Department

(c) Criteria: Shooters must have participated as a member of the Rifle Team during the annual inter-battalion competition.

(d) Selection: A maximum of four (4) members will be selected by the SAI.

(e) Presentation: Presentation will be made at the Corps Awards and Review Ceremony. An individual selected by the JPC will make presentation.

(22) President’s Student Service Awards:

(a) General: This award honors young people in the United States and Territories who have made significant contributions to the community by outstanding service to their community.

(b) Sponsor: National Program President’s Students Service

(c) Criteria: Cadet must meet the requirements as stated in the Program.

(d) Selection: As approved by the SAI.

(23) Ribbons:

(a) These awards authorized by AR 145-2 and Western Region will be presented to cadets in accordance with criteria outlined in this SOP, for each award.

(b) JPC will select cadet to be awarded ribbon N-1-1 based on nominees submitted by the SAI. The SAI will select recipients of all other awards.

(c) Ribbons will be requested on JPC Form 5, Sample at Figure 6-4.


(Office Symbol) Date

MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Army Instruction, Fort Worth School District JROTC Program, 2901 Shotts St., Suite D, Fort Worth, Texas 76107

SUBJECT: Request for Ribbons and Devices

1. Reference AR 145-2, paragraph 4—26.

2. Request this unit be issued the following ribbons and devices:











3. A copy of supporting documentation is attached.


LTC, USA Retired

Senior Army Instructor

Figure 6-4

(d) Successive awards will be reflected as follows:

1st Award Ribbon

2nd Award Ribbon + Bronze lamp

3rd Award Ribbon + Silver lamp

4th Award Ribbon + Gold lamp

5th Award Ribbon + Gold lamp + Bronze lamp

6th Award Ribbon + Gold lamp + Silver lamp

7th Award Ribbon + 2 Gold lamp

8th Award Ribbon + 2 Gold lamp + Bronze lamp

(e) Most awards are awarded annually thereby limiting to 4 the number of times award can be earned. For those awards not limited to a specific awards. The SAI may establish the criteria for earning initial and subsequent awards. The SAI are encouraged to ensure criteria is stringent enough to make the award as prestigious as possible yet within reach of those willing enough to work for it. Too liberal criteria diminishes the prestige to those who consciously worked for it and too stringent criteria deters desire to try. As a guide, more than one award, of a particular award, per year should be reviewed carefully and as a matter of general policy, is discouraged.

(f) “Annual” awards may be presented at a time SAI deems most beneficial for morale.

g) Academic Awards:


a Awarded by: the Superintendent of Schools

b Criteria: Awarded annually to the LET-3 (who has completed 5 previous semesters of JROTC 1,2,3,4 & 5) who has exhibited the highest degree of accumulative excellence in scholastics.


a Awarded by: the Principal

b Criteria: Awarded annually to one cadet in each LET level for maintaining highest school academic grades.


a Awarded by: the Director of Army Instruction

b Criteria: Awarded annually to those cadets who maintain a grade of “A” (3.5 GPA) in all academic subjects.


a Awarded by: the Senior Army Instructor

b Criteria: Awarded to cadets with no unexcused absences for a specific period. The SAI may establish one school year for each award or if desired, may use on e semester per award.


a Awarded by: the Principal

b Criteria: Awarded annually to those cadets elected to a student government office during the year.


a Awarded by: the Senior Army Instructor

b Criteria: Awarded to cadets successfully completing first semester of training of each LET year. Ribbons will normally be awarded at the end of the Fall Semester. They may be awarded at the end of other semesters for cadets entering first semester of LET level at other than Fall Semester.

7. N-1-7 JROTC “A” RIBBON:

a Awarded by: the Senior Army Instructor

b Criteria: Awarded to cadets who earn a grade of “A” in JROTC. The SAI may establish one school year for each award, or if desired, may use on semester per award.


a Awarded by: the Senior Army Instructor

b Criteria: Awarded to cadets who are active members of the Honor Society.


a Awarded by: the Senior Army Instructor

b Criteria: Awarded to one cadet per year as selected by cadet of the Year Board established by the Senior Instructor. Academically the cadet awardees must be passing all subjects. The awardees will receive the Cadet of the Year Cord (Scarlet/White/Gold Bullion), and JR-3 Cadet of the Year Certificate. The cord is worn on the right shoulder during the following academic year of the selection (Figure 6-5)


a Awarded by: the Senior Army Instructor

b Criteria: Awarded to one cadet per month as selected by Cadet of the Month Board established by the Senior Instructor. Academically the cadet awardees must be passing all subjects. The awardees will receive the Cadet of the Month Cord (Scarlet/Gold), and JR-7 Cadet of the Month Certificate. The cord is worn on the right shoulder during the following academic year of the selection (Figure 6-6)

Figure 6-5

Figure 6-6

h) Military Awards:


a Awarded by: the Senior Army Instructor

b Criteria: Awarded annually to one cadet in each LET level who displays the highest degree of leadership.


a Awarded by: the Senior Army Instructor

b Criteria: Awarded annually to cades who consistently present an outstanding appearance.


a Awarded by: the Senior Army Instructor

b Criteria: Awarded annually to cades who demonstrated high degree of leadership, academic achievement, and performance of duty.


a Awarded by: the Senior Army Instructor

b Criteria: Awarded annually to drill team members.


a Awarded by: the Senior Army Instructor

b Criteria: Awarded annually to members of orienteering teams.



a Awarded by: the Senior Army Instructor

b Criteria: Awarded annually to members of color/honor guard.


a Awarded by: the Senior Army Instructor

b Criteria: Awarded annually to rifle team members.


a Awarded by: the Senior Army Instructor

b Criteria: Awarded annually to cadets who are members of adventure training type units.


a Awarded by: the Senior Army Instructor

b Criteria: Awarded to cadets whose performance of duty exceptionally exceeds that expected of a cadet of his/her grade and experience. This award will not be used indiscriminately and the criteria will not duplicate other awards. The performance of duty, act or achievement should set the cadet apart from peers.


a Awarded by: the Senior Army Instructor

b Criteria: Awarded annually to the cadets who have demonstrated outstanding conduct throughout the school.


a Awarded by: the Senior Army Instructor

b Criteria: Awarded immediately after the start of school to cadets who participated in a JCLC encampment of 5 or more day duration.


a Awarded by: the Senior Army Instructor

b Criteria: Awarded to cadets who are members of a USAR or NG unit.


a Awarded by: the Senior Army Instructor

b Criteria: Awarded annually to each member of the squad that attains the highest score in the Battalion Squad Drill Competition.


a Awarded by: the Senior Army Instructor

b Criteria: Awarded annually to each member of the platoon that attains the highest score in the Battalion Platoon Drill Competition.


a Awarded by: the Senior Army Instructor

b Criteria: Awarded to cadets who are members of the District Rifle Marksmanship Teams.

i) Athletic Awards:


a Awarded by: the Senior Army Instructor

b Criteria: Awarded annually to cadets who excel in varsity sports.


a Awarded by: the Senior Army Instructor

b Criteria: Awarded annually to cadets who maintain excellent physical fitness. Male cadets must run one mile in 8:30 minutes or less; females in 10:45 minutes or less.


a Awarded by: the Senior Army Instructor

b Criteria: Awarded annually to cadets who excel in ROTC athletics.


a Awarded by: the Senior Army Instructor

b Criteria: Awarded annually to cadets who are members of the Saber Guard.


j) Miscellaneous Awards:


a Awarded by: the Senior Army Instructor

b Criteria: Awarded annually to cadets who excel in varsity sports.


a Awarded by: the Senior Army Instructor

b Criteria: Awarded annually to cadets who maintain excellent physical fitness. Male cadets must run one mile in 8:30 minutes or less; females in 10:45 minutes or less.


a Awarded by: the Senior Army Instructor

b Criteria: Awarded annually to those JROTC Cadets who voluntarily provide services, beyond the normal academic or class requirements, in support of school and/or Battalion activities.


a Awarded by: the Senior Army Instructor

b Criteria: Awarded annually to those JROTC Cadets who voluntarily participated in providing services and/or assistance to the Community as a part of the Battalion’s Community Service Support Program.


a Awarded by: the Director of Army Instruction

b Criteria: Awarded annually to those JROTC Cadets who voluntarily participated in providing services and/or assistance to the Fort Worth School District as a part of the Corp’s Community Service Support Program.


a Awarded by: the Senior Army Instructor

b Criteria: Awarded annually to cadets who participate in service learning projects.


a Awarded by: the Senior Army Instructor

b Criteria: Awarded annually to cadets who perform exceptionally well in a staff position.


1) District Marksmanship Team Champions:

(a) General: This award, which consists of a rotating trophy, is awarded to the rifle team that has the bet win-loss record during the annual inter-battalion competition and scores highest in finals. The trophy will be retired by the JPC and awarded permanently to the unit winning it the greater number of times.

b) Sponsor: JROTC Department

c) Criteria: All matches scheduled will be considered. Non-firing of a match will be considered a forfeit and a loss.

d) Presentation: Presentation will be made at the Corps Awards and Review Ceremony. An individual selected by the JPC will make presentation.

(2) Merit/Honor Unit/Honor Unit With Distinction:

a) General: An award, which consists of a certificate, presented to the battalions designated Merit/HonorUnit/HonorUnit With Distinction, the Western ROTC Region, based on AFI results.

b) Sponsor: US Army

c) Selection: By the Western ROTC Region based on AFI results.

a) Presentation: Presentation will be made at the Corps Awards and Review Ceremony. An individual selected by the JPC will make presentation.

3. RANK & PRECEDENCE: Ribbons will be worn in accordance with the following rank and precedence from top to bottom and right to left (on the left chest of the wearer).

Medal for Heroism

Legion of Valor Bronze Cross for Achievement

Superior Cadet Decoration

Sons of the American Revolution


The Military Order of the World Wars (MOWW)

Daughters of the American Revolution

The National Sojourners Award

Scottish rite of freemasonary award

military Officers’ Association of america (moaa) jROTC Medal

Daedalian Foundation Award

US Army Recruiting Command (USAREC) Award








N-1-1 Distinguished Cadet Award For Scholastic Excellence

N-1-2 Academic Excellence Award

N-1-3 Academic Achievement Award

N-1-4 Perfect Attendance Ribbon:

N-1-5 Student Government Ribbon:

N-1-6 Leadership Education Training Service Ribbon

N-1-7 JROTC “A” Ribbon

N-1-8 National Honor Society Ribbon

N-1-9 Cadet of The Year Ribbon:

N-1-10 Cadet of The Month Ribbon:

N-3-1 SAI Leadership Ribbon:

N-3-2 Personal Appearance Ribbon:

N-3-3 Proficiency Ribbon

N-3-4 Drill Team Ribbon

N-3-5 Orienteering Ribbon

N-3-6 Color/Honor Guard Ribbon

N-3-7 Rifle Team Ribbon

N-3-8 Adventure Training Ribbon

N-3-9 Commendation Ribbon

N-3-10 Good Conduct Ribbon

N-3-11 JCLC Participation Ribbon

N-3-12 USAR & NG Membership Ribbon

N-3-13 Best Drill Squad Ribbon

N-3-14 Best Drill Platoon Ribbon

N-3-15 District Marksmanship Ribbon

N-2-1 Varsity Athletic Ribbon

N-2-2 Physical Athletic Ribbon

N-2-3 JROTC Athletic Ribbon

N-2-4 Saber Guard Ribbon

N-4-1 Parade Ribbon

N-4-2 Recruiting Ribbon

N-4-3 School Service Ribbon

N-4-4 Community Service Ribbon

N-4-5 District Service Ribbon

N-4-6 Service Learning Ribbon

N-4-7 Excellent Staff Performance Ribbon

*See Figure 6-11 for JROTC Ribbons at the end of chapter



1) Male:

a) On coat, AG 489

b) On shirt, short sleeve, AG 415 (when worn as an outer garment).

c) How worn: In order of precedence from right to left, one-eighth inch above the left breast pocket, in rows of three (3) ribbons with without a space between rows or a one-eighth inch space between rows.

d) When ribbons are worn on the AG 415 shirt, a firm backing will be placed inside the shirt into which the fasteners are attached to preclude needlessly damaging the shirt.

e) See Figure 6-7 for placement of ribbons.

1) Female:

a) On coat, AG 489

b) On shirt, short sleeve, AG 415 (when worn as an outer garment).

c) How worn: In order of precedence from right to left, centered on the left side of the coat or shirt, with the bottom line positioned parallel to the top edge of the top button on the shirt. On some coats the top button coincides with the top button on the shirts, therefore, the top button on the coat may be used. On some coats however, the top button is too low, therefore, the top button on the shirt must be used. Adjustments may be made to conform to body confirmations to ensure the ribbons are placed proportionally on the chest.

d) When ribbons are worn on the AG 415 shirt, a firm backing will be placed inside the shirt into which the fasteners are attached to preclude needlessly damaging the shirt.

e) See Figure 6-7 for placement of ribbons

[pic]Figure 6-7

Placement of Ribbons on the male and female AG 489 Uniform


1) Full size decoration medals, with accompanying ribbons, are not authorized for general wear. Medals may be worn, in lieu of ribbons, on the AG 489 coat, when it is worn as formal attire at social events, in accordance with AR 670-1.

2) Medals earned in JROTC interscholastic competition are authorized for general wear in addition to formal attire at social functions as follows:

a) If three (3) or fewer medals are worn they will be affixed to the top of the left pocket on the male coat and parallel to the top edge of the top button of the coat and one-fourth inch below service ribbons on the female coat. One medal will be centered in the middle. Two (2) and three (3) medals will be evenly spaced. See Figures 6-8.


Figure 6-8

Placement of three or less medal on the male and female AG 489 Uniform

b) If four (4) or five (5) medals are worn, the first row of three (3) will be affixed to the bottom of the pocket flap on the male coat with fourth (40 and fifth (50 at the top of the flap spaced between the bottom three (3) medals. On the female coat the first three (3) will be placed proportionally below the top two (2) as described in (a) above. A maximum of five (5) medals may be worn. See Figure 6-9.


Figure 6-9

Placement of four or more medals on the male and female AG 489 Uniform

c) If marksmanship badges are worn they will take precedence over the medals and will be worn at the top of the pocket on the male coat and parallel to the top button on the female coat one-quarter inch below ribbons. Only three medals will be worn on the bottom of the pocket flap on the male coat and at an appropriate spacing below the marksmanship badge on the female coat. See Figure 6-10


Figure 6-10

Placement of Marksmanship badge(s) when worn with ribbons and medals

d) Medals may be worn on the AG 415 shirt in the same manner prescribed for the coat above except wear will not be allowed at AFI.


1) Marksmanship and Special Team badges will be worn and authorized for general wear on the coat and shirt.

2) How worn:

a) Male: On the upper portion of the left breast pocket flap. When one (1) badge is worn, it will be centered above the buttonhole. When two (2) or three (3) badges are worn, they will be spaced one inch apart.

b) Female: Centered on the left side positioned parallel to the top edge of the top button and one-fourth inch below ribbons. When one (1) badge is worn it will be centered below ribbons. When two (2) or three (3) badges are worn, they will be spaced one inch apart. Placement of badges may be adjusted slightly to conform to individual figure differences.

| | | | |

|Medal for Heroism |Superior Cadet | | |

| | |Distinguished Cadet |Academic Excellence |

|Awarded to any JROTC cadet who |Awarded annually to one outstanding|(N-1-1) |(N-1-2) |

|performs an act of heroism. |cadet in each LET level. |Awarded annually to one cadet who |Awarded annually to one cadet in |

| | |exhibits the highest degree of |each LET level for maintaining |

| | |experience in scholastics. |highest school academic grades. |

| | | | |

| | |Student Government | |

|Academic Achievement |Perfect Attendance |(N-1-5) |LET Service |

|(N-1-3) |(N-1-4) |Elected to a student government |(N-1-6) |

|Awarded annually to those cadets|Awarded to cadets with no unexcused|office. |Awarded to cadets successfully |

|who maintain a grade of “A” |absence during each | |completing first quarter/semester |

|(3.5GPA) in all academic |quarter/semester. | |of training of each LET year. |

|subjects. | | | |

| | | | |

| |National Honor Society | | |

|JROTC “A” |(N-1-8) |Cadet of the Year |Cadet of the Month |

|(N-1-7) |Awarded annually to those cadets |(N-1-9) |(N-1-10) |

|Awarded annually to those cadets|who are active members of Nation |Awarded annually to the cadet who |Awarded monthly to the cadet who |

|who maintain a grade of “A” in |Honor Society. |is selected by the Cadet of The |is selected by the Cadet of The |

|JROTC. | |Year Board. |Month Board. |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |Personal Appearance |Proficiency | |

|SAI Instructor Leadership |(N-3-2) |(N-3-3) |Drill Team |

|(N-3-1) |Awarded annually to cadets who |Awarded annually to cadets who |(N-3-4) |

|Awarded annually to one cadet |consistently present an outstanding|have demonstrated an exceptionally|Awarded annually to drill team |

|per LET level who displays the |appearance. |high degree of leadership, |members. |

|highest degree of leadership. | |academic achievement, and | |

| | |performance of duty. | |

| | | | |

| | | |Adventure Training |

| |Color Guard |Rifle Team |(N-3-8) |

|Orienteering |(N-3-6) |(N-3-7) |Awarded annually to cadets who are|

|(N-3-5) |Awarded annually to members of the |Awarded annually to rifle team |members of adventure training type|

|Awarded annually to cadets who |color/honor guard. |members. |units. |

|are members of orienteering | | | |

|teams. | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Commendation |Good Conduct |JCLC |USAR & NG Membership |

|(N-3-9) |(N-3-10) |(N-3-11) |(N-3-12) |

|Awarded to cadets whose |Awarded annually to cadets who have|Awarded to cadets for JCLC |Awarded annually to cadets that |

|performance of duty |demonstrated outstanding conduct |participation. |are members of the USAR & NG |

|exceptionally exceeds that |throughout the school year. | |units. |

|expected of a cadet of his grade| | | |

|and experience. | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Best Drill Squad |Best Drill Platoon |District Rifle Marksmanship |Varsity Athletics |

|(N-3-13) |(N-3-14) |(N-3-15) |(N-2-1) |

|Awarded annually to each member |Awarded annually to each member of |Awarded annually to members of the|Awarded annually to cadets that |

|of the squad that attains the |the platoon that attains the |District Rifle Marksmanship Teams.|excel in varsity sports. |

|highest score in the Battalion |highest score in the Battalion | | |

|Drill Competition. |Drill Competition. | | |

| | | | |

| | | |Optional by SAI |

|JROTC Physical Fitness |JROTC Athletics |Saber Guard |(N-2-5) |

|(N-2-2) |(N-2-3) |(N-2-4) | |

|Awarded to cadets who scores |Awarded to cadets who score at or |Awarded annually to members of the| |

|above the 85% on all five |above 50% on all five standard |saber guard. | |

|fitness tests. |exercises. | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Parade |Recruiting |School Service |Community Service |

|(N-4-1) |(N-4-2) |(N-4-3) |(N-4-4) |

|Awarded to cadets who have |Awarded to cadets who recruit |Awarded annually to cadets who |Awarded annually to cadets who |

|participated in local community |students into the JROTC program |participate in school service |participate in community service |

|parades (Veterans' Day Parade, |each quarter/semester. |projects. |projects. |

|Memorial Day Parade, etc.). | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|District Service |Service Learning |Excellent Staff Performance | |

|(N-4-5) |(N-4-6) |(N-4-7) | |

|Awarded annually to cadets who |Awarded annually to cadets who |Awarded annually to cadet staff | |

|participate in district service |participate in service learning |officers for excellent performance| |

|projects. |projects. | | |

| | |

| |Meritorious Unit Insignia. Each member of a unit designated as a Meritorious Unit is awarded the |

| |Meritorious Unit Insignia (white star). |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Honor Unit Insignia. Each member of a unit designated as an Honor Unit is awarded the Honor Unit Insignia|

| |(blue star). |

| | |

| |Honor Unit with Distinction Insignia. Each member of a unit designated as an Honor Unit with Distinction |

| |is awarded the Honor Unit with Distinction Insignia (yellow star). |

|[pic] | |

| |Academic Achievement Insignia. A gold wreath authorized for wear by cadets in the top ten percent of each|

| |JROTC class – based on grades earned in JROTC courses, as determined by the SAI. A felt pad center |

| |background indicates subsequent awards. |

| |• Second award – red pad. • Third award – silver pad. • Fourth award – gold pad. |

Figure 6-11


Figure 7-2 Superior Cadet Decoration

Figure 7-1 Medal of Heroism


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