1991 Historic Fort Osage, Sibley, Missouri

The First U.S. Infantry at Fort Osage by David Bennett

Missouri Forts by Mike Harris

Michael Immel: Soldier and Frontiersman by Tom Verdot

Blacksmithing by David Bailey

Notes on Civilian Life in 1812 by Doran Cart

Militia Clothing by Mike Harris

Interpreting the Military compound at Fort Osage by Grady Manus

1992 Arrow Rock State Historic site, Arrow Rock, Missouri

The Boone’s Lick Forts by Mike Harris

Fort Clemson by David Bennett

Combat in the Arrow Rock vicinity by Mike Dickey

Sibley’s Trading House by Richard Forry, Ph.D.

Agriculture in the Early American republic by Joe Anderson

A Social history of Captain Clemson’s Company of Regulars by Erik Hansen

The Missouri Navy by Mike Harris

The Missouri Militia by Orval Henderson

Selected Personalities: John Colter by Tom Verdot

1993 Arrow Rock State Historic site, Arrow Rock, Missouri

“Ladies and Wretches”: Officer’s and Soldier’s wives in the Missouri Territory by David Bennett

The Battle of the Sink Hole by Mike Harris

Indian Depredations in the Boone’s Lick by Bill lay

The Missouri Militia by Orval Henderson

Military Agriculture in the Louisiana Territory 1808-1816 by Joe Anderson

Osage Traders and Trade Goods by Barry Lynduff

Dueling by Dick Steward

James Callaway’s last day by Rick Petzoldt

Boone’s Lick: “The Lost Eden” by Jim Denny

1994 General Daniel Bissell Home, St. Louis, Missouri

Lewis Bissell: “With Life Itself” by David Bennett

Clemson’s Company of the 1st U. States Infantry by David Bennett

The Battle of Cotes Sans Dessein by Mike Harris

Fort Massac: Illinois Territory by Bill Bullock

Fort Madison: A Social history by Nick Colbert

Fort Bellefontaine by Ron Brunnert

Military Muskets by Tom Verdot

1995 General Daniel Bissell Home, St. Louis, Missouri

Success and Blunder: A comparison of Fort Osage and Fort Madison by David Bennett

Massacre at Fort Dearborn by Sally Colford

The Battle of Prairie Du Chien by Mike Harris

The excavation of Fort Bellefontaine by Joe Harl

Tench Cox: U.S. Purveyor by Tom Verdot

Slavery in the Missouri Territory by Tim Bauman

Soldier to Trader: a look at 1st U.S. Infantry Ex-officers by Erik Hansen

The General Bissell home by Barney Bradshaw

1996 Arrow Rock State Historic site, Arrow Rock, Missouri

The incredible Adventures of Col. George Davenport: The Building of Fort Clark by David Bennett

The Fort Defenses of the Upper Mississippi river by Mike Harris

The Defeat at Campbell’s Island by Mike Harris

The New Madrid Earthquake of 1811-1812 by Bob Dyer

The Iowa Indians: British Allies to the West by Mike dickey

The Role of Women in Military outpost Communities 1800-1815 by Sally Colford

The Rape of the Missouri River Packet: The 1819 Yellowstone Expedition by Wayne Lammers

Uniforms: The 1813 Coatee by Steve Abolt, presented by Thomas Shaw

Pop and Classic Music: Circa 1812 by Tom Verdot

1997 General Daniel Bissell Home, St. Louis, Missouri

The Whipping Post: Military Justice by David Bennett

Colonel Dodge’s 1814 Indian Campaign by Mike Harris

The Siege of Fort Madison by Nick Colbert

Toasting the Nation by Tom Verdot

“A Huge Sponge Cake”: The Journal of Lydia Bacon by Sally Bennett

Robert Dickson, the British Indian Agent in the West by Richard Williams

The Orphan Companies of the 7th U.S. by Edward Reidell

General Daniel Bissell by Barney Bradshaw

1998 Arrow Rock State Historic site, Arrow Rock, Missouri

“On the Canada Line”: The 1st Infantry at Lundy’s Lane by David Bennett

Nathan Boone: Stepping out of his Father’s Shadow by Mike Harris

Cavalry Sabers Used in the War of 1812 by Richard Bezdek

Political Manipulation of military Strategy during the War of 1812 by Richard Forry, Ph.D

“One Shining Moment”: The 1812 Siege and Relief of Fort Wayne, Indiana Territory by Jeff Patrick

Tippecanoe: In their Words by David Grabitske

The Osage Trading House by Mike Dickey

The Osage Indians by Bob Dyer

Round table discussion on the War of 1812 in the West with Tom Verdot, Sally Bennett, Thomas Shaw and Michael Dickey.

1999 General Daniel Bissell Home, St. Louis, Missouri

Ambush at Loutre Creek: The Death of Captain James Callaway by Mike Harris

The Detroit Campaign by Thomas Shaw

Women Captives of the Fort Dearborn Massacre by Sally Bennett

Artillery of the War of 1812 by Captain Paul Rosewitz

Military River Boats on the Missouri, Illinois and Mississippi Rivers by Ron Brunnert

Fort Russell, Illinois Territory by Carl Lossau, Ph.D.

A Stand of Arms by Tom Verdot

Blood Sport: Cock Fighting by Tony Gerrard

The United States Dragoons by Stephen Allie

2000 Arrow Rock State Historic site, Arrow Rock, Missouri

The Sauk and Fox Indians in the War of 1812 by Mike Dickey

Manitou Rocks, Indian Pictographs by Jim Denny

Mackinaw Island during the War of 1812 by James Lundgren

Major Nathan Heald, commander of Fort Dearborn: A Biography by Sally Bennett

Supply in the West by Major Paul Rosewitz

Blockhouse at Portage De Sioux by Mike Harris

Field Fortifications in the War of 1812 by Bob Dorian

Sweep the Floor with a Brand New Broom: Music and Dance in the era of 1812 by

Tom Verdot and Sandra Strand

Arrow Rock and the War of 1812 by Richard Forry, Ph.D.

2001 General Daniel Bissell Home, St. Louis, Missouri

John Cleves Symmes: The Eccentric Hero by David Bennett

The Potawatomi’s Influence in the West by Major Paul Rosewitz

The Battle of the Sinkhole: Revisited by Mike Harris

Types of Blankets available to the Military during the War of 1812 by Rob Stone

Literacy in the U. States Army 1800-1815 by Sally Bennett

Missouri Foodways 1812 by David Hinkley

Social and Political Impact of American Religion during the War of 1812 by Ron Petersen

Siege of Fort Harrison Indiana by Erik Hansen

“Such Articles as are taken from the Military Stores”: Uniforms of the Crops of Discovery by Thomas Shaw

Artist Michael Haynes and original artwork of the Lewis and Clark Expedition

2002 Frontier Army Museum, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas

“Attacking in Column”: A court of Inquiry into the actions of General Winfield Scott July 25, 1814 by David Bennett

Henry Leavenworth: The War Years by Richard Barbuto, Ph.D.

“They were riddled with Cannonballs”: The Battle of Credit Island & The Construction of Fort Johnson by Mike Harris

“Shorten Your Bridle”: Cavalry & Dragoons in the War of 1812 by Steve Allie

The Sergeant and his role in the Early U. States Army by 1st Sgt. Don Kehoe

Osage Society and Culture: The first 125 years of Post European contact by Mike Tathum

The Seventh Infantry in the Midwest 1808-1815 by David Grabitske

The Petersburg Volunteers at Fort Miegs Ohio May 1813 by Major Steve Rauch

Recollections of Colonel John Jackson, Ohio Militia by Jeff Patrick

2003 Arrow Rock State Historic site, Arrow Rock, Missouri

“Shot Down Under this Flag”: Colors and Standards of the U. States Army during the War of 1812 by David Bennett

“Living Large”: Everyday Farm and Household Items of the American Settlements Along the Missouri River by Mike Harris

“Come all you Young Heroes! Your Country Calls!” by Sally Bennett, MFA

“The Battle of Queenston Heights” by Richard Barbuto, Ph.D.

The Soldiers of Lewis and Clark Expedition: A Material Culture History by Bob Dorian

“Lt. Zebulon Pike’s Exploration: Precursor of the Santa Fe Trail by Richard Forry, Ph.D.

Denis Julian: Friend or Foe by James Knipmeyer.

War in the Boone’s Lick Region: Fact or Fancy by Mike Dickey

The Lewis and Clark Expedition: Lessons Learned on the Lower Missouri River by Jim Denny

Captain Nathaniel Leonard & Fort Erie by Bob Dyer

2004 Jefferson Barracks, St. Louis, Missouri

The Top Ten Myths of the War of 1812 by Donald Hickey, Ph.D.

Military Colors of the War of 1812 by Steve Hill

“A Son of Mars”: The Life, Politics & Wars of Colonel Samuel Wells by Sally Bennett, MFA

“An Opportunity of Gathering Laurels: The Campaigns, Engagements & Battles of the First U. States Infantry during the War of 1812 by David Bennett

“The Good, the Bad & the Vanished: Investigated War of 1812 Sites in Missouri & Illinois by Mike Harris

Black Hawk: Biography of a Native Warrior & British General by Mike Dickey

“Huzzah for Capitalism”: General Daniel Bissell, Making One’s Self a Place in the Frontier Social Order by David Hinkley

Archaeological Investigations of Mid-Western Trading Posts During the War of 1812 by Tim Baumann

Evolution of the Militia: 1764-1811 by Orval Henderson

2005 Frontier Army Museum, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, March 19-20

“Fall in!” War of 1812 Muster Sites in the Missouri Territory by Michael Harris.

“Those Young Men whose Bosoms Burns with ardor for the Glory and Safety of

their Country: Recruiting the Army” by David Bennett

“Women of the Company”: 1790-1815 by Sally Bennett, MFA

The Kickapoo: Vital Force in the West by Michael Dickey.

“To Humble an Insulting Foe”: The expeditions of General Samuel Hopkins by Jeff Patrick

How to write an Academic War of 1812 best Seller by Donald Hickey, Ph.D.

The 1813 Campaign on the Niagara River by Richard Barbuto, Ph.D.

Fishing in the early 19th Century by David Hinkley.

Roundtable Discussion on the War of 1812 200th Anniversary with Lt.Col.Reardon, Glenn Williams, Donald Hickey, Richard Barbuto and Michael Dickey.

2006 Arrow Rock State Historic site, Arrow Rock, Missouri, March 25-26

“What we know that Ain’t so”: Exposing the Myths of 1812 by Donald Hickey, Ph.D.

“My Military Family”: The common Man and Woman attached to the Army by Sally E. Bennett

Indian Trade: Tool of British and American Policy by Michael Dickey

“A Gallant Defense”: The Battles of Fort Madison – 1812 & 1813 by David Bennett

The Nathan Boone Legacy by David Roggensees

“The Ranger Song”: Favorite Battle song on the Missouri Frontier by Bob Dyer

Freemasonry and Interpersonal Relationships in Early St. Louis: The Benefits of Camaraderie by David Hinkley

“The Chamber Pot Rescue”: The Battle of Cote sans Dessein, April 4 1815 by Michael Harris

“Sackett’s Harbor, 1813” by Richard Barbuto, Ph.D.

Battle for Lake Huron by James Lundgren

2007 General Daniel Bissell Home, St. Louis, Missouri, March 24-25

“The Real Victory at Tippecanoe: Indians and Causation in the War of 1812” by Tom Kanon

“The Third Regiment of Artillery – a Unit History” by Richard Barbuto, Ph.D.

“John Norton : Scotsman, Cherokee and Mohawk Chief” by Michael Dickey

The Building of Fort Johnson: “The Lost Cause” by Michael Harris

“Soon Dispersed by a Well-Directed Discharge of Musketry”; the Peoria Indian War of 1813 by David Bennett

“A Yielding Spirit May Invite War:” The Official Response to the Burning of Washington by Charlie Edel

The Military as an Alternate Occupation for the Common Man and Woman in the Early Republic: 1790 – 1825 by Sally Bennett, MFA

An Overview of Archaeological Investigation of the War of 1812 era Fort Osage, Missouri by Steve Wilson

“Covering the Dead”: The Indian War of 1812 in the Missouri Territory by Brad Lookingbill, Ph.D.

Fort Bellefontaine & Jefferson Barracks by Marc Kollbaum

Tour of the General Daniel Bissell Home and Fort Belle Fontaine by Michael Kladky

2008 Historic Fort Osage, Sibley, Missouri, March 29-30

“The Siege of Fort Erie, 1814” by Richard Barbuto, Ph.D.

“In their quarter we are Miserably Weak: The Osage Nation in the War of 1812 era” by

Michael Dickey.

“Defending the New Nation, 1784-1811: The US Army on the Eve of the War of 1812,” by Glenn Williams.

“The Banks of the Missouri to the Slaughter Pen: Garrison Soldiers go to War, 1808-1814,” by David Bennett.

“Fire on the Frontier: Skirmishes in the Missouri Territory during the War of 1812,” by Michael Harris.

“The Building of Fort Osage: Political Perspectives,” by Steve Wilson.

“The Five Lives of William Wells,” by Sally Bennett, MFA.

“Tents during the War of 1812 era,” by Stephen Allie

Sunday Tour of Historic Fort Osage by Phil Shultz, military interpreter.

2009 Arrow Rock State Historic Site March 28-29

“The Battle of Campbell’s Island: Revisited,” by Michael D. Harris

“Memories of Missouri,” by Marryellen H. McVickers, Ph.D.

“Cousin Jonathan: the Common Soldier’s Military Experience in the Northwestern Army,” by Eugene Watkins, Ph.D.

“A New Perspective on the Last Days of Fort Madison,” by David Bennett

“Zachary Taylor in the War of 1812: Written on the Winds of War,”

by Col. Harold W. Youmans, (Ret)

“The Battle of Chippewa” by Richard V. Barbuto, Ph.D.

“Of Cabbages and Muskmelons: Garrison Gardens,” by Sally E. Bennett, MFA

“The War Department in the War of 1812 and its Views of Defense of the West,”

by Col. Paul Rosewitz

“The Miami’s: Vanguard of the Indian Front,” by Michael Dickey

2010 General Daniel Bissell Home, St. Louis, Missouri

20th Annual War of 1812 Symposium March 20-21, 2010

“The Battle of Lundy’s Lane” by Richard V. Barbuto, Ph. D.

“William Clark and the War of 1812” by Jeffrey Smith, Ph.D.

“Fortifications of St. Louis during the War of 1812 in the Missouri Territory” by Michael Harris

“The Hochunk Nation: The Winnebago’s in the War of 1812” by Michael Dickey

“Fort and Blockhouses of Early Illinois” by William D. Wilson

“Benjamin Howard and the Defense of the Eighth Military District, 1813-1814” by Harold Youmans

“Hills Fort: War of 1812 Frontier Outpost” by Kevin Kaegy

“Reading an Extant Garment: The 1812 Fatigue Frock in the Collection of the Missouri Historical Society” by RoxAnn Raisner and Dottie Vaughn

“The Court Martial of Lt. Colonel Robert Carter Nicholas” by David Bennett

2011 General Daniel Bissell Home, St. Louis, Missouri

21st Annual War of 1812 Symposium March 26-27, 2011

“The Raid on York, 27 April 1813” by Richard V. Barbuto, Ph. D.

“The 1st Infantry Regiment at the Sortie of Fort Erie, Upper Canada, 1814” by David Bennett

“Martial Law: Occupied Detroit and the Michigan Territory, 1812-1813” by Hal Youmans

“Campaigning with David Murphy, Missouri Militia: The Peoria Indian War of 1813” by Michael Harris

“Anglo-Native Aims and operations in the War of 1812” by Sandy Antal

“Hoosiers, Ruskies, and the Battle for a National Icon” by Jeff Patrick

“Geology of the War of 1812: Terrain Influences on the Battle of the Sink Hole, Missouri Territory” by Johnny Bertalott

“Recent Archaeology at Fort Madison, Iowa: The Battlefield and “Black Hawk’s Ravine” by John Doershuk

Tour of the General Daniel Bissell home by Michael Kladky

2012 Historic Fort Osage, Sibley, Missouri

22nd Annual War of 1812 Symposium March 24-25, 2012

The Missouri Territory in 1812 - “Forting Up” by Michael Harris

“On that mournful day, long to be remembered by me” - Fort Dearborn 1812 By Sally Bennett

The Trans-Mississippi Theatre – 1812 - “Hostile Intentions” by David Bennett

“The Articles of War”: Army Discipline during the War of 1812 by Hal Youmans, Colonel, Ret.

“Survey of U. States Artillery in the War of 1812 by Paul Rosewitz, Lt. Col. USA

Re-constructing the Battle of Stoney Creek by Richard Barbuto, Ph.D.

The US Army Blanket Coat by Bill Jordan, Lt. Col. Ret.

The People at the Rivers Mouth by Michael Dickey

“A Stain upon the Nation? - A Review of the Detroit Campaign of 1812 In US Military History” by Steven Rauch

2013 Arrow Rock Historic Site, Arrow Rock, Missouri

23rd Annual War of 1812 Symposium March 23-24, 2013

Trails and Foot Prints: Missouri War of 1812 Remembered by Hal Youmans

Indian Diplomacy and a Trade House: History and Archaeology of Fort Osage by John Peterson

The Missouri Territory in 1813: Deadly Encounters by Michael Harris

Nathan Boone and his U.S. Rangers in the War of 1812 by Dakota Russell

The Shawnee: Lords of the Ohio Valley by Michael Dickey

War of 1812 in the Boons Lick by Jim Denny

The Rise and Fall of the Missouri Navy, 1813-1814 by David Bennett

“Times that tried both Body and Soul”: William Naylor and the Tippecanoe Campaign by Jeff Patrick

2014 Old Courthouse, NPS, St. Louis, Missouri

24th Annual War of 1812 Symposium March 22-23, 2014

“The St. Louis Company of Volunteer Artillerists” by Douglass Harding.

“Red Stick: The Creek War of 1813-1814” by Michael Dickey.

“The Missouri Territory in 1814: The Ill-fated River Campaigns” by Mike Harris.

“On the Canada Line: The 1st U.S. Infantry Regiment at Lundy’s Lane, 25 July 1814” by David Bennett.

“More than just Cottonbalers. The Regular Army on the Mississippi, 1810-1815” by Hal Youmans.

James Baytop, Veteran of the War of 1812 by Bill Jordan.

Major Alexander’s Battalion: United States Volunteers in the Northwest Army by Bruce Egli.

“Who’s in Charge Here?” Command Confusion in the Northwest, 1811-1815 by Gillum Ferguson.

“The Empire Strikes Back: The Battle of Plattsburgh” by Richard Barbuto, Ph.D.

“St. Louis during the War of 1812” by Bob Moore, Ph.D.

2015 Historic Fort Osage, Sibley, Missouri.

25th Annual War of 1812 Symposium March 21-22, 2015

Native Missouri at the Time of the Louisina Purchase” by Michael Dickey.

Arming the Regulars, Militia & Rangers in the Missouri Territory during the War of 1812 by David Bennett

The Last Battle: Post-War Hostilities in the War of 1812 by Hal Youmans

The Missouri Territory in 1815: The Struggle for Peace in the West Michael D. Harris

The Girl Heroes of the War of 1812 in Missouri by Jim Denny

The Battle of New Orleans Richard Barbuto

Women of the Company” by Sally E. Bennett

In Search for an 1812 Ammunition Box by Douglass Harding

Heroic Medicine: Health care in the Early 19th Century American Army by Eric Mathews

2016 Arrow Rock Historic Site, Arrow Rock, Missouri

26th Annual War of 1812 Symposium April 2-3, 2016

Native Perspectives on the War of 1812: Indian Leaders in Their Own Words by Michael Dickey.

“Light Gives Light, To Light Discover: The Remarkable Career of Captain John C. Symmes” by David Bennett

“Major General Robert Ross, the Saving of Baltimore, 1814 and the ‘Boy Martyrs,’ Wells and McComas.” By Christopher T. George

“Death Chants and Powder Kegs: The Battle of the Sinkhole – 1815” by Michael D. Harris

“William Clark & the Cooper Clan of the Boonslick Country” by Jim Denny

“Who were Bryan and Morrison? The Halliburton of Missouri’s War of 1812” by Lynn Morrow

“The Corps and the War of 1812” by Lorna Hainesworth

“Commodore Perry’s Marines: Revealing their True Identity” by John Steinle

“Medicine in the Frontier Army: Analyzing the Pharmacopeia of Dr. Thomas, 1st Infantry by Eric Mathews


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