
Operations Committee Minutes

May 11, 2015

Mankato Workforce Center

Mankato, MN

Those present: Lindsey Hanson, Christine Bauman, Heather Gleason, Nancy Haag, Diane Halvorson, Connie Hines and Reggie Worlds

WIOA Youth

Nancy Haag reported that WIOA will replace WIA Youth effective July 1st. Eligibility, services and performance will be different.

Raw Fusion

Nancy Haag reported that MVAC participated in Raw Fusion, a fashion show put on by the MN River Builders Association. Andrea Weier modeled an outfit made from materials from an underbelly of a motor home. Partners for Affordable Housing was the recipient of the proceeds.

Staff Updates

Nancy Haag reported that Michelle Bode was hired by VRS. The County Support Specialist positions in Brown and Waseca County will be posted. There are two temp staff in the meantime. The FRC position in Watonwan has not been filled.

Reggie Worlds reported that Linda Skogen will be here until June 10th. The Customer Service Representative position has been posted.

Job Fairs

Reggie Worlds reports that a job fair will be scheduled on May 13th at the downtown mall in Mankato. Approximately, 10 businesses are signed up. The job fair is open to the public.

Rewards Benefits for Veterans

Reggie Worlds reported that veterans can go to the County Recorder Office to sign up for a rewards benefits card that is honored at local businesses. Additional information will be provided.

Continuous Improvement Team

Heather Gleason reported that due to staff changes there is no longer a Job Service representative on the team. Reggie will identify a staff person prior to the next meeting. The team is planning to do customer surveys in July. We continues to accept completed self-assessments.

US Bank Financial Literacy

Heather Gleason reported that she was contacted by a commercial banker at U.S. Bank about providing financial literacy to clients. A meeting will be scheduled to learn more about the offerings.

Youth Directory

Heather Gleason distributed the updated youth directories. Orders will be distributed this week to schools and agencies in the region.

Advanced Manufacturing Grant Update

Diane Halvorson reported that she met with South Central College on the role of the Workforce System in the MN Advanced Manufacturing partnership grant. Diane distributed and reviewed the Apprenticeship Liaison Job Description.

Legislative Update

Diane Halvorson reported that legislators have been selected for the conference committee to settle differences between the House and Senate bills. Bob Gunther is on the conference committee.

Recent Notice of Layoff

Diane Halvorson reported that Rapid Response released a notification that Michael Foods will layoff 20 workers on May 18th and 40 workers after that. The layoff is a result of the avian flu.

Talent Portal

Diane Halvorson reported on the Talent Portal through Greater Mankato Growth. There are two talent circles for jobs and promoting metropolitan statistical area. The portal is available online at mn..


Diane Halvorson distributed and reviewed the Cost Allocation Plans for all of the WorkForce Centers.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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