SRHR 2018 - IPPF

[Pages:44]SRHR 2018


Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights















SRHR 2018


We would like to take this opportunity to thank the following partner organizations and programme advisory group members who have helped make this pre-conference programme possible.



Florence Anam, ICW Divya Bajpai, International HIV/AIDS Alliance Ricardo Baruch, IPPF/WHR Ana Maria Bejar, IPPF Heather Boonstra, Guttmacher Institute Chloe Cooney, Planned Parenthood Global Anna Dahlman, Dance4Life Bertiene Dunning, Rutgers Miriam Elderhorst, Aidsfonds Riva Eskinazi, IPPF Yvette Fleming, Aidsfonds Alanna Galati, Guttmacher Institute Hayley Gleeson, IPPF Tia Jeewa, IPPF Ruth Laibon, UNAIDS

Lena Luyckfasseel, IPPF European Network Ados May, IBP Initiative Daniel McCartney, IPPF Manjulaa Narasimhan, WHO Luisa Orza, International HIV/AIDS Alliance Aditi Sharma, GNP+ Josephine Smart, SheDecides Rineke van Dam, Rutgers Susan van Esch, Dance4Life Jennifer Vanyur, Planned Parenthood Global Hege Wagan, UNAIDS Rachel Walker, Dance4Life Felicia Wong, International HIV/AIDS Alliance Ilya Zhukov, UNFPA

Welcome to

SRHR 2018 Amsterdam

Over the past few months, we have worked tirelessly and collaboratively to curate the first ever pre-conference focussed on sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) ahead of the International AIDS Conference.

While we know that poor sexual and reproductive health and HIV share common root causes, the respective responses remain largely unaligned, uncoordinated, and under-resourced. With growing conservatism working against gender and human rights-based policies, including the Global Gag Rule, there is now more than ever a need for integrated action.

Today, we want to try something a little different. Not only do we want to inspire fresh thinking, but we also want to explore new and practical paths for succeeding in joining the SRHR and HIV response. Based on information collected from a short survey, we hope we've created a platform and conversation that is timely, topical and globally represented.

The success of this programme is largely due to the commitment of our speakers and advisory group and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all personally for your contributions and support!

Networking is immensely important, so we have actively created opportunities for the fostering of introductions and the sharing of expertise between peers and partners. These conversations will continue in the SRHR Networking Zone of the Global Village throughout the main conference.

We are thrilled that you could join us here in Amsterdam and hope that this pre-conference will maximise the much-needed visibility of SRHRrelated issues over the course of the week and beyond.

We now invite you to familiarise yourselves with the official SRHR Roadmap for AIDS 2018 and hope you enjoy the conference!

On behalf of the Programme Advisory Group,

Daniel McCartney International Planned Parenthood Federation e: dmccartney@


SRHR Pre-Conference

Breaking Barriers, Building Bridges for the Right to Decide

Saturday, 21 July (8:30am - 5:00pm) Organizer: Rutgers and the International Planned Parenthood

Federation (IPPF) RAI Amsterdam Convention Centre, Room E103


Poor sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and HIV share common root causes, and yet, the respective responses to HIV and to sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) remain largely unaligned, uncoordinated, and under-resourced. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are an important opportunity to advance an integrated SRH and HIV agenda by recognising the importance of universal SRH for achieving health (SDG 3). However, there are significant gaps. With growing conservatism to gender and human rights-based policies, including the Global Gag Rule, now more than ever there is a need for joint action by governments and communities, civil society organisations, international organisations, donors, and researchers supporting a strong response to address SRHR and HIV.

Our one-day pre-conference aims to create a vibrant and inclusive platform on which to: ? Foster thematic learning and networking focused on the linkages between SRHR and

HIV ? Facilitate global connections and collaborations with organisations working on issues

related to SRH, human rights and HIV ? Further unite global SRHR and HIV responses to achieve the targets set within the

SDGs ? including lessons learned on the impact of the Global Gag Rule

With the Netherlands as a long-standing champion and supporter of SRHR and one of the key initiators of the SheDecides movement, AIDS 2018 provides the perfect opportunity to help defend the achievements and advance the health, rights, and general well-being of all people, including women and girls, people living with HIV, and key populations with a focus on Eastern Europe and Central Asia.


? Fresh thinking - provide an inclusive and interactive thematic learning and networking environment focusing on the linkages and integration between SRHR and HIV, including the SRHR of young people, women, people living with HIV and key populations.

? Explore new paths - strengthen and establish innovative partnerships for joining up SRHR and HIV practically and furthering respect, protection and promotion of SRHR of people vulnerable or living with HIV.

? Join the movement - create a space for a political dialogue between the SRHR and HIV communities to agree on common action to face the current threats of the external environment, and engage potential champions and unite activists who want to advance SRHR and HIV jointly.



Delegate Registration Check-in at pre-conference desk in front of Room E103


Chairpersons' Welcome Address ? Judy Amina, SRHR Alliance Kenya, Kenya ? Ricardo Baruch, IPPF Western Hemisphere Region, Mexico


Opening Remarks ? Lilianne Ploumen, Labour Party, Netherlands ? Alvaro Bermejo, International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF),

United Kingdom ? L'Orangelis Thomas Negr?n, Pangea, GNP+ & ICW, Puerto Rico


Session: Guttmacher-Lancet Commission on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights ? Heather Boonstra, Guttmacher Institute, United States ? Luisa Orza, International HIV/AIDS Alliance, United Kingdom


Panel Discussion: Language - Framing & Aligning Language Around Advocacy, Education & Policy ? Caroline Hickson, IPPF European Network, Belgium ? Joy Asasira, Center for Health Human Rights & Development

(CEHURD), Uganda ? Leandro Cahn, Fundaci?n Hu?sped, Argentina

Moderator: Ton Coenen, Rutgers, Netherlands


Morning Refreshment Break In the Ruby Lounge


Panel Discussion: Cooperation - Fostering a More Collaborative Partnership among the SRHR and HIV movements ? Santos Antonio Simione, Associa??o Mo?ambicana para

Desenvolvimento da Fam?lia (AMODEFA), Mozambique ? Javier Hourcade Bellocq, GNP+, Argentina ? Catherine Nyambura, Women Deliver, Kenya ? Jael van der Heijden, Dance4Life, Netherlands ? Robin Gorna, SheDecides Support Unit, United Kingdom

Moderator: Ana Maria Bejar, IPPF, United Kingdom



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