
Exam Lesson Name: Law EnforcementExam number: 802088RRQuestion 1 of 20 :Select the best answer for the question.1. One of the interesting findings of foot patrol research was that foot patrol officers were better able to deal with A. several investigative functions, including finding DNA evidence. B. long-term vice cases that involved several suspects. C. drug dealers and gang problems, especially in urban areas. D. minor annoyances—rowdy youths, panhandlers, and abandoned cars—that irritate citizens.Question 2 of 20 :Select the best answer for the question.2. The internal affairs unit investigates A. white-collar crime. B. corruption within the police force. C. sexual exploitation. D. human resources issues within law enforcement. Question 3 of 20 :Select the best answer for the question.3. Which of the following drug enforcement strategies accounts for the greatestnumber of drug arrests and seizures? A. Drug demand reduction B. Mid-level investigations C. Major investigations D. Street-level enforcementQuestion 4 of 20 :Select the best answer for the question.4. Name the largest law enforcement training establishment in the United States. A. CODIS B. FLETC C. CompStat D. PEPPAQuestion 5 of 20 :Select the best answer for the question.5. In the 1970s, a study in Kansas City, Missouri, sought to quantify the effectiveness of patrol. What did the researchers discover? A. Targeting gun crimes led to a significant decrease in homicides. B. Changes in the frequency of patrol had little impact on crime patterns. C. Aggressive patrol efforts aimed at "lifestyle" crimes reduced the violent crime rate. D. Proactive patrolling worked exceptionally well. Question 6 of 20 :Select the best answer for the question.6. The only personal experience most people have with the criminal justice process is contact with a A. correctional institution. B. probation or parole officer. C. local police officer. D. courtroom. Question 7 of 20 :Select the best answer for the question.7. Which of the following is one of the foundations upon which the professional model of policing is based? A. Follow-up investigation B. Community involvement C. Aggressive patrol D. No response time Question 8 of 20 :Select the best answer for the question.8. The movement to limit the discretion of police officers is the result of A. lowered crime rates. B. increased police–community relations. C. positive publicity about lowered discretion. D. abuses of that discretion. Question 9 of 20 :Select the best answer for the question.9. The basic concepts of American law enforcement and criminal justice originated in A. Spain. B. England. C. France. D. New England. Question 10 of 20 :Select the best answer for the question.10. With which of the following agencies are permanent legal attaches, or "legats," associated? A. The US Secret Service B. The Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement C. The Central Investigation Agency (CIA) D. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Question 11 of 20 :Select the best answer for the question.11. Which of the following is the Federal Bureau of Investigation's (FBI's) definition of terrorism? A. The systematic use of terror or unpredictable violence against governments, publics, or individuals to attain a political objective B. Premeditated, politically-motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents, usually intended to influence an audience C. The unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives D. The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a group or individual based and operating entirely within the United States or its territories, without foreign direction, committed against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives Question 12 of 20 :Select the best answer for the question.12. In the context of types of corruption in police departments, which of the following types of misconduct is performed by grass eaters? A. Committing burglaries B. Soliciting bribes C. Accepting gifts for ignoring violations of the law D. Manufacturing false evidence for prosecution Question 13 of 20 :Select the best answer for the question.13. In the context of cybercrime, identify a true statement about Ponzi or pyramid schemes. A. A lump sum investment is made at the initial stage of the scheme. B. Investors are promised moderate and steady profits on their investments. C. Early investors are paid returns with the investment money received from the later investors. D. The later investors receive high dividends. Question 14 of 20 :Select the best answer for the question.14. John Broderick classified police officers by their degree of commitment to maintaining order and their respect for due process. Which of the following is among his classifications? A. Punisher B. Judge C. Idealist D. Vigilante Question 15 of 20 :Select the best answer for the question.15. Identify a true statement about community policing. A. Critical decisions are required to be made at the neighborhood level. B. Implementation plans for community policing remain the same among all agencies. C. The police view the community as a passive presence connected to them by an isolated incident or series of incidents. D. Citizens are entrusted with conducting arrests on behalf of the police. Question 16 of 20 :Select the best answer for the question.16. Which of the following are the three variables that interact to form a crime triangle? A. A victim, an offender, and a location B. A citizen, police, and a criminal C. A preventive patrol, an investigation, and a follow-up D. An urban, a suburban, and a rural location Question 17 of 20 :Select the best answer for the question.17. The vast majority of American law enforcement agencies are A. multi-jurisdictional. B. federal. C. foreign. D. local. Question 18 of 20 :Select the best answer for the question.18. The measure of "excessive force" is whether the coercion used A. exceeds the amount of force used against the police officer by the participant in the conflict. B. exceeds the amount of force necessary to control participants in a conflict. C. is used against a first-time offender. D. results in injuries that require medical care. Question 19 of 20 :Select the best answer for the question.19. Which of the following federal law enforcement agencies employs the largestnumber of personnel? A. The Federal Bureau of Investigation B. The US Immigration and Customs Enforcement C. The US Customs and Border Protection D. The Federal Bureau of Prisons Question 20 of 20 :Select the best answer for the question.20. Which of the following is the most widely used crime-mapping application? A. Geographic information system (GIS) crime mapping B. Crime scene investigations C. CompStat D. The determination of gunshot origins Sent from my iPad ................

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