
AP Government FRQ Question Strands by Topic 2004 - 20172017Supreme Court Describe one constitutional provision that seeks to insulate the Supreme Court from public opinion. Supreme Court Identify a power that is exercised by the Supreme Court that acts as a check on another branch of the federal government.Supreme Court Explain how each of the following can limit the independence of the Supreme Court: Congress, PresidentSupreme Court Explain how the Supreme Court protects its political independence.IG Goals & Strategy Identify the primary goal of interest groups.IG Goals & Strategy Describe each of the following strategies used by interest groups: lobbying, amicus curiae briefsIG Goals & Strategy Explain how each of the following hinders the success of interest groups in obtaining their primary goal: separation of powers, bureaucratic discretionFederal SpendingNOTE: Mandatory programs include Social Security, major federal health programs, other entitlement programs, and offsetting receipts.Social security, Medicare, and Medicaid are all mandatory spending programs, also known as entitlement programs. Identify a change in federal spending between 1970 and 2023(projected) based on the chart above.Federal Spending Describe the difference between entitlement programs and discretionary programs.Federal Spending Describe one demographic trend that has contributed to the changes in entitlement spending.Federal Spending Explain why changes in entitlement spending make balancing the federal budget difficult.Federal Spending Explain how deficit spending affects the projected trend in net interest.Federalism Describe EACH of the following Constitutional provisions: Tenth Amendment, Supremacy ClauseFederalism Explain how ONE of the following court cases changed the balance of power between the national government and state governments: United States v. Lopez, Obergefell v. HodgesFederalism Describe TWO advantages of federalism for the creation of public policy in the United States.2016Function of PPDescribe one important function of political parties as a linkage institution in elections. Function of MediaDescribe the influence of the media on the election process in the role of gatekeeping/agenda setting. Function of MediaDescribe the influence of the media in the role of scorekeeping/horse race journalism.Function of IGDescribe two strategies interest groups use to influence the electoral process. IGExplain how, according to critics, interest groups may limit representative democracy. Data Trend“United States Demographic Changes” Identify a trend depicted in the chart. Party DemographicsExplain how the trend you identified in (A) is likely to affect the success of either the D or R party. Parties in CongressExplain how the changes are likely to affect the way in which parties operate in CongressPowers of POTUSDescribe two specific actions that presidents can take to respond to the changes in the chart above. Function of CongressIdentify the primary role of Congress in the policy process. Divided GovernmentExplain how divided party control of Congress can make the policy process difficult. Function of Bureau.Identify the primary role of the bureaucracy in the policy process. Powers of Bureau.Explain how “rule making” increases the power of the bureaucracy in the policy process. Powers of Bureau. Explain how “bureaucratic discretion” increases the power of the bureaucracy in the policy process. Checks & BalancesExplain how “oversight hearings” enables Congress to limit the power of the bureaucracy. Checks & BalancesExplain how “power of the purse” enables Congress to limit the power of the bureaucracy. Power of Nat. Gov’tExplain how “checks and balances” protects against the concentration of power in the national gov’t. Power of Nat. Gov’tExplain how “federalism” protects against the concentration of power in the national government. Election/Elite TheoryExplain how the “electoral college” limited the people’s ability to influence the national government. Election/Elite TheoryExplain how the “selection of senators” limited people’s ability to influence the nat. gov’t. (Prior to 17th)SuffrageDescribe a constitutional amendment that increased suffrage. Voter Turnout Describe the effect of the Voting Right Act of 1965 on citizen participation in elections. Voter TurnoutDescribe the effect of the Motor Voter Act on citizen participation in elections. 2015Powers of POTUSDescribe a power of the president in the role of Chief Legislator. Powers of POTUSDescribe a power of the president in the role of Chief Bureaucrat/Chief Administrator. Checks & BalancesExplain how “civil service employees” limit the president’s influence in policy making. Checks & BalancesExplain how “the Supreme Court” limits the president’s influence in policy making. Divided Gov’tDescribe the influence of divided government on the policy-making process. Federalism Compare state sovereignty under the Articles of Confederation and under the Constitution. Power of Nat. Gov’tExplain how the commerce clause has been used to expand the power of the federal gov’t over the states. Power of Nat. Gov’tExplain how mandates have been used to expand the power of the federal gov’t of the states. Power of StatesExplain how block grants have played a role in the devolution of power from the nat. gov’t to the states. Power of States Explain how Supreme Court decisions have played a role in the devolution of power to the states. Electoral CollegeExplain one reason that the framers chose to use the electoral college as the method to elect the president. Data InterpretationDescribe the message the cartoon above conveys about presidential elections. Data InterpretationExplain why California, Texas, and New York do not appear prominently in the cartoon above. Campaign TacticsDescribe two campaign tactics POTUS candidates use to win the key states identified in the cartoon.CR v. CLDescribe the difference between civil rights and civil liberties. Clause of ConstitutionIdentify the primary clause of the 14th amendment that is used to extend civil rights. CR LegislationDescribe a specific legislative action that extended civil rights to women. CR LegislationDescribe a specific legislative action that extended civil rights to persons with disabilities. Clause of ConstitutionIdentify the primary clause of the 14th Amendment that is used to extend civil liberties. CL Court CaseExplain how civil liberties were incorporated by the Supreme Court in Gideon v. Wainwright. CL Court Case Explain how civil liberties were incorporated by the Supreme Court in Mapp v. OhioCL Court CaseExplain how civil liberties were incorporated by the Supreme Court in Miranda v. Arizona. 2014FederalismCompare the positions of Federalists & Anti-Federalists regarding the power of the national government.Clause of ConstitutionDescribe two features of the original Constitution that have led to a growth in power of the national gov’t.Limit Power of NGExplain how the First Amendment addressed Anti-Federalist concerns. Limit Power of NGExplain how the Tenth Amendment addressed Anti-Federalist concerns. Limit Power of StatesExplain how the due process clause of the 14th amendment altered the balance of power in federalism. Limit Power of StatesExplain how the equal protection clause of the altered the balance of power in federalism.SuffrageIdentify the effect the fifteenth amendment had on the electorate. SuffrageIdentify the effect the 19th amendment had on the electorate. Suffrage. Identify the effect the 26th amendment had on the electorate. Voter TurnoutExplain how motor voter laws may affect voter turnout. Voter TurnoutExplain how photo identification laws may affect voter turnout. Voter TurnoutDescribe education’s relationship to the likelihood of a person voting in an election. Voter TurnoutDescribe age’s relationship to the likelihood of a person voting in an election. Voter TurnoutExplain why voter turnout is different in presidential versus midterm elections. Voter TurnoutExplain why voter turnout is different in primary versus general elections. Powers of CongressDescribe two enumerate powers Congress has in making foreign policy. Powers of POTUSDescribe two expressed powers the president has in making foreign policy. Powers of POTUSExplain how executive agreements expand the president’s ability to implement foreign policy. Powers of POTUSExplain how elections limit the president’s ability to implement foreign policy. Powers of POTUSExplain how presidential approval ratings limit the president’s ability to implement foreign policy. Party PolarizationDefine party polarization. Data TrendIdentify a trend show in the graph above. Parties in CongressDescribe two causes of party polarization in Congress. Parties in CongressDescribe one effect of party polarization on congressional policy making. 2013Form of Gov’tDefine direct democracy.Form of Gov’tDefine republican form of government. Form of Gov’t Describe one reason the framers chose a republican form of government over a direct democracy. RepresentationDescribe the trustee model of congressional representation. RepresentationDescribe the delegate model of congressional representation. RepresentationExplain why a member of Congress might sometimes act as a trustee rather than a delegate. Functions of PPDescribe two important functions of political parties in United States elections. Parties in CongressDescribe one important role PP play within Congress to promote the party’s public policy agenda. Weaken PPExplain how direct primaries have weakened the influence of PP over the political process. Weaken PPExplain how candidate-centered campaigns have weakened the influence of PP over the political process. Strengthen PPExplain how party polarization has strengthened party influence in Congress. Data InterpretationDescribe one similarity between Obama’s judicial appointments and those made by Bush. Data InterpretationDescribe two differences between Obama’s judicial appointments and those made by Bush. Checks & BalancesExplain why a president’s party affiliation accounts for differences in appointments to the judiciary. Checks & BalancesDescribe one way a president can increase the chances of having judicial nominations confirmed. Policy FormationExplain the importance of the media in the formation of the policy agenda.Policy FormationExplain the importance of elections in the formation of the policy agenda. Policy EnactmentExplain the role of congressional committees in the enactment of public policy. Policy EnactmentExplain the role of executive orders in the enactment of public policy. Policy ImplementationExplain the importance of bureaucratic discretion in the implementation of public policy. Policy ImplementationExplain the importance of bureaucratic discretion in the implementation of public policy. 2012Functions of CongressDescribe the role of the senate filibuster in lawmaking. Functions of CongressDescribe the role of the House Rules Committee in lawmaking. Functions of CongressDescribe the role of the conference committee in lawmaking. Checks & BalancesDescribe one method by which Congress exercises oversight of the federal bureaucracy. Function of CongressExplain how casework affects members’ attention to legislation. Data InterpretationUsing the chart, compare minority representation in 1960 and 2010.SuffrageExplain how the Voting Rights Act of 1965 assisted in the removal of barriers to minority voting. SuffrageExplain how the 24th amendment assisted in the removal of barriers to minority voting. SuffrageIdentify one barrier that currently impeded minority representation in Congress. SuffrageExplain why the barrier you identified inhibits minority representation in Congress. Checks & BalancesDescribe two political factors that affect presidents’ decisions to appoint members of the federal judiciary. Checks & BalancesIdentify and explain two political factors that affect and complicate the confirmation process. Checks & BalancesExplain how one legislative power serves as a check on court decisions. Checks & BalancesExplain how one executive power serves as a check on court decisions. IG TacticsDescribe two techniques interest groups use to influence elections. IG TacticsExplain how interest groups use issue networks to influence government decision making. IG TacticsExplain how interest groups use amicus curiae briefs to influence government decision making. IG InfluenceExplain how the media serves to limit interest group influence. IG InfluenceExplain how pluralism serves to limit interest group influence. 2011SCOTUSDefine judicial review. SCOTUSExplain how judicial review empowers the SC within the system of checks and balances. SCOTUSDescribe the process through which the Court grants a writ of certiorari. SCOTUSExplain how stare decisis influences decisions made by justices when deciding cases heard by the court. SCOTUSExplain how judicial activism influences decisions made by justices when deciding cases. Public OpinionIdentify two characteristics of a valid, scientific, public opinion poll. Public OpinionExplain why strong polling results enhances the influence of public opinion on Congress voting decisions.Public OpinionExplain why competitive re-elections enhances the influence of public opinion on Congress. Public OpinionExplain why legislators’ voting records limits the influence of public opinion on Congress. Public OpinionExplain why party leadership limits the influence of public opinion on Congress. ElectionsDefine open primary. ElectionsDefine caucus. Elections Describe one consequence of the Republican winner-take-all primary for the nomination process. ElectionsExplain why the use of super-delegates increases the influence of party leaders in the nomination process. Election TacticsExplain why a candidate’s strategy to win the nomination is often different from winning the general. Congress & POTUSExplain how congressional decision making is affected by the POTUS’ veto power. Congress & POTUSExplain how congressional decision making is affected by the POTUS’ power to issue executive orders. Congress & POTUSExplain how congressional decision making is affected by the POTUS’ power as commander in chief. Congress & POTUSExplain how presidential decision making is affected by congress’ legislative oversight power. Congress & POTUSExplain how presidential decision making is affected by the Senate’s advice and consent power. Congress & POTUSExplain how presidential decision making is affected by congress’ budgetary power. 2010Bill of RightsExplain two provisions of the BOR that protect individuals who try to influence politics.IG TacticsExplain how grassroots mobilization is used by IG to exert influence over policy. IG TacticsExplain how lobbying is used by IG to exert influence over policy. IG TacticsExplain how litigation is used by IG to exert influence over policy. IG RegulationDescribe one specific federal government regulation of interest groups. BureaucracyDescribe one key characteristic of the merit system. BureaucracyExplain how the structure of the federal bureaucracy contributes to bureaucratic independence. BureaucracyExplain how the complexity of public policy problems contributes to bureaucratic independence.Checks & BalancesExplain one constitutional provision Congress can use to check the bureaucracy. Checks & BalancesExplain one constitutional provision the courts can use to check the bureaucracy. Checks & BalancesExplain one constitutional provision interest groups can use to check the bureaucracy. Data Trend“Southern State Partisanship in US Elections” Identify one specific trend evident in the figure above. ElectionsExplain how incumbency advantage led to choosing more Democratic candidates to Congress than POTUS.ElectionsExplain how gerrymandering led to choosing more Democratic candidates to Congress than POTUS.ElectionsExplain how differences between state and national parties led to choosing more Democrats in Congress. DemographicsExplain how party composition has changed in the past few decades with respect to Catholics. DemographicsExplain how party composition has changed in the past few decades with respect to labor union members. DemographicsExplain how party composition has changed in the past few decades with respect to women. DemographicsExplain how party composition has changed in the past few decades with respect to social conservatives. Limiting PowerExplain how federalism limits the power of the national executive. Limiting PowerExplain how checks and balances limits the powers of the national executive. Limiting PowerExplain how the establishment clause limits the power of the national government. Limiting PowerExplain how the guarantee of a public trail limits the power of the national government. Limiting PowerExplain how the citizenship clause of the 14th amendment limits the power of state governments. Limiting PowerExplain how selective incorporation limits the power of state governments. 2009DemocracyIdentify the part of the national government that was originally most closely tied to citizens. Explain how. DemocracyExplain two ways the US Constitution limited majority rule. DemocracyExplain how primary elections have moved the US from a less democratic system to a more democratic one.DemocracyExplain how the 17th am. has moved the US from a less democratic system to a more democratic one. DemocracyExplain how the expansion of suffrage has made the US a more democratic system. Voter TurnoutDescribe how age is related to the likelihood of voting. Voter TurnoutDescribe how education is related to the likelihood of voting. Voter TurnoutDescribe one current government electoral requirement that decreases voter turnout. Explain how. Linkage Identify one linkage institution other than elections & explain 2 ways it connects citizens to government. PP in CongressDescribe two advantages the majority party in the US House of Representatives has in lawmaking. House v. SenateDescribe two differences between House & Senates rules that affect legislation not passing. House v. SenateExplain how the differences you identified can lead to the passage of a bill in one but not the other chamber. MediaDefine policy agenda. MediaExplain how the national news media engage in agenda setting. MediaExplain the primary reason the POTUS tends to have an advantage over Congress in gaining media attention.Data Trend Describe the difference in viewing patterns of older and younger age-groups. Data TrendDescribe the change from 1974 to 2002 in viewing habits that exist for all age categories. MediaDescribe one implication for POTUS in their use of media to promote their objectives to the public. 2008GerrymanderingDefine congressional reapportionment and explain one reason why it is important to states. GerrymanderingDefine congressional redistricting. GerrymanderingExplain two goals of politicians when they gerrymander during redistricting. GerrymanderingDescribe two limits that the US Supreme Court has placed on congressional redistricting. Powers of POTUSDescribe two formal powers that enable the president to exert influence over domestic policy. Powers of POTUSDefine mandatory spending & explain how it limits the POTUS’ ability to influence policymaking in H&S.Powers of POTUSDefine party polarization & explain how it limits the POTUS’ ability to influence policymaking in Congress.Powers of POTUSDefine lame-duck period & explain how it limits the POTUS’ ability to influence policymaking in Congress. Economic PolicyDefine fiscal policy. Economic PolicyDescribe one significant way the executive branch influences fiscal policy. Economic Policy Describe one significant way the legislative branch influences fiscal policy. Economic PolicyDefine monetary policy. Economic PolicyExplain two reasons why the Federal Reserve Board is given independence in establishing monetary policy. Voter TurnoutExplain how two measures taken by some states prior to the 1960s affected voter turnout for African Am. CRDescribe two alternative forms of participation that helped bring about changed in civil rights policies. CRChoose one form of participation and explain why it was effective in changing civil rights policies. 2007ElectionsDescribe the winner-take-all feature of the electoral college. ElectionsExplain one in which the winner-take-all feature affects how presidential candidates run their campaigns. ElectionsExplain one way in which the winner-take-all feature hinders third-party candidates. ElectionsExplain two reasons why the electoral college has not been abolished. Con. ClauseIdentify the clause upon which the US Supreme Court based its decision (Engel v. Vitale; Lemon).CLDescribe the SCOTUS’ decision in the case you selected. Con. ClauseIdentify the clause upon which the US Supreme Court based its decision (Reynolds or Oregon).CLDescribe the Supreme Court’s decision in the case that you selected. Checks & BalancesDescribe two ways in which other political institutions might limit the impact of SCOTUS decisions. Foreign PolicyDescribe the constitutional conflict between Congress and the President over the decision to go to war. Foreign Policy Describe two provisions of the War Powers Resolution that were designed to limit the POTUS. Foreign PolicyIdentify and explain two other formal powers Congress has over war making. Federalism Define federalism. Power of Nat. Gov’tExplain how categorical grants have been used to increase the power of the federal government, Power of Nat. Gov’tExplain how federal mandates have been used to increase the power of the federal government. Power of Nat. Gov’tExplain how selective incorporation has been used to increase the power of the federal government. Power of StatesExplain how the Welfare Reform Act has been used to increase the power of the states. Power of StatesExplain how block grants have been used to increase the power of the states. Power of StatesExplain how the 10th amendment has been used to increase the power of the states. 2006IG GoalsIdentify the fundamental goal of interest groups in the political process. PP GoalsIdentify the fundamental goal of major political parties in the political process. IG TacticsDescribe two different ways by which IG support the fundamental goal of PP in the political process. IG TacticsExplain 2 different ways in which that form helps IG to achieve their fundamental goal in the process. Social SecurityDefine entitlement program. Social SecurityWhat is the primary source of revenue for the Social Security program?Social SecurityIdentify one threat to the future of SS should the trends depicted in the chart above continue. Social SecurityDescribe one demographic trend that threatens the future of SS AND explain how it is responsible for (B). Social SecurityExplain how any one of the trends in the chart above would change if the age of eligibility were raised. BureaucracyExplain 2 reasons why Congress fives federal agencies policy-making discretion in executing laws. BureaucracyIdentify the policy area of the EPA & give one example of how it exercises that discretion. BureaucracyIdentify the policy area of the FCC and give one example of how it exercises that discretion. BureaucracyIdentify the policy area of the Federal Reserve and give one example of how it exercises that discretion. Checks & BalancesDescribe two ways in which Congress ensures that federal agencies follow legislative intent. CongressDiscuss two reasons why the framers created a bicameral legislature. CongressIdentify one power unique to the House & explain why the framers gave the House that power. CongressIdentify one power unique to the Senate and explain why the framers gave the Senate that power. 2005Public OpinionDescribe two ways in which the US Supreme Court is insulated from public opinion. Public OpinionExplain how two factors work to keep the SCOTUS from deviating too far from public opinion. Power of Nat. Gov’tExplain how the power to tax & spend has been used over time to expand federal power. Power of Nat. Gov’tExplain how the elastic clause has been used over time to expand federal power. Power of Nat. Gov’tExplain how the commerce clause has been used over time to expand federal power. Power of Nat. Gov’tExplain how the ADA has been used to increase power of the federal gov’t relative to the states. Power of Nat. Gov’tExplain how the Civil Rights Act has been used to increase power of the federal gov’t relative to the states.Power of Nat. Gov’tExplain how the Clean Air Act has been used to increase power of the federal gov’t relative to the states.CLDefine selective incorporation. CL Court Cases Explain how rights of criminal defendants have been incorporated. (Must include case in response)CL Court CasesExplain how the first amendment has been incorporated. (Must include case in response)CL Court CasesExplain how privacy rights have been incorporated. (Must include case in response)ElectionsDefine the proposal of eliminating soft money. ElectionsDescribe an argument that proponents make in favor of eliminating soft money. ElectionsDescribe an argument that opponents make against eliminating soft money. ElectionsDefine the proposal of limiting independent expenditures. ElectionsDescribe an argument that proponents make in favor of limiting independent expenditures. ElectionsDescribe an argument that opponents make against limiting independent expenditures. ElectionsDefine the proposal of raising limits on individual contributions. ElectionsDescribe an argument that proponents make in favor of raising limits on individual contributions. ElectionsDescribe an argument that opponents make against raising limits on individual contributions. 2004Foreign Policy Describe two formal constitutional powers the POTUS has in making foreign policy. Foreign PolicyDescribe two formal constitutional powers of Congress in making foreign policy. Foreign PolicyIdentify two informal powers of POTUS that contribute to his advantage over Congress in conducting FP. Foreign PolicyExplain how each of the powers you identified in (C) contributes to the POTUS advantage. IG TacticsDescribe litigation and explain why an interest group would choose this technique. IG TacticsDescribe campaign contributions and explain why an interest group would choose this technique. IG TacticsDescribe grassroots mobilization and explain why an interest group would choose this technique. IG TacticsIdentify the tactic primarily used by the AMA and explain why they would choose such tactic IG TacticsIdentify the tactic primarily used by the Sierra Club and explain why they would choose such tactic. IG TacticsIdentify the tactic primarily used by the NRA and explain why they would choose such tactic. IG TacticsIdentify the tactic primarily used by the NAACP and explain why they would choose such tactic. ElectionsDescribe the point of view expressed about minor parties in the political cartoon above. ElectionsIdentify and explain how two rules of the US electoral system act as obstacles to minor-parties winning. ElectionsDescribe two contributions minor parties make in spite of the institutional obstacles to their success. Trust in Gov’tExplain how divided government has contributed to a decline in trust and confidence in government. Trust in Gov’tExplain how the increased cost of election campaigns has contributed to a decline in trust & confidence. Trust in Gov’t Explain two specific consequences of the decline in trust & confidence in government for political behavior. ................

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