North American Bird Conservation Initiative- US Committee7-8 August 2019US Forest Service International Programs Office, 1 Thomas Circle NW, Washington, DCDRAFT agenda 19 July 2019Timing and order subject to change7 August 20198:00 Gather with light breakfastNote: Attendees must check in at security desk; please leave plenty of time for security check8:30 Welcome and Introductions 8:45 Host Welcome- US Forest Service- Val Mezainis, Director International Programs (or designee) 9:00 NABCI Coordinator Overview and Work Plan Review- Judith Scarl, NABCI Purpose: Provide high-level overview of NABCI accomplishments, future directions, meeting themes, and meeting goalsProposed Outcomes: Set the stage for the meeting; participants understand NABCI’s accomplishments and see how Committee and Subcommittee work fits together and advances NABCI’s strategic plan9:30 National Bird Conservation Priorities SessionNABCI 2017-2021 Strategic Plan Goal 1, Subgoal 1: Support, develop, integrate, and promote priorities of regional, national, and international bird conservation partnerships. NABCI 2017-2021 Strategic Plan Goal 3, Subgoal 1: Facilitate coordinated communication with government leadership about highest priority programs, initiatives, and needs of bird conservation. National Bird Conservation Priorities Gap Analysis Survey: Results and Discussion (Judith Scarl, NABCI)Purpose: Provide overview of results of National Bird Conservation Priorities gap analysis survey, focusing on gaps identified for Priority Action implementation and role that NABCI should play in National Bird Conservation Priorities implementation. Discuss NABCI’s role in Priorities implementation and filling identified gaps based on survey feedback.Proposed Outcomes: Our survey supports the idea that NABCI’s role is not necessarily to implement most of the Priority Actions. This discussion will begin to consider what NABCI’s role is in addressing the identified gaps.Priorities Spotlight: 2020 Grassland Conservation Summit (Tammy VerCauteren, Bird Conservancy of the Rockies)Purpose: Provide an example of how organizational partners are using National Bird Conservation Priorities to advance at least one of the Top 10 Priority Actions; proposed Summit uses the Priorities to organize work sessions, focuses on one of the Ecosystems in Crisis, and promotes cooperation and collaboration between federal and state agencies, as well as broader partners.Preferred Outcomes: NABCI considers whether it wants to endorse Grassland Summit and who wants to be informed/stay engaged in this initiative. 11:15 Break (15 minutes)11:30 Recovering America’s Wildlife Act- Sean Saville, Association of Fish and Wildlife AgenciesNABCI 2017-2021 Strategic Plan Goal 2, Subgoal 1d1: Produce State of the Birds reports that synthesize science and align with key policy programs or initiatives to provide an effective communication tool to encourage science-based conservation policyNABCI 2017-2021 Strategic Plan Goal 3, Subgoal 1b: NABCI non-federal partners will develop or compile messaging that communicates how emerging legislation or funding could impact bird conservation. Purpose: Provide overview of reintroduction of the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act into the House of Representatives, and communication strategy for supporting the billPreferred Outcomes: Presentation sets up the discussion about promoting the 2019 State of the Birds report. 11:45 State of the Birds Report: Progress, Plans, Promotion- Ken Rosenberg, Cornell Lab of Ornithology/American Bird Conservancy; Tom Moorman, Ducks UnlimitedNABCI 2017-2021 Strategic Plan Goal 2, Subgoal 1d1: Produce State of the Birds reports that synthesize science and align with key policy programs or initiatives to provide an effective communication tool to encourage science-based conservation policyNABCI 2017-2021 Strategic Plan Goal 3, Subgoal 1b: NABCI non-federal partners will develop or compile messaging that communicates how emerging legislation or funding could impact bird conservation. Purpose: Provide overview of 2018-2019 State of the Birds report focused on the critical role state agencies play in bird conservation; update Committee on communications strategyPreferred Outcomes: Committee members understand report promotions strategy and agree to participate in specific elements of SOTB communications12:15 Communicating the Bird Crisis and Promoting Partnerships- Ken Rosenberg, Cornell Lab of OrnithologyPurpose: NABCI partners are planning a major media push surrounding the publication of a paper that highlights the dramatic bird declines the US has seen since 1970, on which the State of the Birds 2019 science is based. This session will engage NABCI partners in how to create and capitalize on momentum from the scientific paper to promote State of the Birds specifically, and bird conservation goals generally.Proposed Outcomes: TBD (and timing TBD)12:30 -2:00 LUNCH (on your own) 2:00 Human Dimensions of Bird ConservationNABCI 2017-2021 Strategic Plan Goal 2, Subgoal 1b: Enable bird conservation partners to integrate human dimensions science and tools into bird conservation efforts.Human Dimensions Subcommittee report and discussion- Tammy VerCauteren, Bird Conservancy of the Rockies; Jessica Barnes, Virginia Tech/NABCI; Ashley Dayer, Virginia TechPurpose: Introduce Jessica Barnes, solicit feedback on National Bird Conservation Social Science Coordinator (NBCSSC) position, provide relevant CRP highlights, present Subcommittee Work Plan for approval, introduce Relevancy Success Stories projectProposed Outcomes: Help to inform strategic direction of NBCSSC and provide feedback on how CRP HD project is relevant to policy and programs for bird conservation. Committee approves HD Work Plan.2:45 The Relevance of Bird Conservation: Uses, Successes, and Updates for ToolkitNABCI 2017-2021 Strategic Plan Goal 3, Subgoal 2b: Demonstrate bird conservation’s strong ties to healthy land, water, and people in order to communicate relevance beyond birds; Subgoal 2b2: Develop initial talking points supporting bird conservation relevancy for meetings with agency leadership, funding organizations, and non-traditional partnersPurpose: Partners have the opportunity to share how the Relevancy Toolkit has been used to build partnerships/advance bird conservation, and to provide feedback on improvements for ToolkitPreferred Outcomes: Partners are encouraged to promote the use of Relevancy Toolkit in different ways; Toolkit is used broadly and successfully across bird community with varied audiences; Relevance team has direction on whether and how to improve Toolkit3:15 Private and Working Lands Subcommittee report and discussion– Geoff Geupel, Partners in FlightNABCI 2017-2021 Strategic Plan Goal 2, Subgoal 1e: Promote and advance bird conservation objectives on both private and public lands.Purpose: Discuss progress on Subcommittee’s short- and long-term action items and deliverables, focusing on Farm Bill communications and development of a Private Lands Biologist staff forum.Preferred Outcomes: Committee provides feedback on Private Lands Biologist staff forum and commits to facilitating communication within their network about this forum, as applicable.3:45 Monitoring Subcommittee Report and Discussion- Gray Anderson, Virginia DGIF/Viviana Ruiz Gutierrez, Cornell Lab of OrnithologyNABCI 2017-2021 Strategic Plan Goal 2, Subgoal 1a: Promote and advance bird monitoring that is integrated into strategic habitat conservationRelated Materials: Draft 2019 Work Plan, Revised Demographics Monitoring DocumentPurpose: Present 2019 Work Plan for approvalPreferred Outcomes: Work Plan approved, and Subcommittee demonstrates clear direction for future projects, as well as commitments from individuals/teams to advance Subcommittee projects4:15 International Subcommittee report and discussion- Greg Butcher, US Forest Service/Deb Hahn, Association of Fish and Wildlife AgenciesNABCI 2017-2021 Strategic Plan Goal 1, Subgoal 1a. Work collaboratively across countries to support partnership development that will advance full annual cycle conservation of migratory birds and their habitats. Purpose: Introduce Amy Upgren, a new contractor who will help with Subcommittee relevancy work, and provide updates on America’s Flyways FrameworkPreferred Outcomes: Invite council members to contribute to reinvigorated International Subcommittee efforts4:30 NABCI Canada Update (tentative)NABCI 2017-2021 Strategic Plan Goal 1, Subgoal 1a4: Work with Coordinators of NABCI Canada and Mexico to support redevelopment of NABCI Canada Committee and identify shared priorities for collaboration between countriesPurpose: Introduce NABCI Canada’s four partnership Priorities, explore opportunities for collaboration with US, and provide overview of near-term future for NABCI CanadaPreferred Outcomes: US NABCI partners understand status of NABCI Canada and opportunities for future collaboration, which will be explored outside of this meeting.5:00-5:30- Agenda Flex TimeThis time will be reserved to revisit discussion items that required more input or to allow productive discussions to continue during earlier agenda items while still ensuring we are able to adequately cover all topics.5:30 AdjournJoin NABCI for Happy Hour Location TBD8 August 20198:00 Gather with light breakfastNote: Attendees must check in at security desk; please leave plenty of time for security check8:30 US Fish and Wildlife Service Migratory Bird Strategic Plan/National Bird Conservation Priorities overlap- Jerome Ford and Laurel Barnhill, USFWSNABCI 2017-2021 Strategic Plan Goal 1, Subgoal 2b: Develop and maintain strong communication channels between the NABCI Committee members and the broader NABCI partnership.NABCI 2017-2021 Strategic Plan Goal 3, Subgoal 2: Support partners in the creation and implementation of science-based policies that support bird conservation. Purpose: Probably TBD- placeholder Committee to hear overview of new USFWS Migratory Bird strategic plan and identify overlap with National Bird Conservation Priorities. Preferred Outcomes: Probably TBD- placeholder Committee understands USFWS Migratory Bird priorities and identifies priority areas that the Service is not focused on; identify other partners that support these priorities9:00 NABCI and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF): Overlapping Priorities, Opportunities for Collaboration - TENTATIVENABCI 2017-2021 Strategic Plan Goal 1, Subgoal 1: Support, develop, integrate, and promote priorities of regional, national, and international bird conservation partnerships. Purpose: Provide overview of NFWF, including opportunities for collaboration with NABCI, and exploration of ways that National Bird Conservation Priorities overlap with NFWF programsProposed Outcomes: TBD9:30 Communications Subcommittee- EJ Williams, American Bird ConservancyNABCI 2017-2021 Strategic Plan Goal 1, Subgoal 2: Strengthen communication within the bird conservation community.Purpose: Discuss All-Bird Bulletin Blog and encourage Committee members to sign up; provide overview of leadership needs for SubcommitteeProposed Outcomes: Committee members re-commit to each member organization submitting one blog per year9:45 NABCI Key Messages- Judith Scarl, NABCI/EJ Williams, American Bird ConservancyNABCI 2017-2021 Strategic Plan Goal 1, Subgoal 2a: Facilitate effective development, promotion, distribution, and communication of NABCI products to target audiences.Purpose: Some of NABCI’s recent products, such as the National Bird Conservation Priorities and the North American Vision for Hemispheric Bird Conservation, could have greater impact if our target audiences better understood what NABCI is and who we represent. Based on feedback from the August 2018 NABCI meeting, we will present revised Key Messages to the group for discussion and approval.Preferred Outcomes: Committee approves Key Messages and provides feedback on the most effective presentation format for these Messages.10:15 USFWS Staffing Updates/Waterbird Coordinator Team Report- Jerome Ford, USFWS/Tom Moorman, DU and EJ Williams, ABCNABCI 2017-2021 Strategic Plan Goal 1, Subgoal 1: Support, develop, integrate, and promote priorities of regional, national, and international bird conservation partnerships.Purpose: USFWS will inform NABCI partners of USFWS staffing updates relevant to Bird Plan Partnership Coordinator positions, and small NABCI team will report out on proposal developed to address Waterbird Coordinator position alternatives.10:45 Partners in Flight 30th AnniversaryNABCI 2017-2021 Strategic Plan Goal 1, Subgoal 1: Support, develop, integrate, and promote priorities of regional, national, and international bird conservation partnerships.11:00 Legislative and Policy UpdateNABCI 2017-2021 Strategic Plan Goal III: Inform and support effective policy to advance bird conservation; and Goal III, Sugboal 1a: Annually compile or develop messaging demonstrating the importance of key bird conservation programs (NAWCA, NMBCA, SWG, Farm Bill, JVs) and promote use of coordinated messaging within the bird communityPurpose: Remind Committee members of the Fact Sheets available for key bird conservation programs, and provide partner overview of status of bird conservation legislation and budget information. Proposed Outcome: Partners are aware of Five Programs Fact Sheets and understand bird conservation legislation highlights.11:15-11:45 Agenda Flex TimeThis time will be reserved to revisit discussion items that required more input or to allow productive discussions to continue during earlier agenda items while still ensuring we are able to adequately cover all topics.11:45 Action Item Review12:00 Break (move to closed session- NABCI Committee members only)We will have a working lunch for NABCI Committee members; lunch will be brought in.NABCI Business/GovernanceNABCI Work Plan Approval- Judith Scarl, NABCINABCI 2017-2021 Strategic Plan Goal 1, Subgoal 1d: Maintain an effective US NABCI Committee. Purpose: Committee members will have the opportunity to review NABCI’s draft 2019-2020 Work Plan prior to the meeting, and many of the topics in our Work Plan will be discussed during the meeting. This short session will offer Committee members the opportunity to make any final, major revisions to the Work Plan.Proposed Outcomes: Committee members approve NABCI 2019-2020 work plan. Coordinator Position- Executive Council (Judith not present for all of this discussion)NABCI 2017-2021 Strategic Plan Goal 1, Subgoal 1d: Maintain an effective US NABCI Committee. Purpose: Judith to provide overview of how her position has changed over the past year and the shift in focus; Executive Council and Committee follows up on development of position description that identifies key expectations of NABCI CoordinatorProposed Outcomes: Committee continues to ensure that Coordinator position is effective and meets the needs of the NABCI CommitteeRecognizing Leadership and Accomplishment: Awards Subcommittee and David Pashley Memorial AwardNABCI 2017-2021 Strategic Plan Goal 1, Subgoal 2c: Recognize leadership within the bird conservation community.Purpose: Subcommittee will recommend 2019 Recipient for Gary T. Myers award; discuss future roles and responsibilities of NABCI’s Awards Subcommittee and form the 2019 Subcommittee; propose David Pashley Memorial AwardPreferred Outcomes: Committee agrees on recipient for 2019 Gary T. Myers award; subcommittee membership is confirmed; members agree to proposed roles and responsibilities; committee reaches decision on new award proposalNABCI Budget Presentation- Judith Scarl, NABCINABCI 2017-2021 Strategic Plan Goal 1, Subgoal 1d: Maintain an effective US NABCI Committee. Purpose: Report on NABCI budget, member contributions, and funding status Proposed Outcomes: Committee members understand NABCI funding structure and funding needsCharter Amendments- Judith Scarl, NABCIPurpose: At the last NABCI meeting, the Committee proposed amending NABCI’s charter to provide a clear path of action when Committee members or partner organizations are not meeting the requirements for engagement detailed in the Charter. Language to address this concern has been proposed and will be presented for approval.Preferred Outcomes: Committee approves Charter amendments.2:30 Adjourn ................

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