Merritt Brown Bear's Civics - Home



• How does the 14th Amendment define Citizenship?

• What are the steps to becoming a Naturalized Citizen?

• What are the 2 ways you can be a Natural Born Citizen

• What’s the impact of the naturalization process on society, government and the political process?


• What is an Obligation?

• What is a Duty?

• What is a Responsibility?

• What are some examples of Civic Duties/Obligations and Civic Responsibilities?


• To what document can the rule of law be traced back to?

• What is the Rule of Law?

• How has the Rule of Law influenced the American legal, political and government systems?

Vocab: alien, citizen, immigrant, law of blood, law of soil, legal permanent resident, naturalization, resident, citizen, common good, obligation, responsibility, selective service, law, rule of law



• How do interest groups monitor/influence the government?

• How does the media monitor/influence the government?


• What is Bias?

• What is Symbolism?

• What is Propaganda?

• What are the 7 types of Propaganda?


• What is Public Perspective?

Vocab: impact, influence, interest group, lobbying, lobbyist, media, monitor, petitioning the government, political action committee (PAC), public agenda, public policy, public sphere, watchdog, bandwagon, bias, card stacking, glittering generalities, media, name calling, plain folks, political communication, propaganda, symbolism, testimonial, transfer, deliberate, editorial, issue, non-profit organization, perspective, political party, special interest group, voting age population



• Compare and Contrast the Democratic and Republican Parties public platforms

• Summarize the political ideologies of the Communist, Libertarian and Socialist Political Parties

SS.7.C.2.9 (also assess SS.7.C.2.7)

• What are the Requirements for the House of Representatives?

• What are the Requirements for the Senate?

• What are the Requirements for the President?

• What are the Requirements for the Florida State House of Representatives?

• What are the Requirements for the Florida State Senate?

• What are the Requirements for the Florida Governor?

Vocab: bias, candidate, Communist Party, Democratic Party, government, Libertarian Party, party platform, political party, political system, Republican Party, Socialist Party, society, third party, two-party system, candidate, debate, election, experience, qualifications, platform, political officer



• What is the Preambles relationship to the US Constitution?

• What are the 6 Goals of the Preamble?

• In the statement “We the People” who is giving power to whom?


• What is the structure of the Legislative, Executive and Judicial branches?

• What are the roles and responsibilities of the Federal Government?

• What Powers does Article I give to the Legislative Branch?

• What Powers does Article II give to the Executive Branch?

• What Powers does Article III give to the Judicial Branch?


• How does the Constitution limit the Government?

• What is Separation of Powers?

• What are Checks and Balances?

• Give Examples of how the different branches check each other’s powers.

Vocab: defense, domestic, insure, justice, ordain, posterity, preamble, tranquility, union, welfare, appellate jurisdiction, armed forces, article, coining money, concurrent powers, declaration of war, delegated powers, elastic clause, enumerated powers, executive branch, foreign relations, immigration, impeach, implied powers, judicial branch, legislative branch, naturalization laws, necessary and proper, original jurisdiction, presidential appointments, regulate, trade, U.S. Congress, U.S. House of Representatives, U.S. Senate, U.S. Supreme Court, constitutional government, checks and balances, judicial review, limited government, Marbury v. Madison,separation of powers,



This Study Guide is a review for the 7th Grade Standards that will be test on the Civics Progress Monitoring Exam taking place on October 20 2014. It should be used with other review material(Unit Vocab, Classwork, Unit Test Study Guides, ) in order to prepare for the 1st 9 Weeks Progress Monitoring Exam . Tutoring will be offered in the mornings before school starting at 7:50 on Tuesday and Friday mornings.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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