
Mr. Donohoe World Civilizations II

First Semester Project Imperialism


This project will total 175 points for the second quarter. Your best effort is required to complete the project properly. A Rubric will be provided.


➢ Examine forms of Imperialism during the 19th and 20th centuries

➢ Analyze the motives of Imperialism, methods of administration by the Imperial powers and its effect on the indigenous people as well as the Imperialists.

➢ Identify and evaluate the positive and negative justifications of Imperialism

➢ Evaluate and analyze primary/secondary source materials

➢ Construct an essay using the background information and documents


➢ Read and analyze the sources in the textbook and websites provided in this packet. This will be turned in along with your essay.

➢ Produce a well written 3-5 page essay which includes

1. A clear introduction paragraph with a well though out thesis statement. (Developing a thesis statement: )

2. Support paragraphs (4-6 paragraphs) evaluating the justifications and criticisms of Imperialism put forth by the authors of the various sources that are analyzed. You must use DIRECT QUOTES with proper citations method (MLA format) (Analysis Support Paragraphs Worksheet: )

3. A strong conclusion paragraph bringing your essay together. (Overview of conclusion paragraph and example: )

4. Works cited page in MLA format (MLA formatting guide: )

Essential content:

➢ In Stearns, read Chapter 24 in Stearns. (Quiz Monday January 8th on chapter 24)

➢ In Stearns, chapter 20 (pages 461-66 also talks about White settlers in South Africa)

The following websites may help clarify some of the material in the chapter:


Online history sourcebook at Fordham University


The Age of Imperialism: Teacher site (Mr. Jim Lloyd) for AP European



Teacher site (Thomas Caswell) Regents Prep School, Oswego NY


Professor Gerhard Rempel at Western New England College


Map of world illustrating the balance of power during the Age of Imperialism

In our exploration of Imperialism by the major European powers of the 19th and 20th centuries, it will be necessary to define imperialism, examine its presence in various time periods throughout history, analyze the motives for its practice and evaluate the ways in which it was carried out.

Define Imperialism and cite at least three examples that illustrate this policy.


Who were the major Imperialist powers in the 19th and 20th centuries? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What parts of the globe were being colonized?


In what ways did the Imperialist powers administer their colonies?

_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________You have already read Burmese Days, however you will have to read (in some cases skim) the following sources and identify whether they are justifications or criticisms of Imperialism. Analyze the following sources

Burmese Days, George Orwell (1934) (Orwell bio: )

Is this a justification or criticism view of Imperialism? ___________________


Shooting an Elephant (1936), George Orwell

Is this a justification or criticism view of Imperialism?__________________________


The White Man’s Burden (1899), Rudyard Kipling

(Kipling bio: )


Is this a justification or criticism of Imperialism? _______________________

Analysis: _______________________________________________________________


The Black Man’s Burden (1903), Edward Morel (Newspaper article on Morel: )


Is this a justification or criticism of Imperialism? ______________________


The Dual Mandate in British Tropical Africa (1926), Lord Frederick Lugard

Text: *I don’t expect you to read this document in its entirety, skim it and focus on some of his key points)

Is this a justification or criticism of Imperialism? _____________________


Page 581 in Stearns: Contrary Images: The Colonizer Versus the Colonized on the Civilizing Mission: Actual source from John Buchan, Pastor John.

Is this a justification or criticism of Imperialism? _________________________


Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism (1917), Vladimir Illych Lenin

Lenin bio:

“A popular outline”:

Is this a justification or criticism of Imperialism? _____________________



Video: Breaker Morant (1980) Directed by Bruce Beresford

To be viewed in class Thursday January 4th and Friday January 5th


Movie Analysis:


Is this a justification or criticism of Imperialism? ______________________________


(Visual component)

Find at least three political Cartoons either justifying or criticizing Imperialism. The cartoons must illustrate American or European Imperialism in the 19th/20th century.

(Please print them out and attach them to the packet)

Analysis of cartoons:

#1. Is this a justification or criticism of Imperialism? __________________


#2. Is this a justification or criticism of Imperialism? __________________


#3. Is this a justification or criticism of Imperialism? __________________


Please provide me with some constructive feedback regarding the project in a few paragraphs. (Positive/negative aspects; suggestions) Your input is always appreciated!



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