F.H. LAGUARDIA HIGH SCHOOL OF MUSIC & ART AND PERFORMING ARTSDr.Lisa Mars, Principal 212.496.0700 ext. 2647Syllabus: Social Studies 2017 -2018 - United States History and Government &Pre-Advanced Placement World History 1/2Teacher: Mr. Lardner – Social Studies JLardner@schools. - I have no phone so you should use this. I check it daily! LardnerHistory. - our class website also look at Pupil Path/SkedulaCourse GoalsBy the end of the school year you will be a better reader, writer, speaker, and listener. Beyond mastering these technical skills, your critical thinking skills will improve, and you will be better versed in both history and current events. ?By fully engaging in class, you will have a better understanding of your worldview and the perspectives of others. ?Class Standards- Respect your teacher – I promise I will do my best to teach all of you the best I can and make history as fun as it can be. In return, I expect your daily attention and respect. - Respect the school and class – Treat others how you want to be treated. Don’t vandalize the classroom. Don’t detract from someone else’s education. In debates it’s encouraged to voice your opinions, but there are mature and polite ways to do so. - Respect yourself – Work hard! This is YOUR education that your tax dollars have paid for. You only have one chance to learn as much as you can. Don’t wish you worked harder in June, work harder now! If you have suggestions, ideas, or need something – advocate for yourself. I’m willing to work with you!Class Materials- A section in a binder exclusively for History OR a notebook exclusively for History.- A three-ring binder OR a folder to put handouts, worksheets, and class papers in.- At least one pen AND pencil. You may do your notes in any utensil, but written work to be handed in should be in blue/black pen and multiple choice in pencil, just like the Regents.- Any homework/assignments that are due that day.The ‘NO’ list- No electronics unless permission has been granted. ?This includes, but is not limited to: cell phones, laptops, and tablets. Cell phones in the classroom should be away and on silent, airplane mode, or turned off. - No using the outlets in class to charge your electronics unless given permission. ?- No eating in class unless given permission.- No credit for late work handed in over a week from when it was due without a written explanation for why it is late on the assignment. ?If you are absent, your excused note counts as your written explanation.- No talking over anyone or out of turn.Absences/Lateness to Class- Attendance will count as a part of the class participation grade. Every unexcused absence and lateness may cost points to this grade. Students who are in class on time, paying attention, giving questions/answers, and respecting others will earn a 100 for their participation grade.- If a student has an excused absence, they have to submit a signed note from their doctor, other institution, or from their parent/guardian explaining their absence. Students should also contact their classmates, Mr. Lardner, or the webpage to find out what was missed in class.- If a student knows they will be absent for a scheduled appointment or event, please notify Me and try to get any work ahead of time.- After returning to school, it is the responsibility of the student to check in with their teachers and classmates to see what was missed and makeup any missed work. - If a student is late to class, they should apologize and get right to work without distracting their classmates. If the lateness is excused, the student should have a late note excusing them.Grading- The following is a breakdown of how your grade will be configured:Assessments:50%(quizzes, tests, certain papers, certain projects)Classwork: ??? 25%(attendance, participation, group work, Do Nows, Qs & As)Homework: ???15%(handouts, worksheets, packets, take home assignments)Finals: ??? ??? 10%(one in January and one in June)- Some assignments may be graded with a simple ‘check,’ which corresponds to:Check++= 105Check+= 100Check= 80Check-= 60- Note: I do give “in-between” grades, such as a Check/Check+, which would be a 90.- Late assignments: you will lose 10 points for each day an assignment is turned in late, making the highest mark a one day late assignment can receive a 90 (unless there is a valid excuse). ?Assignments over one week late will NOT be accepted unless it is because of an excused absence.? A late assignment that is handed in the same day it was due but AFTER the collection period of the assignment (such as after school instead of during class) will lose 5 points. When turning in late work with an excuse, you must attach a letter with the signature and contact information for the person who can confirm the reason for your excused lateSocial Studies Curriculum for Global and US History ClassesGlobal History Curriculum 1-2 (Freshman)Unit 1 – Geography, Neolithic Revolution, Early River Valley CivilizationsUnit 2 – Belief Systems, Political Systems, Economic SystemsUnit 3 – Classical European Civs. (Greece/Rome), Classical Asian Civs. (India/China)Unit 4 – Byzantine Empire, Spread of Islam, Ottoman EmpireUnit 5 – Medieval Europe, Feudal Japan, Mongolian Empire, African Trading KingdomsUnit 6 – Pre-Columbian Native American Civilizations, European Exploration, Age of Absolutism US History Curriculum (Juniors)Unit 1 – Colonial Era & Geography, Revolutionary War, Early American GovernmentUnit 2 – Early Presidents, Expansion, Antebellum Era, Civil War, ReconstructionUnit 3 – Industrialization, Capitalism & Communism, Progressive EraUnit 4 – US Imperialism, World War I, Roaring 20’sUnit 5 – Great Depression, New Deal, World War IIUnit 6 – Cold War, Civil Rights Movement, Modern US, Regents PrepClass Procedures and Policies- Entering Class: When you enter class, say hello to your neighbors and Mr. Lardner. Rearrange the desks if they are out of order. Immediately take out your binder/notebook and review the PowerPoint slide on the board. Write down the Aim and complete the Do Now. Take out any homework that was due. If you have a ‘class question,’ such as when an assignment is due, ask your neighbors quietly or raise your hand and Mr. Lardner will answer it as quickly as possible. If you have a ‘personal question,’ such as you were absent the previous day and want to know what work to makeup, please save it until after class or during free time, unless it is an emergency. These personal questions can throw off the pacing of the lesson and can often wait to be asked.- Do Nows/Agenda: Most days there will be a Do Now, Aim, and Agenda on the board, which should be written in your notes. This is to help you review previous material, generate class discussions, and/or to get you thinking about new material. A song may be played during this time as you write. ?It should be silent for the duration of the song. - Notebook: You will be taking notes almost every day. ?To save paper, you should draw a line at the end of the previous day’s notes and start the next day’s notes with the date. Worksheets should be kept in order with your notes in your binder, or put into your organized folder. ?At any point, I may check your notebook or folder for a grade.- “Interactive Notebook” is a method of note taking where all handouts etc are kept IN THE NOTEBOOK. The result is a book that is thorough and orderly. This notebook/Binder is a substantial component of your participation grade, as it is a record of your class work and learning progress, as well as your homework.- Class Notes: I have a system to mark which notes are the most important and which aren’t as significant. You should focus on the notes that are bolded and/or underlined. You are encouraged to abbreviate and ‘code’ your notes to save time. Computer use for notes is done on a case by case basis, unless use of electronics is part of your accommodations. Students who wish to type their notes must get approval from Mr. Lardner. ?In the event that a student is caught using their device for anything unrelated to the lesson, said privilege may be revoked. ?Students must still keep a section in their binder for worksheets and homework even if they are granted permission to use a device in class. ? - Homework: Homework will be given throughout the year to reinforce the material learned in class. Mr. Lardner usually assigns homework on Fridays and collects it on exam days (Tuesdays). - Sharing Out In Class: When sharing out in class, do not speak exclusively to Mr. Lardner. You should involve your peers by making eye contact with them. You should engage your listeners by making clear and concise questions/responses. Sometimes, in order to get everyone involved in the class, Mr. Lardner may randomly call on students to answer a question. ?This ‘cold calling’ is not a punishment; it is a way to encourage everyone to participate so we all get the most out of class. In addition, while someone else is speaking, you should remain quiet and face the speaker while being an active listener. Being an active listener means critically thinking about what someone else is saying and deciding whether you agree with it or not and why. These thoughts help you process the information you are learning.- Assigned Seats: The class may have assigned seats throughout the year. This is not to punish a class but to minimize distractions, encourage socialization with new students, and facilitate discussion. If a student has an issue with their seat or prefers a certain seat due to their eyesight, please let Mr. Lardner know and accommodations will be made.- Bathroom: Instead of raising your hand to ask to leave the class, please just point to the door. I will be able to nod my head or give you the thumbs up without stopping my lesson. This is to minimize class disturbances and keep the class moving. One student will be allowed out of the class at a time, unless it is an emergency. During an exam, you will have to leave your phone in class unless you need it for emergency; this is to prevent students from looking up answers or texting with others. This communication could cost time while a student who actually has to go to the bathroom is waiting to go. - Tests/Quizzes: Full period tests will be on Tuesdays. ?Half period quizzes will usually be on Tuesdays as well, but may be given on other days. These will all be announced days in advance.- Typed Paper Requirements: All typed work must be submitted in size 12 Times New Roman font. ?Papers must be between 1.5x - 2x spaced (one and a half to double spaced) to allow for edits, notes, and corrections by Mr. Lardner. Papers should have your name, my name, the class, and the date on the top of the paper. If you wish to use MLA format or a similar format, you may do so.- Plagiarism/Cheating: Taking credit for ideas that are not your own is a serious offence and as a result I have a zero tolerance policy. Copying work from other students, online, or anyone else is unacceptable. If information is found online or in a book it should be cited, even if you change a large amount of the text. In general it is much better to over cite than not cite where the information is from. Allowing another student to copy an assignment can result in a 0 for both parties. If cheating is confirmed, the student(s) will receive a 0 for the assignment and the incident will be reported to the Assistant Principal of History and/or dean. Plagiarism and cheating may go on your permanent record. - Eating In Class: Eating in class is not permitted unless specific permission is given. Eating distracts the eater, those around the eater, and the teacher. ?It also entices unwanted ‘guests’ to visit our room. If you would like to eat, ask Mr. Lardner beforehand to get permission. Always clean up after yourself if you are given permission to eat.- Garbage: If you need to throw something away, please wait until the end of class unless the trash is right next to you. ?This is to keep class distractions to a minimum. Also use the correct bin because the future of this city depends on recycling and limiting waste. 0/30 vision!- Extra Credit: There are many opportunities for extra credit throughout the course. If you are unsatisfied with your grade or wish to do extra work, please meet with Mr. Lardner. If you have creative ideas for extra credit, let me know. Most of the extra credit assignments that I will give are going to be based on comparing current events to class curriculum.- Extra Materials: I highly suggest you check out these materials throughout the year…Free Apps: TIH (Today In History), AP U.S. Hist, TapUSHistory, HistoryMapsWebsites: , cnn10, , YouTube: Jabzy’s 3 Minute History and John Green’s Crash Course History- Emailing: Emails will be checked and replied to as soon as possible. ?When contacting me, you should write a formal email to Jlardner@schools. ?Email is a major communication tool; it is important that you know how to send a formal email – if you need help, let me know. - Meeting With Mr. Lardner/Office Hours: If you would like to meet with me for extra help or for questions/concerns please do so. I may have different periods free every day during which you could meet with me, or after school. This year I am on a 1-8 schedule and during my free periods (4 and 5), I will be having lunch or getting work done, usually in the History Office (room 647). I stay after school most days to get work done in the History Office. I love history and social studies and encourage you to meet with me out of class to discuss the class material.In addition to the above procedures and policies, you are responsible for abiding by LaGuardia High School’s Student Handbook. In particular, if you are caught violating any of the schools policies you could be written up, receive a call home, and/or sent to the dean’s office.*** SEPARATE THIS PAGE TO BE TURNED IN, KEEP THE REST **** = required to be filled out as part of the homework assignmentSignatures:By signing this document, I demonstrate that I fully read and understand the course syllabus, agree to honor all of the class policies, and agree to the standards set forth by LaGuardia High School and Mr. Lardner. I further understand that this contract is not an option, but a required part of the course and counts as a homework grade. *Student Printed Name: __________________________________________________________*Student Signature: _____________________________________________________________*Date: __________________________________________Questions, comments, or concerns from student (optional): ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________*Parent/Guardian Printed Name: ___________________________________________________*Parent/Guardian Signature: ______________________________________________________*Date: ___________________________________________Questions, comments, or concerns from parent/guardian (optional): ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Thank you for taking the time to read this History Course Syllabus and Class Contract. Please contact me at the email on the top of this paper throughout the year if you have any other major questions, comments, or concerns.*** SEPARATE THIS PAGE TO BE TURNED IN, KEEP THE REST *** ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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