3/26/2014Dear Parents/GuardianThe History STAAR test is fast approaching and I would appreciate your help in making sure your child is successful. Your child has worked really hard creating flash cards, questions, and other reviews to study with. It is my goal to make sure every child is successful, in order to complete this goal each and every child needs to spend time studying each day. Starting on Monday March 31th, I would like your help in making sure your child is studying one or all of these different reviews every night Monday through Thursday. I will have a form for you and your child to sign each night. The student will then turn it in the following day and will be given a daily grade based on the amount of time they studied.Grading Rubric Receive credit for studying30 Minutes per night = 100 * Flashcards20 Minutes per night = 80 * STAAR Study packet10 Minutes per night = 70 * Study Prep 1607-1865No studying or less than 10 minutes = zero * STAAR Booklet * Review (looping cards) * Bio Card Questions * Search sdorsett* Search mrdavisinc * Notes/anything else given--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cut here and return bottom halfThank you in all your assistance making sure your child is successful. Please sign this form and have your child return this to me. They will receive a 100 for turning this in and a zero for not turning this in. If you have any question please feel free to contact me. Sdorsett@Shawn DorsettUS History____________________________ ___________________________Student signatureParent signature ................

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