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US History Semester I Final Study GuideVocabulary:ImperialismYellow JournalismTreaty of ParisRough RidersPlatt AmendmentProtectorateBoxer RebellionUSS MaineOpen Door NotesRoosevelt Corollary Dollar diplomacyForaker ActMonroe DoctrineMissionary DiplomacyPropagandaMilitarismArmisticeNationalismConscientious ObjectorGreat MigrationReparationsLeague of NationsFourteen PointsConvoy SystemIsolationismAnarchistsQuota systemCommunismKlu Klux KlanSpeakeasyDouble StandardFundamentalismProhibitionBootleggerShantytownCreditBuying on MarginBreadlineBlack TuesdayBank RunBonus ArmyStock MarketHoovervilleDust BowlChapter 101.What encouraged the US to follow a policy of imperialism2. What did Teddy Roosevelt mean when he said, “Speak softly and carry a big stick”?3. What were the arguments against imperialism4.The provisions of the Platt Amendment5.Why was America interested in acquiring Alaska and Hawaii6.Why the US intervened in Cuba7.The impact of Yellow Journalism8.The outcome of the Spanish-American War9.Why the US fought in the Philippines10 How were African Americans and Filipinos similar11 What were the causes of the Boxer Rebellion12 How most Americans felt about Imperialism13 Understand the impact, hardships, and successes of building the Panama Canal14 America’s involvement in Mexico15. African-Americans as soldiers during WWI16. Austria-Hungary blame and the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand17. Causalities during WWI18. What did the sedition Act of 1918 make it illegal to do?19. Events that triggered WW I and how the US got involved20. American public opinion against the Germans21. What the British blockade did to the German people22. What were the causes for Germany’s surrender?23. What were the effects of the war and the war effort? 24. Who rejected Wilson’s “Fourteen Points”?25. Why did the U.S. Senate oppose U.S. membership in the League of Nations?26. Woodrow Wilson27. Zimmermann note28. Name countries on a Map of the WWI Warring PowersChapter 1129. . “No Man’s Land”30. Alliances31. Armistice32. Causes of WW I33. Central Powers34. Conscientious objector35. Great migration36. Herbert Hoover37. How did Americans help the war effort?38. The effects of German U-Boats39. Imperialism40. League of Nations41. Militarism42. Nationalism43. Selective Service Act44. African-Americans as soldiers during WWI45. What did the sedition Act of 1918 make it illegal to do?46. Events that triggered WW I and how the US got involved47. American public opinion against the Germans48. What the British blockade did to the German people49. What were the effects of the war and the war effort? 50. Who rejected Wilson’s “Fourteen Points”?51. Why did the U.S. Senate oppose U.S. membership in the League of Nations?52. Woodrow Wilson53. Zimmermann noteChapter 12 and 1354. Why did Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer launch a series of raids against suspected communists?55. According to Vanzetti, what were the reasons for his imprisonment?56. Why did Congress make changes in immigration laws in the 1920s?57. What were the reasons European countries were not paying their war debts?58. What do Harding’s appointments indicate about his judgment?59. What was the impact of the automobile?60. What was the main advantage and disadvantage of buying on credit?61. How did the changes in spending during the 1920’s affect the economy?62. Explain how the Red Scare, the Sacco and Vanzetti case, and the rise of the KKK reflected concerns held by many Americans?63. Describe the primary goal of the immigration quota system established in 1921?64. What evidence suggests that the prosperity of the 1920s was not a firm foundation?65. List 3 ways in which Urban and Rural lives differed in the 1920’s.66. List 3 arguments for Prohibition and 3 arguments against it.67. What was the conflict between fundamentalists and those who accepted evolution?68. How was the flapper different than women prior to the 1920s?69. How did the growth of business and industry affect women?70. How did schools change during the 1920s?78. Why did radio become so popular?Chapter 1479. Which of the following was not a cause of the Great Depression?80. What were the physical and psychological consequences of the Great Depression on Americans?81.What did Hoover believe would help the economy?82. What happened in the election of 1932?83. How did the banks fail during the Great Depression?84. How were children affected by the Great Depression?85. What were some ways American citizens could get help during the depression?86. Why was the uneven distribution of wealth a sign that the economy was about to fail? ................

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