PWS Format

PERFORMANCE WORK STATEMENTPlatform Integration Support for the Weapons Development and Integration Directorate1.0 MISSION OBJECTIVE: The Platform Integration Function of the Weapons Development and Integration Directorate (WDID) provides engineering expertise to the Aviation and Missile Command (AMCOM), Space and Missile Defense Command (SMDC), Program Executive Office Missiles (PEO) and Space, Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), Air Force, Navy, National Aeronoautics and Space Administration (NASA), and other Government agencies in the area of rocket and missile system technology development and prototype demonstrations. The Platform Integration Function's mission includes launcher development and design (air, ground, and sea), system integration, development of support equipment, missile system thermal protection design, radome and infrared window design, propulsion system nozzle design, analysis and testing of weather encounter and environmental extremes, and related general engineering support. The Platform Integration Function provides the physical and functional interfaces between platforms, payloads, and support equipment to ensure a successful mission for the soldiers in the field.2.0 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS: The contractor shall provide technical and engineering advisory and assistance technical services to the WDID, Platform Integration Function, in the areas of the work outlined in this Performance Work Statement (PWS) for aviation and missile and space systems. The tasks shall be performed on-site at Building 5400, Redstone, Arsenal, AL or off-site as deemed a benefit to the Government. This effort falls within the Expedited Professional and Engineering Support Services (EXPRESS) Technical Domain Statement of Work (SOW) Paragraph 3.20 – SM Structures and Materials.2.1 PLATFORM INTEGRATION SERVICES: The contractor shall provide technical and engineering advisory and assistance services for AMCOM, PEO Missiles and Space, SMDC, OSD, Air Force, Navy, NASA, as well as other organizations and agencies as required in support of the Platform Integration mission. Platform Integration Function tasks shall include advisory and assistance services to: research and develop exploratory and advanced development projects and programs to advance technology and apply technical expertise in the technical specialty areas; develop and conduct analysis programs or studies to establish the feasibility of systems/subsystems/components meeting requirements and the adequacy of design; conduct analysis or studies to assess endgame, ground effects, weather encounter and weather encounter test facilities; development and integration of advanced technologies including guidance, control, sensor, sensor windows and domes, propulsion, thermal protection systems, airframe, aviation survivability equipment, launcher structures and interfaces, embedded computer hardware/software, and embedded diagnostics and ancillary equipment into suitable test bed systems and/or subsystems while maintaining total system safety and integrity. (Reference EXPRESS Technical Domain SOW Paragraph 3.20 – SM4, SM8). 2.2 The contractor shall provide support to design and develop recommended component specifications and evaluate system requirements to assess technical and functional adequacy. The contractor shall establish and provide recommended technical/test requirements, specifications, acceptance criteria and measuring programs consistent with design criteria and provide design, fabrication, and bench test technical expertise to larger Government projects including: electronic circuit/breadboard/brassboard design and fabrication, machine shop fabrication including generation of shop drawings or from Government drawings, engineering mockups on stereo lithography models to include stereo lithography printer output, and laboratory testing of such hardware to validate function or measure performance. (Reference EXPRESS Technical Domain SOW Paragraph 3.20 - SM1, SM4, SM 7, SM15).2.3 The contractor shall provide technical and engineering advisory and assistance services technical engineering expertise in the areas of rocket and missile launcher conception, development, design, analysis, prototype fabrication, test and evaluation with respect to wheeled vehicles, tracked vehicles, aircraft, and other vehicles used to support the military, and in the area of rocket and missile endgame and ground effects analysis. This shall be demonstrated through the application of classical and advanced structural and dynamic analysis (rigid and flexible body), fatigue, fracture mechanics, thermal analysis and solid modeling using computer aided design (CAD) software. The contractor shall apply these analytical techniques to conduct trade studies, evaluations, requirement development and validation for rocket, missile, and aircraft systems in their operational environment. (Reference EXPRESS Technical Domain SOW Paragraph 3.20 - SM2, SM3, SM4, SM5, SM6, SM12, SM14, SM15, SM18).2.4 The contractor shall provide engineering analysis and design support of missile systems, ground support equipment, and test facilities, in the area of thermodynamics, heat transfer, aerothermal analysis, thermal protection system design to include hypersonic flight conditions, weather encounter/environmental extremes including requirements, system integration methods, material thermostructural evaluation, as well as ground and flight test and evaluation, impact testing, material model development, and fielding efforts. (Reference EXPRESS Technical Domain SOW Paragraph 3.20 – SM1, SM9, SM10, SM11, SM16).2.5 The contractor shall provide technical and engineering advisory and assistance servicestechnical engineering expertise in the area of system integration and technology feasibility studies for air and ground systems, ground test facility enhancements/modifications, and both flight and ground test instrumentation development. This shall consist of the analysis, design, purchase of materials, fabrication, testing and evaluation of the systems necessary for weapon systems or technology demonstration, ground test facilities, feasibility assessment or parametric studies. (Reference EXPRESS Technical Domain SOW Paragraph 3.20 - SM1, SM4).2.6 The contractor shall provide technical and engineering advisory and assistance servicestechnical engineering expertise in the area of embedded software at the component level in support of system and subsystem development and integration functions. This shall consist of the analysis, design, development, testing and evaluation of the components necessary for weapon systems or technology demonstration. (Reference EXPRESS Technical Domain SOW Paragraph 3.20 - SM15).2.7 The contractor shall provide technical and engineering advisory and assistance servicestechnical expertise in the area of test plan development in support of component and system development for weapon systems and technology demonstrations. This shall consist of test plan development, coordination with other Government agencies and private organizations. (Reference EXPRESS Technical Domain SOW Paragraph 3.20 - SM1, SM4).2.8 The contractor shall provide technical and engineering advisory and assistance servicestechnical expertise in the areas of design validation testing. These areas shall include the operation of various electrodynamic shaker systems for fatigue, modal, operational, or calibration tests. Validation testing may include the integration and operation of data loggers and test hardware with live munitions and operational aircraft. The contractor shall also provide technical and engineering advisory and assistance servicestechnical expertise in the areas of test planning and execution. The testing shall be IAW approved Army, Navy, Air Force, or DoD standard testing documents. (Reference EXPRESS Technical Domain SOW Paragraph 3.20 – SM2, SM3, SM5, SM6, SM7, SM13, SM14, SM17).2.9 The contractor shall provide technical and engineering advisory and assistance servicestechnical engineering expertise for analysis and design support of missile systems, ground support equipment and their subcomponents in the area of structural analysis, structural response, and design of systems subjected to shock, vibration and acoustic environments. This shall include assistance in the design and development of innovative structural mechanisms and materials to reduce or eliminate shock, vibration and acoustic energies that are propagated through a missile structure. This shall include the ability to perform finite element analysis, design of structural elements, fabrication of prototypes, test and evaluation, correlation and validation and documentation for weapon systems and/or technology demonstration programs. (Reference EXPRESS Technical Domain SOW Paragraph 3.20 – SM2, SM3, SM12, SM13, SM15).2.10 The contractor shall provide training sessions for Government personnel on the use of modified and new systems and subsystems. This shall consist of training material development, coordination for the training, and handout of course material. (Reference EXPRESS Technical Domain SOW Paragraph 3.20 – SM 9).3.0 TRAVEL: In support of the tasks described in paragraph 2.0, the contractor shall conduct temporary duty (TDY). TDY is estimated at 50 trips with probable destinations including defense contractor sites, military installations, and other Government facilities. The contractor must receive approval from the Technical Monitor/Contracting Officer’s Representative prior to performing any travel. A trip report is required in accordance with (IAW) DI-ADMN-81505 (A006).Any contractor privileges to drive Government vehicles must be approved by the Contracting Officer. 4.0 SECURITY: 4.1 AT Level 1 Training. All contractor employees, to include subcontractor employees, requiring access to government installations, facilities and controlled access areas shall complete AT Level I awareness training within 30 calendar days after contract start date or effective date of incorporation of this requirement into the contract, whichever is applicable. The contractor shall submit certificates of completion for each affected contractor employee and subcontractor employee, to the COR or to the contracting officer, if a COR is not assigned, within 30 calendar days after completion of training by all employees and subcontractor personnel. AT level I awareness training is available at the following website: . 4.2 AT Awareness Training for US Based Contractor Personnel Traveling Overseas. US Based contractor employees and associated sub-contractor employees shall make available and receive Government provided area of responsibility (AOR)-specific AT awareness training as directed by AR 525-13. Specific AOR training content is directed by the combatant commander, with the unit ATO being the local point of contact.4.3 iWatch Training. The contractor and all associated sub-contractors shall brief all employees on the local iWATCH program (training standards provided by the requiring activity ATO). This locally developed training will be used to inform employees of the types of behavior to watch for and instruct employees to report suspicious activity to the COR. This training shall be completed within 30 calendar days of contract award and within 30 calendar days of new employees commencing performance with the results reported to the COR NLT 30 calendar days after contract award.4.4 Handling / Access to Classified Information. Contractor shall comply with FAR 52.204-2, Security Requirements. This clause involves access to information classified “Confidential,” “Secret,” or “Top Secret” and requires contractors to comply with—(1) The Security Agreement (DD Form 441), including the National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (DoD 5220.22-M); any revisions to DOD 5220.22-M, notice of which has been furnished to the contractor.4.5 Threat Awareness Reporting Program (TARP) Training. For all DoD contractors with security clearances. Per AR 381-12 Threat Awareness and Reporting Program (TARP), contractor employees must receive annual TARP training presented by a Counterintelligence Special Agent. Contact the Redstone Arsenal MI Detachment at 256-313-5186 for scheduling.4.6 Contractors requiring Common Access Card (CAC). Before CAC issuance, the contractor employee requires, at a minimum, a favorably adjudicated National Agency Check with Inquiries (NACI) or an equivalent or higher investigation in accordance with Army Directive 2014-05. The contractor employee will be issued a CAC only if duties involve one of the following: (1) Both physical access to a DoD facility and access, via logon, to DoD networks on-site or remotely; (2) Remote access, via logon, to a DoD network using DoD-approved remote access procedures; or (3) Physical access to multiple DoD facilities or multiple non-DoD federally controlled facilities on behalf of the DoD on a recurring basis for a period of 6 months or more. At the discretion of the sponsoring activity, an initial CAC may be issued based on a favorable review of the FBI fingerprint check and a successfully scheduled NACI at the Office of Personnel Management.4.7 Contractors that do not require CAC, but require Access to a DoD Facility or Installation. Contractor and all associated sub-contractors employees shall comply with adjudication standards and procedures using the National Crime Information Center Interstate Identification Index (NCIC-III) and Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB) (Army Directive 2014-05/AR 190-13), applicable installation, facility and area commander installation/facility access and local security policies and procedures (provided by government representative), or, at OCONUS locations, in accordance with status of forces agreements and other theater regulations.4.8 Identification of Contractor Employees. The Contractor and subcontractors performing onsite shall provide each employee a Redstone Arsenal Identification (ID) Badge, which includes at a minimum, the Company Name, Employee Name and a color photo of the employee. ID Badges for Key Personnel shall also indicate their job title. ID Badges shall be worn at all times during which the employee is performing work under this contract. Each Contractor and subcontractor employees shall wear the ID Badge in a conspicuous place on the front of exterior clothing and above the waist except when safety or health reasons prohibit. The Contractor and subcontractors shall be responsible for collection of ID Badges upon completion of the contract or termination of employee. A listing of issued identification cards shall be furnished to the Contracting Officer prior to the contract performance date and updated as needed to reflect Contractor and Subcontractor personnel changes. Foreign owned companies and foreign national contractors will only be permitted to perform under this contract when there are no qualified U.S. companies and /or U.S. contractors. All contract personnel attending meetings, answering Government telephones, and working in other situations where their contractor status is not obvious to third parties are required to identify themselves as such to avoid creating an impression in the minds of members of the public that they are Government officials. They shall also ensure that all documents or reports produced by contractors are suitably marked as contractor products or that contractor participation is appropriately disclosed.4.9 Security Education, Training & Awareness (SETA) Training. All contractor employees, to include subcontractor employees, requiring access to government installations, facilities and controlled access areas shall complete annual mandatory SETA awareness training within 30 calendar days after contract start date or effective date of incorporation of this requirement into the contract, whichever is applicable. The following URL is made available for your training: . Upon completion of the training, you must provide certification to the Information Security Officer. Security Education, Training & Awareness covers Information Security, Personnel Security and Industrial Security Programs.4.10 Combating Trafficking in Persons (CTIP), Cyber Awareness Challenge, Personal Identification Information (PII) and Sexual Harassment Assault Response Program (SHARP) Training. All contractor employees, to include subcontractor employees, requiring access to government installations, facilities and controlled access areas shall complete CTIP, Cyber Awareness Challenge, PII, and SHARP. The contractor shall submit certificates of completion for each affected contractor employee and subcontractor employee, to the COR or to the contracting officer, if a COR is not assigned, within 30 calendar days after completion of training by all employees and subcontractor personnel. 4.11 OPSEC Training. Level I OPSEC Awareness Training: Per AR 530-1, Operations Security, all contractor employees, to include subcontractor employees shall complete Level I OPSEC Awareness Training within 30 calendar days of their reporting for duty. All subcontractors shall take the Level 1 OPSEC Awareness Training located at the below website and print the certificates demonstrating completion. The contractor shall submit certificates of completion for each affected contractor employee and subcontractor employee, to the COR, within 10 calendar days after completion of training by all employees and subcontractor personnel. Note: after the first screen, select User Type: Civilian/Contractor, then Service: Army, then Grade N/A. OPSEC awareness training is available at the following website: . The prime contractor and any subcontractors shall adhere to the Operations Security (OPSEC) provisions of AR 530-1, OPSEC and the AMRDEC OPSEC Plan while working at government facilities. No OPSEC plan is required as a deliverable data item. The AMRDEC OPSEC plan will be provided to the Contractor.4.12 Government Information Systems and Information Awareness. All contractor employees with access to a government info system must be registered in the ATCTS (Army Training Certification Tracking System) at commencement of services, and must successfully complete the DOD Cyber Awareness Challenge Training prior to access to the IS and then annually thereafter, and must sign anAcceptable Use Policy (AUP).4.13 Information Assurance (IA) / Information Technology (IT) Training. Per DoD 8570.01-M, DFARS252.239.7001 and AR 25-2, the contractor employees supporting IA/IT functions shall be appropriately trained and/or certified, as required upon contract award. The baseline certification as stipulated in DoD 8570.01-M must be completed upon contract award. Additional training for IA workforce positions must be completed within six months.4.14 Access and General Protection / Security Policy and Procedures. All contractor employees, to include associated sub-contractors employees shall comply with applicable installation, facility and area Commander Installation and facility access and local security policies and procedures (provided by the Government representative). The contractor shall also provide all information required for background checks to meet installation access requirements to be accomplished by installation Provost Marshal Office, Director of Emergency Services or Security Office. The contractor workforce shall comply with all personal identity verification requirements as directed by DoD, Department of the Army Headquarters, and/or local policy. In addition to the changes otherwise authorized by the changes clause of this contract, should the Force Protection Condition at any individual facility or installation change, the Government may require changes in contractor security matters or processes. The prime contractor Human Resources/Security Officer is responsible for the collection of all Redstone Badges and CAC cards issued to their employees. The Human Resources/Security Officer will then turn over these credentials to the COR. This applies when the contract expires; as well as, when a contractor resigns or is terminated. After accounting for all badges/CACs, the COR will turn in the credentials at the One Stop Badging Office or CAC Office (MILPO). All contract employees, including subcontractor employees who are not in possession of the appropriate security clearance or access privileges, will be escorted in areas where they may be exposed to classified and/or sensitive materials and/or sensitive or restricted areas.4.15 Key Control. The Contractor shall establish and implement methods of making sure all keys/key cards issued to the Contractor by the Government are not lost or misplaced and are not used by unauthorized persons. NOTE: All references to keys include key cards. No keys issued to the Contractor by the Government shall be duplicated. The Contractor shall develop and follow procedures covering key control that shall be included in the Standard Operating Procedures. Such procedures shall include turn-in of any issued keys by personnel who no longer require access to locked areas. The Contractor shall immediately report any occurrences of lost or duplicate keys/key cards to the Contracting Officer. In the event keys, other than master keys, are lost or duplicated, the Contractor shall, upon direction of the Contracting Officer, re-key or replace the affected lock or locks; however, the Government, at its option, may replace the affected lock or locks or perform re-keying. When the replacement of locks or re-keying is performed by the Government, the total cost of re-keying or the replacement of the lock or locks shall be deducted from the monthly payment due the Contractor. In the event a master key is lost or duplicated, all locks and keys for that system shall be replaced by the Government and the total cost deducted from the monthly payment due the Contractor. The Contractor shall prohibit access to Government issued keys/key cards by unauthorized personnel other than the Contractor's employees. The Contractor shall prohibit entry into controlled areas by unauthorized personnel other than the Contactor's employees engaged in the performance of assigned work in those areas, or personnel authorized entrance by the Contracting Officer.4.16 Lock Combinations. The Contractor shall establish and implement methods of ensuring that all lock combinations are not revealed to unauthorized persons. The Contractor shall ensure that lock combinations are changed when personnel having access to the combinations no longer have a need to know such combinations. These procedures shall be included in the Contractor’s Standard Operating Procedures.4.17 Contractor Authorized to Accompany the Force Clause. DFARS Clause 252.225-7040, Contractor Personnel Authorized to Accompany U.S. Armed Forces Deployed Outside the United States. The clause shall be used in solicitations and contracts that authorize contractor personnel to accompany US Armed Forces deployed outside the US in contingency operations; humanitarian or peacekeeping operations; or other military operations or exercises, when designated by the combatant commander. The clause discusses the following AT/OPSEC related topics: required compliance with laws and regulations, pre-deployment requirements, required training (per combatant command guidance), and personnel data required.4.18 Performance or Delivery in a Foreign Country. DFARS Clause 252.225-7043, Antiterrorism/ForceProtection for Defense Contractors outside the US. The clause shall be used in solicitations and contracts that require performance or delivery in a foreign country. This clause applies to both contingencies and non-contingency support. The key AT requirement is for non-local national contractor personnel to comply with theater clearance requirements and allows the combatant commander to exercise oversight to ensure the contractor's compliance with combatant commander and subordinate task force commander policies and directives.4.19 The contractor will be required to obtain and maintain a TOP SECRET (TS) facility clearance; provide cleared personnel at the SECRET and TS levels; and have access to and handle SCI/Non-SCI in order to perform specific tasks at Redstone Arsenal, AL as outlined in the SOW. The contractor will have access to Communications Security (COMSEC); Restricted Data; Critical Nuclear Weapon Design Information; Formerly Restricted Data; Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) and Non-SCI Intelligence Information; Special Access Information; NATO Information; Foreign Government Information; and For Official Use Only Information. The contractor will receive and generate classified information at the TS and SECRET levels; Fabricate, modify, or store classified hardware; Have access to U.S. classified information outside the U.S., Puerto Rico, U.S. Possessions and trust territories; Be authorized to use the services of Defense Technical Information Center or other secondary distribution center; Require a COMSEC account; Have Operations Security (OPSEC) Requirements; and Be authorized to use the Defense Courier Service. The contractor shall not use foreign national employees to perform the efforts of this task order. Applicable security classification guides will be furnished with individual Technical Directions (TDs), as required.Co-located/embedded contractor personnel will be required to take the following training annually: Security Refresher, Combating Trafficking in Persons, Cyber Awareness Challenge, Operation Security (OPSEC), Personal Identification Information (PII), Sexual Harassment Assault Response Program (SHARP), and Threat Awareness and Reporting Program (TARP). 5.0 GOVERNMENT FURNISHED PROPERTY: The contractor shall perform all tasks using their resources unless otherwise specified in the TD. Platform Integration Function will provide office space and work stations to on-site contractor personnel. Office equipment such as computers, fax machine, printers, copy machine, general office supplies, and telephones will be available. Access to networked engineering applications will be provided. Wireless devices will not be provided to the contractor for performance of this task order.6.0 DELIVERABLES: The contractor shall prepare and deliver the following, as stated in the TDs:Status Report IAW DI-MGMT-80368 (A001)Technical Report-Study/Services IAW DI-MISC-80508 (A002)Contractor’s Progress, Status, and Management Report IAW DI-MGMT-80227 (A003)Presentation Material IAW DI-ADMN-81373(A004)Report, Record of Meeting/Minutes (Trip Report) IAW DI-ADMN-81505 (A006)Scientific and Technical Reports IAW DI-MISC-80711(A016)Computer Software Product End Items IAW DI-MCCR-80700 (A017)Test Plan IAW DI-NDTI-80566 (A025)Engineering Change Proposal IAW DI-CMAN-80639 (A026)Product Drawings and Associates Lists IAW DI-SESS-81000 (A032)Commerical Item Descriptions IAW DI-SDMP-81261(A033)Software User’s Manual IAW DI-IPSC-81443 (A047)Training Conduct Support Document IAW DI-ILSS-81523 (A052)7.0 ACCOUNTING FOR CONTRACTOR SUPPORT: The contractor shall report ALL contractor labor hours (including subcontractor labor hours) required for performance of services provided under this task order for the “Platform and Integration Support for the Weapons Development and Integration Directorate” via a secure data collection site. The contractor is required to completely fill in all required data fields using the following web address: , and then click on “Department of the Army CMRA” or the icon of the DoD organization that is receiving or benefitting from the contracted services.Reporting inputs will be for the labor executed during the period of performance during each Government fiscal year (FY), which runs October 1 through September 30. While inputs may be reported any time during the FY, all data shall be reported no later than October 31 of each calendar year, beginning with 2018. Contractors may direct questions to the help desk by clicking on “Send an email” which is located under the Help Resources ribbon on the right side of the login page of the applicable Service/Component’s CMR website.8.0 PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES/METRICS: 8.1 This performance-based service contract incorporates the following performance objectives: (1) Delivery of high quality technical performance; (2) Adherence to schedule, milestone, and delivery requirements; and (3) Efficient and effective control of labor resources. It is the contractor’s responsibility to employ the necessary resources to ensure accomplishment of these objectives. The Government’s assessment of the contractor’s performance in achieving these objectives shall utilize the standards, acceptable quality levels, surveillance methods, and performance incentives described in the Performance Requirements Summary matrix set forth in Appendix A. As shown in the matrix, the performance incentives will be implemented via the Government’s past performance assessment conducted in accordance with Part 42 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), as applicable, and the “Task Order Performance” criteria of the annual award term evaluation.8.2. The performance objectives, standards, acceptable quality levels, and incentives shall be applied on a TO basis with performance incentives to be implemented on an annual basis. The Government will conduct informal interim counseling sessions with the contractor’s Program/TO Manager to identify any active TO performance that is not meeting the acceptable quality levels. These sessions will be conducted at least on a quarterly basis in order to provide the contractor a fair opportunity to improve its performance level.8.3 The Control of Labor Resources criteria will be reflected under the “Cost” category of the annual performance assessment report. The annual performance assessment will continue to include the criteria of Business Relations and Management of Key Personnel; however, these criteria are not specifically included in the implementation of the performance-based aspects of this effort.8.4. Within 60 days after completion of the first year of performance of each TO, the contractor will be notified, in writing, of the Government’s determination of its performance level for each performance objective. The notification will identify all instances where the contractor failed to meet the acceptable quality level and how the performance level determination was calculated in accordance with Appendix A to this PWS. APPENDIX APERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY MATRIXPERFORMANCE OBJECTIVEPERFORMANCE STANDARDACCEPTABLE QUALITY LEVEL (AQL)METHOD OF SURVEILLANCEPERFORMANCE INCENTIVEHigh Quality Technical PerformanceTO technical requirements met with little rework/re-performance required and with few minor and no significant problems encountered Performance meets all technical and functional requirements, and is highly responsive to changes in technical direction and/or the technical support environmentAssessments, evaluations, analyses, recommendations, and related assistance are thorough, reliable, highly relevant to TO requirements, and consist of substantial depth and breadth of subject matterDeliverable reports contain all required data and meet all applicable CDRL requirements Contractor delivery of products and/or services meets all TO technical requirements. Performance occurs with no required re-performance/ rework at least 80% of time. Problems that are encountered are minor and resolved in a satisfactory manner. Routine Inspection of Deliverable Products/ServicesAssignment of performance rating for QUALITY criteria:**EXCEPTIONALPerformance and deliverables meet all and exceed many TDO technical requirements. Performance delivered with no required re-performance/rework at least 95% of time; problems that are encountered are minor and resolved in a highly effective manner.VERY GOODPerformance and deliverables meet all and exceed some TO technical requirements. Performance delivered with no required re-performance/rework at least 90% of time; problems that are encountered are minor and resolved in an effective manner.SATISFACTORYPerformance and deliverables meet all TO technical requirements. Performance delivered with no re-performance/rework at least 80% of time; problems that are encountered are minor and resolved in a satisfactory manner.MARGINALSome TO technical requirements not met and/or performance delivered with no re-performance/rework less than 80% of time. Problems encountered were resolved in a less than satisfactory manner. UNSATISFACTORYMany TO technical requirements not met. Numerous re-performances/rework were required and substantial problems were encountered and no corrective actions employed.Adherence to ScheduleTO milestones, periods of performance, and/or data submission dates are met or exceededContractor meets TO delivery requirements at least 80% of the time (excluding gov’t caused delays)Routine Inspection of Deliverable Products/ServicesAssignment of annual Performance Assessment Report (PAR) rating for SCHEDULE criteria:**EXCEPTIONAL TO milestones/ performance dates met or exceeded at least 100% of time (excluding government caused delays)VERY GOOD TO milestones/ performance dates met or exceeded at least 90% of time (excluding government caused delays)SATISFACTORY TO milestones/ performance dates met or exceeded at least 80% of time (excluding government caused delays)MARGINAL TO milestones/ performance dates met less than 70% of time (excluding government caused delays)UNSATISFACTORY TO schedule/performance dates met less than 70% of timeControl of Labor ResourcesContract labor mix is controlled in efficient and effective manner Actual TO labor resource mix is maintained within 20% of originally awarded TO resource mix Routine Inspection of TO Performance, Performance/Cost Reports, Payment Invoices, Etc.Assignment of annual Performance Assessment Report (PAR) rating for COST CONTROL criteria:**EXCEPTIONAL Actual TO resource mix maintained within 10% of originally awarded TO resource mix (excluding gov’t initiated deviations)VERY GOOD Actual TO resource mix maintained within 15% of originally awarded TO resource mix (excluding gov’t initiated deviations)SATISFACTORY Actual TO resource mix maintained within 20% of originally awarded TO resource mix (excluding gov’t initiated deviations)MARGINAL Actual TO resource mix maintained within 25% of originally awarded TO resource mix (excluding gov’t initiated deviations)UNSATISFACTORY Actual TO resource mix exceeds 25% of originally awarded TO resource mix (excluding gov’t initiated deviations)-11430053657500 ................

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