PUSH & PULL FACTORS OF MIGRATION - Murrieta Valley Unified ...

Ch. 3: Migration - Key Issue 1What is Migration?De Blij, pp. 78-851. According to the Field Note, even though migrating is dangerous what has motivated many Haitians to make it to the USA?2. List some of the reasons why an immigrant would risk their lives crossing the dangerous US-Mexico border?3. As a whole, what is one of the primary goals of most undocumented migrants?4. Define remittance:4b. How are remittances important to the economies from where the migrants are from?5. According to the map on pg. 80 (Figure 3.2), which are the top 5 countries that have the highest number of legal immigrants to the USA?6. How has September 11, 2001, affected immigration policy in the United States?7. In the chart below describe and provide examples of the 3 Type of Migratory Movement.Type of MovementDescriptionExample(s)Cyclic MovementPeriodic MovementMigration8. Use the map on page 84 in your textbook to prepare a sketch map which shows the migratory patterns of the Great Migration in the USA. Be sure to use different colors to sketch the migration & include a key.7620001193809. Use the map on page 84 in your textbook to prepare a sketch map which shows the migratory patterns Recent Internal Migration in the USA. Be sure to use different colors to sketch the migration & include a key. You do not need to identify the states.304800118110Ch. 3: Migration - Key Issue 2Why Do People Migrate?De Blij, pp. 85-931. Define forced migration:2. Define voluntary migration:3. According to the text, what pattern has been found in studies of gender & migration?3. Briefly summarize the following examples of the following forced migrations in world history. Be sure to include a summary of the history, where they migrated to, statistics of the # of forced migrants, and the effects of the migration, if any. Examples of Forced MigrationAtlantic Slave TradeSoviet UnionHaitiAfghanistan● PUSH & PULL FACTORS OF MIGRATION1. Who was Ernst Ravenstein? What did he propose?1b. Using the space below, please list Ravenstein’s laws of migration. (a)(b)(c)(d)(e)2. Define gravity model:3. What is a Push Factor?4. What is a Pull Factor?4b. How does distance decay play a part with pull factors? ● TYPES OF PUSH & PULL FACTORS5. As you read pgs. 89-91, complete the table below with MULTIPLE specific examples of push and pull factors. NOTE some of the factors may only be Push Factors or Pull Factors (meaning some sections might be blank).PUSH FACTORSPULL FACTORSLEGAL STATUSECONOMICGENDERRACEPOLITICALARMED CONFLICTENVIRONMENTALCULTURE/TRADITIONSTECHNOLOGYCh. 3: Migration - Key Issue 3Where Do People Migrate?De Blij, pp. 93-1081. According to the text, which are 5 of some of the major flows of global migration from 1500?a.b.c.d.e.2. Human Migrations - Use the map on page 94-95 in your textbook to prepare a sketch map which shows the 8 major routes of migration from 1500-1950. Use a variety of colors and include a key.0-38104800600-113665● REGIONAL MIGRATION FLOWS3. Using the illustration on the right & your textbook, define island of development & describe the role it played in the nation of Nigeria.ISLAND OF DEVELOPMENTMIGRATION TO NIGERIADefinitionHow did the concept of “islands of development” influence African immigration to Nigeria?495300030118054. Using the illustration on the right & your textbook, define colonization & describe the role it played in SE Asia for the Chinese.COLONIZATIONMIGRATION TO SE ASIADefinitionHow did colonization lead to increased migration of Chinese to SE Asia4114800-2286005. What led to the migration of 1000’s of Jews to return to Israel?6. Use the map on pg. 98 in order to determine the changing boundaries of Israel. Be sure to use 5 different colors & include a key. Identify countries, but no need to label cities.7. In the chart below, please describe the impact that conflict/war had on both countries. GERMANY CUBA● NATIONAL/INTERNAL MIGRATION FLOWS8. In the charts below, please explain the where & the why of the internal migration of the USA, Russia & Mexico.UNITED STATESWhere?Why?RUSSIAWhere?Why?MEXICOWhere?Why?● GUEST WORKERS9. What is a guest worker?10. What role do guest workers serve in Western Europe? What kids of jobs do they perform? What are some of the negative effects? 11. Using Nigeria as an example, what occurs to guest workers when the need for labor declines?8382004889512. (USE THE IMAGE ABOVE) As a result of guest worker programs, which 7 European countries have a population of more than 10% foreign-born residents?● REFUGEES13. What does the UNHCR stand for?14. Using the timeline below, how many people have been classified as refugees according to the UNCHR?19701980201015. According to the 1951 Refugee Convention, how is a refugee defined?16. In the chart below define the following terms and provide a use a brief example to illustrate the meaning. DEFINTIONEXAMPLEINTERNALLY DISPLACED PERSONS (IDP’s)ASYLUMREPATRIATION17. According to the United Nations, how are refugees & IDP’s distinguished?18. Describe what is taking place in Figure 3.17.● REGIONS OF DISLOCATION19. In the boxes below, make note of significant facts, features, countries involved, and characteristics of the following regions of dislocation.SOUTHWEST ASIAAFRICASOUTH ASIASOUTHEAST ASIAEUROPEOTHER REGIONS20. WORLDWIDE REFUGEES – Using pgs. 104-105 & the map below, shade the areas of map that reflect the average refugees by country of origin. Be sure to use a variety of colors and include a key. No need to label countries.0158750Ch. 3: Migration - Key Issue 4How Do Governments Affect Migration?De Blij, pp. 108-1111. What are immigration laws? 2. What was the purpose of the Immigration Restriction Act in Australia? Which group of people did it impact? How?US Quota Laws3. What are quotas?4. Make brief notes on the modifications of U.S. quota laws over the yearsYEARMODIFICATION1924192919652001 (Post 9/11) ................

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