Ministry of Finance

TERMS OF REFERENCEDEVELOPMENT OF AN ICT DIGITAL INCLUSION POLICY AND ACTION PLAN FOR ADVANCING ACCESS TO ICT SERVICES FOR MARGINALIZED GROUPSBACKGROUNDThe Ministry of Post, Telecommunications and Technology (MPTT) is the lead Federal Government body mandated to formulate national policies, laws, and regulations related to postal services, telecommunications, and information and communications technology (ICT). Its mandate also includes:Overseeing sector standards;Promoting the development and growth of telecommunication infrastructure and ICT;Protecting the interests of consumers;Fostering a knowledge-based economy and information society in Somalia;In performing its duties, the MPTT is guided by the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Somalia (FGS) and other relevant laws. The MPTT championed and supported the adoption of a foundational National Communications Law in2017, which lays the basis for a competitive and enabling regulatory environment for ICT services that recognizes the need for ensuring widespread access. The Communication Law also enabled the establishment the National Communications Authority (NCA), as the industry regulator, in 2018, which is also envisioned to play a key role in supporting universal access. In 2019, the MPTT spearheaded the development of Somalia’s first National ICT Policy and Strategy for the period 2019- 2023, which aims to address existing ICT infrastructure and ecosystem gaps. The policy inter alia focuses on accelerating development in the following key areas: Policy, legal, and regulatory framework; Universal access strategy promoting the use of ICT by women, youth, the disabled, marginalized groups, and underserved areas; Consumer protection, privacy, and child protection; Digital services and content; E-commerce, e-health, e-education, and e-governance.The MPTT is charged with overseeing the implementation of the Policy, as well as convenes and chairs a National Coordination Committee (NCC) intended to facilitate this. The NCC also consists of representatives from the Ministries of Planning; Finance; Interior and Federal Affairs; Information; Central Bank; NCA; and the Office of Prime Minister. It was established to assist in the successful implementation of the Policy, advancing the use of technology for social and economic development. The MPTT is currently also a key beneficiary of a World Bank-financed program, the Somalia Capacity Advancement, Livelihoods and Entrepreneurship through Digital Uplift Project (SCALED-UP). The program seeks to strengthen policy development and effective regulation of the ICT sector, leveraging digital technology to accelerate social and economic development in Somalia. In relation to supporting institutional capacity strengthening, key program objectives include supporting the development of a targeted policy, which builds upon the National ICT Policy and Strategy, with a focus on digital inclusion for women, youth, and disabled; but also explores the lingering urban-rural digital divide.CURRENT CONTEXTSomalia’s economic and development challenges are daunting, and growth remains insufficient for reducing vulnerability for a large segment of the population, particularly women, youth, and the disabled.With an estimated per capita gross domestic product (GDP) of US$ 511 in 2017, Somalia remains one of the poorest countries in the world. Despite lingering insecurity, the economy has grown at a moderate pace, averaging 2.5 percent real GDP growth in 2013-2017.Growth is mainly consumption driven, enabled by large remittance and aid flows (US$ 1.3 billion and US$ 1.75 billion, respectively, in 2017). Construction, telecommunications, and money transfer services have emerged as key growth sectors. Diaspora remittances reach an estimated 40 per cent of the population, and in recent years have surpassed the total amount of development and humanitarian aid.Internet uptake in Somalia is relatively low, at about 12.7% in 2020, based on unique mobile internet subscriptions and is largely concentrated in urban areas. The country’s security context as well as lack of stable energy sources, are among the factors that have hindered the roll-out of ICT infrastructure, along with limited demand inter alia caused by low income and literacy level. Today, large middle and last mile infrastructure gaps thus hamper universal network coverage. Nevertheless, ICT, and mobile in particular, is one of the fastest growing sectors in Somalia. Past World Bank (WB) research points to impressive uptake of mobile communication services in Somalia, as well as mobile money services, including growing uptake by women and vulnerable groups. However, substantial barriers remain in translating this to universal access in terms of smart device ownership, data-driven and broadband-based services offered by the public and/or private sector. While ICT offer many opportunities for disadvantaged social and cultural groups, existing government policy frameworks pertaining to the digital financial services and the ICT sector take little to no consideration of the existing digital divide, which affects women, the disabled, youth and the rural poor, as well as the barriers (economic, structural and cultural) which may inhibit access. C. SCOPE OF SERVICES AND EXPECTED DELIVERABLESThe MPTT is seeking to procure a Consulting Firm to develop a Digital Inclusion Policy, on behalf of the FGS, with an emphasis on marginalized groups. Main deliverables include: (i) a contextualized analysis of the present nature of the digital divide in Somalia; (ii) a high-level policy document; and (iii) a detailed policy implementation roadmap and action plan.Work produced is expected to consist of three main elements, with main deliverables validated by key stakeholders – notably the NCC for the National ICT Policy and Strategy:I: Contextualized AnalysisThis analysis will identify the key groups who are digitally excluded as well as the characteristics of these groups. It will then provide a contextualized analysis of barriers faced by these groups as well as detail the specific benefits to each group in gaining wider access. It should consider all nature of barriers contributing to exclusion, including structural (e.g. connectivity, infrastructure), economic, social and cultural (e.g. prohibitive norms).Through a literature review, the Consulting Firm is expected to build the analysis from a global evidence base, also leveraging relevant local literature, and then use mixed method research (e.g. two or more of the following: focus group discussions, interviews, surveys)to provide analysis contextualized to Somalia. The analysis should be grounded in both quantitative and qualitative data, including awareness of the social and cultural norms that these key groups experience.The review is also expected to take stock of existing federal strategies and policies implemented to date, that may be pertinent to the digital inclusion agenda. The firm will be expected to map and contact relevant stakeholders to identify the nature and scope of existing information resources available, so that gaps can be more readily be identified, and to inform the proposed research methodology. The analysis should result in a short yet robust diagnostic report, with evidence-based and contextualized recommendations that can inform policy development.II: Policy developmentThe firm will develop a Digital Inclusion policy document, which summarizes how this policy supports other national and sectoral development plans, key digital inclusion challenges faced, opportunities identified, and policy commitments made, placing emphasis on marginalized groups. Priority actions to be undertaken over the strategy period (2020-2023), which coincides with the National ICT Policy and Strategy implementation period, should be identified including but not limited to any physical investments, social programs and associated measures required to ensure successful implementation of policy commitments (e.g. institutional, regulatory, financial, and legal etc.). The policy should also establish benchmarks and targets for key policy commitments made. III: Implementation roadmapIn addition to a high-level policy document, the firm will develop a detailed implementation roadmap, based on analysis of the potential barriers to implementation and priority measures, resources and tools needed to support successful implementation of policy commitments. This plan should ideally detail delivery timelines for key actions, key resources and millstones needed to facilitate delivery, including phasing, designation of key roles and responsibility, as well as intermediary key performance indicators (KPIs), which can be used to track progress during the implementation period, including proposals for how to support related data collection. More specifically, the implementation roadmap is expected to also:Identify quick wins(e.g. how any existing digital services can be modified to improve access among marginalized groups) as well as more long terms interventions needed;Define the respective roles and responsibilities of entities and institutions involved in the implementation of policy and associated action plan, based on a review the institutional arrangements that may affect the delivery;Define measurable, attributable, relevant and time-oriented objectives and milestones; and propose a monitoring and evaluation process: This involves proposing the mechanisms and tools to review and update the action plan over time IV: Stakeholder engagementThe successful implementation of the strategy and policy will depend on building a consensus among concerned stakeholders around an agreed platform of realistic priority activities that is sensitive to the local context. To this end, key stakeholders are to be identified and included in the analysis, policy formulation and implementation planning process to promote local ownership at every stage. The firm is expected to support the MPTT by facilitating a series of consultations with stakeholders. Key relevant local partners are likely to include telecoms providers, civil society organizations such as women’s groups, as well as for Federal Government Ministries, Department and Agencies (MDAs). Separate to this, the firm will also be expected to hold a final validation workshop with key Ministry officials and the NCC for the National ICT Policy and Strategy to both receive feedback and socialize the policy ahead of adoption. These consultations should take place in Somalia.DELIVERY MODALITYWhile much of the work proposed can be delivered remotely, some in-field work will be expected in order to support data collection and stakeholder consultation and validation. While recognizing that in-person consultations may be challenging during Covid-19, precautions, provision and contingency planning should be made to facilitate this in a safe environment, which is in line with public health recommendations. TIMEFRAME The firm is expected to conclude the proposed assignment within four months. During this period the following deliverables will be submitted to the SCALED-UP Project Implementation Unit (PIU) for validation by the MPTT and other relevant stakeholders. These deliverables are:Inception report and work plan (2 weeks after contract signature)Contextualized analysis report(1.5 months after contract signature)Draft high-level policy document(2.5 months after contract signature)Detailed draft policy implementation roadmap(3.5 months after contract signature)Final version of all validated deliverables (4 months after contract signature)SUBMISSION OF PROPOSALInterested firms are invited to submit their proposals, including the following detail: Technical Proposal and Financial ProposalThe Financial Proposal should contain:A financial offer for the entire consultancy, based on timely delivery of the assignment.The Technical Proposal should detail:The firm’s capacity to deliver the work proposed, based on experience of similar assignments completed and provision of at least two referencesfor completed work;Information on how the firm plans to deliver the assignment;Curriculum Vitae (CVs) of key experts.REQUIRED EXPERIENCE & SKILLS The selected firm is expected to demonstrate a track-record of successfully carrying-out similar assignments, including:Experience of supporting national policy developmentand planning, including in the ICT sector and a development context.Experience of working on the digital inclusion agenda.Experience of conductingfield research and supporting local stakeholder engagement.Prior experience of working in fragile contexts, preferably Somalia.The selected firm is expected to demonstrate a strongcapacity to deliver the present assignment:Illustrating knowledge of the local context and issues at hand.Detailing how in-country and in-person consultations will be supported and performed in an inclusive way that is sensitive to local realities. This firm should, for example, ideally look to demonstrate evidence of a local partner, able to support consultations if travel restrictions persist, including Somali language skills. List of key professional positions whose CV and experience would be evaluated:No.Key PositionArea of Specific Expertise requiredMinimum Qualification and Professional Experience Required1Team LeaderProject managementDegree at master’s level in public administration, economics, sociology, anthropology or another relevant topic10 years of experience in overall project execution and management Experience working with governments in two or more similar projects in the last five yearsAbility to project manage remote consultations, as well as stakeholders across geographies and time zonesTechnical expertPolicy ExpertiseDegree at master’s level in public administration, economics, sociology, anthropology or another relevant topicAt least 8 years of experience in managing development projects focused on digital inclusion Proven track record developing policy around digital technologies in the context of developing countriesExcellent writing and communications skills in English EVALUATION CRITERIAExperience of the firm specifically related to the assignment. (weight 30 points)Adequacy of methodology and the proposed work plan in responding to the Terms of Reference (weight 40 points)Qualifications and competence of the key staff related to the assignment (weight 30 points) ................

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