
SAMPLE RESEARCH MODELName: George Lovemore GROUP :1TOPIC :The Penal System TOPIC :Incarceration rates – Baltimore vs. Annapolis (For the mathematics data collection portion, it is ok to narrow down your topic for example, incarceration rate of women, men, murders, drugs, gun crimes, theft and so on) Question 1DATA CollectionNumbers of adult mail and female’s incarceration in Baltimore City per 100 thousand over the past 11 years YEAR # OF INCARCERATION/100 K20103892011439201251220135902014530201565020167012017690201874020197832020768TOTAL Source: 2 - Arrange the Baltimore City data in order from smallest to largest389439512530590650690701740768783 Question 3Identify the median from your arranged list Median data for Baltimore City650Question 4 If exist, Identify from the list of numbers - the modeThere is no modeQuestion 5Determine by calculation – the meanMEAN Baltimore City = SUM OF ALL DATA VALUES TOTAL NUMBERS OF DATA VALUES = 6792 11 =617Numbers of adult mail and female’s incarceration in Annapolis per 100 thousand over the past 11 years YEAR # OF INCARCERATION/100K20102302011270201226120132832014362201531020163592017395201837020194022020477TOTAL Source: 2 - Arrange the Annapolis data in order from smallest to largest 230270261283310359362370395402477Question 3Identify the median from your arranged list Median data for Annapolis359Question 4 If exist, Identify from the list of numbers the modeThere is no modeQuestion 5Determine by calculation – the meanMEAN Annapolis =SUM OF ALL DATA VALUES TOTAL NUMBERS OF DATA VALUES = 3719 11 =338Question 6Using both table of values, summarize your data using appropriate graphical displays, summary statistics, and verbal descriptions. Plot graphs on the same axis Graphical display of men and women incarceration rates in Baltimore vs. Annapolis over the past 11 years Question 7Analyze your graph.The graphs show that, not withstanding some variation, the incarceration rate for men and women in Baltimore and Annapolis has shown a steady increase from 2010 to 2020. Baltimore City incarceration per 100K approximately doubles that of Annapolis over the same period. Noticeable decrease in incarceration were noted for both cities in 2013 and 2017 due perhaps to less people arrested in these years as compared to others. In 2020, while Annapolis shows marginal increase, Baltimore City recorded a drop of 15% and this perhaps was due to the effect of the virus pandemic. Disparities between men and women vary as the individual pass through various decision points within the criminal justice system. Only inmates serving a sentence in state prison (dark green) have been included in this survey as captured by a pie chart attached. Prisoners in custody awaiting release or trial, local jails, serving a sentence under home detention, serving a term of probation in the community, serving mandatory period of community supervision post-release and those granted parole have not been included. Question 8Make sound inferences/conclusions based on your data. The findings suggest that despite Baltimore is one of the wealthiest states in the U. S (United States Census Bureau, 2013) there exist a vast disparity between its socio-economic statuses to that of Annapolis. In many Baltimore communities, the lack of social capital and investment lead to declines in industries, employment, wages, increase poverty and community destabilization. Limited employment opportunities and dwindling family resources lead to drug crimes, murders, theft, social unrest and greater police surveillance. More surveillance means more arrest, trials and incarceration. In many cases, these inmates are stripped of their citizenship upon returning to the community, the right to exercise the ballot, access affordable low-income housing and the loss of community and social trust. As consequence, may return to prison and continue the cycle. On the other hand and based on the FBI?crime?data, Annapolis?is not one of the safest communities in America. If truth be told and recorded, relative to?Baltimore City, Annapolis?has a?crime?rate that is higher than 85% of the state's cities and towns of all sizes but recorded far less incarceration. This is debated as being a consequence of skewing of the statistical data, racial demographic, greater investment in infrastructure, more equipped schools leading to a more stable community. Annapolis has a 62% white, 21 % black and 11% other races; while in Baltimore city 63% black, 29% white and other 8%. Though fragile, the existing community cultural and social capitals, networks critical to family functioning and daily survival, must be reappraised and integrated in participatory collaboration with stakeholders. Traditional community organizing tools must be re-examined and reframed to reach larger audiences and to build alliances. The playing field must be leveled between the two cities. ................

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