Table 2

Table 2.1

Economic Growth Rates of China and Selected Regions of the World, 1950—1976 (%)

| |GDP |Per capita GDP |

|China (official) |6.7 |4.5 |

|China (Maddison) |4.7 |2.6 |

| | | |

|Western Europe |4.5 |3.8 |

|Western Offshoots |3.8 |2.3 |

|Eastern Europe |4.6 |3.3 |

|Latin America |5.3 |2.6 |

|East and South Asia |4.6 |2.2 |

|West Asia |7.6 |4.6 |

|Africa |4.4 |1.9 |

|World |4.7 |2.7 |

Sources: Angus Maddison, The World Economy: Historical Statistics, Paris: OECD (2003); State Statistical Bureau of China, Statistical Yearbook of China, Hong Kong: Economic Information & Agency (1985).

Table 2.2

Life Expectancy at Birth in China and Selected Countries, 1960—2000

| |Life expectancy at birth (years) |Changes in life expectancy |

| |1960 |1980 |2000 |1960-1980 |1980-2000 |

|China |36.3 |66.8 |70.3 |30.5 |3.5 |

| | | | | | |

|Argentina |65.2 |69.6 |73.8 |4.4 |4.2 |

|Australia |70.7 |74.4 |79.6 |3.7 |5.2 |

|Brazil |54.8 |62.6 |69.7 |7.8 |7.1 |

|Canada |71.1 |74.7 |79.2 |3.6 |4.5 |

|France |70.2 |74.2 |78.9 |3.9 |4.7 |

|India |44.3 |54.2 |62.9 |9.8 |8.7 |

|Indonesia |41.5 |54.8 |65.8 |13.3 |11.0 |

|Japan |67.7 |76.1 |81.1 |8.4 |5.0 |

|South Korea |54.2 |66.8 |75.9 |12.7 |9.1 |

|Malaysia |54.3 |66.9 |72.6 |12.6 |5.7 |

|Mexico |57.3 |66.8 |74.0 |9.4 |7.2 |

|Turkey |50.5 |61.4 |70.4 |10.9 |9.0 |

|United States |69.8 |73.7 |77.0 |3.9 |3.3 |

| | | | | | |

|East Asia/Pacific |38.8 |64.3 |69.1 |25.5 |4.8 |

|High-income |68.9 |73.8 |78.0 |4.8 |4.2 |

|Middle-income |44.9 |65.6 |69.1 |20.7 |3.5 |

|Low-income |43.9 |53.2 |58.3 |9.3 |5.1 |

|World |50.2 |62.6 |66.7 |12.3 |4.1 |

Source: World Bank, World Development Indicators Online. Website: (retrieved September 15, 2007).

Table 2.3

Adult Illiteracy Rate in China and Selected Countries, 1970—2000

(As percentage of population that ages 15 and above)

| |Illiteracy Rate (%) |Changes in illiteracy rate |

| |1970 |1980 |2000 |1970-1980 |1980-2000 |

|China |47.1 |32.9 |9.1 |-14.2 |-23.8 |

| | | | | | |

|Brazil |31.6 |24.0 |13.6 |-7.6 |-10.4 |

|India |66.9 |59.0 |39.0 |-7.9 |-20.0 |

|Indonesia |43.9 |31.0 |9.6 |-13.0 |-21.4 |

|Malaysia |41.9 |28.8 |11.3 |-13.1 |-17.5 |

| | | | | | |

|East Asia / Pacific |43.6 |30.5 |9.2 |-13.1 |-21.3 |

|Middle-income |35.7 |26.4 |10.0 |-9.3 |-16.4 |

|Low-income |60.8 |53.2 |39.2 |-7.6 |-14.0 |

Source: World Bank, World Development Indicators Online. Website: (retrieved September 15, 2007).

Table 2.4

Primary School Enrollment in China and Selected Countries, 1970—2000

(As percentage of population at appropriate ages)

| |Enrollment Rate (%) |Changes in enrollment |

| |1970 |1980 |2000 |1970-1980 |1980-2000 |

|China |90.9 |112.6 |117.7 |21.7 |5.1 |

| | | | | | |

|Australia |114.8 |112.0 |98.7 |-2.7 |-13.3 |

|Brazil |119.2 |97.8 |150.7 |-21.3 |52.9 |

|France |116.9 |111.1 |106.2 |-5.8 |-4.9 |

|India |77.8 |83.3 |98.8 |5.5 |15.5 |

|Indonesia |80.0 |107.2 |110.9 |27.2 |3.7 |

|Japan |99.5 |101.1 |101.1 |1.6 |0.0 |

|South Korea |103.4 |109.9 |98.0 |6.5 |-11.9 |

|Malaysia |88.7 |92.6 |97.1 |3.9 |4.5 |

|United States |87.6 |99.3 |100.5 |11.7 |1.2 |

| | | | | | |

|East Asia / Pacific |89.4 |110.6 |113.6 |21.2 |3.0 |

|High-income |99.9 |102.4 |101.3 |2.5 |-1.1 |

|Middle-income |93.8 |106.2 |111.8 |12.3 |5.6 |

|Low-income |66.0 |82.9 |89.5 |16.9 |6.6 |

|World |85.4 |96.9 |100.9 |11.5 |4.0 |

Source: World Bank, World Development Indicators Online. Website: (retrieved September 15, 2007).

Table 2.5

Secondary School Enrollment in China and Selected Countries, 1970—2000

(As percentage of population at appropriate ages)

| |Enrollment Rate (%) |Changes in enrollment |

| |1970 |1980 |2000 |1970-1980 |1980-2000 |

|China |24.3 |45.9 |62.9 |21.6 |17.0 |

| | | | | | |

|Australia |82.1 |71.2 |158.8 |-11.0 |87.6 |

|Brazil |25.9 |33.5 |104.2 |7.6 |70.7 |

|France |73.4 |84.6 |110.0 |11.1 |25.4 |

|India |24.2 |29.9 |47.9 |5.7 |18.0 |

|Indonesia |16.1 |29.0 |54.9 |12.9 |25.9 |

|Japan |86.6 |93.2 |102.1 |6.6 |8.9 |

|South Korea |41.6 |78.1 |97.6 |36.5 |19.5 |

|Malaysia |34.2 |47.7 |69.3 |13.5 |21.6 |

|United States |83.7 |91.2 |94.0 |7.5 |2.8 |

| | | | | | |

|East Asia / Pacific |23.8 |43.3 |62.0 |19.5 |18.7 |

|High-income |75.1 |86.3 |100.7 |11.2 |14.4 |

|Middle-income |27.4 |51.1 |71.0 |23.7 |19.9 |

|Low-income |17.6 |28.7 |40.2 |11.1 |11.5 |

|World |34.1 |48.9 |61.0 |14.7 |12.1 |

Source: World Bank, World Development Indicators Online. Website: (retrieved September 15, 2007).


Source: Angus Maddison, The World Economy: Historical Statistics, Paris: OECD (2003).


Source: Angus Maddison, The World Economy: Historical Statistics, Paris: OECD (2003).


Sources: The Nationalist Government reported that the nation-wide crude death rate was 27.6 per thousand in 1936 and 28.2 per thousand in 1938. See Tang Taiqing, “Renkou Zaishengchan Leixing de Liangci Zhongda Zhuanbian (Two Major Transformations in the Pattern of Demographic Reproduction).” Website: (retrieved September 1, 2007). The post-1949 data are from State Statistical Bureau of China, Statistical Yearbook of China, p. 83; Hong Kong: Economic Information & Agency (1984).


Source: State Statistical Bureau of China, Statistical Yearbook of China, p. 190; Hong Kong: Economic Information & Agency (1984).

Table 3.1

Distribution of Value Added in the Global Commodity Chain of a

Talking Model of Globe for Children’s Study

|Stages of the commodity chain |Sale price at |Value added at each stage |Share of the total value |

| |each stage |(US $) |added |

| |(US $) | |(%) |

|U.S. retail company |88 |16 |21.1 |

|U.S. manufacturing company |72 |32 |42.1 |

|Hong Kong trade company |40 |20 |26.3 |

|Guangdong trade company |20 |5 |6.6 |

|Jiangsu / Guangdong producers |15 |3 |3.9 |

|Primary costs |12 |N.A. |N.A. |

Source: Ma Jiantang’s speech at the “Strategic Forum of Transnational Corporations in China.” Ma was the Deputy General Secretary of China’s State Economic and Trade Commission (Shijie Ribao or The World Journal, December 15, 2002, p. A9).

Table 3.2

Share of the World’s Total Current Account Surpluses or Deficits

1995—2006 (%)

| |1995-2000 |2001-2005 |2006 |

|United States |-77.8 |-94.1 |-89.1 |

|Euro Area |14.9 |5.9 |0.8 |

|Japan |37.6 |22.9 |17.8 |

|United Kingdom |-6.1 |-5.9 |-8.3 |

|Other OECD |2.7 |9.2 |7.2 |

|China |6.5 |10.1 |26.0 |

|Asia (ex. China and Japan) |4.3 |13.1 |10.6 |

|Africa and Middle East |0.9 |15.4 |24.9 |

|Central and South America |-16.1 |0.6 |5.4 |

|Central and Eastern Europe |1.8 |6.4 |7.3 |

|World (statistical discrepancy) |31.3 |16.4 |-2.5 |

Source: OECD, OECD Economic Outlook Database. Website: (retrieved October 15, 2007).


Sources: Data for 1960—2006 are from World Bank, World Development Indicators Online. Website: (retrieved October 1, 2007). World economic growth rates measured by purchasing power parity are extended back to 1950 using data from Angus Maddison, The World Economy: Historical Statistics, Paris: OECD (2003).


Sources: The US corporate profit rates are calculated using data from the US National Income and Product Accounts. Website: (retrieved October 15, 2007). The Chinese industrial profit rates are calculated using data from National Bureau of Statistics of China. Website: Website: (retrieved October 15, 2007).


Source: OECD, OECD Economic Outlook Database. Website: (retrieved October 15, 2007).


Source: World Bank, World Development Indicators Online. Website: (retrieved October 1, 2007).


Source: World Bank, World Development Indicators Online. Website: (retrieved October 1, 2007).


Source: World Bank, World Development Indicators Online. Website: (retrieved October 1, 2007).


Sources: Data for world economic growth are from World Bank (see Figure 3.1) and data for oil prices are from The BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2007. Website: (retrieved December 15, 2007).


Sources: Data for stock prices for the period 1949—2006 are from the US Economic Report of the President (2007). Website: (retrieved October 15, 2007). Stock prices from 1871 to 1949 are from Susan B. Carter et al., Historical Statistics of the United States: Earliest Times to the Present, Millennial Edition. New York: Cambridge University Press (2006).


Source: The US National Income and Product Accounts. Website: (retrieved October 15, 2007).


Source: The US Economic Report of the President (2007). Website: (retrieved October 15, 2007).


Source: The US National Income and Product Accounts. Website: (retrieved October 15, 2007).


Source: National Bureau of Statistics of China. Website: (retrieved October 15, 2007).


Source: National Bureau of Statistics of China. Website: (retrieved October 15, 2007).

Table 5.1

Ecological Footprint of the World’s Major Regions, 2003

(Global Hectares per Person)

|Regions (countries) |Eco-Footprint |Eco-Footprint |Bio-Capacity |

| |(Total) |(Non-Energy) | |

|China |1.6 |0.84 |0.8 |

|India |0.8 |0.54 |0.4 |

|Africa |1.1 |0.84 |1.3 |

|Middle East and Central Asia |2.2 |0.85 |1.0 |

|Asia and Pacific |1.3 |0.71 |0.7 |

|Latin America and the Caribbean |2.0 |1.4 |5.4 |

|North America |9.4 |3.35 |5.7 |

|European Union |4.8 |1.91 |2.2 |

|Rest of Europe |3.8 |1.47 |4.6 |

|World |2.23 |1.09 |1.78 |

Source: World Wildlife Fund in the USA and Canada, Zoological Society of London, and Global Footprint Network, Living Planet Report 2006, pp. 28-37. Website: (retrieved January 15, 2007).


Sources: The yields on British Consols are from Brian R. Mitchell, British Historical Statistics, p. 678, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (1988) and the UK National Statistics Online (, retrieved December 1, 2007). The US interest rates of corporate AAA bonds are from Susan B. Carter et al., Historical Statistics of the United States, Millennial Edition, New York: Cambridge University Press (2006) and the US Economic Report of the President (2007) (Website: , retrieved December 1, 2007).


Sources: Author’s calculations (see Appendix of Chapter 5 for data sources and construction).


Sources: Author’s calculations (see Appendix of Chapter 5 for data sources and construction).


Source: The US Economic Report of the President (2007). Website: (retrieved November 1, 2007).


Source: World Bank, World Development Indicators Online. Website: (retrieved November 1, 2007).


Sources: Author’s calculations (see Appendix of Chapter 5 for data sources and construction).


Sources: Author’s calculations (see Appendix of Chapter 5 for data sources and construction).


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