
2020 – 2021 Membership & Programs HandbookColorado State Knights of ColumbusChris Foley - State DeputyMembership: cokofcmembership@Programs: cokofcprograms@State Website: the man…spread the love (of Knighthood)2020 – 2021 Membership HandbookColorado State CouncilKnights of ColumbusColorado State Membership Team ContactsPositionNamePhone #E-Mail AddressState Membership Coordinator & Online MembershipJason Pasionek720-207-4693cokofcmembership@New Council Development and Round Table DirectorMichael Majeres303-550-6632mmajeres@Activation/Retention DirectorRyan Mackeyxxx-xxx-xxxxryanmackey74@Council Reactivation DirectorTed Rhoades, PSD808-398-8470tedrhoades1@Spanish Council DirectorHector Wills720-270-3586hawills@Regional DirectorsDenver MetroMike Phalen720-422-9483mjphalen.77@Denver MetroSean Murphy720-530-2854Heyheybooboo14@Denver (North)Jason Pasionek720-207-4693jp9223@Phone SupportJerry Sundee719-963-9568Sundee_Jerry@Colorado SpringsTom Barnitz719-314-7431 mtbarnitz@PuebloOpenTBDTBDSouthern Colorado DirectorJoseph "Jake" Jakubowski719-371-0637jakepgs@Western Slope Director?Brian Capraro970-319-8320bcap1248@1.0 IntroductionRecruiting new members is vital to the continued growth and well-being of your council and the Order. Offering a man membership in the Knights of Columbus gives him the opportunity to improve his own life, his community, and enrich his faith. Membership allows him to experience the fraternal bond that Knights share while growing closer to his family, faith and God.A comprehensive membership development plan must incorporate well-developed strategies for:Recruitment of new membersRetention of current membersMembership development is the most important element of a successful council. A well-crafted membership development strategy is essential for your council to operate efficiently and to serve others in the areas of Faith, Community, Family and Life. Membership in the Knights of Columbus must provide value for the members’ time, energy, and annual dues while offering spiritual development for him and his family. A good membership program can accomplish the goals of recruiting new members and retaining existing members by following a simple plan:Create a “Membership” teamIdentify your goals Create a plan to accomplish the goalsReview your level of success and suggest improvementsThe purpose of this resource guide is to help council leaders and district deputies identify and implement effective strategies for membership development that will continue to help grow our Order. These are suggestions that have helped councils succeed around the Order. Feedback on what works for councils helps our Order improve, makes recruiting and member management better, and improves programs around the State. As such, we require you to report on what activities you have done over the year. The State Council has an incentive program to encourage councils to continue to improve their processes. We will award the winners for the best programs at the State Convention in April. The forms needed to participate can be found in Appendix B. 2.0 State Membership Team Organizational ChartLike the Council, the State has a Membership Team organization. The purpose of this team is to assist the Councils in scheduling church drives, working with pastors, re-activating councils, forming new councils, and growing the Knights of Columbus in Colorado. The Colorado Membership team structure is depicted on the next page.center39243002.0 Organize Your Membership CommitteeThe first and perhaps most important step in setting up a successful membership program is organizing your membership committees. The key is to ensure that these important positions are filled and appointees are dedicated and enthusiastic Knights. center2675470Action Steps:The grand knight appoints a membership director to oversee all membership programs and recruitment activities. Upon recommendation of the membership director, the grand knight appoints a membership committee of three or more Knights. Select successful recruiters or sales-oriented membersThe membership director and recruitment committee members form two-man recruitment teamsThe grand knight, upon recommendation of the membership director, appoints a retention chairman and committeeThe grand knight appoints an insurance promotion chairman, preferably not the council’s insurance agentThe membership director, committee chairmen and committees set goals and plan specific recruitment, retention and insurance promotion activities for the entire yearPlan a full schedule of First Degree exemplifications Identify and schedule recruitment methods that best suit the council’s needs and goals; Membership Drives, church drives, open houses, team recruiting, etc…Set membership goals (exceed quota, achieve Star Council, win Century Club, break previous council recruitment record, etc.). Refer to the Supreme Council Awards section in the Faith In Action Guidebook . Get the ENTIRE council involved. Those who do not recruit directly can identify or suggest prospects. Setting Goals and PlanningThe first thing that you need to do after your team is formed is to set your goals. These goals should be focused on the five areas: recruitment, retention, ceremonials, insurance, and reactivation. In the next section we have suggested ideas for various programs to achieve your goals. In order to improve these programs, we have five required forms for you to fill out. These forms are used to communicate back to the state council what is working and what is not working. These state membership forms are based on the calendar year, not fraternal year. They are due to the Membership Coordinator by February 1st of each year in order to apply for the State awards.Example GoalsEvery council should strive to be a STAR COUNCIL and create five Shining Knights and/or Knight Mentors. At the very least you should determine: How many new members you want to recruit - You will receive points for the state awards program by having positive membership growthRecruit one new member per monthHow you plan on encouraging retention - The Shinning Knight program is a fabulous way to get a new member involved early which helps on retentionHow to promote the Insurance program - You will receive points for the state awards program by having positive insurance growthSet the goal to fill out all six State Membership forms. Submitting forms on-time is critical to a council’s success in achieving Star Council. Beat the rush and submit forms as early as possible!Requirements for the Star Council Award:Pay Supreme Per Capita Dues on timeBe fully compliant with applicable Safe Environment requirementsSubmit Service Program Personnel Report (Form #365) to Supreme by August 1stSubmit Survey of Fraternal Activity Report (Form #1728) to Supreme by January 1stFATHER MCGIVNEY AWARD: 7.5% Net Gain in MembershipFOUNDER’S AWARD: 2.5% Net Gain in Insurance MembersCOLUMBIAN AWARD: Turning in Form #SP-7by June 30thExample ScheduleCOUNCIL NAME____________________________ NUMBER _____________Total Members as of July 1st, 20____Supreme Quota__________ “Council” Quota________JulyAugustSeptemberOctoberEstablish TeamVisit with PastorPlan Church DriveMembership DriveSet GoalsDevelop Prospect ListContact Prospect listOpen HouseCreate PlanPlan Info NightBenefits NightOrder Supplies1st degreeFollow upCreate Brochure1st degreeNovemberDecemberJanuaryFebruaryMemorial MassChristmas PartyReview mid-year quota1st degreeRecruit FamiliesRecruit former membersOpen House/ 1st degreeContact prospectsMarchAprilMayJuneMembership DriveReview inactive membersRecruit HS/College gradsContact all prospectsOpen HouseRecruit RCIA classReview quotaFinal 1st degreeBenefit Night1st degreeCelebrate year end!!Recruitment Strategies The following are ideas that other councils have proven work. They are not required. If you want to make up your own program feel free. 4.1 Recruitment Strategies: Create a Prospect ListBefore you consider HOW to recruit, you must address the question of WHO to recruit. There are many eligible Catholic men and their families who would enjoy participating in the Order. Identifying them is easier than you think. Approach pastors for parish rosters for potential Knights Add all local priests who are not Knights to prospect list Consider ushers, parish council members, choir members, lectors, men’s club, etc., as prospects Welcome all new parishioners by asking them to join Recruit all 18-year-old Squires, and high school and college graduates Consider all vendors who serve council as potential members Add fathers, sons, nephews, cousins, brothers-in-law, fathers-in-law, grandfathers, grandsons Set up a Council Landing Page with the assistance of SupremeOrder free copies of the Prospect Referral Card (#921) from the Supply Department. Distribute copies of the card to all members at the council meeting or in the newsletter. Ask that completed cards with names of friends/acquaintances be returned to the council membership directorAdvertise regularly in church bulletins and local papers inviting interested prospects to contact the membership committee about joining Collect issues of Columbia magazine from council members and place them in the church lobby or other popular areasUse your imagination - potential new members are all around you! 4.2 Recruitment Strategies: Make a Council BrochureThe purpose of a brochure is to inform the reader on an item, service, or idea. To do this effectively it needs to be easy to read, appealing and convey the character of the product described.Why Develop a Council Brochure?(Supreme Form 4242 can be used) You can use a brochure as a promotional item to explain your council's activities to prospective members and their families. It’s an easy way to attract their attention. The brochure is also a valuable tool for those recruiting new members since it will make valuable information about your council readily available to them. In it, you can highlight activities unique to your council that are not covered in Supreme or State Council publications. Also, it's a good way to "toot your own horn" and let people know what you do. Here are four steps you can follow in designing the brochure: Step #1: ContentDecide what information about your council you want to promote. Make an effort to focus mainly on items that will attract men to join. Information might include - but is not limited to:? A brief history of the Knights of Columbus and of your councilInformation about what your council does, especially as it pertains to the four major service areas:? Faith, Community, Family and Lifel ActivitiesMembership requirementsDonations and volunteer hours. Every council donates and every council volunteers. List the dollars donated and hours volunteered each year. It is critical that potential members (even parishioners) understand where their donations goExemplification schedules;?information about the Fourth Degree Assembly in your area Step #2: The LookPick a size, shape, color and typeface for your brochure. In deciding what size to make your brochure, keep in mind what will be easiest to produce and the resources needed to create in large quantities.Step #3: DesignDesign an appealing and practical layout. Layout possibilities (whether they be for a flat page two-fold or three-fold brochures) are limited only by your imagination. Many software programs include templates for brochures and other items. These templates are generic layouts that allow you to simply drop in information. Make your layout as clean and uncluttered as possible to allow the reader to easily follow your message. Step #4: PrintingThe number of copies you need will determine the best way to output your brochure. If you need a limited number, you may want to run copies out on your PC's printer. Take your brochure to a copy center for reproduction in larger numbers. Remember, your brochure's main purpose is to be read…if it is not pleasing to look at, no one will read it. If it does not help the reader understand your message, do not use it. In four easy steps you have an attractive brochure ready for distribution to tell prospects all about your council and the Order. 4.3 Recruitment Strategies: Two-on-One RecruitmentBringing twice the energy, enthusiasm, knowledge and persistence to any endeavor doubles the likelihood of success. That’s why 2-on-1 recruiting is the way to anize two-man recruitment teams from the membership committee and additional recruiters Train recruiters; ask your field agent to assist; show recruitment productions and order and distribute copies of the Pocket Flip Chart (#2041), and Membership Documents (#100) Divide the prospect list among two-man teams Telephone each prospect to schedule a visit with the prospect and his wife by the two-man team Conduct personal visits at the prospect’s home, emphasizing local council activities and opportunities for involvement by prospect, wife, and the entire family Review promotional materials with the prospect and his wife – “As Knights we not only act on faith...” flyer (#4497), “Our Future Knights...” flyer (#9116), “The Potential of a Man...” flyer (4496), “What this organization stands for...” booklet (#4495), Member/Spouse Fraternal Benefit flyer (#2773), Columbia magazine, council newsletters, etc. ASK PROSPECT TO JOIN. Assist in completing Membership Document, and collect fees. Ensure prompt initiation. Inform candidate of the dates for the Admission Committee interview and Admissions Degree Exemplification Complete proposer duties:Accompany the prospect to the Admission Committee interview, the Admissions Degree Exemplification and council meetings; Introduce prospect and his family to council members; See that the prospect is assigned to committees/programs of interest; Encourage prospect to complete Formation/Knighthood Degrees and accompany him to exemplifications 4.4 Recruitment Strategies: Open HouseAn open house provides an opportunity to introduce your council and the Order to a broad audience of prospects at one event. The main objective is to exhibit your program — your volunteer service programs, your social and fraternal activities, your membership benefits — that your council and the Order have to offer to members and their families. Appoint a committee to organize the open house Set a date and time then publicize the event in local newspapers, radio, television and church bulletins Order quantities of promotional materials including the “Open House” poster (#2826) from Supply Department at least six weeks in advance Compile a list of prospective members Send open house invitations to prospects and their spouses Follow up the mailing with a telephone confirmation of receipt and availability to attend events As the event approaches, reconfirm all arrangements for site, materials, program, etc.Arrange for a display of council scrapbooks, awards, programs, activitiesAssign to each attending prospect to a recruiter who will act as mentor throughout the eventInvite your chaplain/parish priest and field agent to your event and allow time for him to explain the benefits of membershipHave a member of the 4th degree in regalia presentShow a promotional video -Experience of a Lifetime Life and Legacy of Father McGivney Founding to Future Schedule a question and answer session following the film further explaining the council and the Order Make certain host-recruiters ask prospects to join, and assist them in completing the Membership Document (#100). 4.5 Recruitment Strategies: Church DriveA church drive is an ideal opportunity to reach an audience of qualified prospects. Its success is dependent on carefully planning and carrying out each of the following steps: Plan a date AT LEAST 6-WEEKS OUTNotify State Membership Coordinator on date and location. The State Membership would be happy to assist you!Obtain the pastor’s approval for the membership drive at all Masses on target weekend and get him involved in your recruitment efforts - your parish priest is often your number one recruiter Order quantities of Prospect Cards (#921A), Membership Documents (#100), and posters and flyers such as “As Knights we not only act on faith...” flyer (#4497), “Our Future Knights...” flyer (#9116), “The Potential of a Man...” flyer (4496), “What this organization stands for...” booklet (#4547), “Make a Difference” recruiting poster (#4498), Fraternal Membership folder (4494), “Did You Know?” flyer (#1267), Family Fraternal Benefits flyer (#2761), Member/Spouse Fraternal Benefit flyer (#2773), etc., from the Supply Department. Provide an announcement for parish bulletin during each of the two weekends before the drivePrepare a tabletop display highlighting council activities and member benefits; include handouts and copies of the council newsletter and place in the church's vestibule Post teams of two to three Knights at each church door at every Mass to hand out flyers and Prospect Cards Arrange for the pastor, Grand Knight or Membership Director to make a brief announcement prior to or after Mass, explaining the Knights of Columbus, encouraging men to complete Prospect Cards and hand in as they leave church. Use a letter of support from the bishop (if available from state council) or sample pulpit announcements (#2678) available from the Supply Department Position Knights at exits to answer questions from prospects, assist in completing Membership Documents or entry into the Council Landing Page, or collect completed Prospect Cards for follow-up Make sure tables/supplies are restocked for each Mass Deliver all Membership Documents, completed Prospect Cards to the Council Membership Director Assign prospect names to recruiting teams for personal follow-up visits and follow up immediately! 5.0 Round TablesLiving in service to all is one of the most dynamic qualities of being a Knight. A unique way for Knights to serve is by helping out in local parishes, especially in those churches that do not have a Knights of Columbus presence. The Order requests council members to extend services to such parishes. This can be accomplished by establishing a Parish Round Table in which current member Knights help local parishes. The parish priest will identify the services he requires. The Parish Round Table Coordinator will then work with members of the Parish Round Table and the council to fulfill his wishes. 5.1 Round Tables: Establishing a Round TableAided by his officers, the State Round Table Director will meet with the Grand Knight to decide which area parishes will be servedThe Grand Knight and his officers make lists of council members who belong to those area parishes. All will automatically become part of that Parish Round Table New members of the parish may be recruited, as wellThe Grand Knight, with the help of his officers, informs all council members who belong to the designated parish, that the Order would like to set up a Parish Round Table and then explains the benefits to themThe Grand Knight and a Knight parishioner call on the pastor to offer helpSince the pastor assigns the projects, there will be no conflict with existing groups.The Grand Knight presents the priest with a Knights of Columbus overview brochure (Form# 4519), a Parish Round Table program brochure (Form# 2632) and a list of Knights who are parishionersIf the pastor is not receptive to a Parish Round Table, his decision is accepted and he’s told that the offer remains open if circumstances changeIf the pastor is receptive, the Grand Knight appoints a Parish Round Table coordinatorThe Grand Knight completes the Report of the Parish Round Table Coordinator (Form #2629), mails it to the Supreme Secretary and sends copies to the State and District DeputiesFormation of the Parish Round Table and appointment of the coordinator are communicated to those involved, and announcements are published in the parish and council bulletins5.2 Round Tables: Operating a Parish RoundtableThere are no elected offices in the Knights of Columbus Round Table as the appointed coordinator is the only designated leaderNo regular meetings of the Parish Round Table are heldThe Parish Round Table has no dues since the members continue to meet their financial obligation to their councilThe coordinator should visit the pastor frequently (monthly is suggested) to ask what the Knights of this parish can do to helpThe pastor should only be as involved as he wants it to be with the goal of the Parish Round Table to lighten his workload, not add to itThe coordinator should call on those Parish Round Table members best qualified to carry out specific projects and provide project leadership from start to finishWhen a project requires more support than the Parish Round Table members can provide, the coordinator solicits the council for support and assistanceAll funds raised by the Parish Round Table must be kept by the sponsoring council As with any other expenditure, the sponsoring council must approve all necessary Parish Round Table expensesParish Round Table projects are council projects The Parish Round Table coordinator must communicate with the Grand Knight and the council to ensure the project’s successThe Grand Knight and the pastor annually review activities of the Parish Round Table and the effectiveness of the coordinatorIf the pastor desires a change of coordinator, or if the coordinator resigns during the fraternal year, the pastor selects a new coordinator and the Grand Knight makes the appointmentIf there is a change of pastor, the Grand Knight and the coordinator call on the new pastor, explain the program and seek his continued support6.0 Admissions CommitteeThe Admissions Committee, used correctly, ensures that applicants understand the Order and that the council understands what the candidate expects from his membership. This mutual understanding makes for a more thorough recruitment process and is the first step to membership retention. The Grand Knight shall appoint an Admission Committee of up-to seven members Within five days of the first reading of the application, the Grand Knight shall refer the application to the Admission CommitteeThe Committee should contact the applicant to set up a time where they can meet him and his familyThey should ensure the applicant meets the membership qualifications (18 years of age or older; practical catholic – living up to the precepts of the faith and received the sacrament of confirmation), give a complete overview of the Knights of Columbus and their respective council, and answer any questions that the Catholic man or his family may still ponderAfter the visit, a report should be made back to the council of their findingsInform the candidates of the date of the next Admissions Degree ExemplificationAdvise the proposer to accompany his candidate to the exemplificationInvite the new members to participate in committees/activities that match their interests 7.0 Ceremonials: Conducting an Admissions Degree ExemplificationPromptly advancing new members through the exemplification of degrees is absolutely essential to successfully building and maintaining membership. A well-organized, regular schedule of degrees will ensure this progression and help prevent the loss of potential Knights. Sponsor an Admissions Degree team, if possible. If not, participate with a district degree team or use the Exemplification DVD Schedule and conduct frequent Admissions Degree Exemplifications – preferably every month or every other monthPublicize the degree schedule at council meetings, in council bulletins, advertisements and mailingsSchedule degrees around important Knights of Columbus/council dates – be sure to avoid major holidaysSelect honorees for each exemplification for greater impact, visibility and attendanceContact candidates a day or two in advance to confirm attendance and advise on appropriate attireArrange for the proposer or a member of the recruitment committee to pick up candidate and escort him to the ExemplificationDistribute Candidate Kits (#531) – rosary, Knights of Columbus lapel pin, and These Men They Call Knights bookletAdvise new members of the next Formation and Knighthood degree exemplification datesRecognize new members and their proposers at the conclusion of the exemplificationOrder and present generic New Member Certificates (#268) or current campaign degree certificates to degree recipientsPrint the names of new members in the next scheduled council bulletinInvite neighboring councils to your degree exemplifications8.0 Promoting Insurance ProgramThe Order was founded to provide financial security to working-class families who lost their breadwinner to premature death. Today, our greatest fraternal benefit is our top-rated insurance program. Every member should be made aware of available insurance benefits for his own well-being and that of his family. To help facilitate this, every council should: Establish a good working relationship between council members and your assigned field agent. Introduce your field agent at all council meetings or events and provide an opportunity for him to speakRefer all insurance-related questions to the council’s field agentSend copies of all Membership Documents (#100) for new members to your general agent immediately following the Admissions Degree Exemplification (typically the duty of the Council Financial Secretary)Make sure the field agent is included on the council mailing listInclude the field agent in all council planning sessions so he can be represented at council events when possible or appropriateAsk the field agent to: Contribute a message for each issue of the council’s newsletter including his name and contact information. As an alternative, use the “Suggested Articles for Council Bulletins,” available from our Field Management DepartmentPlace a Knights of Columbus insurance advertisement in each issue of your council newsletters Serve as your council's insurance promotion chairmanServe as a trainer for your recruitment teamsConduct Fraternal Benefits Nights - your field agent can obtain a Fraternal Benefits Night kit from the Supply DepartmentEncourage all new members and their spouses to schedule an appointment to meet with the field agentWork with your field agent to attain Founders’ Award – refer to Supreme Council Awards section in the Faith In Action Guidebook (#10590)Compete for the Insurance Promotion Award – refer to the Supreme Council Awards section in the Faith In Action Guidebook (#10590)9.0Retention RemindersRetention Starts with RecruitmentRecruiters accurately explain membership/dues expectationsAdmissions Committee carefully interviews and briefs candidatesPrograms Committees engage the new member immediatelySponsors take responsibility as mentors to fully integrate new KnightsRetention Early Warning SignsMember never took his Formation or Knighthood degreesMember has not participated in any events or meetings in 6 monthsMember has no friends in the councilMember has moved with no notice for updated phone number or email addressRetention Corrective ActionsRetention Committee (RC) is in place and activeFinancial Secretary notifies the Grand Knight and RC of delinquent members monthlyRC makes personal contact with membersA personal face-to-face meeting is best with a friend who knows the memberA personal phone call is next best; find out why his is not participatingA personal letter is a last resortNever send a form “Retention Letter”Use conversational style; express an interest in the memberExplain membership/dues requirements and proceduresUse email if that works for the memberRetention TruthsWe lose members due to a lack of communication, not for failure to pay dues, which is simply the “last straw”Like the prodigal son, when you view every council member as important, you have taken the first step toward successful retentionRetention means No Member Left Behind9.1 Retention: The 24-Hour Knight Today’s men face many commitments. From his duty to his family to his obligation to his work place, there are constant demands on his time. How many times have your council’s recruiters heard the reply: “I don’t have much time to give to the Knights, so why should I join?” It’s a common concern among many prospects that they just don’t have the time to be a part of the Knights of Columbus. Imagine if you were able to tell a man that if he could just give 24 hours a year to the Knights of Columbus he could make a positive difference in his community and Church. Below is an illustration of just how little time it takes to be an active part of the Knights of Columbus. Even with this minimal commitment he can be an important part of a council and reap the benefits of what membership in the Knights of Columbus has to offer him and his family. When talking to a prospect about joining our Order, try breaking down the time commitment in this way: 12-hours a year by reading the weekly parish bulletin, the state and local council newsletters, the Columbia magazine, and surfing the State Council and Supreme Council websites2-hours a year by volunteering at the council’s annual campaign for people with intellectual disabilities2-hours a year by attending, with his family, two council Corporate Communions or prayer services at the parish2-hours a year by participating in a council-sponsored Faith, Community, Family or Life project of his choosing2-hours a year by attending one council meeting (if it’s a well-run interesting meeting he might even come back for a second)4-hours a year by enjoying a council social function with his family such as a dinner, dance, picnic, etc.When you present the time commitment of joining the Knights of Columbus to a man is this way, it doesn’t seem very intimidating at all. Once a man becomes a member and sees how rewarding being a part of the Knights of Columbus is, he’ll want to dedicate more of his time to the Order. There are 8,760 hours in a year. By giving the Knights of Columbus 24 of those hours (less than 0.3%), a man can become a better Catholic, a better father, a better husband and a better person. Think of the difference the Knights of Columbus can make in our communities if these men join us. We only have to let each qualified prospect know that he has the time to join and make a difference in his community and the Church in just 24 hours. 9.2 Retention: The Shining Knight and Knight Mentor AwardsThe Shining Knight Award Program is a voluntary program for First Degree members ONLY, and all requirements must be met no later than first anniversary of his Admissions Degree date. It is designed to have a member become involved in the multitude of program activities the council offers, becomes an immediate asset to the council’s recruiting effort, and allows the Field Agent an opportunity to discuss the many products available to the new Knight and his family.Upon conclusion of the candidate’s First Degree, an information sheet explaining the Shining Knight Award should be given to the new members by the District Deputy. In his absence, the host Grand Knight or Council’s Field Agent should ensure the new member receives the information. This information sheet will contain the required criteria to receive a Shining Knight Award. The requirements are as follows:Attends a minimum of three council meetingsVolunteers to work on three Council projects/programsReceive his Formation and Knighthood Degrees Meets with the Council’s Field Agent Recruits at least one new memberThe qualifications listed above are the same for recognition by the Supreme Council – “Shining Armor” Award and by the State Council – “Shining Knight” Award. As such, notification of the member’s successful accomplishment of the requirements should be forwarded to the State Council via the Shining Knight report located in Appendix B. Councils should also submit the Qualification Card (#4292), verified by the Grand Knight, to Supreme. In conjunction with the Shining Knight program, State has instituted the Knight Mentor Award. This recognition is awarded to any Knight who “mentors” a Brother Knight through the Shining Knight process. The Knight Mentor will participate with the Shining Knight candidate during all of the required activities outlined above. In addition, the Knight Mentor will meet separately with a Field Agent in order to achieve the Knight Mentor Award. Successful accomplishment of the requirements should be forwarded to the State Council via the Knight Mentor form found in Appendix B.Members receiving the Shining Knight or Knight Mentor awards will be presented certificates from the State Council. A State Officer or District Deputy will present the Knights with the Awards at an appropriate council event. During the State Council Convention, special recognition will be made to the Shining Knights and Knight Mentors. Annually at the State Convention, the the council that produces the most Shining Knights and the council that produces the most Knight Mentors during the calendar year is recognized and awarded. The Shining Knight and Knight Mentor Reports must be submitted to the State Membership Coordinator no later February 1st.10.0 Reactivation: Welcome Back Brother Program for former and inactive insurance membersThese men who thought well enough to join the Order once may be waiting on the right opportunity to reactivate their membership. They may have had preconceived ideas about your council or our Order based on previous experience which may no longer hold true today. Again, like with the younger generation, educating them is strongly encouraged. Re-explaining the new opportunities or changes that may have occurred since they deactivated their membership is highly important. Use a telephone calling tree to invite them to your next council social activity.NOTE: Reactivating inactive insurance members qualifies a council for additions toward the Father McGivney and Founder’s Award quota.Your Guide to Implementing the "Welcome Back Brother" ProgramPlan Your Approach. The Council Membership Director and Grand Knight should meet to determine a council goal, timetable and how to organize the effort to contact former council members and convince them to rejoin.?Review Former Member List. The membership committee should examine the Former Member list forwarded from the Supreme Council office the Council Financial Secretary in September to assess the total number of prospects and to determine the extent of the task ahead. Delete former members who no longer meet the eligibility requirements for membership. Use council records to supplement the Supreme Council list and to provide updated addresses.Design Your Program: Decide what approach or event will be most successful at convincing former Knights to return. Consider options such as:? Open House program exclusively for former members; Welcome Back Brother; council celebrations or receptions; Super Bowl or Founder’s Day parties, a council anniversary or other festive event;?Personal visits from recruitment teams.? Plan approaches or events that will emphasize what the former member and his family have missed and that their return is welcomed.?Choose an Effective Means for Contact: Whatever the event or approach you've chosen, you need to reach your former member audience, and more than once. Use any or all of the following methods:? personal letters on council letterhead, telephone contact, personal invitation from friends in the council or the original proposal, visits by recruitment team.?Order Supplies: The Supreme Council Supply Department can provide the posters, flyers, videos or other recruitment aids available for committee use. Order “As Knights we not only act on faith...” flyer (#4497), “Our Future Knights...” flyer (#9116), “The Potential of a Man...” flyer (#4496), “What this organization stands for...” booklet (#4495), Family Fraternal Benefits flyer (#2761), Member/Spouse Fraternal Benefits flyer (#2773), etc., from the Supply Department. Prepare kits of these materials for distribution. Create Incentives: Develop an incentive program (dinners, gift certificates, and council recognition) to motivate recruiters/teams. Promote Supreme Council awards or create your own council incentives.??Assign Names To Recruitment Teams: Divide the "eligible" former members among the council's recruitment teams. Outline the timetable during which all programs’ steps should be enacted, realizing all membership readmissions, reactivations and reapplications must be received, processed and recorded at the Supreme Council office by June 30th to be eligible for credit toward the Father McGivney Founder’s and the Star Council Awards.?Make It Happen: Implement the plans you've made. Order the materials, write the letters, make the telephone calls, host the Open House or other event and invite families to rejoin.?Follow Up: Periodic follow-ups are the responsibility of the Membership Committee. The Membership Director and committee members should make certain every eligible former member is personally contacted.? Once a former member has agreed to rejoin, don't make him wait. Immediately complete a Form 100 Membership Document that will make it official and hand deliver it to the Council Financial Secretary for prompt processing.11.0 “Notice of Intent to Suspend” ProcedureThe Financial Secretary will mail the Membership Bill—First Notice Form #423 15 days prior to the billing period.If payment is not received in 30 days, the Financial Secretary will mail the Membership Bill –Second Notice Form #424.If payment is still not received at the end of the first month in which the member has failed to pay his dues:The Financial Secretary will provide the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and amounts of delinquency for each member in arrears to the Retention Committee. A “Knight Alert” letter Form #KA-1 will be forwarded to each delinquent member, signed by the Grand Knight and Trustees.The Grand Knight will assign a member of the Retention Committee to telephone the delinquent member to remind him of his financial obligation. The committee member will provide a written report of his attempted calls and findings to the Grand Knight. If the member is experiencing financial difficulty, the Grand Knight should be the one to take direct control of the matter. Remember, no member should EVER be dropped because of financial hardship. Annual dues can be paid semi-annually, quarterly, or monthly if the need arises. Prior to proceeding to the next step, Councils MUST contact the State Deputy or State Membership Coordinator for guidance and notification.If at the end of the second month the member still has not paid any part of his dues, the Notice of Intent to Suspend Form (#1845) is to be prepared and signed by the Financial Secretary, countersigned by the Grand Knight and distributed as follows:The original is sent to the delinquent member.The Supreme Office Copy is forwarded to the Membership Department. The Supreme Knight will mail a personal letter to the delinquent member. This letter will convey the Supreme Knight’s interest in having the member retain his “good standing” status.The State Copy should go to the State Retention Chairman identified at the beginning of this booklet. The District Deputy will attempt a visitation (telephone or personal) with the delinquent member to discuss the arrearage situation. In the course of this action, suggestions for possible solutions should be recommended, and the District Deputy will oversee and remain involved until a response or other actions have been taken. The District Deputy will record his findings on the back of his copy of the Form #1845 and forward to the State Deputy for perusal. The council copy is retained for their records.If the delinquent member does not meet his obligation or arrange a satisfactory payment schedule within 60 days following processing of the Form #1845, the council may file a Form 100 Membership Document, indicating suspension. However, the suspension will not be processed at the Supreme Council office unless a Notice of Intent to Suspend Form #1845 has been on file for the required 60 days. Also, they will not process the suspension unless the council has submitted the Service Program Personnel Report #365 indicating who has been named as the Retention Chairman for their council.The Notice of Intent to Suspend Form #1845 becomes NULL AND VOID 90 DAYS following the date it is recorded at the Supreme Council Office. After the 90-day period has elapsed, the form will be removed from the file under the assumption the council has been successful in retaining the member. If, subsequently, the member on whom the council previously filed a Notice of Intent to Suspend Form #1845 should again become delinquent, the entire billing/retention process must be re-implemented as described above. If a member has been billed properly and remains financially delinquent in their membership responsibility, then the proper procedures for suspending the member should be activated. By January 31st of each year the State Council requests: All members be current in their financial obligation by paying their dues or are receiving a pardon from the council, or The council will have started the suspension or withdrawal process only after having submitted two billings before sending the NOTICE OF INTENT TO SUSPEND. The form needs to be forwarded to:STATE RETENTION CHAIRMAN:Ryan Mackey425 Basalt CourtGolden, CO 80403C: (XXX) XXX-XXXXThis process, as outlined by Supreme, is filled with many opportunities to jumpstart communication with the member. If financial, personal, or other obstacles have hindered the member’s journey of membership, the afore-mentioned steps will assist in their detection. It is the duty of the District Deputy (acting on behalf of the State Deputy), the Insurance Field Agent, and Supreme to ensure the local council follows these procedures accurately and in a timely fashion. 12.0 Glossary of TermsThis glossary of terms is provided to assist with some of the vocabulary used when speaking about membershipWITHDRAWAL: A Brother Knight in good standing with a current membership card desires to terminate their membership. A signed Form 100 should be signed by the Brother Knight expressing his desire. A $.50 charge will appear on the council’s next billing statement from Supreme for the withdrawal card. Any time this former member wishes to reapply for membership, his Withdrawal Card must accompany his Form 100. During his absence no per capita fees are incurred. These DO affect a council’s net gain/loss with the quota number proposed by Supreme.SUSPENSIONS: Typically, a Brother Knight’s membership is terminated due to non-payment of dues. According to Section 168, Paragraph 3 of the “Charter, Constitution, and Laws” a member must be in arrears at least three months before he can be suspended. These DO affect a council’s net gain/loss with the quota number proposed by Supreme. In Colorado, we ask that the Brother Knight be at least two years in the arrears before the suspension process is started.INACTIVE INSURANCE MEMBER: If an Insured Member withdraws his membership or is suspended, then his membership status is changed to Inactive Insurance Member. This action does positively affect a council’s net gain/loss with the quota number proposed by Supreme for both membership and insured members. NOTE: However, when the cash value of their policy falls below the amount charged by Supreme for per capita, Supreme will drop their name from the council’s roll. This action will appear on the Financial Secretary’s monthly billing statement. READMISSIONS: A former member, for more than three months and less than seven years, may apply for membership back into their former, or new, council. If the member received a withdrawal card, he is only asked to pay a $7.50 Readmission Fee. This money stays in the new council’s account and is kept by them. If the member was suspended for non-payment of dues, then the new council must charge for all the dues he is in arrears. This fee will be billed to the new council approximately 2 – 3 months after the initial Form 100 is submitted. The years of membership prior the Knight’s separation from the Order do not count towards the twenty-five consecutive years needed before Honorary or Honorary Life membership is granted. Readmissions DO affect a council’s net gain/loss with the quota number proposed by Supreme.REACTIVATION: When an Inactive Insurance Member requests to rejoin our Order in an active status, he is considered to reactivate his membership. If the member received a withdrawal card, there is no Reactivation Fee charged. If he did not withdraw, then there is a $5.00 Reactivation Fee that may be charged. Readmissions DO affect a council’s net gain/loss with the quota number proposed by Supreme.DISABILITY-RELIEF FROM PAYMENT: Knights who are unable to engage in any occupation for a period of at least six months may apply for a waiver of dues under Section 118(e) of the Order’s laws. If a member applies for medical disability relief from payment a doctor’s note is required. In both cases the member’s status is only good for that calendar year and must be renewed 90 days prior to the following calendar year. DEATH: When a member dies, only the complete date of the death (month, date, and year) is necessary. This information should be placed on the Form 100 and sent into Supreme as quickly as possible for processing. All survivor information should be included on the Form 100. A misconception is that the Financial Secretary needs a copy of the member’s death certificate. The Supreme Knight will send a letter of condolence if the death information is forwarded within six months of the member’s date of death. The Field Agent should also be immediately notified if the member was insured. These do not affect a council’s net gain/loss with the quota number proposed by Supreme. 2020 – 2021 Programs HandbookColorado State CouncilKnights of ColumbusColorado State Programs Team ContactsPositionNamePhone #E-Mail AddressState Programs Coordinator Clark Musser720-771-5205cokofcprograms@State Faith DirectorStephen Sweeney303-880-9820Stephen.sweeney@State Community DirectorDave Davis303-761- 3191dsd80110@State Family DirectorMark Germann303-995-0854markgermannkofc@State Life DirectorRic Romero719-460-0399aricromero@1.0Service Activity Program Plan1.1IntroductionThe Colorado State Knights of Columbus fully supports the Principles of our Order of Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. To that end, the Supreme Council has established a Service Program framework to assist councils in setting up activities that support the Order’s Principles.Supreme defines the Service program as follows:“The Service Program is designed to establish each council as an influential and important force within the community, elevate the status of the programming personnel, provide more meaningful and relevant programs of action, establish direct areas of responsibility, build leadership, and ensure the success of council programs.”The Supreme Service Program is organized into four (4) Directorships: Faith, Community, Family, and Life.1.2ObjectiveThe objective of the Colorado State Service Activity Program is to encourage and assist Councils in creating a robust Service Activity Program and provide State level awards recognizing the resulting efforts and good works.This objective is a direct flow down from the Vision Statement and Mission Statement from the Colorado State Council. Vision StatementA Catholic, family, fraternal service organization which carries forward the teachings and values of our Church with our Bishops, Priests and Religious.Mission StatementTo achieve excellence in all programs which assist our Dioceses, Parishes, Missions and communities in providing support for our Catholic values and teachings.1.3MaterialsThe Colorado State Service Activity Program is comprised of two (2) parts:Part A - Colorado State Service Program Activity Handbook Part B - Colorado State Award ProgramThe Service Program Activity Handbook provides the information and guidance necessary for a Council to create a Service Program structure which will result in implementation of a robust Service Program Activities. The Handbook highlights the programs that the Supreme and State councils have put emphasis. Guidance on creating a Service Program and helpful resources are provided. You will see administrative points mentioned throughout the handbook. These are points that your council will receive for the final point count at the end of the year for awards.The Colorado State Service & Membership Activity Award Program provides recognition to Councils based on their participation and results of Service & Membership Program Activities. 2.0Service Activity Programs2.1IntroductionThis Colorado State Knights of Columbus Service Activity Program Handbook will give an overview of the Knights of Columbus Service Activity Program. It will provide the basic organization of a Service Activity Program, an overview of each of the four program activity areas, and provide Council resources.Service Activity Program Overview23006541841600The Supreme Knights of Columbus have defined a standard Council level organization for a Service Activity Program. A typical organizational chart is presented below: Council Service Activity Program Organizational ChartEach Council Grand Knight will appoint a Program Director. This Director will appoint Chairmen for each of the four Service Activity Areas: Faith, Community, Family and Life. The Director and his Chairmen are responsible for creating a comprehensive program for their Council which includes at least four activities each calendar year from each of the defined Service Activity Areas. The Council Programs must complete these four programs: Spiritual Reflection Program, Consecration of the Holy Family, Helping Hands and Novena for Life. The Domestic Church items can come from any Service Area. These Programs are to be documented on the supreme Form SP-7. Use your SP-7 as a planning guide.The following materials are available and should be distributed to or made available for review to the Service Activity Program Team members:The Faith in Action information is on the Supreme web site at: Faithinaction--and provides information sheets on each program recommended or required for each of the four program areasThe Colorado State Council provides this Service Activity Program Handbook to supplement the Supreme Council’s guidance and to emphasis key programs of interest to the State. This Handbook has a section dedicated to each Service Activity Program area.Service Activity Program AreasFaith Community Family Life Like the Council, the State has a Service Activity Program Organization. The purpose of the State Service Activity Program is to assist the Councils is creating programs in support of the Knights of Columbus goals. The Colorado State Service Activity structure is depicted below:-5740401670050The Colorado State Service Activity Coordinator and Directors are available to the Council Program Directors to provide any assistance in creation of the Council Program Activities.Faith in ActionWhile Strengthening Our ParishThrough this initiative the Order promotes various programs that support Christian Family life and encourages councils and families to more fully integrate with the sacramental and social life of their parishSome of the current programs include:Family Fully Alive Devotional ProgramConsecration to the Holy FamilyHoly Family Prayer ProgramFamily RosaryJourney to the InnFood for FamiliesKeep Christ in Christmas CampaignFamily Week CelebrationsSpiritual Formation GroupsCIS KiosksSimple Supper & StationsPlease contact the State Program Coordinator or any of the 4 Program Directors for advice on these activities.3.0Faith Activities3.1PurposeTo provide opportunities for growth in our Catholic Faith; to support the Church, our Dioceses, Parishes, Clergy and religious in carrying out their divine mission; to enrich the spiritual lives of our members and their families, and to support and promote vocations. 3.2Faith in Action and State recommended programsThe Supreme Service Activity Program recommends that each Council participate in the following activitiesRefund Support Vocations ProgramGoal: Each Council support one or more Seminarians and participate in Refund Support Vocations Program (RSVP) – Earn Administrative PointsInto the BreachGoal: Each council participate in having formation group on spiritual enrichment and studyMarion Icon Prayer ProgramGoal: A devotion to the Holy Family Icon prayer serviceBuilding the Domestic Church Kiosk Goal: Purchase and display the kiosk and distribute the material to parish/council members can Rosary ProgramGoal: to set up rosary programs for your council, family or parish membersSpiritual Reflection ProgramGoal: Councils will work with their pastors to host and attend low-cost retreatsHoly HourGoal: Councils will now work with their pastors to organize regular Knights of Columbus Holy Hours which may include reflections, a communal rosary and intercessory prayers to St. Joseph, Venerable Father McGivney and the council’s patronsSacramental GiftsGoal: Councils will together Pray for the recipients of the sacraments and offer them gifts marking the significance of the occasion4.0Community Activities4.1PurposeTo increase awareness within the community of the impact that Catholic families have in promoting positive objectives; to assist members of the community less fortunate than us; and to support the special members of our community who live with mental and physical disabilities. 4.2Faith in Action and State Focus AreasThe State Service Activity Program recommends that each Council participate in the following activitiesPeople with Intellectual Disabilities ProgramGoal: Each Council promote and participate in the Intellectual Disabilities Program raising money for the for persons with Intellectual Disabilities – Coats for KidsGoal: Each Council promote and participate in the Coats for Kids project by creating or participating in a local coat drive – Earn Administrative PointsJourney to the InnGoal: A Parish/ Family/ Community participation or presentation of Play/ Reenactment of the journey to the birth of Christ.Global Wheelchair MissionGoal: Fund raise and purchase wheelchairs for local or areas Worldwide in need. Pennies From HeavenGoal: Each Council to raise $1.00 or more per member to support the Colorado State Charities FundBasketball Free Throw ChampionshipGoal: Each Council promote and participate in the Free Throw Championship at the Council, District and State level for boys and girls 10-14 years of age – Earn Administrative PointsSoccer ChallengeGoal: Each Council promote and participate in the Soccer Challenge at the Council, District and State level for boys and girls 10-14 years of age – Earn Administrative PointsEssay ContestGoal: Each Council promote and participate in the Essay Contest at the State level for boys and girls grades 8,9,10,11 and 12 – Earn Administrative PointsDisaster PreparednessGoal: to work with the local first and second responders to assist them in preparedness and reaction to Disaster situationsHelping HandsGoals: Councils have the freedom to organize activities that best suit their community, 3whether it’s serving at a soup kitchen, helping the homeless, aiding the refugees or something entirely unique. 5.0Family Activities5.1PurposeTo involve our families in the spirit of shared Columbianism; to strengthen family life; to care for the widows and children of deceased members; and to encourage prayer in the family setting.5.2Faith in Action and State Focus AreasThe State Service Activity Program recommends that each Council participate in the following activitiesFamily of the Month/YearGoal: Each Council to select a Family of the Month and provide them an award and complete the Supreme family of the month submission and then add the email of the State Family Activities Director for state submission in the spot as State Deputy Perpetual Memorial SocietyGoal: Provide a membership in the State Perpetual Memorial Society for each departed BrotherFamily Fully AliveGoal: encourage Families to integrate and utilize the Family fully alive guide for Family spiritual enrichmentFather’s Day Affirmation of Wedding VowsGoal: Father’s Day is an important time to celebrate the role of fatherhood within the Christian family and is an ideal day for fathers to celebrate and honor their marriage vows. Annually sponsoring this event on the third Sunday of June will serve to make your council visible to the parish community and show your member’s support for all fathers and husbands. During these events, Knights and their wives — along with all the married couples of the parish — have an opportunity to affirm their commitment to their wedding vows. After the event, councils should host a reception where they can congratulate each couple and thank them for their witness.Family Week CelebrationsGoal: To celebrate and emphasize the importance of the family through programs that strengthen Parish Community and unite Catholic Family Life.Knight of the monthGoal: Each Council to select a Knight of the Month and provide him an award and complete the State Service Program Knight of the Month form Consecration to the Holy Family/ Holy Family Prayer ProgramGoal: Every Knights of Columbus council should invite families of their parish to offer this prayer of Consecration to the Holy Family at all Masses on the first Sunday after Christmas. This day is traditionally celebrated as the feast of the Holy Family. It is our hope that this prayer may strengthen our families, revitalize our parishesFood for FamiliesGoal: Each Council promote and participate in the Food for Families project creating and or supporting local church and area food banks and programsKeep Christ in ChristmasGoal: to keep the true meaning of Christmas prevalent in the season of Christmas, This can be done with the Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Contest for the youth or by selling Keep Christ in Christmas Holiday Cards or any public display of reminderFamily Prayer NightGoal: provide an opportunity for council members, their spouses and children, as well as other Catholic Families, to come together regularly for prayer, dinner and fellowship. Good Friday Family PromotionGoal: for Knights and their families to work with their pastor to create a campaign promoting the importance of Good Friday Services. This is the opportunity to also educate parish families about the plight of Christians living in the Holy Land Today. 6.0Life Activities6.1PurposeTo bring our Councils, Community and our Nation a greater awareness to the evils of abortion, euthanasia, and assisted suicide and to dignity of human life at all stages of development? according to the teachings of the Catholic Church,?and to give a voice to the Unborn, the Elderly, and the Handicapped.6.2State Focus AreasThe State Service Activity Program recommends that each Council participate in the following activitiesUltrasound InitiativeGoal: Each Council promote and participate in the Ultrasound Initiative to help raise funds to purchase Ultrasound machines in support of Culture of Life activities – Earn Administrative PointsState Pro-Life Couple of the YearGoal: Each Council submit the name of a Pro-Life Couple of the Year competition awarded at the State Convention – Earn Administrative PointsCulture of Life ProgramGoal: Each Council create a project or family of related projects that support the Supreme Culture of Life Program – Earn Administrative PointsMarch for LifeGoal: to organize council members and parish member to attend the local or national March for Life. Work to increase the awareness of the MarchSpecial OlympicsGoal: councils and family members volunteer hours or donate funds to the Special Olympics and their eventsChristian Refuge ReliefGoal: Councils collect funds or prayer services for those persecuted Christians. Silver RoseGoal: work with the Squires on the promotion of the Silver Rose projectMass for People with special needsGoal: a council will assist the parish with a dedicated mass for the intellectual and physical disabled and their families so they feel included and welcomed in the parish and communityPregnancy Center supportGoal: Councils providing extensive support to pro-life pregnancy centers in their local areas ( this is unrelated to the Ultrasound Initiative. The two activities are separate and cannot be double countedNovena for LifeGoal: Knights will lead their communities in the spiritual battle to establish a culture of Life, primarily by praying and promoting a novena ( nine days of sustained prayer) with their parish families and the wider communities7.0Supreme Featured ProgramsThese Supreme “Featured Programs” are Order wide focus areas. Detailed information is available on each Featured Program on the Supreme website (). Related to the Columbian Award Application (SP-7), each Featured Program is worth 2 activities in the appropriate Service Program area providing ? credit for each respective Program area. Faith ActivitiesRefund Support Vocations Program (RSVP) Provide moral and financial support to one or more Seminarians. Report the activity using the RSVP Application (Form 2863) and the Columbian Award Application (Form SP-7) Community ActivitiesHabitat for Humanity Must be a Council sponsored project with a minimum of 200 man-hours of service from the council, parish or community and provide a minimum donation of $1000 to Habitat for Humanity. Report activity using the Columbian Award Application (Form SP-7). Global Wheelchair MissionThe Council must purchase a minimum of One Case containing 100 Wheelchairs, by raising funds through council, parish, or community activities. Report the activity using the Columbian Award Application (Form SP-7).Special Olympics Council members must contribute a minimum of 200 man-hours in support of a state/local Special Olympics activities and must raise a minimum of $2000 for Special Olympics through council, parish or community activities. Report the activity using the Partnership Profile with Special Olympics (From 4584) and Columbian Award Application (Form SP-7). Coats for KidsThe council must purchase and donate to needy children a minimum of eight (8) cases of coats (96 coats total). Report the activity using the Columbian Award Application (Form SP-7). Family Activities Food for Families A Council must sponsor events with the parish community to collect a minimum of 1000 pounds of food to be donated to a parish food pantry or community food bank. In addition, council members must contribute a minimum of 100 man-hours in the preparation/distribution/service of meals to needy families. Report the activity using the Food for Families Reimbursement Program Refund and Plaque Application (Form 10057) and Columbian Award Application (Form SP-7). Life ActivitiesMarch for LifeA minimum of 100 marchers must participate in a local/regional/national March for Life activity. The council must be part of an organized program and should work within the council and involve parish and community participation. Report the activity using the Columbian Award Application (Form SP-7).Ultrasound InitiativeThe Council in association with the State Council shall identify a Pregnancy Care Facility that is medically certified to utilize and maintain an ultrasound machine. The Council must raise sufficient funds to cover one-half of the purchase price of an ultrasound machine through council, parish or community activities. Report the activity using the Ultrasound Initiative Application (Form 4686) and Columbian Award Application (Form SP-7).Summary If you do participate in these Programs, ensure you follow the Supreme guidelines for full credit/reimbursement. Be sure to complete the required Supreme Forms & note that each one of these Featured Programs count as 2 activities on the Columbian Award Application (SP-7).8.0Forms 8.1PurposeThe Supreme and State Councils require some minimum reporting on Council Service Activity Programs for the year. These reports provide the documentation verifying the charitable works completed by the Knights of Columbus.As an incentive for the Councils to complete the requested reporting, the State Council has created an Awards Program (reference Section B.) 8.2Required ReportsIn section B.3.4, there is a listing of required Forms to be submitted to the State Council Related to Service Activity Programs. Please complete and return each Form by the noted Deadline. Even if your Council does not participate in a program listed, please complete the Form noting that the activity was not held and submit it as requested. APPENDIX AColorado State Award ProgramA.1OverviewThe Colorado State Knights of Columbus Awards program encourages participation in Service Programs and Membership Activities. The State Awards Program has been reviewed by the Membership and Program Coordinators and refinements have been made to encourage Council participation.A.2SummaryThe Colorado State Awards Program is based on a calendar year of activities, not a fraternal year.Clarification on where to send reportsPROGRAM REPORTSONLY send Annual Program Reports to State Program Coordinator Clark MusserDo NOT send Program Reports to the State DeputyDo NOT send Program Reports to the Membership Coordinator MEMBERSHIP REPORTSONLY send Annual Membership Reports to State Membership Coordinator Jason PasionekDo NOT send Membership Reports to the State DeputyDo NOT send Membership Reports to the Program CoordinatorA.3Summary of Award ListAward ListThe following are the Monthly State Programs Awards: Knight of the MonthCouncils should honor their Knights who make outstanding contributions to their parish and community and live in the spirit of Columbianism by recognizing them as a Knight of the Month. The State Council recognizes a Knight of the Month from those selected as Knight of the Month by their council. To be considered for the State Knight of the Month honor, entries must be submitted to the State Knight of the Month Chairman NOT LATER THAN the 15th of the month following the month nominated. Nomination forms can be found in the Knight of the Month pamphlet distributed by the Supreme Council, the Supreme Council website and in Appendix B of this handbook Family of the MonthCouncils should honor their families who make outstanding contributions to their parish and community and live in the spirit of Columbianism by recognizing them as a Family of the Month. The State Council recognizes a Family of the Month from those selected as Family of the Month by their council. To be considered for the State Family of the Month honor, entries must be submitted to the State Family of the Month Chairman NOT LATER THAN the 15th of the month following the month nominated. Nomination forms can be found in the Family of the Month pamphlet distributed by the Supreme Council, the Supreme Council website and in Appendix B of this handbook.The following are the Annual Colorado State Awards:Awards Based on Points TabulatedTop 25 AwardsTop Division AwardsProgram AwardsService Activity Program Awards (Supreme & State)Father Francis Kappes Chaplain of the YearJohn J. Mildenberger Pro-Life Couple of the YearFamily of the YearKnight of the YearOutstanding Newsletter/Social Media/WebsitePeople with Intellectual DisabilitiesMembership AwardsTop Council RecruiterShining KnightKnight MentorOutstanding Council BrochureRecruitmentRetentionCeremonialsInsuranceReactivation (Welcome Back Bother)A.4Service Activity Program AwardsTop 25 AwardsAwards will be given to the top 25 councils in the state determined by points. Councils will also be awarded the divisional trophies for each of the six divisions. The Divisions are defined by Council membership as of January 1 prior to the beginning of each fraternal year. For example, for the 2020 – 2021 fraternal year, the State will use the council membership number as of January 1, 2020. The membership total is defined as the number of Associate and Insurance members in each Council. Inactive members are not counted in the Council membership total. It is not a requirement to have positive membership and insurance growth to be eligible for a Division Award. Top Division AwardsThe Top Division awards includes six Divisions with awards for First, Second, and Third Place Councils. The Divisions are defined by Council membership as of January 1, 2018. The membership total is defined as the number of Associate and Insurance members in each Council. Inactive members are not counted in the Council membership total. It is no longer a requirement to have positive membership and insurance growth to be eligible for a Division Award. Below are the updated Division definitions:DivisionMembership TotalsRed0 - 50White51 - 68Purple69 - 85Green86 - 119Blue120 - 185Gold188 +The Top Division winners will be determined based on the total earned points for the calendar year 2020 (Jan 1, 2020 to Dec 31, 2020). Refer to the Point Calculation section for details on the total points a Council can earn.Service Activity Program Awards (Supreme & State)Awards will be presented to the Councils having the best individual programs in each of the four Service Activity Program categories (Faith, Community, Family and Life). The Supreme Award will be presented to the Councils that have the best activity in each category and the State Award will be presented to the Council having the second best program in each category. The Supreme Award winners will have their program submitted to the Supreme Council for entry in the international competition.A Council may only win ONLY ONE of the Supreme / State Service Awards per Calendar Year. Use the State Council Service Program Awards Form in Appendix B for each report. Only ONE report form for each Service Program Activity Category is required and will be judged. Ensure you submit ONLY ONE report for each Service Program Activity area. All Service Activity Program reports should be short and concise and should contain at the very least a description of the program, the steps that went into planning and carrying out the activity, the benefits and impact of the activity, whether the activity was considered successful and why or why not, the number of persons participating, the number of Knights participating and man hours expended. All Service Activity Program reports must be sent to the State Service Program Coordinator by February 1st. Clark MusserState Program CoordinatorClarkmusser69@Below are the judging criteria for each Service Activity ReportCRITERIADESCRIPTIONPlanningHow well were all aspects of the program planned? Reward reports with detailed descriptions of all steps in planning process and those that show some foresight in planning the program.PublicityWhat was done to publicize the program effectively within the Council, Church and community? Reward efforts to publicize the event to council members, parish members, community, members.ParticipationWhat was the level of participation by Council members? Could more members have participated? Reward efforts to maximize participation of council members, parishioners and other beneficiaries of the program as applicable.ResultsWhat were the results, whether good or bad? Did the program benefit the intended participants or beneficiaries?AnalysisHow well did the Council analyze the effectiveness of the program, changes to improve the program, and whether the program is worth continuing? Reward attempts to honestly assess the program’s effectiveness.PresentationIs the report on the proper form? Were the proper headings used? How well is the report written, presented, organized? Reward those reports that appear to be the result of some effort and original thought (as opposed to a slightly revised version of last year’s report).Overall ImpressionThe director’s overall impression of the quality of the program. Reward new programs, programs that furthered one or more of the principles of the order, the overall success of the program and the members’ participation. Is the activity in the correct category, if not deduct points here.Father Francis Kappes Chaplain of the Year AwardThis award is presented to an Outstanding Chaplain in the State. A Council Chaplain is vital to the spiritual growth of Knights and their families, and will help encourage our children to respect and appreciate our Clergy and grow in Our Faith. Councils can submit their nomination for Chaplain of the Year by completing the form in Appendix B. The award application must be sent to the State Service Program Coordinator by February 1st. Here are some criteria that distinguish winners for the Chaplain of the Year Award.Based on activities and programs held in the calendar yearSustained participation throughout the calendar yearGrowth of Catholic principles and faith formation amongst the Council membersActivities had tangible effects on others in the council, parish, or communityJohn J. Mildenberger Pro-Life Couple of the Year AwardThe Couple/Knight who best demonstrates commitment and results in the calendar year to the Pro-Life program is honored with this award. To qualify, the couple must be nominated by their Council using the form found in Appendix B. The Pro-Life Couple of the Year form may be accompanied by not more than 10 pages containing pictures, clippings or other information describing the nominee’s qualifications. The award application must be sent to the State Service Program Coordinator by February 1st. Here are some criteria that distinguish winners for the John J. Mildenberger Pro-Life Couple of the Year Award:Based on activities and programs held in the calendar yearSustained participation throughout the calendar yearActivities had tangible effects on others in the council, parish, or communityInspired others to participate in Culture-of-Life programs/activitiesCouple/Knight models an active Catholic spiritualityBoth husband & wife (if applicable) participated either on same activities or separate activities during the calendar yearFamily of the YearTo be considered for this award, the Family must have been recognized by the council as a monthly Family of the Month and submitted on time for consideration to the State Family Director. In addition, the entry form for Family of the Year is a Supreme form and found on and must be submitted. The nomination MUST include the current Family of the Year nomination form (both pages) and a 5” X 7” family picture (not a snapshot). The form may be accompanied by not more than 10 pages containing pictures, clippings or other information describing the nominee’s qualifications. The State winner will be submitted to the Supreme Council for consideration as the Supreme Family of the Year. The award application must be sent to the State Service Program Coordinator by February 1st. Here are some criteria that distinguish winners for the Family of the Year Award:Based on activities and programs held in the calendar yearSustained participation throughout the calendar yearActivities had tangible effects on others in the council, parish, or communityInspired others to participate in programs/activitiesBrought families together in activities (describe activities/events)Identify hours spent on each project describedKnight of the YearTo be considered for this award, the Knight must have been previously recognized as a monthly Knight of the Month winner from his Council. The monthly entry must be submitted on time for consideration to the State Knight of the Month Chairman. In addition, the entry form for Knight of the Year found in Appendix B must be submitted. The Knight of the Year form may be accompanied by not more than 10 pages containing pictures, clippings or other information (the degree the Knight has attained, parish name and location, current council office, Past GK or Past FN. Please describe the Knight’s effort in support of Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism as well as his activities in support of Faith, Community, Family and Life programs) describing the nominee’s qualifications. Additionally, include a color photo (head and shoulders) of the nominee. The winner is submitted to the Supreme Council for selection as the Supreme Knight of the Year. The award application must be sent to the State Service Program Coordinator by February 1st. Here are some criteria that distinguish winners for the Knight of the Year Award:Based on activities and programs held in the calendar yearSustained participation throughout the calendar yearActivities had tangible effects on others in the council, parish, or communityInspired others to participate in programs/activitiesBrought new Knights into the Council and provided mentoring of new KnightsIdentify hours spent on each project describedOutstanding Newsletters/Websites/Social Media sitesAwards will be presented to the two Councils who publish the best newsletters throughout the year based upon quality of effort, content, appearance, and originality. To qualify, the newsletter must be published at least four (4) times during the year. Newsletters should be sent to the elected State Officers, State Program Coordinator and State Publicity Director. Each council is to submit a newsletter (their best newsletter in their opinion) with the award submissions to the Program Director on Feb 1st of each year. People with Intellectual Disabilities ProgramThe Council that collects the highest amount of money per member for the People with Intellectual Disabilities campaign will be presented an award for their outstanding effort. To qualify for this award, the Council must remit the proceeds and report to the State Charities Secretary and a copy of the report to the People with Intellectual Disabilities Chairman by December 31st.A.5 Membership Program AwardsTop Council RecruiterThe member throughout the state who has successfully recruited the most amount of new members will be recognized and receive an award for his hard work. Recruitment figures will be based on the Proposer Signature on completed and timely submitted Form 100s.Shining Knight and Knight Mentor AwardsAwards will be presented to the top councils that produce the most Shining Knights and Knight Mentors during the calendar year. Separately, each council will receive 25 points for each Shining Knight Award and 25 points for each Knight Mentor award form submitted the previous calendar year and have the ability to earn up to a maximum of 200 points (forms due February 1st). All Shining Knights and Shining Mentors will be recognized at the State Convention. The forms for both Shining Knight and Shining Mentor can be found in Appendix B of this book.Outstanding Council BrochureAwards will be presented to the two Councils that submit the best Council Brochure throughout the year based upon quality of effort, content, appearance, and originality. To qualify, the brochure must successfully convey, in a concise and easily readable format, the Council activities, results and donation recipients, number of volunteers, etc.State Membership ReportsAwards will be presented to the Councils having the best individual programs in each of the five Membership categories (Recruitment, Retention, Reactivation, Ceremonials, and Insurance). Use the State Council Membership Awards Form in Appendix B for each report. Only ONE report form for each Membership Category is required and will be judged. Ensure you submit ONLY ONE report for each Membership Activity area. All Membership reports should be short and concise, and should contain at the very least a description of the program, the steps that went into planning and carrying out the activity, the benefits and impact of the activity, whether the activity was considered successful and why or why not, the number of persons participating, the number of Knights participating and man hours expended. The report, including attachments (budgets, flyers, pictures, and other materials), should not exceed three double sided 8.5” x 11” papers. The report and attachments must stand on its own. The Council Grand Knight MUST sign each report submitted.All Membership Program Award reports must be sent to the State Membership Coordinator by February 1st. The Membership Reports will be graded on a total of 100 possible points. We will be looking for information and judging on the following criteria. CRITERIADESCRIPTIONPlanningHow well were all aspects of the event(s) planned? Reward reports with detailed descriptions of all steps in planning process and those that show some foresight in planning.ResultsWhat were the results, whether good or bad?AnalysisHow well did the Council analyze the effectiveness of the event(s), lessons learned, future improvements, things to do differently? Reward attempts to honestly assess the program’s effectiveness.PresentationIs the report on the proper form? Were the proper headings used? How well is the report written, presented, organized? Reward those reports that appear to be the result of some effort and original thought (as opposed to a slightly revised version of last year’s report).Overall ImpressionThe director’s overall impression of the quality of the report and event(s).A.6Report Submission Guidelines and Deadlines for State Award ProgramPlease submit all Programs reports and forms the Membership reports and forms in a separate email. You must submit all forms to Supreme as indicated by the form requirement throughout the year. Please send copies of these forms as indicated for the State Award program.All reports must be received or date stamped NO LATER THAN February 1st, 11:59pm to be eligible for credit toward the Surge With Service Award or to earn points toward the Division Awards. On the next page is a chart identifying what forms or reports are requested, the due date, and where to submit for credit toward the State Awards Program. This is not a complete list of all forms and reports required by Supreme. Check with your Financial Secretary for those report requirements.FORM REQUIREDWHERE TO SENDDUE DATEWHERE IS FORM LOCATEDPROGRAM AREACLARIFICATIONFor 2863: Refund Support Vocations Program (RSVP) Refund and Plaque ApplicationSupreme and State Program CoordinatorFebruary 1stCouncil Report Forms Bookletor en/what-we-do/faith-in-action-programs/resources FaithFather Francis Kappes Chaplain of the Year ApplicationState Program CoordinatorFebruary 1stAppendix BFaithForm 185: Council OfficersSupreme & State Program CoordinatorAugust 1stCouncil Report Forms Booklet oren/what-we-do/faith-in-action-programs/resourcesSupreme and StateSubmit a copy to Program CoordinatorForm 365 Council Service Program PersonnelSupreme & State Program CoordinatorAugust 1stCouncil Report Forms Booklet or en/what-we-do/faith-in-action-programs/resourcesSupreme and StateSubmit a copy to Program CoordinatorKnight of the Month ReportState Knight of the Month ChairmanNo Later than the 15th of each monthAppendix BFamilyCan be sent electronically from State Council websiteCouncil Newsletter/Social Media/Website recognitionState Program coordinatorFebruary 1stCommunitySubmit your best newsletter/Social Media link/Website link for considerationKnight of the Year ReportState Program CoordinatorFebruary 1stAppendix BFamilyForm SP-7: Columbian Award ApplicationSupreme & State Program CoordinatorFebruary 1stCouncil Report Forms Booklet or en/for-members/resources/council-leaders/grand-knightSupreme and StateList program activities completed from Jul to Jan and planned programs from Jan-Jun.Form 1728: Annual Survey of Fraternal Activity Report (as reported to Supreme Dec 31)Supreme & State Program CoordinatorFebruary 1sten/for-members/resources/council-leaders/grand-knightSupreme and StateSubmit a copy to Program CoordinatorForm 1993A: Family of the Month ReportState Family DirectorNo Later than the 15th of each monthen/for-members/resources/council-leaders/grand-knightFamilySubmit to State Family DirectorFamily of the YearState Program CoordinatorFebruary 1sten/what-we-do/faith-in-action-programs/resourcesFamilySubmit hard copy form with picture and cover sheet found in Appendix BPerpetual Memorial Society FormState Charities SecretaryAs RequiredAppendix B or FamilySubmit to State Charities SecretaryForm 4584: Partnership Profile -Special OlympicsState Program CoordinatorFebruary 1sten/what-we-do/faith-in-action-programs/resourcesCommunityForm 10057: Food For Families ReimbursementSupreme and State Program CoordinatorFebruary 1sten/what-we-do/faith-in-action-programs/resourcesCommunityForm 10071: Global Wheelchair MissionSupreme and State Program CoordinatorFebruary 1sten/what-we-do/faith-in-action-programs/resourcesCommunityForm 10092: Partnership Profile – Habitat for HumanitySupreme and State Program CoordinatorFebruary 1sten/what-we-do/faith-in-action-programs/resourcesCommunityJohn J. Mildenberger Pro-Life Couple of the YearState Program CoordinatorFebruary 1stAppendix BLifeForm STSP: State Service Activity Program Reports (Faith, Community, Family,and Life)State Program CoordinatorFebruary 1sten/what-we-do/faith-in-action-programs/resourcesCommunityFaithFamilyLifeMembership Summary FormState Membership Program CoordinatorFebruary 1stAppendix BMembership DirectorSubmit report for BEST Program for each of Four Program areas. i.e. Submit six reports only, one from each program areaState Membership Reports (Recruitment, Retention, Ceremonial, Insurance, Reactivation)State Membership Program CoordinatorFebruary 1stAppendix BMembership DirectorShining Knight FormState Membership Program CoordinatorFebruary 1stAppendix BMembership DirectorSubmit report for BEST Program for each of five Program areas. i.e. Submit five reports only, one from each membership areaA.7Point CalculationsPoints are used to evaluate each Service Program and Membership report as well as completion of required Supreme forms and attendance at state functions and other miscellaneous key activities or reports. The points will be tabulated by Council and will be used as the basis to award the Division Awards for each of the six colored Divisions and the Top 25 councils in the State. The Divisions remain based on membership totalsThe below point allocation more adequately reflect the importance of the activities requested by the State for Council participation. The plan is that more Service Program Activity participation will lead to membership growth and retention. Report/ActivityMaximum Point ValueService Program Points?Chaplain of the Year Award Application50 #10784Fraternal Programs Report Form – Faith – Featured Program 50pts @10pts Bonus submitted within 30 days of event240#10784Fraternal Programs Report Form - Community – Featured Program 50pts @10pts Bonus submitted within 30 days of event240#10784Fraternal Programs Report Form – Family – Featured Program 50pts @10pts Bonus submitted within 30 days of event240#10784Fraternal Programs Report Form – Life – Featured Program 50pts @10pts Bonus submitted within 30 days of event240#10784Additional Fraternal Programs Report Form (25pts) 10pts Bonus submitted within 30 days of event280#10680?- Family of the Year - Form50#10668?- Family of the Month – Form (10pts/mth)120#10697?- March for Life - Report Form50#10729?- Habitat for Humanity - Report Form50#10057?- Food for Families -?Refund and Plaque Application50Knight of the Month Report (10 pts/month)120#10071?- Global Wheelchair Mission - Report Form?50Pro-Life Couple of the Year Award Application50#2863?- RSVP - Refund and Plaque Application50#10675?- Coats for Kids -?Report Form50#10716?- Ultrasound - Application50#4584?- Special Olympics - Report Form?50#STSP -?State Council Service Program Awards Entry Form?(25pts) 10pts Bonus within 30 days of event850Leave-No-Neighbor-Behind (50pts) 10pts Bonus within 30 days of event240Perpetual Memorial50Service Program Maximum Point Subtotal3170Membership Program Points?Membership Summary Report100Recruitment Report100Retention Report100Ceremonials Report100Insurance Report100Reactivation Report - Welcome Back Brother100Brochure Report (Submit council brochure)50Shining Knight Award (25 points per award application submitted up to 100 points maximum)100Report/ActivityKnight Mentor Award (25 points per award application submitted up to 100 points maximum)100Net Positive Insurance Gain for the Year100Net Positive Membership Gain for the Year100Membership Program Maximum Point Subtotal1050Administrative Points?#SP-7 - Columbian Award Application100#185 - Report of Officers Chosen for Term?100#365 - Service Program Personnel Report100#1728 - Annual Survey of Fraternal Activity?100Administrative Maximum Point Subtotal400TOTAL POINTS POSSIBLE4520A.9Annual Service Program Form Submittal ChecklistThe following checklist is a tool that can be used to help ensure all required forms and reports are submitted timely.If some annual forms are submitted prior when the timeline was required, please attach copies again with your Annual submissionsThe monthly required submissions are being tabulated when received each month.If you have not participated in a program, please submit the form noting “Did Not Participate” to receive a minimum of Administrative points towards awards.SERVICE PROGRAM FORM CHECKLISTTypeForm TitleMonthlySupremeForm 1993A: Family of the Month Report submitted monthly (CC state Family Director when you submit to Supreme on their website)StateKnight of the Month—submitted monthly to Knight of the Month ChairmanAnnually or As RequiredSupremeForm 185: Report of Officers Chosen for TermSupremeForm 365: Service Program Personnel ReportSupremeForm SP-7: Columbian Award ApplicationSupremeForm 1728: Survey of Fraternal ActivityStateForm STSP: State Council Service Program AwardsSupremeForm 2863: RSVP Refund and Plaque ApplicationSupremeSupremeForm on Line at Supreme: Family of the Year ReportSupremeForm 4584: Partnership Profile – Special OlympicsSupremeForm 10057: Food for Families Reimbursement ProgramSupremeForm 10071: Global Wheelchair ReportSupremeForm 10092: Partnership Profile – Habitat for HumanityStatePeople with Disabilities Campaign (At the time of the campaign)StatePerpetual Memorial SocietyStateJohn J. Mildenberger Pro-Life Couple of the YearStateFather Francis Kappes Chaplain of the YearStateKnight of the YearStateSubmit council newsletter for judging to the State Program Coordinator on Feb 1stStateEmail link to Social Media account/website to the State Program Coordinator APPENDIX BAward Forms(If you fill out all of these forms, you will have completed all of the State and Supreme forms necessary to attain awards)The following MEMBERSHIP forms are to be mailed to:Jason PasionekColorado State Membership Coordinator8742 Flower PlaceArvada, CO, 800054737100-106045MAIL TO:Jason PasionekState Membership Coordinator8742 Flower PlaceArvada, CO 8000500MAIL TO:Jason PasionekState Membership Coordinator8742 Flower PlaceArvada, CO 8000513497348337Colorado Knights of ColumbusMembership ReportsRecruitment00Colorado Knights of ColumbusMembership ReportsRecruitmentThis reporting form must be completed by each council and forwarded to the State Membership Coordinator by February 1st. A separate form should be completed for each Membership Program Category.Council Name ______________________________ Council #: __________Town/City: ____________________________Grand Knight Name: ____________________________ Grand Knight Phone #: ______________Project Title: ___________________________________ Date of activity: _____________-2584227470600Purpose of Activity: (In the space provided, describe in one sentence the purpose of the activity.)Number of council members participating in activity: _________Number of man hours expended on activity: _________Chairman’s Name: __________________________Telephone Number: _________________E-mail: ____________________________________Membership Report, Recruitment: 1 of 2Describe project in detail. Use additional paper if necessary. Supplementary material may be submitted along with the nomination. Accompanying materials can include letters, testimonials, news clippings, photos, pamphlets, etc. Do not submit digital recordings because they will not be considered in the judging process.508014795500 Grand Knight SignatureDateENTRY MUST BE SUBMITTED TO STATE MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR BY FEBRURARY 1ST.Original copy needs to be submitted by February 1st to State Membership Coordinator. Please make sure to keep a copy for your council records.Membership Report, Recruitment: 2 of 24737100-133350MMAIL TO:Jason PasionekState Membership Coordinator8742 Flower PlaceArvada, CO 8000500MMAIL TO:Jason PasionekState Membership Coordinator8742 Flower PlaceArvada, CO 8000513497349001Colorado Knights of ColumbusMembership ReportsRetention00Colorado Knights of ColumbusMembership ReportsRetentionThis reporting form must be completed by each council and forwarded to the State Membership Coordinator by February 1st. A separate form should be completed for each Membership Program Category.Council Name ______________________________ Council #: __________Town/City: ____________________________Grand Knight Name: ____________________________ Grand Knight Phone #: ______________Project Title: ___________________________________ Date of activity: _____________-2584227470600Purpose of Activity: (In the space provided, describe in one sentence the purpose of the activity.)Number of council members participating in activity: _________Number of man hours expended on activity: _________Chairman’s Name: __________________________Telephone Number: _________________E-mail: ____________________________________Membership Report, Retention: 1 of 2Describe project in detail. Use additional paper if necessary. Supplementary material may be submitted along with the nomination. Accompanying materials can include letters, testimonials, news clippings, photos, pamphlets, etc. Do not submit digital recordings because they will not be considered in the judging process.508014795500 Grand Knight SignatureDateENTRY MUST BE SUBMITTED TO STATE MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR BY FEBRURARY 1ST.Original copy needs to be submitted by February 1st to State Membership Coordinator. Please make sure to keep a copy for your council records.Membership Report, Retention: 2 of 24660900-133350MAIL TO:Jason PasionekState Membership Coordinator8742 Flower PlaceArvada, CO 8000500MAIL TO:Jason PasionekState Membership Coordinator8742 Flower PlaceArvada, CO 8000513497349000Colorado Knights of ColumbusMembership ReportsInsurance00Colorado Knights of ColumbusMembership ReportsInsuranceThis reporting form must be completed by each council and forwarded to the State Membership Coordinator by February 1st. A separate form should be completed for each Membership Program Category.Council Name ______________________________ Council #: __________Town/City: ____________________________Grand Knight Name: ____________________________ Grand Knight Phone #: ______________Project Title: ___________________________________ Date of activity: _____________-2584227470600Purpose of Activity: (In the space provided, describe in one sentence the purpose of the activity.)Number of council members participating in activity: _________Number of man hours expended on activity: _________Chairman’s Name: __________________________Telephone Number: _________________E-mail: ____________________________________Membership Report, Insurance: 1 of 2Describe project in detail. Use additional paper if necessary. Supplementary material may be submitted along with the nomination. Accompanying materials can include letters, testimonials, news clippings, photos, pamphlets, etc. Do not submit digital recordings because they will not be considered in the judging process.508014795500 Grand Knight SignatureDateENTRY MUST BE SUBMITTED TO STATE MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR BY FEBRURARY 1ST.Original copy needs to be submitted by February 1st to State Membership Coordinator. Please make sure to keep a copy for your council records.Membership Report, Insurance: 2 of 24737735-23495MAIL TO:Jason PasionekState Membership Coordinator8742 Flower PlaceArvada, CO 8000500MAIL TO:Jason PasionekState Membership Coordinator8742 Flower PlaceArvada, CO 8000513497348999Colorado Knights of ColumbusMembership ReportsReactivation00Colorado Knights of ColumbusMembership ReportsReactivationThis reporting form must be completed by each council and forwarded to the State Membership Coordinator by February 1st. A separate form should be completed for each Membership Program Category.Council Name ______________________________ Council #: __________Town/City: ____________________________Grand Knight Name: ____________________________ Grand Knight Phone #: ______________Project Title: ___________________________________ Date of activity: _____________-2584227470600Purpose of Activity: (In the space provided, describe in one sentence the purpose of the activity.)Number of council members participating in activity: _________Number of man hours expended on activity: _________Chairman’s Name: __________________________Telephone Number: _________________E-mail: ____________________________________Membership Report, Reactivation 1 of 2Describe project in detail. Use additional paper if necessary. Supplementary material may be submitted along with the nomination. Accompanying materials can include letters, testimonials, news clippings, photos, pamphlets, etc. Do not submit digital recordings because they will not be considered in the judging process.508014795500 Grand Knight SignatureDateENTRY MUST BE SUBMITTED TO STATE MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR BY FEBRURARY 1ST.Original copy needs to be submitted by February 1st to State Membership Coordinator. Please make sure to keep a copy for your council records.Membership Report, Reactivation: 2 of 24662170-140970MAIL TO:Jason PasionekState Membership Coordinator8742 Flower PlaceArvada, CO 8000500MAIL TO:Jason PasionekState Membership Coordinator8742 Flower PlaceArvada, CO 8000513497349000Colorado Knights of ColumbusMembership ReportsCeremonials00Colorado Knights of ColumbusMembership ReportsCeremonialsThis reporting form must be completed by each council and forwarded to the State Membership Coordinator by February 1st. A separate form should be completed for each Membership Program Category.Council Name ______________________________ Council #: __________Town/City: ____________________________Grand Knight Name: ____________________________ Grand Knight Phone #: ______________Project Title: ___________________________________ Date of activity: _____________-2584227470600Purpose of Activity: (In the space provided, describe in one sentence the purpose of the activity.)Number of council members participating in activity: _________Number of man hours expended on activity: _________Chairman’s Name: __________________________Telephone Number: _________________E-mail: ____________________________________Membership Report, Ceremonials: 1 of 2Describe project in detail. Use additional paper if necessary. Supplementary material may be submitted along with the nomination. Accompanying materials can include letters, testimonials, news clippings, photos, pamphlets, etc. Do not submit digital recordings because they will not be considered in the judging process.508014795500 Grand Knight SignatureDateENTRY MUST BE SUBMITTED TO STATE MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR BY FEBRURARY 1ST.Original copy needs to be submitted by February 1st to State Membership Coordinator. Please make sure to keep a copy for your council records.Membership Report, Ceremonials: 2 of 24152900-146050MAIL TO:Jason PasionekState Membership Coordinator8742 Flower PlaceArvada, CO 8000500MAIL TO:Jason PasionekState Membership Coordinator8742 Flower PlaceArvada, CO 80005The Council Brochure AwardThe purpose of a brochure is to inform the reader on an item, service, or idea. To do this effectively it needs to be easy to read, appealing and convey the character of the product described. The brochure is also a valuable tool for those recruiting new members since it will make valuable information about your council readily available to them. The Council Brochure Award is given to the Brochure submitted that the State Membership team deems:Describes the Knights of Columbus (history, who we are, etc…) most effectivelyDescribes what activities the council is active in most effectivelyDescribes some areas where the council donates its money (i.e. names of charities, Boy Scouts, the parish, Ultrasound machine, etc…) most effectivelyLists the council’s volunteer hours (either the previous year or a history of) …be proud of all the good work your council does! SHOW IT!Has the most appealing and practical layout/designAny additional information the council addsAttached is a copy of council brochure: YES NO Who created your brochure? Name: ________________________________________Do they have a position in the council? If so, what is it? _________________________________How often do you update the information in the brochure? _______________________________What event(s) has your council handed out/utilized this brochure?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Has this brochure been used as a recruiting tool? YES NOOriginal copy needs to be submitted by February 1st to State Membership Coordinator. Please make sure to keep a copy for your council records.right-15074MAIL TO:Jason PasionekState Membership Coordinator8742 Flower PlaceArvada, CO 8000500MAIL TO:Jason PasionekState Membership Coordinator8742 Flower PlaceArvada, CO 80005Shining Knight AwardEach Council will be awarded 25 points per Shining Knight Award form submitted for the previous calendar year from each State Convention since all State awards are based on a calendar year.Shining Knight: ___________________________________________________________ (Print name (clearly) as it is to appear on Certificate)Council Name and Number: ____________________________ District #: ____________Number of Meetings Attended: ___________Name of Council Event/Project:Date:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________First Degree: ________________________ _____________________________Date Received LocationThird Degree: ________________________ _____________________________Date Received LocationInsurance Representative Meeting Date: _________________________Name of Candidate Shining Knight is sponsoring: _________________________ First Degree Date and Location for Candidate Named Above: ________________________Grand KnightDateDistrict DeputyDateInsurance Field RepresentativeDateright-15074MAIL TO:Jason PasionekState Membership Coordinator8742 Flower PlaceArvada, CO 8000500MAIL TO:Jason PasionekState Membership Coordinator8742 Flower PlaceArvada, CO 80005Knight Mentor AwardEach Council will be awarded 25 points per Knight Mentor Award form submitted for the previous calendar year from each State Convention since all State awards are based on a calendar year.Knight Mentor: _____________________________________________________________ (Print name (clearly) as it is to appear on Certificate)Council Name and Number: ____________________________ District #: ____________Name of Candidate Knight Mentor is Sponsoring: __________________________________Number of Meetings Attended with Recruit: ___________Name of Council Event/Project Attended with Recruit:Date:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Attend First Degree with Recruit: _______________ _____________________________ DateLocationAttend Third Degree with Recruit: _______________ _____________________________ DateLocationInsurance Representative Meeting Date: _________________________Grand KnightDateDistrict DeputyDateInsurance Field RepresentativeDateThe following PROGRAM forms are to be emailed to:Clark MusserColorado State Program CoordinatorClarkmusser69@In addition to the following forms, please go to the following sites for the rest of the required forms en/what-we-do/faith-in-action-programs/resourcesFaith in Action Formsen/for-members/resources/council-leaders/grand-knightCouncil Forms No Neighbor Behind Form MemorialChaplain of the YearDue February 1stSubmit to: State Program Coordinatorleft2171700Colorado State CouncilKnights of ColumbusFATHER FRANCIS KAPPES CHAPLAIN OF THE YEARSubmit by February 1st to State Service Program Coordinator _________________________________________ is nominated for Chaplain of the Year by Council________________________________________ in ___________________. (Name and number)(City)Please enter our selection in the State Chaplain of the Year contest. Note Judging Criteria shown in Section B.3.2.6Winner’s qualifications are listed below. (Attach additional sheets as necessary. Maximum 10 pages.)______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Winner’s address:__________________________________________ ___________________________________________Signed: _________________________________________ Grand Knight Knight of the MonthDue 15th of the MonthSubmit to: State Knight of the Month Chairmanleft1391900Colorado State CouncilKnights of ColumbusKNIGHT OF THE MONTHSubmit by the 15th of the Month to State Knight of the Month ChairmanBrother___________________________________ has been selected as Knight of the Month for the Month of _____________________ in the year of our Lord ____________.Council ___________________________________ in ________________________________.(Name and number) (City)Membership # _______________________.Please enter our winner in the State Knight of the Month contest. Winner’s qualifications are listed below; (Attach additional sheets as necessary.)Highest degree attained: __________________________________________________________Parish name and location: ________________________________________________________Current council office held (if None, State “Member”: __________________________________Past Grand Knight: Y NPast Faithful Navigator: Y NDescribe the Knight’s effort in support of Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism as well as his activities in support of Church, Council, Community, Family, Youth and Culture of Life programs.______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Winner’s address:__________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Signed: ______________________________________________ Grand KnightKnight of the YearDue February 1stSubmit to: State Program Coordinatorleft2131100Colorado State CouncilKnights of ColumbusKNIGHT OF THE YEARSubmit by February 1st to State Service Program CoordinatorBrother___________________________________ has been selected as Knight of the Year. Council ___________________________________ in ________________________________.(Name and number) (City)Membership # _______________________.He was the Council Knight of the Month for the month of ______________________.Please enter our winner in the State Knight of the Year contest. Note Judging Criteria shown in Section B.3.2.8Winner’s qualifications are listed below. (Attach additional sheets as necessary. Maximum 10 pages.)Highest degree attained: __________________________________________________________Parish name and location: ________________________________________________________Current council office held (if None, State “Member”: __________________________________Past Grand Knight: Y NPast Faithful Navigator: Y NDescribe the Knight’s effort in support of Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism as well as his activities in support of Church, Council, Community, Family, Youth and Culture of Life programs.______________________________________________________________________________ Winner’s address:__________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Signed: ______________________________________________ Grand KnightPro-Life Couple of the YearDue February 1stSubmit to: State Program Coordinatorleft698500Colorado State CouncilKnights of ColumbusJOHN J. MILDENBERGER PRO-LIFECOUPLE OF THE YEAR AWARDSubmit by February 1st to State Service Program CoordinatorBrother _________________________________________ and his wife _______________________ are nominated for Pro-Life Couple of the Year by Council_____________________________________________ in ___________________________. (Name and number)(City)Please enter our selection in the Pro-Life Knight/Couple of the Year contest. Note Judging Criteria shown in Section B.3.2.7The Winner’s qualifications are listed below. (Attach additional sheets as necessary. Maximum 10 pages.)__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Winner’s address:__________________________________________ ___________________________________________Signed: _________________________________________ Grand Knight ................

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